"You were born? Situ Luoxue, do you take us for fools? When did you marry into the palace, and when were you pregnant? And look at your baby son, how old is he now? Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that he was at least five or six years old. Yi Fei pointed at Luo Xue and accused her.

"Yi Fei, is the child mine? Is it the emperor's? As long as we know for ourselves, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not." Luo Xue didn't understand what Yi Fei was thinking. Even if she was jealous, it didn't make sense.

Cold and Helian look so much alike that they have nothing to doubt.

"Situ Luoxue, just what demonic technique did you use to confuse the Emperor?" Yi Fei further charges.

"If there is such a demonic technique in this world, why doesn't Yi Fei use it?" Luo Xue faintly smiled. Although Yi Fei had killed the real Situ Luoxue, she was still a pitiful woman after all, so she wouldn't be angry with her again.

The most important thing was that Helian Chen's heart was with her now. There was no need for her to continue fighting with these women from the harem.

In the past two years, she had indeed been tired, so there was no need for her to spend more effort in the palace. In the past two years, she truly had been tired, so there was no need for her to spend more effort in the palace.

"Stop! Situ Luoxue, you're clearly dead! We all saw it! Why did you come back alive?" Luo Xue wanted to leave, but Yi Fei rudely blocked her way.

"Then just assume that I'm dead. Perhaps this will make you feel better." Luo Xue wanted to push Yi Fei away, but she was stopped by Yi Fei.

"Impossible, why would a dead person suddenly appear in front of me? "Impossible, impossible …"

Once it was verified, she was somewhat unable to accept it. When Luo Xue died and the blood collapsed, they all thought they saw hope, especially when they were once again pampered, they all thought they came.

However, at that time, the Emperor … The Emperor was not like the Emperor at that time. He was very good to every woman in the harem, and because of the even rain, many of the concubines became pregnant. However, the Emperor seemed to have suddenly changed and ordered all of his concubines to give birth, as if … It was like a different person.

Could this be his companion, Jun Ruoru, and her tiger? Could it be that being the emperor is so temperamental? Again and again, Yi Fei's heart was filled with hatred.

The first time he got pregnant, he had a miscarriage. The child wasn't from the emperor, so a miscarriage was nothing to him. Not only that, he could use the child to get rid of the empress.

Time after time, their hopes were extinguished again and again. Now that Situ Luoxue had appeared once more, they no longer had any hope. It wasn't that they were nostalgic towards the Imperial Palace, but that they had left here, so where could they go?

"Yifei, it's painful to hate someone, why not try to give up?" Luo Xue retracted her hand. Looking at Yi Fei's distorted face, she truly felt very sorry. So it turned out that hatred could really make people ugly.

Shut up, what right do you have to teach me a lesson? Don't forget, you're the daughter of a sinner. Everyone knows that the empress died a year ago in a bloodbath. You're not one at all. You're an impersonator, you're an impersonator …" "Yi Fei grabbed Luo Xue as if she wanted to swallow her whole.

"Let go of my mother …" "Bad woman, let go of my mother." Luo Xue originally wanted to wait for Yi Fei to vent her anger, but she didn't expect her son to actually come.

"Han'er, why are you here?" Luo Xue pushed Yi Fei away. She couldn't let Han'er see that Yi Fei was bullying her. Once that child got angry, he wouldn't be able to control his own emotions. His superpower would be exposed. That was out of the question.

"Mom, how can you let that bad woman bully you?" Ruo Han rushed over and blocked in front of Luo Xue, staring at Yi Fei with a pair of guarded eyes.

"Who did you say was a bad woman? For vile creatures of unknown origins, you and your son shouldn't be here at all. " All along, because of Helian Chen's words, Yi Fei did not dare to act rashly. However, the sudden return of Luo Xue had repressed the anger in her heart, causing her to feel anxious and resentful.

"Esteemed Empress, it can't be. The Emperor said …" At the side, a palace maid quietly reminded Yi Fei. The emperor had said that no one was allowed to hurt the crown prince.

"Scram, I've already tolerated them long enough. Anyway, the emperor doesn't care about us."

"Imperial Mother, let's go. This evil woman is just jealous of you. Royal father wanted to chase her away a long time ago, it's just that she has thick skin and wants to stay here." Ruo Han looked at Yi Fei, a cold smile appearing on his face like Helian Xi Chen used to.

"Evil creature, do you really think you're a prince? "Once the emperor knows your true identity, the first person to kill you will be the emperor. Situ Luoxue, you can forget about mother and son. There will be a day when I will expose you two and let the emperor know that you two monstrous geniuses hide your true intentions." Yi Fei glared hatefully at Luo Xue and her son before flinging her sleeves and leaving.

Today was not the time to deal with them. This woman had just returned today. At this moment, they were being pampered and opposing each other. It was just that they were having trouble. She would definitely find the evidence and would definitely do so.

"Han'er, aren't you accompanying the empress dowager? Why did you come out? " Seeing Yi Fei leave, besides feeling helpless, Luo Xue temporarily couldn't think of a good method.

"Your son was worried, so I came out to find you. Mother, father really does have too many women in the harem. According to the empress dowager, father originally wanted to chase all these women out, but those women went to cry and make a ruckus at the empress dowager's place, so they stayed. Han'er could hear them. That woman was cursing mother in her heart."

If it wasn't for the fact that he was afraid of his mother's worry, he would have definitely taught that woman a lesson earlier.

"Han'er, why do you call me father, mother, and father later?" Towards her son's somewhat chaotic way of calling her, Luo Xue was a little dizzy.

I told my father and mother to be more intimate, but only my father and mother would look down on my son. Father said before that my son is the crown prince of the Nuwa Kingdom, and in the future, my son will belong to the entire country. Those dog slaves look down on me, and they actually look down on me and call me 'crown prince'.

Luo Han clenched his small fist and said.

After hearing her son's words, Luo Xue was shocked, how could she have forgotten one thing? In this palace, there was probably no one whose thoughts could escape Han'er's mind reading technique.

Luo Xue was a little worried. It seemed that she needed to have a good talk with Helian Xi Chen. If all the servants thought this way, then they might not be able to stay in the palace for long.

Han'er, don't think like that. Servants are people too, it's normal for them to have such thoughts, even normal people wouldn't be able to imagine it. Han'er, we have to learn to not care too much about other people's thoughts.

"Mother, I know, but they went too far. I only grew up a little faster than most people, and Father said that Father was the same in the past, so there's nothing wrong with it. Why do they say that Han'er is a vile child?" Ru Han said angrily.

"Han'er, tell mom, do you really like it here?" Luo Xue's heart skipped a beat. Holding her son's hand, she didn't know how to teach an extraordinary son a lesson.

Mother, I like the empress dowager, I like my uncle, I like my princess, I like my father, I like my aunt, I like my father, and I know that they really like Han'er, but not like him outside. Eldest uncle hates Han'er, and he wants to harm Han'er, and even father is afraid of Han'er.

This was Han-Er's home. Even if it was the imperial family, the kinship relatives still cared for him, and they truly loved him. Those people in the palace, as well as the empress, all because their hearts were twisted, just what were they going to do? Go or stay?

"Your majesty, do you need this servant to do something?" After Luo Xue and her son left, Helian Xi and Lian Hai came out.

It turned out that after Luo Han left the Palace, little Shun Zi had gone to report on Helian Xi because he was worried about him. It was just that when he came, Yi Fei had already left with only Luo Xue and Luo Xue and Luo Han.

Especially his son's words, he didn't expect to have his own orders. Those dog slaves dared to call his son a bastard, damn it, but he couldn't do anything about it. Those people were just in their hearts, he couldn't kill them just because of that.

"No need, I will handle this matter myself. Lian Hai, pass on my decree to the Ministry of Rites to select some palace maids around the age of ten to accompany the crown prince. In addition, some of the palace maids who have just gone through training will be dismissed and sent back to their homes during this period. In a few days, we will hand over the list to you." Helian Yi thought of Luo Xue's suggestion and decided to choose a new batch of people to enter the palace. Those innocent children outside the palace who have never suffered the 'pollution' from the evil aura within the palace, only their pure souls could take care of their son.

"Yes, your servant will do it right away." Lian Hai accepted the order, but at the same time, he was also filled with more doubts.

"Stop right there, Lian Hai, ever since you entered the palace, you have always been by my side. I know you are loyal, but I will tell you again about my son: Han'er is my son. If you have any dirty thoughts, I will also send you out of the palace." Helian Yi Chen warned Lian Hai strictly. If it wasn't for his loyalty, he wouldn't have let him off so easily.

"Your majesty, this servant doesn't dare. This servant …"

Lian Hai kneeled on the ground in fear. Although he had his doubts, he had concealed it well. The emperor … How does the Emperor know?

Lian Hai, you have been by my side for the longest time and have always been loyal to me, but there are many things in this world that ordinary people cannot understand. There are some people who would bestow upon you some special abilities, such as knowing what others are thinking, while the heavens just so happened to bestow upon the crown prince this ability. So, remember, in the future, before the crown prince, you must never have any bad thoughts. Helian Yi looked at Lian Hai kneeling on the ground and warned.

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