"Kiritsugu, I have found the residence of the man called Emiya Shirou, and have set up some familiars near where he lives!"

Inside the hotel room, a man called Emiya Kiritsugu stood by the window, looking at the sea in the distance through the curtains, with a solemn expression on his face. No one knew what he was thinking.

"Okay, I see. They didn't notice it, right?"

Although Emiya Shirou showed his goodwill, Kiritsugu still didn't relax his surveillance on him. He only trusted two kinds of people in this world, one was the enemy, the other was the dead. As for the rest, they were all people who were worthy of suspicion and could not be easily trusted. In this world, there was never any kindness without reason. Kiritsugu was very curious about what secrets the other party had.

As for the two kinds of people he trusted, the enemy was his target and he only needed to knock him down, while the dead completely lost his position in this world and could no longer pose any threat to him.

"Probably not. The positions of several familiars are relatively outside and relatively hidden, so they are not so easy to be discovered!"

Maiya was not originally a magician, but after Kiritsugu saved her, he taught her some magic. Although it was not very helpful in combat, she had a very high talent in monitoring the use of familiars. The familiars she made were the ones that even Kiritsugu admired and even admired.

"Well, is there any movement from Kotomine Kirei?"

This guy Kotomine Kirei is someone Kiritsugu is more concerned about. Now that we know that he has not lost his Servant, it means that he is still one of the contestants in the Holy Grail War. With this identity, he hid in the Cathedral Church. As the supervisor of the Holy Grail War, Kotomine Risei did not recognize it, or simply acquiesced to this situation.

This has changed the situation of the Holy Grail War. Kotomine Risei's attitude may only represent himself, not the entire Holy Grail Church, but he is the supervisor of the Holy Grail War after all, so what he does has a great impact on the entire Holy Grail War.

"No, he stayed in the church the whole time and didn't come out."

According to the information obtained from the familiar, Kotomine Kirei did not come out, but he had Hassan to gather information for him, so he didn't need to come out.

"Okay, I understand. Now there are six participants in the Holy Grail War. Lancer and his Master have been eliminated, so there are still six Masters left. The next battle may be even more brutal!"


In the church in Fuyuki

, two familiars disguised as pigeons were thrown to the ground with two snaps, and then turned into a pile of gemstone fragments.

"The church is under surveillance!"

Kotomine Kirei said expressionlessly.

"Well, it looks like someone has begun to doubt!"

Kotomine Rizheng seemed to have anticipated this situation, and the expression on his face did not change much.

Although the church said that it would remain neutral in the Holy Grail War, and other Masters and Servants were not allowed to attack the church without reason, the church was not completely without bias in previous Holy Grail Wars. They would also look favorably on certain Masters and Servants, and give them some support overtly or covertly to help them obtain the Holy Grail.

Kotomine Rizheng had a long-standing relationship with the Toosaka family, and he and Toosaka Tokiomi had always had a good relationship. It was not too difficult for others to know this, so it was not too strange that some suspicious Masters sent their familiars to monitor the church.

"Well, the familiars have been dealt with!"The conversation between the two seemed very formulaic.

Kotomine Ri was flipping through the books in the cathedral, praying aside, and then began to study them seriously. His son's words did not cause much fluctuation in his heart.

"There are 12 familiars in total, monitoring various locations in the church, but the other party's placement method seems very sophisticated. After I dealt with these 12 familiars, I am not sure if there are any left!"

Kotomine Kirei's attainments in magic may not be particularly high, but his observation and perception are very sharp, which allows him to seize opportunities, seize any small opportunities, and launch a fatal attack on the enemy at the critical moment.

And since he admits that the other party's placement of the familiars is very sophisticated and the location is very particular, it seems that the other party is indeed a master in this area.

"Kirei, if you want to investigate, then go ahead. I know you already have someone you suspect in your mind!"

No one knows a son better than his father. Although Kotomine Kirei's expression was calm when he spoke, and his tone did not reveal any problems, Kotomine Risei knew that he was interested in this matter. Since Archer was injured and could not move in a short time, there was nothing that Tousaka Tokiomi needed their help with.

Therefore, if Kotomine Kirei wanted to do something, let him do it.

"Yes, father!"

Kotomine Kirei bowed slightly and left. The only sounds left in the church were Kotomine Kirei's calm breathing and the occasional sound of turning pages.


"Are you being monitored?"

Shirou looked at the two little sparrows on the ground. They were obviously familiars, but the shapes of the two familiars were quite realistic and their sizes were very small. They looked like they were made with great care. Perhaps the person who was monitoring him thought of himself as a great master, so he was so cautious!

Shirou sighed slightly in his heart. He probably knew who did it!

Kiritsugu Emiya, there was no one else but him.

Shirou was almost certain that Kiritsugu was also present in yesterday's battle and had witnessed everything. He also had an assistant named Hisau Maiya, who was a master at using familiars. It was not difficult to make a monitoring familiar of this size.

Shirou could also do it himself. However, familiars consume a lot of magic power and cannot last for long. If monitoring a familiar cannot last for a long time, then there is not much point. If you change the familiar every day, it will be easy to expose yourself. Therefore, when making such a familiar, the magician will make a trade-off between efficacy and timeliness.

The smaller the size, the more magic power is consumed and the shorter the duration. The larger the size, the less magic power is consumed and the longer the duration is. However, the larger the size, the greater the probability of being discovered. The familiars in front of him are very small and have strong magic power. They don’t look like the type that needs to be replaced frequently. It seems that Kiritsugu Papa pays a lot of attention to him!

"What a trouble! Why are you paying attention to me? I just want to live a good life with Kurojeong and Saber. Your enemy is Kotomine Kirei!"

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