"Mr. Kiritsugu, suppose there are only 500 humans left, on two ships, one with 300 people and the other with 200 people. Including yourself, there are 501 people in total. There are holes under these two ships that are big enough to sink them, and you are the only one who can repair them. So, Mr. Kiritsugu, which ship would you repair?"

"Of course it's the one with 300 people!"

Kiritsugu answered without hesitation. In such a situation, anyone with a normal mind would make the right choice!

Shirou smiled. The focus was not on this choice, but on the following question.

"After hearing your decision, Mr. Kiritsugu, the 200 people who were abandoned decided to capture you and help them repair their ship to save their lives. So, what should you do?"

After Shirou asked this question, he began to pay attention to Kiritsugu's expression.

Sure enough, after hearing what Shirou said, he showed some hesitation on his face.

"I think you will kill them, right?"

Shirou said with a smile. This was indeed the answer given by the Holy Grail. In fact, even if Kiritsugu did not agree with this answer, it was indeed his own choice. However, this choice meant killing 200 people. Although these 200 people would die sooner or later, if they did not help repair the ship, they would not be able to survive. However, their death in a shipwreck was completely different from being killed by their own hands.

So Kiritsugu's expression suddenly became complicated.

"That’s right, this is the most correct choice in your heart. If such a situation really happens, I believe you will definitely make such a choice, because before this, when you shot down Natalia’s plane, you had already made a choice!"

Kiritsugu's expression became angry, staring at Shirou with burning eyes, and angrily said:"Who are you? Is your magic to spy on the secrets hidden in other people's hearts?"

Kiritsugu had doubted before, why Shirou Emiya knew so much about those servants and masters, and was familiar with almost all of their information. He was puzzled before, and could only explain that Shirou's preliminary preparations were very sufficient, so he knew so much!

But now, when Shirou said the thing that had been hidden deep in his heart, he finally understood that this guy must have magic or a treasure that can see through people's hearts, otherwise he would not know this matter, because he has never mentioned it to anyone!

"Maybe you can understand it this way, Mr. Kiritsugu, you don't need to get excited, your thoughts in your heart have not wavered, you still insist that your choice is right, right?"The cheater who traveled through time and space is understood to be able to see through people's hearts, then there is no difference.

Shirou does not think that this will make Kiritsugu wake up. He does not think he is wrong at all. He has always thought that everything he has done is right. He has made such a great sacrifice for all mankind. Although he is not understood, he still decides to continue doing it.

"Well, in that case, let's continue!"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shirou continued,"Okay, you decided to save these 300 people, and then they survived.

After escaping the disaster, they decided to split into two groups, 100 people on one side and 200 people on the other side, and continued to travel on two ships.

This time, the same thing happened.

Only you can repair the ship, and you still chose to repair the ship with 200 people.

Therefore, you were hijacked by the ship with 100 people, and they forced you to help them repair it.

So, what should you do now?"

Shirou smiled, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him. This kind of thing that determines the life and death of hundreds of people, even if it is only said on paper, can make people tremble with fear and uneasy, but he did not show it.

"That's right, you will make the same decision as before and kill these 100 people with your own hands!"

Shirou waited for a while, and seeing Kiritsugu lowering his head and trembling all over and not making a decision, he spoke for him.

"This is the truest choice in your heart and the philosophy you have always believed in, Emiya Kiritsugu!"

"Impossible, impossible, how could this happen? Choosing to sacrifice 300 people in order to save these 200 people, such a choice is like the scales have gone to the wrong direction!"

Kiritsugu suddenly stood up, slammed his fists on the table with both hands, making a loud noise, and then roared.

"Oh, there is no problem with the choice.

You have indeed made the right choice every time, choosing to sacrifice a small number of people and keep the majority.

However, you have not thought that after your many choices, those small number of people you have abandoned will accumulate into a huge number, and may even be higher than the number of people you have protected.

Since you have such a belief in your heart, then when you make a wish to the Holy Grail with such a belief, how will the Holy Grail respond to you?"

"He will respond to you according to the"correct way" you think in your heart, right? So, is this the world you, Emiya Kiritsugu, want to see? Is this the ideal world in your heart?"Shirou's tone was a little sarcastic. Shirou's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Kiritsugu's heart, making him suddenly seem to have lost all his strength, and he fell to the ground in dejection, his hands trembling slightly, and it was difficult for him to pick up the teacup in front of him.

"Kiritsugu, are you okay?"

Hearing the noise coming from inside the room, Ai Li couldn't help but worry. She walked to the door, poked her head out from the crack of the door, and asked with concern.

No one answered her. Shirou looked back at her, smiled at her, but did not respond to her.

Ai Li hesitated for a moment, and did not go out. Instead, she came in, knelt down beside Kiritsugu, helped him pass the teacup to his mouth, and fed him with her own hands.

"Ellie, I……"

Kiritsugu thought of the conversation between him and Airi nine years ago in Einzbern Castle when Airi gave birth to Illya.

"Ellie, I... will kill you!"

"I know this.……"

Ellie looked a little sad,"This is all Inzburg's sad wish, and it's also the reason why I exist."

"I know your ideal, and I have the same wish as you, so I am who I am now. It is you who guided me and made me have a life different from that of a puppet. There is no need to mourn me, because I am already a part of you."

The gentle woman said firmly for the first time:"Kiritsugu, don't forget, creating a world where no one will cry like this, that is you, your ideal, Emiya Kiritsugu, right?"


As the thoughts faded from his mind, Emiya Kiritsugu began to have doubts for the first time: Was this ideal wrong from the beginning?

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