"Ahem, kids, don’t talk nonsense. We have already agreed on this. Let’s go now!"

The smell of perfume? Whose? Saber's or Kurojeong's?

Shirou sniffed carefully, but didn't smell any perfume. Maybe he had gotten used to the smell!

Shirou and the others set off with Saber and Sakura. Kurojeong also followed, but she could become a spirit, so she didn't appear in a physical form, which would have saved a lot of trouble.

At the Tohsaka family, Tohsaka Tokiomi never expected that Shirou Emiya, whom he had just told to be carefully monitored, had already appeared at his doorstep.

Tohsaka Tokiomi's first reaction was that the other party was looking for trouble!

The Hero King Gilgamesh was injured, and now their combination was indeed weak. If someone wanted to seize this opportunity to deal with them, Tohsaka Tokiomi would not be surprised at all, but the other party did not come to attack, but came openly, and said that they were coming to visit him, which was unexpected by Tohsaka Tokiomi.

What he didn't expect was that his daughter, Tohsaka Sakura, who had disappeared for nearly a year, He actually appeared with the other party!

What does this mean?

How could Sakura be with him?

Could it be that he was the one who killed Matou Zouken before?

If so, could the unknown Servant who appeared before be his Servant? But didn't he already have a Servant by his side? Could it be that he has two Servants? How is this possible?

The more Tōsaka Tokiomi thought about it, the more serious it seemed to him, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was very likely.

There were too many suspicious points about this boy named Emiya Shirou. The timing of his appearance was very confusing. He first appeared yesterday, and before that, no one knew who he was or where he came from!

But he appeared with the people of Einzbern City, and they also had the same Servant, which made Tokiomi confused. Could he be someone that Einzbern City had recruited, just like Kotomine Kirei did to himself?

On the other hand, Emiya Shirou's Servant's understanding of his opponent was really impressive.

As one of the three knights, Lancer is very powerful, which is beyond doubt. However, Saber knew all the details of the opponent from the beginning and injured him before releasing the Noble Phantasm. Even if she did not use her Noble Phantasm, she would have no problem defeating the opponent.

However, there is a doubt here. How did Saber know all the details of the opponent so clearly when they first met and the opponent had not leaked any information?

This question bothered Tokiomi, and in the following battle, the other Saber did not try to fight the Hero King, but was ready to use the Noble Phantasm to solve the Hero King directly. This choice was very wise.

Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm, the Treasure of the King, has powerful strength. If he fights with him, he will face the attack of the Treasure of the King projected from the Gate of Babylon. Such an attack comes from all directions, with fast speed, large number, and is hard to defend against.

The opponent made the wisest choice, which shows that the opponent also has a deep understanding of his Servant, the Hero King Gilgamesh.

And these two servants, one is from Shirou Emiya and the other is from Einzbern City. What does this mean?

Therefore, such a person naturally aroused Tokiomi's vigilance and suspicion.

However, since the other party had come to his door, he couldn't just hide at home and not go out. Wouldn't that give people a sense of fear and timidity?

"Hehe, Mr. Emiya, I am sorry for not welcoming you to my humble abode. I am so rude!"

Toshiomi, his wife Aoi Toshisaka and his daughter Rin Toshisaka came out and greeted Shirou and the others at the door.

"Mr. Toosaka, you are too polite. We came here today for two reasons: one is to send Sakura home to see her, and the other is to discuss some things with the head of the Toosaka family!"

When Shirou was talking, he didn't look at Toosaka Tokiomi. Tokiomi might be perfect in the heart of his wife, but in the eyes of Shirou and many Fate fans... Doesn't it mean everything if it's all Tokiomi's fault?

This guy, obviously had a good hand, a lot of bombs and rockets, but he played it terribly. He could have won the battle by fighting for A, but he chose to learn other people's tricks and killed himself.

This kind of guy is the type who does things in a mess for ten thousand years. Shirou doesn't like him very much.

After seeing Sakura, Toosaka Aoi couldn't help it. If it weren't for her husband's obstruction and Shirou's unclear attitude, she would have rushed over long ago.

Sakura, Sakura is still alive!

She didn't expect that she could see Sakura again!

After the fire at the Matou family, Toosaka Aoi's heart was hanging. Sakura was sent to the Matou family. This decision She couldn't change it, she could only hope that Sakura would have a better life, but she never expected that a fire broke out in the Matou family the day after Sakura went there, and the entire Matou family was burned to ashes.

Except for Matou Kariya and Matou Shinji who were not at home, all the other people in the Matou family were burned to death, and Sakura's whereabouts could not be found!

Toosaka Aoi always felt that Sakura was fine and did not die in the fire, so she had been trying hard to find Sakura for the past year.

But she didn't gain anything. At the beginning, she was still full of confidence, but as time went by, her confidence was finally shaken. She searched almost the entire Fuyuki, but couldn't find Sakura's whereabouts.

Moreover, Toosaka Tokiomi was worried that she would have mental problems, so he didn't dare to let her go out to look for her. He lied to her that Sakura was actually dead and their daughter had died in the fire.

Toosaka Tokiomi's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and finally made Toosaka Aoi completely give up her efforts.���

But the pain of losing her daughter has tortured her for the past year. When he saw her again, Shirou felt a little shocked.

The woman who looked voluptuous and beautiful a year ago has now become much older and weaker, and her body is very thin, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Shirou blamed himself a little. Was it inappropriate for him to keep Sakura by his side?

If he did so, it would be too much of a blow to a mother.

So he squatted down and said to Sakura:"Sakura, those are your mother and your sister. Don't you always want to see them? Then go quickly! Go and have a good talk with your mother and sister, okay?"

Sakura nodded seriously, then walked to the side of Aoi Toosaka cautiously, raised her head, and shouted crisply:"Ogasan!"

Aoi Toosaka's body shook for a while, and she almost fell down!

Oh my God, Sakura is really back! She even called herself"Mom!"

The little girl didn't notice anything. After all, children's observation skills are not as careful as adults!

"I am Sakura-chan, Oka-san, please don't give Sakura away anymore. Sakura doesn't want to follow the horrible old grandfather and the bad-tempered uncle anymore!"

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