"Second Prince, is the girl the second prince's wife?" Elder Li and Elder Tie exclaimed at the same time. This also confirmed their speculations. No wonder when they went to the Mortal Realm a year ago, they did not see the empress.

"Mmm, since you know about Helian Xi Chen, then shouldn't you return the child to me?" She had expected that Jiu Yu wouldn't be together with Han'er at all times. He was afraid of Han'er's Mind Reading, and since these few people were elders, they must know where Jiu Yu was locked up …

"Sure, I'll send the young lady to see the child now." Elder Ming smiled sinisterly, and Luo Xue was immediately enveloped by a cloud of gray smoke.

Luo Xue was shocked and wanted to run, but Elder Ming was already in front of her. She didn't even have the time to stand before she felt a wave of dizziness, and her body fell down as well.

"Elder Ming, what are you doing?" As she fell down, Luo Xue heard the screams of the other elders.

"This woman cannot be allowed to live."

Elder Ming's palm swept out. Although it was blocked by Elder Iron and the others, Luo Xue was still struck by the palm wind, and her body was still sent flying.

"Elder Ming, you've gone too far. She's already said that she's the second prince's wife, how can you still act like this?" Elder Li's group and Elder Ming, who had attacked, glared at each other.

We all know that there is a gap between the King and the Second Prince, and now that the King's son is exiled to the land of nothingness, if this woman were to go out and speak to the Second Prince, there will definitely be a fierce battle between the Second Prince and the King. As expected, it is a disaster, could it be that our Illusory Realm's thousand year calamity refers to this? "

"Elder Ming, before we understand the truth of the matter, please do not make a casual conclusion. This young lady, she does not … "Second Prince's wife, we must stay. No matter what the reason is, we must find out. Perhaps that child …"

Just as Elder Li wanted to warn Elder Ming, he discovered that the unconscious Luo Xue had disappeared.

"It hurts, it makes me faint."

Luo Xue rubbed her head and painfully wailed. She didn't think that the Fey would be so cunning as to brazenly sneak attack her.

"Miss, you're awake. Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" Luo Xue opened her eyes wide, only then could she see a little boy standing in front of her. That's right, it was a little boy.

"I feel sick all over. Who are you? Are you a goblin too? "Did you see my son …"

"This is still the Illusory Realm. Elder Ming had injured you earlier and told me to bring you here. This is a forbidden area of the Illusory Realm that no one will ever discover." The boy hurriedly explained to Luo Xue.

"Forget it, I don't want to ask the reason. Can you tell me the way out of here? I need to find my son, find Han'er, and then we'll leave."

Luo Xue rubbed her temples, her heart secretly feeling uneasy. That Elder Ming was so ruthless, and she didn't know if Han'er was safe or not. The demons here were still more sinister than humans, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.

"Please forgive my presumptuousness, but is this lady really the second prince's wife?"

Luo Xue was looking around for her way out when the young elder she had seen before appeared.

Seeing her savior, Luo Xue immediately changed to a smiling face and said, "Oh, you must be Elder Nian. Thank you for saving me. Since you saved me, can you save my son again?"

Elder Nian advised: "I'm sorry, I'm powerless. It's better for Miss to leave as soon as possible. You must leave before Elder Ming finds you."

Elder Nian's one sentence made Luo Xue even angrier. "Are you being reasonable? Even if you want me to leave, you still have to hand over my son. Did Jiu Yu imprison my son?" "Tell me, where is my Han'er? I will save him myself."

"Miss, don't say anything else. You should leave quickly. You won't be able to find your child." Elder Nian sighed. There was no one here. No, there was no demon coming out of the void. Perhaps that child …

"Where is my son? Tell me, where is my son? " Luo Xue rushed forward and grabbed Elder Yun's arm as she asked.

"Miss, did you see anyone before you entered the void?" When Elder Nian saw Luo Xue acting this way, he could only probe.

"There is?" There was a snow-white spirit in sight, but... You don't mean to say that my son is also locked up in that 'Nihility God's Land', right? " Luo Xue's face was ghastly pale, and she shook her head in disbelief.

Seeing the Elder nod, Luo Xue's face became ashen, "How can you guys be so cruel? He's only a child, only a year old, how can you treat him like this. I'm going out to find Han-Er, let go of me …" "Han-Er …"

Luo Xue wanted to return to the land of nothingness to search for Luo Han, but Elder Nian grabbed her.

"Miss, you can't go anywhere now. Elder Ming is right outside the forbidden area, once you leave, he will kill you, and no one will be able to save you. You can stay here for the time being, and after Elder Ming slows down, I will send you back to the human world." Elder Nian advised Luo Xue.

"No, I can't stay any longer. I'm going to find my son, how can you be so cruel? Who is it? Who sent my son to that place? " Luo Xue struggled and cried, "Is it that Elder Ming?"

Seeing the elder shake his head, Luo Xue's brain rumbled. Could it be … Was it Jiuyu? It's him, isn't it? Is it really him? "

Seeing the elder's silence, the flames of hatred in Luo Xue's heart began to blaze. It was actually Jiuyu. He actually dared to use such a malicious method against a one-year-old child.

"Let go of me, let go of me! I'm going to find Han'er, I'm going to find Jiuyu …" Luo Xue cried out. She was going to find Jiu Yu and ask his about it.

"Miss, you should calm down. Stay here for now. Once it's safe outside, I'll send you back to the mortal world." Elder Nian saw that Luo Xue was crying and was sad, but there was nothing he could do. The only thing he could do now was to temporarily save Luo Xue. As for the rest, he could only wait for the Second Prince to deal with them.

"Don't... "You can't leave, you can't leave me here. I want to leave, I want to leave …" Seeing Elder Nian disappear in front of her, Luo Xue powerlessly collapsed to the ground.

What forbidden ground, how was she going to get out? She had to get out. She had to go to the void to find Han-Er.

In the air, there were only Elder Nian's words, "I'm sorry Miss. These few days, I will have Little Fang accompany you here. If you need anything, you can look for him."

"Nian, you can't be like this. How can you just leave like that? Let me out! I'm going to find my child …" Luo Xue spun around and shouted into the air.

"Little Fang looked at Luo Xue and advised." "Miss, don't scream. Since my master said it's safe here, then it's safe here. Just wait a few more days. No matter what happens, it's better than dying here."

Luo Xue stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Fang, shaking him vigorously. She wanted him to take her away, saying, "If you can't see my Han'er, what's the difference between life and death? Take me away from here, take me away from here …"

Xiao Fang said with a bitter face, "Miss, I'm sorry. I can't go out without Master's guidance."

"Stinking brat, are you going to take me out with you?" Luo Xue saw that she couldn't do anything else, so she had no choice but to do something tough, and she held onto Xiao Fang's neck with both of her hands.

"Miss, there really isn't one. Little Fang wouldn't lie. If you don't believe me, you can try it here. There's a barrier all around, so we can't get out."

Xiao Fang was so scared that his legs went limp, but he really had no way of going out. Not just any demon could go into a forbidden area like this.

"Hmph. I don't believe in broken Spirit Formations. I also came out of that place that is completely white everywhere."

Luo Xue let go of Xiao Fang and snorted. She decided to find her own way out. Since she was going to die anyway, she might as well try.

She didn't know how long she had been walking for. She only knew that she could no longer lift her legs up, but the ball above her head was still as bright as ever.

"Hey, Fang, what's the name of that thing that isn't the sun or the moon? "Why does it always stay in that position?"

Lying on the ground, Luo Xue's eyes did not stop. She observed the round ball, which was silver in color and gave off a very gentle light, so there probably wasn't a day here. At night, it would always be like this, only wondering if there would be wind or rain.

"That's the name of the life source of our Illusory Realm, Xi Yan. It's the one that maintains the operation of the Illusory Realm. All of the life here is bestowed by her."

"Ai, am I really going to die here? Is there some sort of conclusion to this place? " Luo Xue laid on the ground, probing Xiao Fang's words.

Xiao Fang, who was sitting on the ground, replied dumbly, "It should be. In the forbidden area, other than the royal family members and the eight elders, the other monsters are not allowed to enter and leave freely."

"It seems that this is indeed a strange place, there is no sun, there is no moon, but the trees, flowers, plants, everything here can grow." It seems that this is indeed a strange place, there is no sun, there is no moon, but the trees, flowers, plants, everything can grow here.

Luo Xue originally wanted to try to trick Little Fang into saying something, but just as she started, she heard Little Fang scream. At the same time, she was repelled by a force.

"Miss, be careful."

When she looked up, she found that the place where she had been lying had become a scorched pit.

"Ah! That was close! This is …"

"Miss, run …"

Xiao Fang shouted as he fought with the two blue-clothed men.

"Oh god, are you here to kill me? Didn't you say that you wouldn't find this place for now? Didn't you say that it's safe here? " Luo Xue was stunned. Her legs were still in pain, so how could she have the strength to run? But now they were enemies. If she didn't run, could she be waiting for death? She still hadn't found Han'er, so she couldn't die here.

"Xiao Fang, can you hold on?"

Seeing Xiao Fang sent flying several times, Luo Xue couldn't help but worry. No matter what, this child was trying to save her.

"You don't have to worry about me, hurry up and leave."

Little Fang shouted loudly, throwing himself at the blue-clothed man flying towards Luo Xue.

"Then that's it. I'll be leaving first. I can't die until I find my son." These weren't people. They all knew demonic arts, and those that she couldn't withstand were enough to take her life. She still had to save her son, so she could only let down Little Fang.

But where?" She had wandered around here for so long, yet she could not find the way. Wuu, did she really have to die in this place filled with goblins?

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