"We are going home? Where to? Isn't this our home?"

Kuroshin looked confused. She lived well here, where should she go?

Also, wasn't Shirou a native of Fuyuki? If he was a native of Fuyuki, then where should he go? Isn't this his home?

Kuroshin's face was full of doubts, but she also remembered that it seemed that Shirou had summoned her in a hotel before. That meant that his home was really not here?

"Ahem, this is indeed our home, but that was ten years later. How can I explain this to you?……"

Shirou scratched his head. Most people would not understand time travel, but the Heroic Spirits should be able to accept it a little better. When he explained it to Saber before, Saber felt very strange, but she accepted it very quickly. He couldn't hide this matter any longer. He would have to tell Kuroneko sooner or later. Since he was going to take her back, he couldn't not tell her.

So Shirou patiently explained it to her, and then waited anxiously for her reaction.

"Just like that? Gone?"

Hei Zhen rolled her eyes. She had thought it was a big deal!

Seeing the two guys getting so nervous, it seemed like a serious matter. She even thought her master was going to abandon her, but he still wanted to take her away!

Since she could be with the master, then it would be no problem to leave here and go anywhere.

"Ahem, Jeanne, I have something to tell you. I may not be able to take Gil with me.……"

Shirou knew that Jeanne and Gil had a good relationship. When Jeanne was still a saint, Shirou had been her knight and had always protected her loyally. Moreover, the reason why Jeanne d'Arc could be born was because Gil made a wish to the Holy Grail. In a sense, it was Gil who created Jeanne d'Arc, although the created Jeanne d'Arc did not look so perfect.

""Ah? Is that so? That's really terrible!"

Kurojeong's mood seemed to be slightly affected. Generally speaking, as her punching bag, Jill was still trusted by her. It was still difficult for her to suddenly separate from Jill, or to abandon Jill.

But Shirou had no choice. Jill was not the only caster. He could also recruit excellent magicians like Medea. Medea in her childhood was very powerful, even more powerful than Medea in her adulthood. Moreover, she was still a simple girl and was not considered a witch, so she had a lively and lovely heart. If Shirou wanted to recruit a caster, he had to recruit such a caster. He didn't dare to take the adult Medea, but the childhood one seemed pretty good.

Anyway, he definitely didn't want Jill.


"Saber, have you packed your things?"

Shirou cleared out some of his valuable things.

Actually, there was nothing much.

Apart from money, what he cared about were some commemorative items left by the exchanges between Saber and Kurozhe, such as the movie ticket for the first time he took Saber to see a horror movie.

It had their autographs and time stamps.

Everyone knew what a boy was thinking when he took a girl to see a horror movie, but Shirou overlooked one thing.

Saber was not an ordinary girl.

She regarded herself as a man, so her inner strength was somewhat beyond Shirou's expectations.

To be honest, Japan's Horror movies are really scary. Shirou himself was scared, but Saber didn't react at all. It seemed that this thing had no effect on her at all. This really surprised Shirou. It seemed that it was a bad idea to bring her to see a horror movie!

At this time, seeing the movie ticket, Shirou showed a smile of aftertaste on his face. There were many memories that he wanted to take back and savor slowly. When he was old and became an old man, he could still hold hands with Saber and reminisce about the things they had experienced in their lives. Thinking about that scene now makes people feel happy and yearning.

"Well, everything is packed. The clothes, jewelry, necklaces, shoes, bags that Shirou bought for Saber, and the books that Shirou gave to Saber! Saber plans to take them all back!"

Saber seemed to have cleared out all the things that Shirou bought for her. This guy was even greedier than himself!

Shirou scratched his head. He wanted to ask her not to bring so many things. Many things could still be bought after they returned. There was no need to bring them back. It would take up space and be tiring. More importantly, if the weight was overweight, he would have to pay a separate handling fee.

However, seeing Saber's serious look, he did not say these words. He could not say such cruel words in front of such a serious girl.

So Shirou said nothing. He had sorted out so many things by himself. What else could he say to Saber?

"Jeanne, how is your preparation going?"

They were all ready to go, so after checking Saber's things, Shirou came to Black Jeanne to check how Black Jeanne was preparing.

As someone with an A+ rating for housekeeping ability, Shirou's housekeeping ability was quite outstanding, but Black Jeanne and Saber's performance in this regard was very disappointing.

Saber's housekeeping ability rating is unknown, but Shirou judged from her performance that her housekeeping ability might be between D and E level. Her ability is quite miserable. She can do some things, but she is not good at most things. As for Kuro

Jeanne, her performance is not much better than Saber. How strong do you expect her housekeeping ability to be for a servant known for her destructive ability?

Judging from the results of the limited number of times Kuro Jeanne helped, her housekeeping ability is definitely E level, which is a disaster.

But speaking of it, there is one strange thing. White Jeanne's housekeeping ability seems to be quite good. Shirou stayed with her for a few days and was taken care of by her. Although her housekeeping ability is definitely not as good as his, it is at least rated above C level, which is already very good among servants.

Not every servant is called Heroic Spirit Emiya!

"Well, my stuff is very simple, except for a recipe for French steak, there is nothing else. It's not like someone thought she was moving, bringing so many things!"

Hei Zhen really makes people feel incomprehensible. Why did she bring the recipe for French steak? I told her that there would be food after returning, and French steak would not disappear. She actually brought a recipe as a backup. This is really speechless.

But seeing that she had packed up, Shirou was slightly relieved. Now that both of them have done it, let's get started!

""Okay? Are you ready?"

He confirmed it one last time. After getting a positive answer, he spent 1,200 achievement points to exchange for a time-space shuttle scroll from the system. After opening it, it was indeed judged as overweight by the system. After being fined 200 achievement points, he traveled back! After a while of dizziness, the scene in front of the few people finally calmed down.

"Are we there yet?"

Shirou muttered to himself!

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