"What? Jill, are you blind with such big eyes? You can't recognize me?"

Joan of Arc walked out from the shadows, and the flame in her hand was thrown out by her. It exploded above the heads of the three people, just like a firework, instantly illuminating the figures of the three people.


Jill knelt on one knee excitedly and said to Joan of Arc:"Great Saint Joan of Arc, your follower Gilles de Rais salutes you, I swear again: I will use my life, the sword in my hand, and the blood in my body to fulfill my oath, and follow you to the death and never betray! Always serve my master: the flag of France, the pioneer of freedom, the great Saint Joan of Arc!"

Saber put the sword on the ground, pressed her hands on the hilt, and looked at the two people with a complicated expression, but she had no intention of taking action for the time being.

"Tsk tsk, Jill, you still can't change your bad habit after so many years. What you say always gives me goose bumps! Get up, or you'll die if you delay any longer!"

Hei Zhen took out an ancient sheepskin scroll from his pocket, placed his palm on the scroll, and the light blue magic flame began to surge slowly, spreading out.

"Jeanne, my master?"

Gil knew what she meant. Before fighting with Saber, he felt that his master seemed to have been killed. In this case, he had to sign a contract with someone quickly, otherwise he would disappear from this world.

As a servant summoned by a heroic spirit, he could not exist alone in the world.

"Killed by me, so? Are you going to avenge me for your master?"

Joan of Arc stared at the scroll in her hand and looked at Jill with a sneer on her face.

Jill shook her head quickly:"No, no, I will never do that. As a saint virgin, you must have your reasons for doing such a thing. It's just that the child looks like a good person. It would be a pity to kill him like this."

Although Jill didn't spend a long time with Ryunosuke, he still had a good impression of this guy.

This person, like him, had a twisted dark heart. This dark and twisted person made him feel excited and happy. Following Ryunosuke, he could enjoy the pleasure of bringing fear to the world.

But since Joan of Arc killed him, there is nothing to say. As a saint virgin, everything Joan of Arc did was right! There is absolutely no doubt about it!

"Your life depends on me, my life depends on your sword……"The blue magic flame on the parchment scroll had become very dark in color, and Heizhen also slowly spoke!

"Joan of Arc, how are you doing after all these years? Do you know?……"Jill seemed to have turned into a chatterbox and started the chatterbox mode... But

Hei Zhen ignored his muttering. She put one hand on the parchment scroll and put the other hand with the palm facing down and the back of her hand facing up. A light blue vortex appeared in the palm of her hand. This vortex was condensed by magic power and was expanding rapidly!

"This is it!" Saber opened her eyes wide in surprise and looked at Hei Zhen in disbelief!

She suddenly understood what the other party was going to do!

"Stop, stop now, you can't do this!"

Saber drew out her sword and was about to stop Black Jeanne!

But Jill stood in front of her,"Although I don't know who you are, no one can stop what the Holy Virgin is doing!" The tentacle monsters spreading out from the ground once again surrounded Saber, and at the same time, Black Jeanne was still chanting the ancient and obscure spell!

"Submit to the essence of the Holy Grail, follow this meaning, follow this reason, then respond, and swear here that I will always be a good person……"

"Lord Shirou did not allow you to do this, you are acting on your own!"

Saber was caught in a fierce battle. There were too many tentacle monsters, and the opponent seemed to summon them without any magic power. Layers of tentacle monsters surrounded her in the middle, making it impossible for her to quickly escape from the center.

"Come on, I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

A crazy look appeared on Jill's face, and the protruding eyeballs the size of potatoes looked particularly terrifying!

"I am a person who has done evil forever. You, the three great word spirits have come here for seven days from the wheel of restraint to protect your body. The guardian of the scales obeys me. Then my life depends on your sword!"

Hei Zhen suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Jill in the distance with burning eyes.

The parchment scroll in his hand flew to the other party,"Sign this contract, and you will be my servant! Your soul will be under my sword for eternity, and you will obey my orders anytime and anywhere. Jill, are you willing to be my servant!" There was a hint of perverseness in Hei Zhen's expression. The evil aura emanated from her whole body, making people feel that facing her was like facing a bottomless abyss, an indescribable feeling!

"As you command, my holy virgin!"

Jill bit her finger without hesitation and pressed it with her hand stained with the blood of a magician. This was a soul contract, which combined with the power of the Holy Grail could imprison the body and soul of the servant. It also used the command spell as a means of command, but this kind of contract was more destructive. It was a double-edged sword for both the servant and the master, and it would backfire if not careful!

"Shirou, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

The sudden palpitations and dizziness made Shirou feel very uncomfortable. He felt that the magic power in his body was rapidly surging out, and the magic power reserve was quickly emptied. The weakness from his body made it difficult for him to even stand up.

"I'm fine, Saber, help me up!"

Shirou felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and he could not open them gradually.

He was very curious why this happened. Although there had been magic power consumption before, it had never been so severe. Could it be that Black Jeanne encountered a powerful enemy outside, and a fierce battle took place, and she used a lot of magic power? This is why this happened?

"Saber, Jeanne may be in trouble, could you please go and take a look to see what's going on? If she needs help, please help her solve her problem. If that's not possible, take her back immediately!"

Shirou raised his hand slightly, wanting to activate the Command Seal, but found that the Command Seal he used to contact Black Jeanne seemed to be in a disordered stage and could not be used! If the Command Seal could be used directly, he would have summoned Black Jeanne back directly!

"I know, Shirou, but you……"

Saber looked at him with some worry. Shirou's face looked very bad, pale and bloodless. His body was also trembling slightly, which was a reaction of exhaustion after extreme emptiness.

Saber was not very good at taking care of people, and didn't know what to do at this time, so she had to carry Shirou on her back and sent him back to her room, covered him with a quilt, and then thought about it, and covered him with her own quilt.

"I'm fine, Saber, you go quickly, Jeanne might be in real trouble!"

Shirou gritted his teeth, endured the discomfort, and tried not to show his weakness in front of Saber. He had just drunk ten bottles of magic potion in a row, but the feeling of emptiness and depletion of magic power in his body did not change.

This made him even more worried.

"Well, I'll go now, Shirou, wait for me to come back!"

Saber looked serious, glanced at Shirou, turned and left!

As soon as she left, Shirou, who could no longer hold on, finally felt the world spinning, his eyes went dark, and the whole world returned to silence.

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