"Master, what is this?"

Heizhen tried to take a small bite. The top layer was obviously noodles, but because it was fermented and fluffy, it became very soft after steaming. The juice inside burst in the mouth, and the freshness of the soup and the fragrance of the meat filling filled every corner of the mouth in an instant. The addition of vinegar enhanced the freshness. The chewy dough and the fresh and fragrant meat filling slid into the stomach along with the soup, leaving people with endless aftertaste.!

""Hmm!" Hei Zhen was so comfortable that she almost closed her eyes, uttered a long hum, then opened her eyes in surprise, reached out and pinched another

"It tastes good, right?"

Shirou felt a little amused. In front of delicious food, foodies would be impressed.

""Hmm, Master, what is this? Why is it so delicious?"

When Kuro-Jen spoke, she had already eaten three in a row. Saber was anxious and immediately joined the scramble.

Sakura was also anxious. She stretched out her chopsticks to grab one, but because her hands were not long enough and the table was too wide, she could not reach it. She could only turn around anxiously.

"This is a steamed dumpling. Eat slowly or you will get burned!"

Shirou found it funny and picked one for Sakura. The little girl was so happy that she poked it with chopsticks and started to eat it bit by bit.

When Shirou turned around again, the whole tray of steamed dumplings had been finished by Saber and Kurozhen.

When Kurozhen was not interested in steamed dumplings, Saber ate relatively slowly, enjoying it while eating. After discovering that Kurozhen also liked to eat this thing and started to consume the steamed dumplings quickly, Saber also increased her speed, and then the steamed dumplings disappeared at an astonishing speed.

This made Shirou complain a little. The two of them ate so fast, did they really taste the flavor?

"Master, are there any more? That, Xiao Long Bao, um, this thing tastes pretty good, is the gravy inside beef? It must be beef!"

"Well, this is really not beef, but pork. Beef should not have this taste. It would be more troublesome to make beef dumplings. If you like it, I will make it for you next time!" Shirou has never eaten beef dumplings, but he has eaten beef dumplings. The principle of dumplings is similar to that of dumplings. Since beef dumplings can be made, then dumplings should be no problem.

"Really? Master, are you lying to me?"

It's not that Kuro-jeong doesn't believe Shirou's words, she's just afraid that he'll forget. If she stimulates him with such words, Shirou will definitely not forget. In the process of getting along with each other, Shirou is trying to understand Kuro-jeong's character, and Kuro-jeong is actually trying to understand Shirou's character, and she has even paid attention to Saber's personality traits.

"I'll make beef dumplings for you tomorrow. You'll be satisfied now, right, you glutton?"

Shirou knocked her on the head with chopsticks. Hei Zhen jumped away as if her hair had exploded, and looked at Shirou with a vigilant look.

"Master, please don't do this, you will confuse me!"

Hei Zhen's tone has become a little serious, and his expression has returned to the original state.

"It was an unintentional act, an unintentional act, sorry, sit down and eat, don't be so nervous!"

Shirou smiled awkwardly, he accidentally mistook Kurojeong for Saber, and almost got into trouble.

Thinking of this, he secretly glanced at Saber, the latter was only concerned with eating, and seemed to have no reaction to what had just happened, but Shirou noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the clothes on her left hand, the silver-white armor was slowly dissipating, and it was obvious that Kurojeong's actions just now made Saber a little nervous. If Kurojeong had not made any follow-up actions, she would have probably switched to combat form to protect Shirou.

Thinking of this, Shirou was slightly moved, Saber's concern was really meticulous!

After such a scene, the atmosphere at the table became rather dull.


In the cathedral in Fuyuki, the head of the Tousaka family, Tousaka Tokiomi, is discussing something with the priest of the Eighth Secret Society of the Holy Church, Kotomine Risho, and his son Kotomine Kirei.

"Judging from the situation at the scene, the Matou family had indeed encountered an accident. Matou Zouken's magic aura could no longer be felt, and the fire in the Matou family was also very strange. The basement where Matou Zouken's seal bugs and lust bugs gathered was completely burned down. Now there are no seal bugs or lust bugs in the entire Matou family."After

Kotomine Kirei finished speaking, he looked at his father and teacher.

"So, there should be a mysterious force that has come to Fuyuki.

As the longest-lived person among the three great families, Matou Zouken is very powerful.

The sudden disappearance of Matou Tsuruno and Matou Zouken is definitely not a simple matter.

It’s just that we don’t have the corresponding understanding of this newly joined force, so we lack countermeasures.

Kirei, this matter is left to you to investigate.

Try to start from the details as much as possible and find out the truth.

This person appeared at this time, and his purpose is most likely the Holy Grail War!

"Kotomine Risei was looking at his son, the son who would inherit his mantle in the future, and he was very satisfied.

Kotomine Kirei had a calm personality and was very loyal to the Holy Church Society. He could complete the tasks assigned to him excellently, so Kotomine Risei had high hopes for his son, was very optimistic about his future prospects, and valued him very much.

"Yes, father, Kirei knows what to do!"

There was no change on Kotomine Kirei's face, but his mind was not completely focused on this matter.

He has been studying a person recently. His name is Emiya Kiritsugu. As the son-in-law of Einzbern City and an invited magician, this person's experience is a very curious thing for Kotomine Kirei. Everything this person did made Kotomine Kirei curious about his purpose. He really wanted to know what kind of past this person had and what his ultimate goal was.

However, he would not reveal these things. Since the Holy Grail has chosen him, he will find out everything about this matter in the Holy Grail War. As for the murder of Matou Zouken, he did not care too much. Over the past few hundred years, countless magicians have been killed, most of whom died at the hands of the magician's natural enemy, the deputy executioner, and Kotomine Kirei used to be such a deputy executioner, or also called an agent.

And the interesting thing is that Emiya Kiritsugu has also played such a role.

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