"How about the grass here? Isn't it nice? Isn't it more comfortable than lying on the haystack?"

Shirou felt incomprehensible to Bai Zhen's strange hobby.

Perhaps the haystacks in France are different from the haystacks here. The haystacks in France may be made of straw, while the haystacks here are made of thatch and branches. It is not so comfortable to lie on them. Even with several layers of clothes, you can feel the impact on your back!

"Well, Master, you are really good at choosing places. The temperature here is just right and the air is fresh. It is really a very good place!"

Bai Zhen seemed very happy. Saber and Hei Zhen were also very happy, but they were happily finishing their food.

It's the weekend, and if you don't come out to have some good activities, it would be a waste of your life, especially when there are so many beautiful girls around you. It's not good to let them stay at home. Such beautiful girls should be brought out to play!

"Seniors, you can see our school from here!"

Sakura smoothed her sideburns that were a little messy due to the wind. Her hair was pinned with a hairpin, so even though it was not combed up, it was not easy to move to the front. However, the sideburns on both sides were a little long, swaying in front of her eyes, making her feel a little troubled.

"Well, this position is considered the highest. When Kiritsugu brought me here when I was a child, it was mainly to see the sea. Looking towards Fuyuki from here, you can see a very beautiful view in the evening. The red clouds dyed the sea and the sky into orange, which looked particularly beautiful."

Kiritsugu was seriously injured in the Fourth World War. His heart was broken by Kotomine Kirei. Although Saber's Noble Phantasm, Utopia Far Away from the World, helped him to repair it, his injuries were not completely healed.

In addition, after that war, Saber quickly destroyed the Holy Grail, and then Saber disappeared from Kiritsugu's side. Kiritsugu's injuries could not be completely healed, and his own magic was very exhausting for his body. Although the inherent time control was very useful in battle, the burden of this kind of magic on the body would cause irreversible damage after long-term accumulation.

When Kiritsugu died, he was only 34 years old!

Very young. According to his physical health, if he had not participated in the Fourth World War, he would not have died so early.

The Fourth World War damaged his heart, overdrawn his body, and destroyed the ideals in his heart. The cruelest thing was that he lost two relatives in the Fourth World War!

Irisviel von Einzbern and Hisashi Umaiya!

The former is his wife. Although she is just an artificial human, Kiritsugu's feelings for her are not false at all. Knowing that Elly will die in the Holy Grail War, he has no way to stop her and has to watch her walk towards death step by step. What a huge pain it is!

And he is the only one who has experienced this kind of pain!

Kiritsugu's tragedy is far more than that. After the Holy Grail War, he was rejected by the Einzbern City and could not see his biological daughter. In addition, his body and ideals destroyed in the Holy Grail War, as well as his worries about Illya's future, made Kiritsugu's body deteriorate rapidly. When he adopted Shirou, Kiritsugu's image had become somewhat decadent.

Dull eyes, unshaven beard, and thin body, this is Shirou's first impression of him. For a person who has suffered a serious blow, living one more day in the world may be a torture!

Thinking of this, Shirou's mood became heavy.

The Emiya family is full of heroes, this sentence is really not just talk.

"Senior, what's wrong? Did Sakura say something wrong?"

Sakura looked a little worried. She had called Shirou several times, but he didn't respond. This made her a little strange. The painful expression on Shirou's face made Sakura's heart tighten. She was afraid that she had done something bad and made him unhappy.

""Ah? No, no, Sakura, what's wrong?"

Shirou was stunned for a moment, and seeing Sakura looked aggrieved, he was a little surprised: Could it be that he had done something bad unintentionally and bullied Sakura?

""Nothing… nothing, seniors, try the fish cake made by Xiaoying! It’s delicious!"

Xiaoying is an expert in Japanese cuisine. She is not only good at cooking, but also very good at making many small snacks!

For example, these fish cakes, as well as Dorayaki and Anmi, and there is something that looks similar to dried persimmons, but that thing is not a fruit, but a snack, called mochi, which tastes very delicious, very soft, and relatively sticky, so you don’t need to bite too hard. There are also various fillings in it. You can choose different fillings according to your taste and you will have a different experience.

"Mm, it’s delicious. Sakura’s cooking skills are amazing. Anyone who can marry such a gentle, considerate and cooking girl would be blessed!"

Shirou praised her generously. Japanese dim sum looks cleaner and more beautiful. In fact, in terms of taste, it may not be comparable to the dim sum in Chinese cuisine. But the key is that Lin Quan can cook, but not so much dim sum. So Shirou usually cooks more and rarely touches on dim sum. The dim sum they eat is basically made by Sakura.

Speaking of the two sisters of the Toosaka family, they really go to two extremes!

Rin is generous, smart, and not fussy about details. She is very good!

But when it comes to housework and taking care of herself, she is not as good as Sakura.

Although the latter is a little weak in character and has no opinions of her own, she is not suitable for participating in such a cruel competition as the Holy Grail War as a master, but she is not born for this. She is now thinking about how to do her own thing well and help the people she cares about, so her housework ability is outstanding, and she is particularly good at taking care of people and being considerate!

"Senior, you are making fun of Sakura again!"

Sakura's face flushed, and she looked quite embarrassed.

Obviously, her meaning was so obvious! Why did the senior say that?

Did the senior really not like Sakura?

Sakura even began to doubt in her heart!

Shirou sighed slightly. He would definitely not let go of such a good girl, but his harem seemed to have too many people, and his previous image had always been that of a goody-goody, a righteous partner, which caused a lot of trouble for his plan to pick up girls!

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