"Hahaha …" Girl, you're not honest at all. " Helian Yi looked at the colorful images on Luo Xue's mind and laughed out loud.

The year's of unhappiness, had been washed away by joy at that moment, and this little girl who had always said different things, he had actually thought of her as if he had been possessed, at that moment, he really wanted to reminisce about old dreams no matter what, but this little girl had just lost her cool. He had just put her on the bed, and she actually kicked at him …

"Woman, you've gone mad …" This kick almost ruined her happiness for the rest of her life. This was an instinctive reaction, and it did not enter her mind. Helian Xi did not hear it, but fortunately, he moved fast enough.

"Helian Yi Chen, if you dare to lay your hands on me again, I'll kill you?" Luo Xue flung her long hair and said angrily.

"Little darling, are you willing?" She searched her mind. After knowing Tyrant for so long, he had never had such an expression on his face. He had never taken such action before, and compared to the Helian Xi Chen from before, it was like he was a completely different person.

Before, Helian Xi Chen had been ruthless and vicious, but now, his charming, evil smile, that seemingly crude, but actually gentle action, seemed to remind her that the man before her was not a tyrant, but a man with the same face.

During the time that Luo Xue was lost in thought, Helian Xi Chen's hot hands had already easily untied her belt. The front of her clothes were immediately opened, revealing a goose-yellow undergarment.

"Little girl, are you that heartless?" Helian Chen bent over, softly holding her small earlobe and murmuring.

Both of his hands were pulled back, wanting to push away the huge pressure on his rigid body. However, he never thought that Helian Yi would actually take the opportunity to scare him, and before Luo Xue could curse, he had blocked her bright red lips.

It was only when he saw her that he realized how much he missed her. It was only when he touched her soft skin that he realized how depressing he had been this year.

"Ugh …" Her full red lips released a sweetness like honey. Helian Xi did not feel that she had deepened this kiss. Her hot tongue probed into the fragrance as she absorbed the nectar …

Luo Xue became a bit silly. This feeling was even more beautiful than she remembered. This kind of gentleness seemed to melt the ice wall that she had painstakingly built in her heart.

Taking advantage of the moment that Luo Xue was engrossed in her thoughts, Helian Xi pulled off the undergarment in her hand. She was impudent and gentle, and her slender fingers seemed to brush past him …

"No, Helian Xi Chen, let me go, you …" "Mhmm …" Luo Xue's resistance also instinctively turned into a moan. She wanted to resist, she wanted to push him away, but it seemed as if all the strength in her body was sucked out by him. Her weakness was that there was only wave after wave of heat burning inside her body, trembling with fear, and she couldn't figure out whether it was a struggle, a struggle, or a compromise.

Even though she was already a mother, Luo Xue's experience in this area was quite lacking. She also didn't know that she had an unruly resistance … A delicate and helpless pleading, like the strongest bewitching medicine in the world in the man's eyes, instantly aroused his surging desire.

"Girl …" Girl … "You are mine …" Helian Chen caressed the longed-for person in his arms as he whispered his exclusive name …

However, his actions were the exact opposite of the gentleness that came out of his mouth. His extreme desire gradually made his movements rough, and his shallow lips brought with it a wild desire as they branded her snow-white skin with strings of crimson colors. From her snow-white neck to her collarbone, they meandered down, not leaving a single spot behind.

This fine detail … A fiery passion was a kind of painful yet comforting feeling. It was clearly someone who wanted to push her away, someone who hated him, but when his burning lips touched her body, she surrendered. Wherever his lips touched, even more passion and desire was ignited.

Luo Xue didn't know what had happened to her. She didn't understand what this conflicted feeling was. She only knew that her resisting heart was getting weaker and weaker …

And then, one after the other … Like a demonic sound filled with emotion, it captured her, melted her, and made her forget her purpose in coming here. It made her forget even more about her son, who was being held by Jiu Yu in the Illusory Realm.

The blazing kiss had almost sucked all the air out of Luo Xue's lungs, causing her to have no choice but to focus on him. The scene before her eyes was his dark pupils burning with desire, assaulting her like flames.

Her lips parted helplessly. His impudent tongue took over her mouth, and the impact of the kiss was like countless firecrackers crackling in her body, sparking sparks.

Helian Chen pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her. He tightly locked her delicate body, allowing her to stick close to him …

Every inch of her skin was teased by his intimacy and his wild kisses, and his eager caresses left her no room to think.

"You … "You can't, I …" Luo Xue's heart was beating crazily. She hesitantly picked up the remnant of her calm rationality. She still hadn't told him about her son.

"Shh, baby, I want to do everything and follow my feelings." An evil smile appeared on his lips. His evil mouth lingered on her chest, and his slow actions incited a wave of heat.

"Don't worry!" "We have plenty of time …" Helian Yi Chen let out a low, hoarse moan.

She uneasily twisted her body. Suddenly, she was so shocked that her eyes widened. She felt that her body was no longer hers, and she had no idea when his clothes had already disappeared.

"You're so beautiful! I'm afraid I'll hurt you. " Helian Yi sighed softly. She never thought that she would still be so beautiful after having a baby.

These words were precisely his gentleness, his consideration. An explosive quiver struck Luo Xue, and she closed her eyes in the chaos of her breathing.

"But I can't stop. You are my treasure, and you will be my forever …" Helian Yi groaned, staring at her with her burning eyes. She was the first woman who had made him lose control.

Her eyes were wide with astonishment. Even if she had been close to him before, she had never heard him say such words. Was she his treasure? Is this true? Was it his morning speech?

She surprised him. "Damn it!" He uttered a low curse, but was unable to restrain his emotions until he became excited …

Time seemed to have passed. Luo Xue looked at the somewhat unfamiliar bed curtain covered with dragons and phoenixes, her mind still blank from the instant of explosion. She couldn't even remember where she was, nor why she had come here. His body was still boiling.

"Little girl, you allowed me to break all the taboos." Helian Chen's hands gently caressed his skin, which was even shinier due to his passion. Although there were a lot of young transvestite monsters around him, none of them could make him so satisfied or fascinated.

"Let me go, I hate you …"

Luo Xue finally slowly returned to reality. Seeing this face, she bit her lips, transforming the hatred in her heart into a single word.

She reached out her hand and tried to push him away, twisting her body, trying to get rid of the male scent that suffocated her, but the monster in the man's body seemed to have awoken from its slumber. Her eyes bulged in shock, and she felt shame, anger, and all sorts of emotions.

"Let go of me, Tyrant. I will not forgive you. Let go of me …" Tears were streaming down her face. She couldn't tell if she hated it or felt ashamed or ashamed.

Helian Yi sucked in a deep breath as she tried to suppress her surging desire. Sweat dripped down her forehead. This woman was always so stubborn.

"Let me go, I'm not anyone's double, and I'm not your woman …" Luo Xue did not dare to move, nor did she dare to curse. At this time, she was still afraid.

"Women, don't say things that don't mean things." Helian Yi Chen was not angry because of her words. Instead, he was excited because of the voice in her heart. He ignored her struggles and responded to them with his passion.

"Don't... No, I'm looking for... Ah … I'm here for revenge... Oh... "I'm going to kill you …" Luo Xue powerlessly struggled. She did not want to be addicted to desire. Han'er was still suffering in the Illusory Realm. She could not, she could not be like this.

Helian Chen's movements stopped. He heard her crying, but he didn't ask. Knowing the truth, he knew what he had to do.

His son was his, and he would never let Jiu Yu harm his child. But at this moment, his body needed to be satisfied.

He tightly embraced the woman below him, using all of his passion to snatch away her thoughts. Now, she wanted him to be the only one in his heart, even if it was a child.

Wave after wave of passion caused Luo Xue to lose her way again. The stimulation of her senses caused her to temporarily forget her worries. As Helian Chen bathed her body, she began to swim in the sea of desire …

"Take your dirty hands away." Although the lust in the air had yet to recede, Luo Xue had already regained her rationality. She did not expect that she would disregard everything and climb onto Tyrant's bed, even ignoring her shameless moans. She hated herself to death, hated the feeling of being controlled, hated Helian Yi to death …

"Little girl, love between a man and a woman isn't anything shameful. What's more, your body really likes it and you also enjoy it …" Not only did Helian Xi Chen not let go of her, he even tyrannically pulled her into his embrace.

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