Helian Yi looked at her son's familiar face and felt pain in her heart. More than ten years ago, she was the same way as well, but her son was only a year old now.

"Han-Er, Daddy doesn't blame you. Daddy was in the wrong. Back then, Daddy was arguing with your mom. Can you give Daddy a chance to make amends?" Helian Yi, Chen Duo, wanted to hug his son. The impulse from back then had brought about the evil consequences of today. He could only blame himself.

If Han had looked at Helian Yi Chen, he would have been able to hear the pain and regret in his heart even without Helian Yi Chen saying there was no medicine for regret in this world.

"Why are you doing this to your mother? Do you know how much suffering Mother has endured over the years? " If Han looked at Helian Wiping Chen, his heart was not more for his pain, but for his mother's unworthiness.

Father always thinks that the dignity of a man is more important than anything else, and Mother is so stubborn, stubborn, and unwilling to back down. Therefore, when Father heard that your mother repeatedly wanted to leave, he was unable to control his temper, and at first, I only hoped that your mother could retreat, but never thought that your mother would rather die than submit. That's why I realized what happened that time, and that it was father's his fault, and I should confess to your mother, and let her know that the reason why Father wanted her to stay was not because of you, but because of my heart loves her. Helian Yi sat down and said in a heavy tone.

He still couldn't say these words in front of Luo Xue, but he said them so easily in front of his son.

"But you really did it. If it wasn't for grandma, mother and child would have already gone to the Underworld." Luo Han glared at Helian Xi as he spoke.

"Jun Wu Yi didn't joke around. At that time, it would be hard to stop even if I were to ride a tiger." Helian Yi said repentantly.

He had regretted his decision at the time and had even thought of revoking his order. However, at that time, it wasn't just Jun Wu Yi that was making fun of him; there was also Jiuyu. He couldn't help but harden his heart.

It's already the past, so whatever you say now is useless. It's easy to be my father, but it's not so easy to be my mother's husband. You also know that my mother is unique. Luo Han looked at Helian Xi with a sly smile.

To be honest, he quite liked that Nangong Yu. Moreover, his power was not bad right now and having a father was not bad.

"As long as you are willing to recognize me as your father, your mother will definitely not have any problems." Helian Yi looked helplessly at her son. She thought that her entire nation was being threatened by this son of hers.

"Even if I don't want to admit it, the fact that you are my father cannot be changed. As for my mother, you think of a way yourself, I will not help you out, furthermore, I think it's good to have a few more fathers. With this father, in the Demon World, at least no one will dare to bully me. "If mother likes that Nangong Yu, that's not bad either. He seems to already be the emperor of the Kingdom of Nanqing. In the future, mother and I will be living in the Kingdom of Nanqing. Having such a father will be many good things." Ruo Han said deliberately.

"Nangong Yu, your mother has seen him?" Helian Yi Chen was shocked. That Nangong Yu that had always existed remembered to discuss Xue'er with him. He rejected it flatly. Now that he was the emperor of the Kingdom of Nan Qing, this powerful enemy of his had truly angered him.

If the little girl and her son were within the borders of his country, he wouldn't be worried at all. However, the worst part of it was that this was his own country, and right under Nangong Yu's noses, it was truly annoying.

"He came the day mother returned. He loved his mother very much. He worked as the emperor to prevent his mother from being bullied, but you, you are the complete opposite." It seems like you used the emperor's identity to bully your mother. If I were your mother, I would definitely choose Nangong Yu. " Ruo Han smiled.

Although he was young, he had seen many things. He was smarter than adults, especially those who treated them and their children well or badly.

Helian Yi glared hatefully at his son. What he said was correct. If he was a woman, he would definitely be able to compare himself to Nangong Yu. However … But it was different …

"Even if that's the case, it doesn't matter. Your mother and I already have you, and besides, your mother will never have another man in her life." Being teased by his son, Helian Xi Chen spoke with the aura of an emperor.

"Haha, Father, you are really silly. Do you think that mothers are the same as women in this world? In the mother world, women do not necessarily have to marry only one husband. They can divorce, or even have a lover, just like the men in this world. " Seeing Helian Chen's anger, Ruo Han became especially happy and even started laughing out loud.

"Stinking brat, is there anyone that can harm their father like you?" When he saw that his son was smiling, Helian Xi Chen relaxed. He knew that even if his son did not help him, he would at least not become a hindrance.

"Old man, is there anyone who is a father like you in this world?" After which, the father and son pair looked at each other and simultaneously laughed out loud.

That night, after Luo Xue chased Helian Chen out, she also lost sleep. She woke up as soon as the sun rose and wanted to see if Helian Chen was still here.

She knew that she shouldn't have done this, but Helian Xi Chen seemed to have changed. Many things had already changed due to time and space.

"Xiao Lan, is Luo Han still in bed?" At breakfast, Luo Xue saw that everyone was sitting down except for her son. She couldn't help but worry that Helian Yi had kidnapped her son last night. Thinking of this, she immediately ran to her son's room.

"Han'er, Han'er …" "Luo Xue hastily opened the door and looked at the bed. She saw her 'son' decades later." Helian Yi Chen, what did you do to Han-Er? "

She threw herself at the foot of the bed, looking for Helian Chen.

"Mother, is it dawn?" Luo Xue looked at the little body sitting up on the other side of the bed with astonishment. Her son … His son and Helian Xi Chen … Both father and son were sleeping in the same bed.

"Xue'er, is it dawn?" Helian Yi Chen was actually already awake. However, he suddenly didn't know what to say and could only follow behind his son.

"You … Why are you in Han-Er's bed? " Luo Xue's face was gloomy. No wonder neither father nor son could find each other. One of them didn't get up. So it turned out to be that they were both here.

"If you won't let me sleep, then I'll have to find my son and squeeze in. Son, don't you think so?" Helene winked at her son.

"That's not it, father is the one who refuses to leave. Mother, quickly find me a father so that no one can be so shameless as to come and steal my bed every day." If he ignored Helian Xi Chen's words, it would not be so easy for him to marry his mother.

If it was too easy for him to catch up, then he wouldn't be able to cherish it. In any case, he had already made up his mind to repay the debt his father owed him and his mother many times.

"Helian Yi Chen, please leave immediately, or I will sue you for trespassing." Luo Xue's face darkened. This was not Reno Country. He was no longer the emperor. As long as he reported this to an official, he would also be caught.

"Xue'er, can you give me a chance to make it up to you?" Helian Yi stood up and wanted to pull Luo Xue into his embrace, but she quickly dodged it.

"In this world, it's not like you did anything wrong. There's always a chance to make amends. If you still have any conscience, please let us go and don't harass us again." Luo Xue had always avoided Helian Yi Chen's eyes. She hadn't forgotten her agreement with Yan Kai and that Helian Yi Chen was the emperor of Renault.

Their fates had ended. Moreover, he did not lack women. He had many women in his harem.

"You are my wife, and Han'er is also my son. How can I let you go? Xue'er, if you want to report to the government, just report it. In short, I won't leave this time." Helian Yi Chen expressed his thoughts to Luoxue.

He had already dealt with the matters of Renault. With his royal brother here, there shouldn't be any problems. Moreover, right now, there was nothing more important than his wife and children.

"Han-Er, quickly wash up and eat. Don't bother with boring people in the future." Luo Xue ignored Helian Xi Chen and urged her son.

"See, I said Mom doesn't like you anymore, right?" Watching her mother leave, Ruo Han hastily washed Chen Chenshui and said coldly.

"That won't happen. Your mother still has me in her heart. The reason for that is because your mother wants to show you that you're here." Helian Yi was not convinced. He had always believed that the little girl still had him in her heart. The kiss that the little girl had given him last night was the best proof.

If the girl's heart wasn't with him, she would never have accepted his affection.

"Father, you aren't thinking of forcing yourself on me, are you?" When Luo Han heard the words from Helian Xi's heart, he was shocked.

"Brat, don't peep into other people's thoughts in the future. This is rude and immoral." Helian Xi Chen was embarrassed to be seen through by his son.

"Haven't you ever done it before? It's very interesting to know what other people are thinking. Moreover, we can also be on guard against them. That way, others can bully us again. " Luo Han said with a nonchalant expression.

"Even if you hear it, you can't say it out loud, otherwise everyone will despise you, loathe you, and you will never be able to make friends with them. Men need to know how to restrain their edge, and they can't let the enemy know about your strength, otherwise they will be able to catch you off guard, attack you unprepared, and can even hit you." Helian Yi Chen taught his son.

"Father seems to be right. However, Father, who do you think is more powerful when compared to Father?" Little Ru Han nodded her head as if she understood something, and asked.

"Kid, Yan Kai is not your father!" When he heard his son call someone else father, Helian Xi Chen felt extremely displeased.

He had never seen Yan Kai before, but he had read from the history books that Yan Kai was a demon king with extraordinary powers. Back then, the Heaven Realm, Illusory Realm, and Mortal Realm, the combined forces of the three realms had not only sealed him within the Demon Realm, but had also not been able to kill him.

Be it humans, demons, devils, or immortals, aside from innate superpowers and spiritual force, time was also crucial. Yan Kai's cultivation had already neared ten thousand years, and he had only been twenty short years, so it was simply impossible to compare.

"He has been my father for two years, and until now, he has been the best person for me. Moreover, mother …"

"Your mother was forced. This is sufficient proof of his shamelessness." Helian Yi Chen said excitedly when he heard his son talk about Luo Xue.

Seeing her father so angry, Ruo Han stuck out her tongue and laughed, "Father, calm down. I'm saying that my mother acknowledged my father, or else my father wouldn't have allowed us to leave the Demon World."

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