"Emiya Kiritsugu, please give me your guidance!"

Kiritsugu knelt on the ground, bowed slightly, and saluted to Shirou.

Shirou quickly returned the salute,"Emiya Shirou, Mr. Kiritsugu, you are too polite. As an elder, you don't have to salute me!"

Shirou bowed more than Kiritsugu to show that his courtesy was more important and sincere.

"Haha, it's just the rules of etiquette. To be honest, I don't like being bound by such rules and regulations, but since we live in this world, sometimes we have to bow our heads, don't you think? Lord Shirou!"

Kiritsugu picked up the teapot on the table and made a cup of tea for the two of them.

The rich aroma of tea immediately filled the room.

There was a dripping sound from the eaves outside, which was a sign that the snow was melting.

Outside the inner room, in the living room, Irisviel, the two Sabers, and Black Jeanne were all here. The four of them were talking about something happy, right? Their sweet laughter could be heard through the door.

"Mr. Kiritsugu, do you have any advice for me this time?"

Emiya Kiritsugu had already handed him a letter, expressing his wish to meet him.

Shirou had intended to meet him before, but because of some things that happened in the middle, he was delayed a little. Now this meeting is a belated meeting.

Originally, the Fourth War took only seven days. Even if the time spent on summoning Heroic Spirits is included, it is only 12 days.

The duration of the Holy Grail War is not very long. In a short period of time, the seven masters and servants will engage in fierce fighting, and the result of the Holy Grail War and the ownership of the Holy Grail will be quickly determined.

But because of Shirou's appearance, the duration of this Holy Grail War has become much longer. It is already the tenth day. Of course, if he is willing, then today The battle could end in one day, but Shirou has no such plan.

After the Fourth War is over, he is not sure whether Black Jeanne, as a Servant of the Fourth War, can continue to stay with him. He and Saber are going to return to the Fifth War. If Black Jeanne cannot be taken away, it will be a tragedy. After all, they have lived together for more than a year and are very familiar with each other. Moreover, after he completed the copy of the dream, Black Jeanne has changed a lot, which makes Shirou feel very happy and even more reluctant to let her go.

Moreover, Alice's situation is not too optimistic now. After the death of two servants, the burden on her body has increased a lot. And as the Holy Grail War continues, her body may not be able to bear it.

"Yes, there are a few things I want to discuss with Mr. Shirou!"

Kiritsugu called Shirou"Your Excellency", and Shirou called him"Sir". This difference in address reflects the difference in the mentality of both parties.

""Mr. Kiritsugu, please speak!"

Shirou perked up, sat up straight, and looked at him. Since Kiritsugu came here and specifically asked to meet him, he must have some ideas or thoughts to share with him, right?

"I wonder what Lord Shirou thinks of the Holy Grail War?"

Kiritsugu picked up the tea he had brewed earlier. It was a cup of bitter tea. No tea is sweet when you first drink it. Bitterness is its essence, but after the bitterness comes endless sweetness, which lingers between your teeth and makes you savor it.

This is just like life. Whether you find joy in suffering or sweetness after suffering, there is never a smooth sailing. You must go through bitterness before you can have sweetness.

He has not encountered too much trouble since he participated in the Fourth War, which makes Kiritsugu Emiya feel uneasy. This kind of thing is too abnormal, so abnormal that it feels like a storm is coming.

"Holy Grail War? It's just the greed between human nature that drives people to do such meaningless things. Some people want to use the power of the Holy Grail to achieve immortality, some people want to obtain the Holy Grail to prove their strength and pursue higher power, some people want to win the Holy Grail to raise their heads for their families, and some people hold the dream of world peace and place their hopes on the Holy Grail. In my opinion, these ideas are crazy and abnormal!"

Shirou said lightly. Since Emiya Kiritsugu wanted to discuss with him, he could no longer talk to him with the mentality that he was the other party's adopted son. He needed to put himself at the same level as Emiya Kiritsugu, or even higher than him. In this way, the communication between the two sides would be fruitful and not be meaningless.

"Oh? Is this how Lord Shirou sees the Holy Grail War? Then you think these people's ideas are absurd?"

Emiya Kiritsugu was slightly absent-minded, and after a while, he came back to his senses and continued to ask, wasn't Shirou's last example about him?

"Everyone has desires.

The seven emotions and six desires are innate to everyone.

Artificially discarding them is not an advisable method.

I don't think their ideas are absurd, because these are their desires, and what kind of desires people have is actually related to their own lives and experiences.

What they lack must be what they are eager to obtain.

Everyone is different, just like some people like to give up and sacrifice, and will give up the interests of a small number of people and choose to protect the interests of the majority.

Isn't Mr.

Kiritsugu like this?"

During the Fourth War, the Holy Grail once showed Kiritsugu the absurdity of his inner thoughts when he approached it. Shirou can quote this here.

"So, Lord Shirou, do you think that protecting the interests of a small number of people is more important than protecting the interests of more people?"Kiritsugu was slightly displeased.

His ideal was to work hard for world peace.

Although what he did was not understood by everyone, he did not care.

Shirou's words criticized him from a moral high ground, which made him a little out of control.

The obsession in Kiritsugu Emiya's heart was very deep.

From the time he killed his first love, his father, his master/girlfriend/stepmother, he had already embarked on a path of no return in his heart.

He had no choice but to keep going along the path he had chosen.

Once this belief in his heart, this belief that he believed was right and had always insisted on, collapsed, then Kiritsugu Emiya would basically lose his soul.

"I won't answer your question first, I'll tell you a story, what do you think?"

Shirou took a look and saw that Kiritsugu's tea cup was already dry, so he picked up the teapot and refilled it for Kiritsugu and himself.

"If Lord Shirou is interested, then I am all ears!"

Kiritsugu's expression was very calm, and his inner emotions could not be seen. No matter how sad or painful he was, he was not used to showing it in front of others.

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