"Helian Yi Chen, stop acting. Since you know who I am, why are you still toying with me?" Seeing that she didn't open the door, Luo Xue angrily sat up and berated.

"I know! Situ Aiqing said that you were the empress's twin sister, but I promised your sister that there can only be one empress in this life, so I can only grant you the title of imperial concubine. As for …"

"Shut up, what do you want? You know Mind Reading, you should know that Situ Luoxue doesn't have any twin sisters. Don't you want to ask me how I've lived this year? Don't ask me how I escaped from your Demon Claw? "You're not going to ask me why I'm sending someone to humiliate you?" Luo Xue was furious, she grabbed Helian Chen's hand and fiercely bit down.

"Little girl, do you have toothache?" Helian Chen put his hands behind his head and looked at Luo Xue with a smile.

"Damn you, I want to eat your flesh and drink your blood …" Luo Xue wanted to cry, but no tears came out. She never thought that he would be so despicable that she could not bite him. His body was actually like steel.

"My flesh and blood are poisonous, I still can't bear to see you die." Unlike the brutality of the past, he now looked like a wicked devil.

"Let me ask you, when did you know that I was still alive?" Seeing that Luo Xue didn't bite him, she pinched his neck and said fiercely.

"My Queen has passed away. Little girl, if you want to sit on the throne of the Queen, I'm afraid you'll have to discuss it with your sister first." He Lian didn't even move. No matter what method Luo Xue used, he wouldn't admit that she was Situ Luoxue.

The empress had already entered the imperial mausoleum, and had already declared it to the world, so how could she possibly be alive again? Right now, this little girl who looked very similar to the empress could only be the empress's twin sister, and that was the only reasonable way to say it, only by bestowing her the title of an imperial concubine would she be able to stay by her side.

This time, he wouldn't allow any accidents to occur, and she didn't need to worry about her child. He would personally go to the Illusory Realm to get his son back.

"Bastard! Bastard! You bastard! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you …" Luo Xue didn't expect that Helian Xi Chen would refuse to recognize her. Not only that, but she also had the nerve to accept her as his concubine. She hated him, hated him.

In her rage, she did not realize that her hatred for Helian Yi Chen had grown to a loathsome level. She always thought that she hated him to the bones, but even now, she had not realized what was the other side of her hatred.

"And after you kill me? To be an empress? " The corner of Helian Chen's lips curled up slightly as he said this.

"Bah! Do you think I treasure your lousy throne? Helian Xi, I'm not Situ Luoxue's little sister. I'm Situ Luoxue. Once again entering the palace, I'm here to kill you." As Luo Xue spoke, she quickly took off the hair ornament on her head and aimed it at Helian Chen's throat.

The two of them looked particularly comical.

"Girl, don't you think that it's better for men and women to do something else when they're naked?" Helian Chen looked at the burning black eyes fixed on the chest of Luo Xue, which was undulating with anger.

"That's right, it's very suitable to kill you." At this moment, Luo Xue's usually dull magic techniques were actually very useful. Her hands actually started to emit flames. Helian Chen was somewhat surprised.

"Little girl, you're getting more and more naughty. You actually learned these nonsensical things." Helian Yi's eyes turned cold. Although he had long since known that Jiu Yu had taught the little girl magic, and guessed that Jiu Yu's goal should be for the little girl to deal with her, he didn't expect that she would actually do it.

"Die, Helian Xi Chen. Either you die today, or I die." Luo Xue's anger grew even more. She had used everything she had learned this year, but she did not know that this was child's play to Helian Zhi.

If she had secretly launched a sneak attack, she might have been able to injure him. However, right now, she didn't have any chance at all. She only wanted to think of a child playing a game.

What made Helian Yi sad was that the little girl really wanted his life. Her strong killing intent was not hidden from him and he had no choice but to avoid it.

"Don't force me to kill you again. If I do kill you again, you won't have a chance to survive." Helian Yi stood in front of Luo Xue, staring at that stubborn little face.

"Tyrant, kill me if you dare." Although she couldn't move, Luo Xue's mouth didn't want to let Helian Xi Chen go.

"Little girl, listen carefully. I don't care if you're bewitched by Jiu Yu or if it's because of your child, you have to stand by my side. Not only because I'm your husband, but also because you're my son's mother. Do you hear me?" Helian Yi stood in front of Luo Xue and warned her.

Luo Xue looked at the cold Helian Chen, her heart aching like a sting. Men were indeed like this. The gentleness on the bed just now had not even been lifted, yet it was already so cruel.

"Kill! It's not your first time anyway. No matter how many times you kill me, I can live as long as you can. There will be a day when I can double the amount of pain you've inflicted on my body!" Luo Xue stared at him.

"Since that's the case, I don't mind if you hate me a little more." As Helian Yi Chen spoke, he waved his hand. Luo Xue flew into the air and landed heavily on the bed.

Blood gushed out from her chest, Luo Xue's tears almost flowed out. Although the bed was soft, Helian Chen's heart was too ruthless. It was as if she wanted her life.

His hands were like steel pincers, ruthlessly trampling the soft body beneath him. Luo Xue clenched her teeth, and swallowed the blood in her throat, she would not yield, and she would not shed tears in front of him again, she would not let him 'enjoy' the pleasure of torturing her, she would remember every insult, every cruelty in her heart, and she would repay it back bit by bit.

He did not care about the hatred that shot out of her eyes. Since she wanted to hate him, then let her hate him even more thoroughly. If one day she was able to kill him, he would also leave with a smile on his face.

The pain in her body nearly made Luo Xue faint. She had no choice but to look at it, to let her soul out of the torture of her body.

"Helian Yi Chen, do you only have the ability to bully women? "If you're capable, go find Jiuyu. You're a beast, a tyrant …" "I curse you to go to hell …"

When the pain was unbearable, Luo Xue could only turn the cries of pain into curses.

"Woman, don't worry. Even if I go to hell, I'll bring you with me." Helian Yi Chen originally still had a trace of pain in his heart, but Luo Xue's stubbornness stung his eyes.

"Hahaha …" "This is the Emperor of Renault. He's actually like a beast …"

Luo Xue laughed loudly, her tears flowing with her laughter, but she did not laugh for long. Even though Helian Zhi Chen treated her so ruthlessly, her body still betrayed her, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

"Woman, you will regret it." Helian Yi realized that the cruelty of the situation could only make her more stubborn. She immediately softened her stance and lowered her head, fiercely stopping the mocking laughter coming from her lips.

Very quickly, Luo Xue's curses were replaced by her shocked breathing. She hated her body even more, but even if she was tired of being robbed by this wave of passion, she would never say it out loud.

Helene did not let her go that easily. His tongue did not hesitate to press against her lips, repeatedly stirring the warmth in her that was still sleeping …

His long, gentle hands caressed her snow-white skin, leaving waves of numbness in it. Losey had to let him fiddle with it, raising his head as Helian Chen bit her earlobe, biting his lip to keep the moan under control, but his bites never stopped.

As he rolled over her, he embraced her from behind and held her in a wide embrace. Her large palm passed through her armpit and quickly engulfed her whole body …

"Little girl, continue cursing. Why are you cursing …" "I like hearing your voice. Whether it's pouting or cursing, I like all of it …" His voice was low and hoarse, his tone clearly provocative, but Luo Xue refused to speak. She bit her lips, not letting go even after tasting the smell of blood. She could not afford to be defeated by him.

Helian Chen gently hugged her from behind. Luo Xue helplessly reached out and tightly grasped the bed sheets, suppressing the joy in her heart.

"Ah …"

In the plundering of Helian Yi, wave after wave, Luo Xue finally lost. With her suppressed gasp, she fainted under him, in his fiery passion.

Helian Chen put down Luo Xue and lay down beside her.

He looked at her sweaty hair and sighed, "Why are you always so stubborn, even if it's good to learn from other women's gentleness."

He looked at her azure and violet body, and felt an indescribable sense of remorse. He held her tightly in his arms, too lazy to get up. He simply pursed his lips, and in the blink of an eye, they were back in the Hall of Longxiang.

He ordered someone to bring some hot water, as if he was afraid that Luo Xue would wake up. When he picked her up, he lightly tapped her sleeping place.

Carrying Guan Luo Xue to the steaming vat placed in the middle of the hall, he hoped that the hot water would be able to ease the wounds on her skin.

This was the first time he personally served a woman, gently massaging her smooth skin. If Luo Xue woke up at this moment, she would definitely be shocked by the gentleness in Helian Chen's eyes. Unfortunately, she could not wake up.

"Girl, no matter whether you are or are in love with me, I will never let you leave again. No matter what method Jiu Yu uses, I will never run away again. For you, for our son, I will face it." The water temperature seemed to have turned a little cold. Helian Chen picked up Luo Xue and gently wiped off the water droplets on her hair before gently placing it on the bed. Even if someone had seen this, they would not have believed that their heartless Emperor would have such a tender side to him.

"Lianhai, go to the hospital and get some medicine to remove the silt." Seeing that the bruises on Luo Xue's body had not disappeared, Helian Chen summoned Li Haidao.

"Yes, your servant will go now." Even Hai Shui accepted his orders and left. Even now, he wasn't sure if the woman on the bed was the empress, but he was still a little afraid.

When Lian Hai sent the medicine over, Helian Xi covered it with her hands with incomparable tenderness. Only then did she change into a new set of clothes and move forward with relief.

"Don't, don't …" Luo Xue screamed in her sleep.

"Empress, Empress, what's wrong?" the palace maid asked nervously as she heard the noise.

"Han-Er, my Han-Er …" Luo Xue sat up and looked at this unfamiliar place. For a while, she was somewhat unable to react. She turned her head to look at the palace maids dressed in palace clothes, then she seemed to wake up from a nightmare.

"Please get me some clothes." Last night's events were just like a nightmare. Only then did Luo Xue realize that she wasn't wearing any clothes at all. Thinking of Tyrant's cruelty, she said with a dark face.

"Esteemed wangfei, the emperor ordered that after esteemed wangfei wakes, please apply these medicine first." The palace maids came forward and took the medicine Lian Hai had brought from the Imperial Hospital.

"Esteemed wangfei, he's really shameless. You guys can leave, I don't need anyone to wait on me." Luo Xue's eyes were ice-cold. Her broken heart had been completely swallowed last night. From now on, she would never have a heart again.

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