"Esteemed Empress, the Emperor …" The palace maid brought the ointment.

"Scram …" With a roar from Luo Xue, the palace maid's hand trembled and the ointment fell to the ground.

When Helian Chen returned, he just happened to hear the sound of "Scram."

"Darling, who makes you unhappy when you wake up so early in the morning?" Helian Xi put on a rare smile and went forward to hug Luo Xue affectionately.

"Hypocritical." Luo Xue coldly snorted.

Helian Yi Chen did not get angry. He walked over to help Luo Xue change her clothes. After experiencing so much, Luo Xue had learned to endure. She was no longer going against Tyrant.

"Darling, it's easy to get old when you're angry. Come, I'll help you change." Helian Yi Chen said as he took the fresh undergarment from the palace maid. He wanted to dress her in it.

Luo Xue did not resist, nor did she struggle. Like a rag doll, she let him play with her.

"Your majesty, the imperial kitchens are asking if we're going to have a meal now?" After Luo Xue had put on her clothes, she did not move. Lian Hai came in from the outside and asked for instructions.

"Alright, have you done what I asked you to do?" Helian Yi Chenyi changed from his usual callousness and looked tenderly at Luo Xue.

"Reporting to the Emperor, everything is ready."

Since she had woken up, Luo Xue had been wearing a cold expression, not even looking at Helian Xi. Even when he was helping her with the dishes, she had not said a word, and this time, Helian Xi had also changed greatly. She no longer restricted Luo Xue in every aspect, and had arranged for her to be at Fangfei Garden, which was closer to Phoenix Cry Palace.

Ever since she woke up, she had always wanted Little Jie and the others. However, this would cause her to have a cold war with Tyrant, so she couldn't say anything. The moment she opened her mouth, Tyrant would lead her by the nose.

Compared to last time, this time Luo Xue was much more lively. Since Helian Xi didn't recognize her as Situ Luoxue, she would have to let the other people in the palace know.

So, as soon as she was free, she moved about the palace, determined to expose Helian Yi as a man and a demon before the eyes of the world.

Helian Xi seemed to have forgotten her words. Ever since she knew that her son had been captured by Jiu Yu, Helian Xi had been planning to bring her child back from the Nevermind World.

"Yan Qing, what is the situation in the Illusory Realm?" Helian Chen had to take the risk of contacting his informant in the Nevernever.

"Second Prince, your subordinate has investigated and found out that the young lady has already left the Nether Realm. However, that child did not leave, it's just that your Majesty …"

Yan Qing seemed to be hesitating. It was as if he did not dare to speak directly to Chu Feng.

"But what?" Helian Xi listened, her heart beating like a drum. He had guessed that Jiu Yu would torture his child, but he didn't dare to think about what kind of method she would use.

"General Wang has locked that child up in the void." After Yan Qing said these words, he fell silent.

"What?" "In the void, he actually imprisoned my son to the void …" Helian Yi roared. Books and chairs flew in the Imperial study room. Fortunately, he didn't serve them. Otherwise, he would have thought that he had seen a ghost.

"Second prince, your subordinate is incompetent, and your subordinate is unable to approach the land of nothingness." Yan Qing said in embarrassment.

"I know. You take note of Jiuyu's movements first. I'll take care of the rest." The void was a place where all the sinners of the Illusory Realm were imprisoned. Who knew how many demon-level, demonic monsters there were, and even as the King, he did not dare to casually enter, not to mention him and the little girl's child.

"Jiu Yu, if I don't get rid of you, I, Helian Chen, swear that I will not become emperor. If my son is injured in the slightest, I will definitely destroy the Illusory Realm." After finishing his call with the Flame Essence, Helian Xi clenched his fists and swore.

It was recorded that since ancient times, no one had been able to freely enter or exit the void except the King of the Illusory Realm. 200 years ago, a princess of the royal family committed a grave mistake and was sentenced to be locked in the void. At that time, the father of the King of the Illusory Realm, Jiu Yu, regretted going into the void and bringing his sister back, but he never came back.

Jiu Yu had locked a one-year-old child in the void this time. It was obvious that he wanted the father and son to be trapped in this void forever. Not to mention, both of them had the same physique. They needed food and water to survive.

What should he do? Give up on this child? Sacrifice him?

"My son, you really shouldn't have come to this world. Who is it?" Helian Yu said to himself as Luo Xue wandered into the royal study.

Lian Hai, who was guarding outside the imperial study, didn't dare to stop his. This woman was very much like the late Empress, and moreover, the Emperor doted on her in an extraordinary manner. At least until now, he had seen the Emperor smile at that Empress, even if he was the late Empress.

"Your servant greets esteemed wangfei for a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years." Lian Hai hurriedly saluted when he saw Luo Xue walk over.

"Exempt from formalities, where is the emperor? I want to see the Emperor. " There was no trace of warmth on Luo Xue's ice-cold face. It was just like the Helian Chen in the past.

"To reply esteemed wangfei, the emperor's currently in the imperial study. He should be arriving soon, so why don't esteemed wangfei wait outside for a bit?" Lian Hai said carefully.

"What's wrong? Are you still not letting anyone see you? I have urgent matters to discuss with the Emperor. " Luo Xue sneered. Ignoring Lian Hai's advice, she directly walked inside.

When the palace maid wanted to follow, she was unable to stop Hai Yang. She predicted that the Empress and the Emperor would have another quarrel, so she hurriedly stopped the palace maid.

Luo Xue opened the door and heard Helian Chen's words. At the same time, Helian Chen also heard the door open.

"Helian Yi Chen, what did you just say?" Luo Xue angrily rushed forward and questioned Helian Xi.

"You are eavesdropping from outside? Lian Hai, get the hell in here for me. " Helian Yi scolded in a displeased manner. He had clearly instructed everyone not to disturb the little girl, yet that damned servant had let his in.

"It's none of his business. I came in myself. Let me ask you, what did you just say? Are you planning to abandon Han'er again? Luo Xue fiercely glared at Helian Xi Chen. Originally, she had hoped that Helian Chen would have some humanity to him to save her child. She hadn't expected that now, he would actually plan to sacrifice his child.

"Have I ever said that? I have already sent someone to investigate the whereabouts of my son. " Helian Yi said evasively.

"Investigate? What's there to ask? Can't you go there yourself? "Helian Chen is bathed in blood, yet the tiger is poisonous and yet he is a glutton. You are not even comparable to a beast." Luo Xue was so angry that she began to cry. She was heartbroken that she had met such a man, while she also felt heartbroken that her child was suffering in the Illusory Realm.

"So what if I go? Do you think that if I go, Jiu Yu will return the child to me?" "This is just a trap he set up. To be fair, you foolish woman, you actually brought my flesh and blood to the enemy." Helian Yi Chen was also angry.

He did not expect this woman to understand his pains, but how could she compare him to an animal?

"If you weren't so devoid of humanity, would I have gone to find Jiuyu? Helian Yi Chen, let me tell you, you and I have nothing to do with each other. The moment you forced me to drink the birth control pill, we both had nothing to do with you. Luo Xue looked at Jiu Yu in despair. Ever since last night, the technique she had learned seemed to have suddenly improved.

"Impudent! You think you can go to the Illusory Realm with just your little skill?" Helene knew that she was impulsive and had to detain her.

"Regardless of whether we are alive or dead, it has nothing to do with you. Give this' Imperial Consort 'title to someone else. Let me go, you transvestite." Seeing that she was unable to move again, Luo Xue shouted at Helian Xi.

"Woman, you'll never learn to be obedient." Helian Xi was vexed, so he simply pointed at Luo Xue's mute acupoint, picked up Luo Xue, and directly sent her back to Fangfei Garden.

This time, he gave the order that Esteemed wangfei was prohibited from leaving Fangfei Garden even half a step. If there was any mistake, all of the palace maids would be punished as well.

"Tyrant, you idiot. If anything happens to Han'er, I won't let you off." Luo Xue shouted at Helian Chen's back.

Nightfall. Luo Xue had been trapped in the palace for two days, and she could not stay a moment longer. If she continued to wait, she would go crazy. No matter what method she used, she had to give it a try.

Even if there was a barrier over this place, she wanted to give it a try. It was a dark night and Luo Xue sat up in bed, looking at the palace maids and eunuchs. If she left, would Tyrant kill them?

Tyrant's earlier 'Fangfei Garden's' shared sin was to threaten her. If she was really trapped here, then Tyrant would be at the very center of it. He believed that he would not take their lives.

Fortunately, in the past year, she had not been living in the Illusory Realm, so she had finally learned some skills. Even so, it was not that easy to leave the palace, so she chose to leave through the north gate. When she left the palace, she was almost discovered, but now she had finally come out.

Luo Xue knew that she couldn't go to the Illusory Realm, so she had to go to the Snow Congealing Pavilion to find Red Cherry. Since she was a demon, she must know how to go to the Illusory Realm.

Snow Congealing Pavilion

Hong Ying looked at Luo Xue who was standing in front of her, and said with disdain: "Isn't this lady quite capable? Why are you still looking for me? "

"I'm going to the Illusory Realm to see Jiu Yu. You said that Jiu Yu wanted your help, and now I must go to the Illusory Realm." Luo Xue didn't waste any time with Red Cherry and directly said.

"You're right, the king asked me to help you, but I'm only helping you enter the palace to take revenge, not to bring you back to the Illusory Realm." Hong Ying said coldly.

"I have to see Jiuyu." Luo Xue emphasized.

"If Miss has anything to report, just tell me. I will report it to the king myself." No matter what, Hong Ying refused to take Luo Xue to the Nether Realm.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Luo Xue sneered, she never thought that these demons would be so cunning after entering the Mortal Realm.

"Miss, please don't use this Mortal Realm trick to provoke me. If Miss wants to go to the Nether Realm, you can go by yourself." Hong Ying mocked coldly.

"Alright, when the time comes, you'll have to take responsibility for not catching the spy that Helian Wai planted in your Illusory Realm." Seeing that this Banshee really did not plan to help her, Luo Xue thought of something and smiled.

"You … Is the Second Prince really planning for a spy in the Illusory Realm? " Hong Ying glared at Luo Xue angrily, as if she didn't believe her.

"Of course, this was something I personally heard and personally saw. At that time, I would miss the opportunity to capture him. Jiuyu will pursue this matter, so you have to take responsibility for it."

Luo Xue saw that Hong Ying's face was strange and emphasized once again.

"Alright, but I can only send you to the entrance of the Illusory Realm. The moment you enter, the elders will be able to see you from the Illusory Realm. If there's any mistake, you can't say that it's from me." Although Red Cherry still had some doubts, she was worried that what Luo Xue said was true. After hesitating for a while, she said.

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