"The late emperor? What did the late emperor tell you? " Helian Yi narrowed her eyes and said.

"This commoner has the gall to ask the emperor, is he worried that the prince will give birth to something different from ordinary people because the empress drank the birth control medicine?" Lord Situ knelt in front of the palace with tears streaming down his face.

"When did you know my identity?" Hearing Sir Situ's words, Helian Xi became even more confused. The little girl shouldn't have helped him hide it, right? Then there was only one possibility, and that was that old man Situ had known about his background a long time ago.

"This commoner received orders before the emperor ascended the throne. The late emperor had instructed this humble subject to take out the testamentary edict if any changes occurred in the mountains and rivers, and to gather all his thoughts before choosing the virtuous and virtuous one." Lord Situ clasped his fists towards the heavens.

"Did you bring the testamentary edict?" Helian Yi's face darkened. He had already guessed it before, but he didn't expect that the late emperor would still not trust him.

"I have not. This commoner knows that I am powerless to reverse the situation, so I only wish to plead with the emperor to treat the common people well. I hope the emperor will not forget the emperor's earnest teachings and prioritize the people. No matter who the emperor is, as long as the emperor …"

"Enough, I don't want to hear your nonsense. I just want to ask you, other than knowing my background, what else do you know?" Helian Yi Chen's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect the people to understand him, but he still didn't like to hear such accusations. If it wasn't for the common people, why would he bother with Jiuyu?

Did he think that he liked the throne? If it hadn't been for the sake of being worthy of the previous Emperor, he would've given Reynolds thunder to Jiu Yu long ago.

"Before Emperor Xian passed away, he once said that the Emperor knew how to win the hearts of men. But in the entire imperial court, only this humble subject could avoid the Emperor." Lord Situ explained in detail. At this moment, all he was worried about was his children. Even if he risked his life, it wouldn't be a big deal. However, he couldn't implicate his children.

"Very well, when did the empress find you?" Hearing Sir Situ's words, Helian Xi no longer felt so uncomfortable in her heart.

"Xue'er just returned home yesterday. Your majesty, if your majesty doesn't have a daughter in your heart, I implore you to let her off this time?" As Lord Situ spoke, he repeatedly kowtowed to the Emperor.

"I have my own plans. Situ Qing, let me ask you again. Do you have any plans to rebel or conspire against me in the imperial court?" Helian Yi Chen asked in a low voice. All these years, Situ's private matters had been the pain in his heart.

The reason why this subject is in cahoots with the late emperor is because he wants me to fulfill his last wishes and does not wish for me to change. The late emperor does not know much about demons, but he is worried that the witch will cause trouble for the country, and since the late emperor has been in power for many years and has not seen any abnormalities, this humble subject dares to speak out. Lord Situ knelt.

"This subject understands. You can leave now. We have a request for you to make. Please wait until Situ Qing is done with the Empress's matters. As for Situ Qing, we will find a way to return your innocence." Helian Yi sighed. He would rather kill someone wrongly than to kill them in vain. He would verify whether or not Situ was as loyal as he said.

"This subject kowtows to thank the Emperor for his grace. Long live the Emperor! Long live and long live the Emperor!" Situ Yu was happy because the expulsion of Situ clan had directly affected the marriage of his two sons. If the Emperor was willing to help the Situ Clan turn the tables, then that would be a great gift.

As for the testamentary edict, if you want to keep it, you can keep it. We will not care about that small testamentary edict, and we will not warn you that the reason for the empress's suffering today is all because of you, Situ Qing. If you want your precious daughter to be safe, you'd better not cause any more unhappiness for us. Helian Yi Chen hinted.

"This commoner knows what to do, please rest assured Your Majesty. I hope that Your Majesty will treat the Empress kindly and show mercy to us, the Sect of Situ." Old man Situ cried. He had been an official in the imperial court for many years. If he couldn't even hear the emperor's words, then he would be a useless official.

"This will depend on the empress's performance. Lian Hai, send a car to escort Situ Aiqing back. Bring along my decree that the Situ Family can move back to their old residence." Helian Yi said generously.

"This old official thanks the Emperor." Situ silently wept. To be able to see his child safe and sound before he died was to be expected of his ancestors.

"Alright, you can leave. I'm a bit tired." Helian Yi waved his hand to relieve the burden that was Situ. He instantly felt much more at ease.

As soon as Situ left, Helian Xi became even more anxious to see the little girl. He knew that he had misunderstood the little girl, but he did not expect that when he rushed to Phoenix Cry Palace, he heard Luo Xue's curses.

After hearing Luo Xue's complaints, Helian Chen changed his mind. He decided to temporarily not meet with Luo Xue to punish her for being heartless this year. At the same time, he also wanted to clarify his feelings for her.

Like it? Or love, he still didn't know. As for the matter of the child, regardless of whether the little girl told him or not, he would investigate it thoroughly.

Luo Xue glared at Helian Chen. He actually sent Lord Situ away. In other words, he had intentionally left her in the palace. He dared to call her the empress's younger sister. It could be seen that he was harboring malicious intentions.

"Your majesty, may I bestow a portrait of my elder sister to this humble daughter? Today, I will be able to see your majesty, and I will be able to reminisce about my elder sister at her place. This humble daughter is already satisfied. It's already late, this humble daughter will take her leave first." Luo Xue threw the blanket away and carefully avoided Helian Chen getting out of bed.

"It's late, you can stay in the palace tonight." When he thought back to a year ago, her entire body was covered with thorns and her head was covered with horns. Even if she had hurt others, she had also hurt herself. Now that the edges had disappeared, she made his heart beat even more.

"No, this humble daughter still needs to go back and help mother get the embroidery map. I hope the emperor can let this humble daughter go back." With every step that Helian Chen took, Luo Xue would retreat. She did not forget Helian Chen's words. As long as she touched him, she would be able to hear what was going on in her heart. So, no matter what, she had to avoid his touch.

"Little girl, do you know how much I have missed the Empress this past year? Are you unwilling to accompany me in the palace? I would like to hear you talk about the empress's past at home. " Helian Yi called out to the little girl in a probing manner. She saw that Luo Xue's expression had changed greatly.

Why did she call him 'little girl'? Luo Xue's heart skipped a beat. This little girl was so intimate, but looking at Helian Chen's face, she knew that he was purposely teasing her.

"When we returned to the emperor, my daughter was sent away by my father as a child. She wasn't very close with my elder sister, and it might be a disappointment for the emperor." Luo Xue retreated a few steps, but Helian Yi forced her to the point where she had no other way out.

"Little girl, you look really similar to your sister. From your appearance, it's as if the empress has returned. She's so considerate that I can't forget. I still remember when she first entered the palace …" Helian Chen made up a story as he approached Luo Xue. Seeing her leaning against the wall, he stopped, maintaining a distance of one chi away from her.

"Your majesty, this commoner and elder sister are twin sisters. They look so natural, but please don't treat this commoner as an elder sister. This elder sister is the elder sister, and this commoner is the elder sister. Please have some self-respect, your majesty." Luo Xue's face was dark. She knew Helian Chen was acting, but she didn't know how to expose him.

"No, I believe that there is no other woman in this world that can match up to the Empress. Even if you two have similar appearances, you're not even one in ten thousand. I know Situ Aiqing's intentions, so I plan to grant you the title of an imperial concubine."

Helian Yi said with a grateful expression.

"What?" You... "You …" When Luo Xue heard she was conferred a title of 'consort', she immediately became angry. This pervert, how many beauties did he have in the harem? He actually still wanted to take advantage of her.

"Let go of me, scoundrel. I don't want to …" Taking advantage of the moment that Luo Xue was absent-minded, Helian Xi accurately grabbed her hand.

Although she did not think of her son, she was filled with dissatisfaction towards Helian Chen. The moment she shook hands with him, Helian Xi accurately caught the thoughts in Helian Chen's heart.

"Little girl, do you hate me?" Sensing Luo Xue's anger, Helian Xi's cold heart was instantly filled up. Moreover, it was warm and comfortable, as if it was under the spring sun.

"This humble girl doesn't dare, please have some self-respect, Your Majesty." Luo Xue's eyes were about to spew fire. She clenched her teeth and said word by word.

"Hahahaha …" "You are the first woman who dares to call me a prideful woman. You know, I seem to like you a little. Not only do you look like a queen, you even have a few similarities in personality." Helian Chen lifted Luo Xue's chin and looked at her stubborn little face. Only then did he realize how much he had missed this little thing for the past year.

"Let me go, Tyrant!" Luo Xue gritted her teeth, but caught off guard, and ferociously stomped on Helian Chen's foot. Moreover, her foot did not leave the ground yet, and her entire body's weight had already moved to the top of the foot, but Helian Chen's eyebrows did not even scrunch together, let alone cry out in pain.

"Little girl, those words are meant to deceive the monarch. There are no outsiders here today, so I will pretend not to have heard them. I do not wish to hear those two words from your mouth again in the future." Helian Yi put away her smile and said seriously.

"Then what does Your Majesty want to hear? Some salutations are not what others say, but what you do. " Looking at this face that she hated to the bones, she really wanted to take a bite and taste what his blood tasted like and what his meat tasted like.

Not only did Luo Xue curse him internally, but now that he was' rogue 'and grabbing her hand, it also meant that he could hear what she was thinking in her heart. That would just make him sick to his stomach.

She wanted to let Helian Zhi know how much she hated him, how much she wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

"Little girl, you are secretly cursing me in your heart. That is even more of a crime against the monarch." Helian Yi smiled and picked up Luo Xue.

"Let me go, you unconscious ruler, tyrant, pervert, lecher …" Luo Xue's feet rose into the air and she was greatly shocked. When she saw Helian Chen carry her to the bedside, she became even more frightened. Her mind involuntarily recalled the previous entanglement between the two of them, as well as his magnificent figure …

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