"Bai Zhen, this is your room. There are limited rooms at home, so you can only share with others!"

Sister R's room has always been for one person, and when Bai Zhen came, she naturally lived with Sister R. Fortunately, the relationship between the two of them was not bad, so Bai Zhen didn't have any big problems.

"Master, it's only afternoon now, why did you assign me a room so early! Jeanne only needs a woodshed! I don't know if it's safe, but being able to sleep comfortably on a haystack is something that is irresistible!"

Bai Zhen had a look of longing on her face, and she seemed to want to run to the woodshed immediately.

Shirou put his hand on his forehead, have your requirements always been so low?

"It's okay, I'll just introduce you first. Bai Zhen, is this your first time in Fuyuki?"

Shirou knew that she had been in the dreamland for a long time. She had been to France, but he didn't know if she had been to Fuyuki.

"Well, it is indeed my first time here, and the feeling... well, how should I put it, it feels very fresh! I find it incredible, but why is there no grassland here that is so refreshing as in France?"

Shirou felt that Bai Zhen was different from other servants. He didn't know why he had such a feeling, but the way this guy looked to him was exactly the same feeling.

"Saber, when you are summoned, you will acquire the knowledge of this era, right?"

Shirou remembered Saber saying that servants from different eras, if summoned in a certain era, will automatically acquire the knowledge of that era, so that they will not feel unfamiliar with this era and be unable to move forward!

"That's right, almost all servants, when they are given power by the Holy Grail and summoned to the world, will have such knowledge, and have a relatively comprehensive understanding of the era they descended into."

Saber was a little puzzled. She didn't know why Shirou asked this. Could it be related to this servant named Hakusho?

Although she didn't know why Shirou had one more servant, and she didn't know when Shirou made a contract with this heroic spirit named Hakusho, Saber was a little curious about her.

Hakusho looks very similar to Kurosho, and it should be said that they are the same person. However, Hakusho's temperament seems to be purer and cleaner. She is the type that is easy to approach and get along with. She doesn't have the same quality as Kurosho, who keeps people at a distance.

So although Saber hasn't taken the initiative to contact her and get to know her, the feeling she has towards her is Still good.

But when she heard Shirou asking this question at this time, it must be related to this person, so she felt a little strange. Could it be that this person was summoned in an abnormal way like herself?

When Shirou summoned Saber at the beginning, his own ability was still relatively weak, and even the supply of magic power was problematic, so that summoning was actually an abnormal summoning, and the job of this White Zhen was different from theirs, and even the job of Black Zhen was different. It did not belong to the seven jobs in the Holy Grail War, although she did not know how she was summoned.

But to summon a servant belonging to the seven major jobs is obviously more difficult than summoning a servant of the seven major jobs!

"That's right!"

Shirou held his chin and looked at Bai Zhen, and suddenly thought of a question.

"Jeanne, do you still remember what happened in the past few hundred years?"

The memories of the seven servants between the Holy Grail Wars will not be preserved. With the end of the Holy Grail War, most of their memories will be taken back. For example, Saber appeared in both the Fourth and Fifth Wars, and because of her own actions, the Holy Grail was destroyed, thus preserving most of the memories of the Holy Grail War. This is basically a rare occurrence. After all, not every Holy Grail War will lead to the destruction of the Holy Grail.

"Remember! The ruler must remember what happened between each Holy Grail War, and then record all these events, find out the bad points, improve them, and thus form new rules for the Holy Grail War!"

Well, it is true. This guy did not come through the power of the Holy Grail, but was simply summoned from the dreamland by Shirou using the power of the Command Spell.

In this case, she is missing a crucial step and has no modern knowledge.

Maybe she has seen the world where Shirou and the others live in the dreamland, but there is a big difference between watching from a high place and experiencing it on the ground.

Thinking of this, Shirou feels that he has a long way to go!

Bai Zhen is illiterate like Hei Zhen, and her problem is even more serious than that of Hei Zhen. Hei Zhen can at least write a few words, although not many, but she at least knows how to write something and what it means.

Bai Zhen's head is a complete blank slate, she can't read!

"Jeanne, when you recorded the progress of the Holy Grail War in the dreamland, what did you use to record it? I mean, how did you record it?"

Shirou suddenly became curious. Since Jeanne couldn't read, how did she record everything that happened in the Holy Grail Wars?

"Memory storage? This is a high-level magic!"

Bai Zhen blinked and looked at Shirou, not quite understanding why he was interested in this question.

"Advanced...magic?" Shirou had only heard of magic, and as for magic, he had only heard of magicians, and nothing else. He didn't know what Bai Zhen was talking about!

"Well, there is a magician above the magician. The magician can use some more powerful magic, such as memory storage, which is to release what you see in the form of memory display, and store it as a medium for later reference."

"Is this... so powerful? Bai Zhen, are you a magician?"

Although I don't know what she is talking about, it seems very powerful!

""No, my magic power is actually quite low, I can only be considered a magician! That ability is the founding power of the dreamland, I'm just borrowing it!"

Bai Zhen said embarrassedly, she didn't explain it clearly before, and ended up being misunderstood, which made her a little embarrassed!

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