"Master, don't let me do such meaningless things again. Next time, um... next time just let me burn that guy with fire! I'm not an assassin. Surveillance and tracking are simply insulting me!"

At the dinner table, Hei Zhen wolfed down the food while complaining constantly.

As Shirou expected, the two people at home really didn't eat. When he came back, the two were almost starving. They looked at him eagerly, like kittens waiting for their master to feed them, which made him feel so cute.

But after Hei Zhen ate, her energy was restored.

When did Hei Zhen become a chatterbox? Shirou didn't know, it seemed like it had been a while!

"Well, I have no choice. Jeanne, you are so strong that you will definitely attract everyone's attention as soon as you appear. That will be bad then!"

There is no Berserker in this Holy Grail War, and Jeanne d'Arc's Chaos Evil attribute is slightly different from Berserker. It is not impossible for her to play the role of Berserker, but it is easy to be exposed because the Master can detect the attributes and job of the opponent's Servant.

As soon as Jeanne d'Arc appears, the secret hidden in her may be discovered, so Shirou can only hide her temporarily.

This of course caused Jeanne d'Arc's dissatisfaction. This guy was not a good person after being summoned. She joined the fire department of Fuyuki at the beginning, which made Shirou feel a little relieved. It was good for Jeanne d'Arc to have something to do, and saving people was also a good thing. Anyway, it was better than her destroying things everywhere.

But Jeanne d'Arc would certainly not be so obedient. This guy was dissatisfied with the fact that natural fires occurred too rarely, so he did something very extraordinary, which was to set fires everywhere, and then rescue people as a firefighter. She didn't feel much about putting out fires, but she still liked to save other people's lives from the raging fire.

Shirou felt that this was related to her own experience. Joan of Arc was convicted by Bishop Pierre Cauchon and was burned at the stake. When the burning was carried out, there were many people watching at the scene, but no one offered a helping hand. Before Joan of Arc was burned to death by the fire, the despair in her heart was probably only known to her.

So Black Joan appeared with endless resentment and evil thoughts, perhaps because she had personally experienced the despair of being burned to death by fire. That’s why Kuro-Jeong likes to rescue people trapped by fires, but she has no interest in any accidents involving ordinary people, and she won’t even look at them. These people should be grateful for her kindness. She was very kind not to burn everyone to death like she did in Orleans, and of course she would not save them.

She is only interested in people who encounter fires.

And the extraordinary thing that Kuro-Jeong did was to set fires everywhere, and then to rescue people. Shirou didn’t know about this at first, but he saw that Kuro-Jeong was very busy every day, and he accidentally saw a report on the TV news that the fires in Fuyuki have been more frequent recently, so he was a little surprised. After investigating, he found out about this!

Shirou was so amused when he knew this. Fortunately, Kuro-Jeong only set fire to the house and didn’t go after people. , so there were almost no casualties, but you burned down other people’s houses and properties. They will become homeless in the future. Saving them will make them suffer instead.

So Shirou didn’t dare to let Kuro-jeong go on, and used a command spell to let her stay by his side, not allowing her to leave him too much unless she got his permission. In this way, Shirou was finally a little relieved. Unexpectedly, it was thought that this order would make Kuro-jeong very dissatisfied, but this guy only protested a little in the first few days and then had nothing to say.

She just had nothing to do anyway, and following Shirou was also a thing to do!

Talking to Kuro-jeong, you just go along with what you say, the effect will be more effective than reasoning with her or explaining something.

Sure enough, when Kuro-jeong heard what Shirou said, the dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared.

"Yeah, that's true. For example, three or four of you attacked that golden guy before, but he still escaped. If I had done this, he would have been roasted by now!"

Hei Zhen was very arrogant. Golden was not so easy to deal with. It was already a very impressive thing that three people almost killed him.

"Ahem, eat, eat quickly, so many delicious foods can't stop you from talking, you're the only one who talks too much!"

Shirou didn't want to continue talking about this topic. Although Saber didn't directly participate in this battle, another Saber did participate and released her own Noble Phantasm. Moreover, when Saber participated in the Fourth War before, she was defeated by Gilgamesh. So when Black Jeanne belittled Gilgamesh, the impact was too wide and it involved everyone at once. Saber would definitely feel uncomfortable if she heard it!


At the Tousaka family mansion, Tousaka Tokiomi is in the basement talking to Kotomine Kirei and Kotomine Risei.

"Today, there are a total of six servants on the scene, two sabers, a lancer, a rider, and our archer and assassin. So, there are still two classes left, one is caster, and the other is berserker!"

Tousaka Tokiomi wanted to order Gilgamesh to retreat before. In addition to worrying about exposing his full strength, he was more worried about the other two servants and masters hiding in the dark. They haven't appeared yet, so it's hard to say what kind of impact it will have on his plan.

But in the end, because of Saber's Noble Phantasm, Tousaka Tokiomi had no choice but to order Gilgamesh to withdraw immediately. Although it was a little late, he was still injured. Fortunately, the injury was not particularly serious, and he should be fine as long as he rested for a few days.

But after the first battle of the Holy Grail War broke out, Tousaka Tokiomi found that the situation was somewhat beyond his expectations.

This time, the Holy Grail War actually Two Sabers appeared, and they were exactly the same!

What was going on? He had no idea at all. After asking Kotomine Risei, the latter couldn't explain it either, so this matter became an unsolved mystery in the hearts of several people.

And there was another mystery. The servant of unknown occupation that they saw through the familiar left by Matou Zouken last time did not appear this time. In addition to this servant, caster and berserker also did not appear. There were originally only seven servants in a Holy Grail War, but if these servants were added, they were surprised to find that there might be 9 servants in this Holy Grail War!

A war with 9 servants is definitely more complicated and sinister than a war with only 7 servants, and this completely disrupted the plans of Tohsaka Tokiomi and others. They had to adjust their plans according to the current situation.

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