"What's going on?"

Shirou opened his eyes and found himself in a chaotic darkness.

"Master, are you awake? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The girl's voice came over. Shirou looked towards the place where the voice came from, and then opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Uh, Jeanne?……"

This Joan of Arc no longer looks like the Black Joan, but more like the real Joan of Arc, the White Joan.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, Master, this is just revealing the true form, Kuro-jeong is a fake Heroic Spirit, and she has a curse, so I came out to help!"

What Heroic Spirit, fake Heroic Spirit, Shirou was confused, but the girl in front of him really didn't look like the Kuro-jeong from his family.

"Curse? Wasn't Jeanne d'Arc created by the Holy Grail? Could she be cursed if she was born like this?"

Shirou was a little puzzled.

After Jeanne d'Arc died, Jill made a wish to the Holy Grail and summoned Jeanne d'Arc.

However, due to the influence of the black mud of the Holy Grail and Jill's inner obsession, the created Jeanne d'Arc was no longer the pure Jeanne d'Arc, but the blackened Jeanne d'Arc, that is, Jeanne d'Arc.

On the other hand, Jeanne d'Arc was also resurrected, but she was tragically implicated in the destruction of Jeanne d'Arc, so she could not return to her hometown of Domremy, or even Orleans, and could only wander around.

"Master, do you know what my job is?"

There are seven jobs in the Holy Grail War, Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Assassin, Caster, Berserker. These are the seven regular jobs, but because Shirou summoned Black Jeanne, there is one more job, called Avenger.

But in addition to these eight, there is another one, called Ruler, Guardian or Judge!

""Ruler!" Shirou nodded and said.

He was still very curious about his current location. It was pitch black all around, and he didn't know where he was. The location was very empty, as if he was in a huge square. There was no echo when he spoke out, but in such a dark place without light, he could clearly see Jeanne d'Arc. She seemed to have a faint light on her body, and he looked down at himself. He seemed to have this kind of light on his body, but compared to the light on Jeanne d'Arc, his light was obviously much dimmer.

"Yes, all other servants want to help their masters obtain the Holy Grail and are summoned to win the Holy Grail War, but we rulers are not like that. As the guardians of the Holy Grail War, we appear to protect the rules of the Holy Grail War and maintain the framework of the Holy Grail War. Moreover, our memories will not be erased with the end of the Holy Grail War!"

Joan of Arc's voice was very calm, but her tone was also very gentle. Different from the way Black Jeanne spoke, her voice was more pleasant and gentle, with a holy light and a warm smile on her face, it was really easy for people to mistake her for a saint.

No wonder Jill was so obsessed with Joan of Arc, Shirou himself found himself a little obsessed

"Something is not right? Saber participated in the Fourth World War. She also retained some of the memories of the Fourth World War when she returned to the Fifth World War? I think she still remembers a lot of things!"

Although I don't know where I am now, the girl in front of me doesn't look like she will hurt me. She is Jeanne!

So Shirou's heart gradually relaxed. It seems that it is not bad to chat with Jeanne. He can get a lot of knowledge from her!

"Well, Saber did retain some of her memories, but that was because of a major mistake in the Fourth World War. In the previous Holy Grail Wars, the Holy Grail had never been destroyed. Although the Servant's Noble Phantasm was extremely powerful, no one wanted to use it against the Holy Grail itself. Almost all of it was used against their enemies!"Joan of

Arc's expression seemed to be slightly frowned. It seemed that as a guardian, seeing such a fight was something she couldn't bear. However, it was not her duty to interfere with the Holy Grail War, so she never took action. Even if she saw a bloody fight, she didn't intervene. This was really a very painful thing for Joan of Arc.

"So, Miss Jeanne, why are you here?"

Shirou still didn't understand what happened. Wasn't he lying at home?

How did he come here in the blink of an eye? Where is this place?

""Haha, Master, this is my territory, it's you who showed up in my place!"

Jeanne smiled slightly, Shirou felt that he was hit by this smile and was seriously hurt!

No, I have to marry Jeanne too! Shirou set a flag for himself!

""No! As the ruler, Jeanne must protect the order of the Holy Grail War!"

Jeanne blushed slightly and said rather embarrassedly.

Shirou was shocked. What's going on? Does she know everything I think?

"Well, because this is my territory, I can clearly sense the thoughts and intentions of everyone who enters this area!"

After a pause, Joan of Arc continued:"Master, you must be curious about how you ended up here, and you must also be curious about where this place is, right?"

Shirou nodded:"That's right!" He understood Joan of Arc's explanation. He must have intruded into Joan of Arc's territory as a thought, soul, or consciousness, so he was completely sensed by the other party. It is also possible that this power is a unique ability of Joan of Arc. As the judge of the Holy Grail War, there is no doubt that she has powerful abilities. If she did not have powerful abilities, how could she maintain the order of the Holy Grail War?

"Actually, you guessed most of it right. You did enter my territory with ideology. This is where the arbitrator lives. There is no light, no darkness, and even no time. I can only know how much time has passed by observing the movements of the human world.……"

When the girl said this, her tone became much lower and her expression became gloomy. Just thinking about such a day would make her feel so bored that Shirou felt a little sad for her.

"Is there any way to help Miss Jeanne get out of this space?"

It's not that Shirou is kind-hearted, but if he wants to seduce Jeanne, he must get her out of here, otherwise how can he seduce her? Does he have to enter here with consciousness every time he collapses?

By the way, in the state of consciousness, what embarrassing things can a person do?

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