Toosaka Aoi's tears suddenly broke down.

She squatted down and hugged Sakura, almost crying like a tearful person, and Toosaka Rin also ran over, and the three of them hugged each other.

""Oka-san, be strong and don't cry. Sakura is fine!"

But the little loli herself pretended to be an adult and comforted her mother and sister.

Saber felt a little uncomfortable and turned her head away, not daring to let herself see this scene.

When Shirou suggested bringing Sakura here, she felt as if something was pulling her heart and felt uncomfortable.

Shirou pinched her hand and comforted her slightly.

Saber's mind is very simple. She likes Sakura and treats her as a little sister or even a daughter. Because they have been together for a long time, she has invested a lot of emotions in Sakura. Such emotions are now very deep. If Shirou sends Sakura back to the Tohsaka family, it means that she will lose Sakura.

This makes Saber a little unacceptable.

"It doesn't matter, at worst, we can just have one ourselves!"

Shirou whispered to her ear.

After he finished speaking, Saber trembled all over and looked at Shirou in disbelief.

"Shirou, I……"

Logically, she should have refuted such a ridiculous statement immediately, but Saber didn't know how to respond at this time.

She just felt confused...

Because there were outsiders present, Shirou just said it casually and didn't discuss it with Saber. It was not good to leave Tokiomi aside. Moreover, he could clearly feel that after he said this, the air behind him became much colder, as if he had accidentally angered a very important person.……

"Mr. Emiya, Ms. Saber, please come in!"

After seeing this scene, Tohsaka Tokiomi's attitude improved a lot.

After all, the other party helped him solve a big problem. Tohsaka Aoi's health has been getting worse and worse over the past year. Sakura is her heart disease, which is simply incurable. Originally, Tokiomi had no way out. Maybe after he got the Holy Grail, he might have to use the Holy Grail to make a very ordinary wish... Although

Tohsaka Tokiomi looks like a person who can sacrifice anything to achieve his goals, he actually cares about his family very much. His obsession with the Holy Grail is just to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the Tohsaka family. In the final analysis, he is just a poor man in shackles.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Master Toosaka. We won't be polite then!"

Shirou took Saber's hand and walked in.

Saber struggled for a while, but failed. She was already very skilled at holding hands and was used to it.

In this world, when men and women hold hands, it mostly represents a relationship between lovers. So what is the relationship between her and Shirou?

Saber felt a little confused. It was not like she had never thought about this question before.

Following Toosaka Tokiomi to the Toosaka family, after Shirou and Saber sat down, Toosaka Tokiomi was a little surprised.

The two people were clearly in a relationship between a master and a servant, but the relationship between the two seemed to be more than just this point. They seemed to have a deeper relationship, which made him a little curious.

Could it be that a servant and a master could fall in love and become a couple?

"Mr. Emiya, do you know a man named Emiya Kiritsugu?"Tokiomi took out his treasured red wine and poured a glass for each of the three people, saying as he poured the wine.

Emiya Shirou and Emiya Kiritsugu, these two people have the same last name, which made Tohsaka Tokiomi feel a little curious.

He knew before that Emiya Kiritsugu was the master invited by Einzbern City. As the person chosen by the Holy Grail, he would participate in this Holy Grail War, but strangely, in yesterday's battle, this man named Emiya Kiritsugu did not appear, and he was replaced by an artificial man from Einzbern City.

This made Tohsaka Tokiomi He felt a little strange in his heart, wondering why the Einzbern City invited reinforcements but did not use them.

However, if this is the case, then this Emiya Kiritsugu is not worth his continued research. Since he is not a master in the Four Wars, he cannot have much impact on the Holy Grail War.

Although the magician killer is very strong, they can only do nothing when facing a magician with the blessing of the servant's ability.

Therefore, at this time, Tōsaka Tokiomi's question did not have a very profound meaning. He was just a little curious.

"Well, Emiya Kiritsugu, he is a very powerful person! I know he is a magician invited by Einzbern City, and he was called the magician killer in the past, but I haven't met him yet! What's wrong? Is the head of the Tohsaka family also interested in him?"

Shirou used the word"also", of course it was not a casual remark, but had its own deep meaning. The person who was very interested in Emiya Kiritsugu was Kotomine Kirei, and Kotomine Kirei killed Tohsaka Tokiomi...

But whether Tohsaka Tokiomi could hear this deep meaning, that's hard to say. If he had no reaction to it, then Shirou would naturally not continue.

"Well, I've only heard of him a little bit. You know, this person is very famous in the Magician Association!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi smiled slightly, thinking about what Shirou said just now. He used the word"also", so is he also interested in this Emiya Kiritsugu?

"Haha, that's natural. After all, a man who becomes famous by hunting down magicians is of course very famous in the eyes of magicians!"

Emiya Kiritsugu's reputation is not very good. It is rumored that he often uses some despicable methods when hunting down magicians, such as poisoning, assassination, ambush, etc. These are the methods that despicable killers would use.

In fact, this is not a rumor. Emiya Kiritsugu did this, so of course his reputation in the Magician Association is not good.

"Well, that's not the case. I just think he's very interesting. He was able to do something like that. Although it was directed at a magician, it at least proves that he is very capable! I, Tohsaka Tokiomi, have always valued capable people, just like you, Mr. Emiya!"

Kiritsugu smiled as he shook the goblet in his hand. The dark red liquid swayed at the bottom of the cup, leaving behind layers of gradually fading traces.

"Well, it's my honor. I'm a little flattered to be valued by the most outstanding magician of our time!"

Shirou raised his glass, gestured to him slightly, and then took a sip.

"I came to see Master Toosaka today because I wanted to talk to him about this Holy Grail War!"

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