"You can. If Jiu Yu blames you, I promise I won't give it to you. If Jiu Yu is happy and has rewards, I will never forget about your contributions." Luo Xue readily agreed. It was fine as long as she could go to the Illusory Realm. As for being seen by the Elders, she could only act according to the circumstances.

"Alright, hold my hand." Hong Ying nodded.

Red Cherry sent Luo Xue to the entrance of the Nether Realm and chanted an incantation. She pointed forward and a continuously expanding white entrance appeared in front of them.

"Enter from here yourself. As long as you keep walking forward, you will reach the Illusory Realm. But please remember what you have said." Red Cherry reminded Luo Xue.

"You can rest assured that I won't betray you." Delighted, Luo Xue didn't wait for Hong Ying to leave and headed to the Illusory Realm.

After the Red Cherry saw that Luo Xue had entered, it sealed up the entrance and left. Luo Xue followed the path, feeling that there was a difference from the last time she had gone back. There was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere.

If what Hong Ying said was true, then the Elders of the Illusory Realm should know that she had appeared here at this time. Jiu Yu should also know why he hadn't appeared yet.

Luo Xue did not believe it. She walked forward based on her senses, but what entered her eyes was only white or not white. Her eyes were somewhat blurry.

Had he been tricked by the Red Cherry? This was not the way to the Nevernever? The more Luo Xue thought about it, the more she felt it was possible. Otherwise, no matter how long this path was, there would always be a time where she would be able to walk out.

"This is the nothingness of the Illusory Realm. Miss, it's best if you don't waste your energy here."

A slightly mocking voice came from the air. Luo Xue immediately turned around. This voice was very unfamiliar, it didn't sound like a man's voice. Could it be Red Cherry? But it didn't look like it.

However, no matter how she spun around, there was nothing around her but a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Who are you? Come out if you have the guts."

Luo Xue shouted into the air. She hated people who made sarcastic remarks behind their backs the most.

"Little girl, do you want to see me?"

Luo Xue followed the voice and turned her head. In the vast expanse of whiteness, there was only one person whose entire body was white. Other than her eyes, she screamed in shock.

"Ah …" "Ghost, female ghost …"

"There are only demons here, there can't be ghosts. This is the Illusory Realm, the Demon World that you people speak of."

His voice was very cold, but the mocking tone in it was even stronger.

"Then you …" What kind of demon are you? "

She had no choice but to raise her head and face this white clothed woman. Seeing this woman reminded her of the Snow Demon in the cartoon, if a few more snowflakes were to float in this vast white world, it would be the Japanese version of the Snow Demon.

"It's been two hundred years and I've already forgotten who I am. What about you? You are just a human, how could you be locked up here?"

The banshee stared into the distance, pretending to be noble and noble.

"Tsk, who would believe that? If you really forgot, then you will remember that I was not locked up here for 200 years. It must be that banshee, Red Cherry. When Jiu Yu finds out, I'll be able to leave."

Luo Xue angrily sat on the ground. She didn't expect the spirit to be so cunning. Hong Ying had actually tricked her into this damned place.

"Jiu Yu, who is he?"

The banshee's expression suddenly changed.

"Humph, you've been locked up for two hundred years, you won't know even if I tell you. Jiuyu is the current king of the demon realm, and I'm his VIP. I just don't have a small heart for the banshee's tricks. When Jiuyu finds out, he'll definitely let me out."

Luo Xue turned around. If she didn't want to look at this banshee, it would make her feel scared. Just think about it, a 200 year old banshee locked up in this empty world, it would be weird if she wasn't perverted.

"Wang, could it be …"

"Jiu Yu, you bastard, I'm Situ Luoxue. I want to see my son, Jiu Yu …"

Luo Xue ran back along the previous path, shouting as she ran, hoping to return. In the event that she couldn't return, she also hoped that Jiu Yu could hear.

"It's useless. I haven't been able to get out even after staying here for 200 years. Do you think that you, a woman from the mortal world, can get out?"

She only knew that she could not be locked up here. She still wanted to find Han'er, and even more so, she did not want to be together with this terrifying Banshee.

That despicable old hag actually dared to lie to her. When she returned, he must find her for revenge.

Within the Illusory Paradise, several elders looked at Elder Ming who was standing in the center with grim expressions.

"Elder Ming, should we report this to the king?"

It turned out that Red Cherry did not lie to Luo Xue. Instead, several elders had discovered Luo Xue and led her to the void.

"There's no need. This Mortal Realm woman has bewitched the King. In the past year or so, the King has been circling around this woman, and he has already forgotten his own identity."

As the king of a realm, he should be self-disciplined. But this time, not only did the king bring back the women of the mortal world, he even brought back a child. They were guessing that the child was born from the king and the woman of the mortal world.

"This, Elder Ming, Wang Lu has his own freedom, moreover Wang Lu is not the first royal family to have dealings with the human world, have you forgotten the background of the second prince, so this is nothing, not to mention that Wang Lin has already expelled that child, we don't need to make things difficult for this woman anymore right?"

When he was helping the Second Prince exorcise the devils in the human world, he had seen a painting in the palace that was extremely similar to this woman.

"There is a saying in the human world that when cutting grass, one must remove the roots. Are you sure that this woman will not rekindle the relationship between the two of them?" Elder Ming shook his sleeves and coldly snorted.

"Elder Ming, but since this woman has appeared, what if the king discovers her? At that time …"

"Impossible, even if the king discovers that the woman has gone missing, he wouldn't think of the land of nothingness, much less travel to the land of nothingness. As long as you don't say anything, the king won't know."

Elder Ming looked up and scanned the other elders with his eagle-like eyes.

"No matter what, we have to report this matter to the king. After all, the king is the ruler of our Illusory Realm." Elder Iron also stepped forward.

Although this was the Illusory Realm, the rules here weren't any less than those in the Mortal Realm.

"We, the Illusory Realm, have never allowed an invasion from the Mortal Realm. Even the king's mother has never brought the Mortal Realm back to the Illusory Realm. No matter who it is, we cannot break the rules of the Illusory Realm." Elder Ming said confidently.

"Even if there isn't, but this woman has already given birth to a son of the King, she can be counted as someone we dream of. You threw her into the Illusory Realm like this, and you still intend to hide it from the King." The few elders saw that Elder Ming was getting more and more outrageous, so they stood up to greet him.

Whether they were humans, demons or immortals, only a few people could truly achieve such a state. Whether they were humans or demons, they all had desires. However, their environments and desires were all different.

But all this time, power was the greatest desire, as well as the necessary means of domination – magic.

"I am thinking for our Illusory Realm. The thousand year calamity is approaching, are you certain that it has nothing to do with this woman? As the eight Guardian Elders of the Illusory Realm, we should put the Illusory Realm above all else. You all also said that the appearance of this woman is definitely related to the thousand year calamity. If we don't expel her to the Illusory Realm, she will become a great threat to us all. Being pressed by the elders, Elder Ming felt a little guilty and explained with a darkened face.

"Not good, elders, not good! That female from the Mortal World actually managed to walk out of the void!"

While the few elders were arguing, a commotion was heard from outside.

Luo Xue, who had originally been constantly moving forward, had actually walked out of that vast expanse of white time, and the lesser demons that were waiting outside the land of nothingness were stupefied when they saw her come out.

All the elders exclaimed, "What? You said that woman walked out of the void? "

"" The little demon was scared witless. Yes... "Yes, she came out. I saw her with my own eyes, and she's not hurt at all. At this moment, she's walking this way."

"Is she not human?" The elders looked at each other in dismay. No one dared to believe that in the past few hundred years, not a single person imprisoned in this void land could come out. Impossible, a mere female from the mortal world would not be able to come out.

"Come, let's go take a look." Outside of the void, Luo Xue sat on the ground to rest. She finally saw a different color.

"Hmph, lying. You still say that no one can walk out? Hmph, do you think that I was scared?"

Luo Xue followed the stream and drank until she was full. When she looked back, wasn't this empty land just a mountain? It was even scary, hmph.

"Wait till I find Han'er and leave this damned place. Even if you invite me to the Illusory Realm, I won't be able to come here in the future." After drinking enough water, Luo Xue was ready to go find her son. Just as she turned around, she was surrounded by a few 'King Kong''s.

"Hey, what do you want to do? I'm not here to fight, I just want to bring my son back. As long as you hand him over, I promise I will never come to this damn place again." Luo Xue recognized a few of the elders. Thinking of her son that was taken away by Jiu Yu, she pleaded.

"Miss, may I ask if that child is king's?" Elder Iron took a step forward and bowed to Luo Xue.

Luo Xue was shocked and quickly explained, "Of course not, you don't think my Han'er is Jiu Yu's? My son has nothing to do with Jiu Yu. He was despicable and wanted to use my son as a hostage. Please, as long as you return my son to me, I promise that I will never come back to your Illusory Realm again. "

"Since that child is not the King's, then why does he have the characteristics of being a demon? May I ask what is the relationship between our King and the lady's name?" Elder Li asked behind Elder Tie.

"Well, before I answer your questions, can you tell me where my son is?" Since she didn't see Jiuyu, Luo Xue's courage had increased by a lot.

"You are not qualified to talk to us about conditions. Those who trespass into the Illusory Realm will die. If Miss wants to leave this place and find your child, you'd better answer truthfully." Elder Ming's face was filled with murderous intent.

Looking at the eight elders, Luo Xue hesitated a little before revealing her other identity.

"Good, my name is Situ Luoxue, I am the queen of the Mortal Realm's Emperor Helian Chen. That child is our child, and a year ago, we had a misunderstanding. I was angry, so I brought my child along with Jiu Yu and his mother to the Illusory Realm."

Since they didn't want to sell Jiuyu, they might as well try out Helian Yi Chen, just in time to verify his position in the Illusory Realm. If he really was half a man, half a demon, and Jiu Yu's mother, then there was no reason for these elders not to know.

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