Ruo Han initially wanted to tell Father that his mother and Yan Kai were only in name, but after seeing her father so angry, and thinking about what he had done to both of them, she decided to wait a while before he got too proud of himself.

"Son, can you not mention that Demon King in front of dad in the future?" It was early in the morning and Helian Xi Chen's face was cloudy. He did not look good at all.

"Dad, just because I didn't mention it doesn't mean that he doesn't exist. Soon, the seal on the demon realm will be lifted. Once Father says it, he will come to the Southern Domain to see us." However, Ruo Han just had to wash up and keep emphasizing.

"In his dreams, the seal of the demon realm will not be removed." If that was the case, then he would need to find some people with profound magic power to reinforce the seal. Even if he had to find those people who had placed the seals back then, he would not hesitate to do so.

"Dad, it won't be that easy. Alright, I have to go eat now, otherwise mom will be unhappy. After mom comes back, the business in the medicine store will be even better, mom will be busy every morning after eating. In fact, Mom is thinking of asking a few more people to help out." Ruo Han said as he lifted his small foot.

Helian Yi was startled. He glared at his son's small figure as flames of anger burned in his heart. This damn brat! No matter what, he was still his father. He actually wanted the exalted ruler of a country to come to this medicine store as a shop assistant.

"Father, is the dignity and face of a man really that important? Is it so important that you give up the woman you love and the clever and lovable son? " Luo Han walked out of the room and turned around to look at the dead Helian Xi.

"Sometimes, but if dad doesn't have your mother and you, then it's even more miserable than not having any dignity or face at all." He decided to stay as his son wished.

The dignity and face of a man were indeed important, but this was not Reno Country. All the people here were strangers, and to strangers, his dignity was nothing. Moreover, in front of the woman he loved, losing face was nothing.

When Luo Xue saw Helian Wiping Chen and Luo Han enter the dining room together, she didn't say anything and just lowered her head to drink her porridge.

"Sister Lan, this young master …" "This young master is …" Xiaolan looked at Helian Xi Chen and stammered, unable to speak.

"Uncle Li, Uncle Wang, Sister Xiaolan …" This is my father, last night he arrived late, afraid of disturbing the others, so he stayed the night at my house. Mother, father said that he will never leave us again, so he will take care of the medicine shop with us. " They were father and son after all. At this time, Luo Han had helped Helian Chen wash his clothes.

"Father, this is Uncle Li Ji …" This is elder sister Xiaolan … "This is Grandpa Wang …" Seeing that Luo Xue did not say anything, Luo Han introduced Helian Chen and the medicine shop's people.

Helian Yi Chen gave his son a lot of face, and greeted him with a nod of his head.

"Han'er, eat." Seeing that her son wholeheartedly looked at Helian Chen, Luo Xue felt a little displeased. She glared at her son and said.

All these years, Luo Xue was very clear that if she fought against Helian Chen, he would only become even more violent. The ruler of a country, when he came to this small medicine store to help, let alone himself, even Luo Xue wouldn't believe him. Since he wanted to stay, then he would stay.

After dinner, Luo Xue, as usual, began to treat the patients. It was strange to say that there were fewer patients, or that they had been scared away by Helian Chen's cold face, but these days she was incredibly free.

"Xue Er, what can I do for you?" Ever since Luo Xue didn't let him call her a little girl, Helian Xi stopped calling her a little girl. However, this little girl made Luo Xue feel disgusted.

"You're very free, aren't you? Alright, since there aren't many patients today, let's go out and gather the herbs." Luo Xue glared at Helian Chen and decided to train him properly. She would definitely let him know the difficulties and make him retreat.

"Alright, I'll do whatever you say." Helian Xi had completely put down the airs of the Emperor. In this place, he was just an ordinary man, a man who was willing to give up everything for his wife.

"Mother, is your son going as well?" When Ruo Han heard about picking the herbs, she immediately brought the basket over.

Normally, it was the mother and son who brought Doctor Li with them. Today, the two of them … Luo Han looked at Helian Chen and decided to give Father a chance.

"Han'er, mother will send you to school in two days. In these few days, read more at home. If you don't know anyone, you can ask Uncle Li or Grandpa Wang." Luo Xue looked at Helian Xi Chen. Today, she planned to properly fix this Master Hail in front of her. With someone else, it would be inconvenient for her to take action.

"Alright, mother. Then you be careful. If there's any danger, let father go." Little Ruo Han said rudely.

Watching Luo Xue and Helian Yi leave, Xiao Lan immediately chased after Ruo Han and asked, "Ruo Han, he … Is that young master really your father? "

"Aunt Lan, just look at our appearances and you will know. You are so stupid to ask." To have such a father, Ruo Han wasn't really that detestable. As time passed, the more people he saw, the more he knew that sometimes, there was a lot of helplessness in being a person.

"That is true, but Young Noble Nangong is also very good. Didn't you say that you want him to be your father?" Xiao Lan thoughtfully looked at the street.

"Aunt Lan, Young Master Nangong is not bad. If my mother likes him, I naturally wouldn't mind having another father. However, Aunt Lan, you … You can't have fallen for Young Master Nangong, right? " Little Ruo Han sighed helplessly.

He understood that the ladies all liked good men, but Nangong Yu was the emperor of the Southern Qing Kingdom. Aunt Lan was hopeless in this life.

"Who …" Who said that the only one that Young Master Nan Gong likes is your mother? He doesn't like the other girls. " Xiao Lan was a bit shy, but her eyes quickly dimmed.

"Aunt Lan, in fact, there are many good men in this world. Nangong Yu is not the only one." Ruo Han sighed.

"That's right, your father doesn't seem too bad. If your family can reunite …"

Luo Han looked at Xiao Lan, who was still daydreaming, and left. As for matters of the heart, the person behind would never be able to see them clearly. He didn't know when Xiao Lan would wake up.

"Xue'er, are you planning to practice medicine for the rest of your life?" Helian Yi followed closely behind Loxue, who had not spoken a word to him since she had come out.

"This is my problem. Don't you think you're asking too many questions?" As she spoke, Luo Xue walked away even faster. Helian Xi did not expect that Luo Xue would change so much.

"If you like, we can practice medicine for a lifetime, but can we go back to Reno?" Helian Yi Chen was not discouraged.

As long as Luo Xue was willing to return with him, he could accept practicing medicine, but this was someone else's territory, so he really wasn't used to it.

"Helian Xi Chen, if you don't like this place, you can leave. No one is forcing you." Luo Xue stood still and said sarcastically to Helian Xi.

"Xue'er, you know that's not what I meant. To me …"

"To you, the throne, power is always more important than anything else. Helian Xi, you can go back and be the emperor, and you won't be forced to stay in the Southern Qing Country." Luo Xue ferociously roared. Without waiting for Helian Xi Chen to speak again, she quickly ran up the mountain.

Luo Xue's mana and kung fu were not normal today, and she was running on the mountain road faster than the ground. Helian Chen ran to catch up, but he was not familiar with the terrain, and in the blink of an eye, he had lost her.

"Xue'er, Xue'er …" After losing Luo Xue, Helian Yi was very worried. This was a mountain after all, and it wasn't safe. If an accident happened, he would definitely hate you.

Luo Xue looked down at Helian Chen who was bathing, revealing a pleased smile on her face. So it turns out that she climbed up a tree. No wonder Helian Chen couldn't find her.

She planned to wait for Helian Chen to walk further away, then go straight home and leave Tyrant alone on the mountain.

While laughing complacently in her heart, she didn't expect her neck to be so cold. Luo Xue's heart turned cold when she saw the ring-shaped tail in front of her forehead. It was actually a snake.

"Ah …" Seeing the snake above her head, Luo Xue was so frightened that she forgot she was in the tree. She loosened her hands and fell down in a straight line.

"Little girl …" Hearing Luo Xue's shout, Helian Yi hurriedly turned around and saw the dangerous scene of her falling to the ground. In a moment of desperation, she called out "little girl" and pounced over.

Because the impact of Luo Xue's fall was too great, even though Helian Chen caught her, the two of them still rolled on the ground a few times until they were blocked by another tree.

Ah …" "As his body hit a tree trunk, Helian cried out in pain.

"Who asked you to come." When Luo Xue heard that yell, her heart tensed up, and her voice immediately changed.

"Girl, are you worried about me?" Helian Yi raised Chen with one hand. At this moment, the two of them were in an intimate pose of a man going up and a woman going down.

"Who dares to block your way? It would be great if you could kill me, but save me, hmm …" Luo Xue was suddenly stopped by the kiss. Her hand tried to push him away, but Helian Yi raised a hand and grabbed her hand. He held it above her head and held it firmly, slowly deepening the kiss.

Unlike the gentleness of the past few days, Helian Xi's kiss was rough and fierce, as if he was a wolf that had been starving for a long time. Using his body's superiority, he tightly suppressed Luo Xue's body, with one hand holding her hands, and the other firmly holding her face, he bit her lips with some force, causing her lips to go numb. The tip of his nimble tongue slowly pried open her lips, absorbing the sweetness from her lips.

Luo Xue originally wanted to push him away, but she was stopped by his fatal and tempting kiss. She only instinctively intertwined with his tongue in response to his kiss.

Familiar memories flooded his mind. It seemed that he was in the wilderness as well. The warmth, the wildness, all of a sudden, jumped out.

At some point, he had unconsciously wrapped his arms around his neck, one of his arms tightly wrapped around his neck. The other hand unconsciously inserted itself into his hair, pressing his face even closer and causing this kiss to grow even more uncontrollable.

Because the kiss unconsciously twisted and turned its lovely body against Helian Chen's body, the surrounding temperature continuously rose, the scorching Qi lingered around each other, and the heavy breathing accompanied by its small fragments and unbearable moans was especially tempting within the quiet mountain forest.

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