""System, is my summoning okay? There is still a year before the Holy Grail War, can I summon it in advance?"

Shirou was a little nervous. The Command Seal on his right hand was Saber's, and a Command Seal also appeared on his left hand at this time. This Command Seal should correspond to another Servant.

"It is not necessary to summon the servants after the Holy Grail War begins. For example, Kotomine Kirei's assassin Hassan was summoned long time ago, but other masters did not choose to summon in advance, or they simply did not think of summoning in advance, which led to the situation that the servants were summoned after the Holy Grail War began."

Okay! Since the system said so, it should be right!

Shirou prayed a little in his heart. Jeanne d'Arc, Scathach, Nero, these are all good. It would be a profit if they can be summoned, but please don't summon a man for me, otherwise I will let Saber kill him directly!

Taking a deep breath, Shirou closed his eyes, stretched out his left hand, and covered the magic circle.

"Close it, close it, close it, close it, close it, when it is full it must break, the silver iron


The long and ancient summoning spell began to come out of his mouth little by little, and the originally colorless magic circle gradually turned dark black, and the color began to get darker and darker. The whole room was filled with a faint black curtain, and even the dark elements in the air became abundant.

Because he closed his eyes, Shirou did not notice anything about this. He was still concentrating on chanting the ancient spell!

"I declare you are my subordinate.

I entrust my fate to your sword.

I obey the call of the Holy Grail.……"

After chanting the spell, Shirou felt as if his whole body was wrapped in ice, and he was shivering with cold!

Did he summon an ice-type Servant?

He opened his eyes in surprise, but saw a dark aura all over the room!

"What is this?"

Shirou was shocked. Did he summon a Berserker Servant?

Berserkers are very powerful, but they have lost their intelligence and become pure fighting machines. It would be boring to have such a Servant. Shirou was not interested at all.

"Um, are you my master?"

A voice from the darkness startled Shirou.

"Who are you? Did you cause the things in this room?"

Shirou waved his hand and pinched his nose to disperse the black fog in front of him. The other party's voice sounded like a girl. He probably succeeded in summoning, but this guy didn't look normal. He might be a dark type!

"Nightmare? Can't I just put it away?"

The servant in the dark waved his hand, and the black fog that filled the whole room began to disappear rapidly as if it was attracted by a black hole.

Finally, the last layer of fog disappeared, and a female warrior wearing iron armor and holding a sharp blade appeared in front of Shirou.

Shirou's mouth opened wide! His jaw almost dropped to the ground!

""Je... Joan of Arc?"

No, that's not right. This person doesn't look like Joan of Arc. Why would Joan of Arc have such a naughty expression?

"Joan of Arc? That person is not me, and I can't be that person! Listen carefully, my name is Jeanne d'Arc, or Joan of Arc for short!"

Shirou was confused. Didn't you just say that your name is not Joan of Arc? Why is it still this name?

""What's wrong? What's that expression on your face? Here, this is my contract! Sign it quickly, and after you sign it, you will be my Servant!" She handed over the contract with a proud look on her face, and then looked at Shirou with a slight smile on her lips. Her expression was very interesting.

Shirou:"What? I, become, your, Servant?"

Shirou pointed to his nose, with a look of disbelief!

"Just kidding! I'm your Servant, is that okay? Sign quickly, I seem to smell the food, there must be someone else who is eating the food behind our backs, Jeanne won't let him off!" Shirou wiped his sweat

, this should be Black Jeanne, although she is an evil being, she also has a kind side, so her personality is always unpredictable.

Shirou pretended not to hear her and looked down at the contract in his hand.

Why didn't he see this thing when he signed the contract with Saber before?

Could it be that this was specially prepared by Black Jeanne?

""Well, your handwriting is pretty nice! Have you been practicing secretly at home for a long time?"

Shirou remembered that Jeanne didn't seem to know many words, but the handwriting on this contract was really beautiful, so he teased.

"Humph, you are too inconsiderate. I am a perfectionist. Imagine if the person who signed the contract had an ugly handwriting.……"

As he spoke, he looked at Shirou with disdain,"Hey, Master, you haven't signed a contract with me for such a long time.

Is it because your handwriting is too ugly, and you're afraid that I'll dislike you when I see it? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Although my handwriting is beautiful, I can't ask everyone to be as good as me, right? So it doesn't matter if your handwriting is a little ugly.

I forgive you generously.

Let's sign the contract quickly.

Jeanne d'Arc still has to eat delicious food!

Master, do you have French steak here? The kind that is tender, juicy, refreshing and delicious!

Do you have it?"

Shirou put his hand on his forehead. It seemed that he had summoned an incredible servant!

He found a pen and signed his name on the contract handed over by Jeanne d'Arc. Looking at the attitude of Black Jeanne, he had to sign it.

"Well, Heizhen, your handwriting is good, so stay with me and be my secretary in the future!"

Shirou remembered her amusing expression just now, and he came to his senses. It seemed that the other party's proud expression was waiting for him to praise her!

"I thought you were my master, what nonsense are you talking about! Hurry up and take Jeanne to eat, so you can have the strength to work after eating, take me to destroy, I want to burn everything, ahem, I mean I want to burn our enemies! Oh, and my name is Jeanne, not Black Jeanne, don’t call me that in the future, do you hear me!"What

? Didn’t someone say before that they were not Jeanne?

PS: Regarding the question of address, the author has a little bit of personal habit. For example, when Jeanne calls herself Jeanne, she doesn’t say"I", but says Jeanne this and that. The same is true for Saber. She doesn’t call me this and that, but Saber this and that. It’s purely a personal habit...

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