"This servant understands. This servant knows that this servant does not dare to have any thoughts of offending the Crown Prince anymore." Lian Hai was frightened. He finally understood why the crown prince would say that and understand people's hearts. Then … How terrifying.

"Don't even think about the word 'terrifying'. If my son is harmed in any way, I won't forgive you." Lian Hai Gang uttered the word 'terrifying'. Helian Chen warned, causing Lian Hai to break out in a cold sweat.

When the Emperor says these words, it means that the Emperor also has this special ability, which also means … Fortunately, he was always loyal.

"Your servant dares not, your servant will definitely protect the crown prince to his death. Your servant will not dare to have any thoughts of doing nothing." Lian Hai kowtowed. He understood that both the emperor and the crown prince had superpowers. How could he dare to have any more thoughts?

At the same time, he was also very clear that the crown prince was definitely the emperor's own son. Otherwise, it would be impossible for father and son to both possess this ability.

"Help me keep an eye on the harem these days."

"Yes, your majesty. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to send your concubine out of the palace?" Lian Hai knew what the emperor was thinking. Today, esteemed wangfei had verbally insulted the empress and crown prince. This was more than enough to expel them from the palace.

"Now is not the time. Just do as I say." Helian Yi Chen raised his head to stop Lian Hai's words.

He knew Lian Hai's intentions, but when he returned, he would be the emperor. He had no choice but to be wary of these ministers of the imperial court.

Initially, he had wanted to instruct Lian Hai to do so, but after thinking about his son's Mind Reading, he decided against it. However, Hai Shui had to be more careful, as long as those women were around Xue'er or Han'er, he would definitely chase them out of the palace.

Not long after Luo Xue and Helian Yi returned to the palace, Yan Kai also received the news.

"Your Majesty, Princess and Helian Xi left the capital city of Southern Qing Country. Originally, they had been staying at an inn, but they did not see anyone this morning. From what I can see, they have most likely returned to Reno Country. Should we head over to Reno Country to bring back Princess?"

It turned out that Yan Kai didn't arrange people around the medicine store to monitor them. He just wanted to know if Luo Xue had followed the God of Lies, and now that she had gone to Reno Country, his master had already become famous.

"There's no rush. Send someone to investigate and see if she has returned to the imperial palace of Renault." Yan Kai had a smile on his face. Previously, he couldn't leave as the seal hadn't been removed, but now, he came and went as he pleased. Moreover, if Luo Xue broke her vow, he would be able to exchange with Helian Chen.

Moreover, the Heaven Realm had known since a long time ago that the seal would be lifted and had already made preparations for it. If he declared war and the three realms joined forces, even if they did not necessarily lose, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties. Now, he would have to borrow Helian Xi's hand to deal with the Illusory Realm.

"Yes, this lowly one will go and investigate now."

"Wait, be careful. Helian Xi is not an ordinary person. It's best not to let him find out your identity." Yan Kai reminded with a smile.

"Your Majesty, when are we going to declare war on the Heaven Realm?" Lie somewhat irritably sat down below.

"There's no rush. We know that their talents are known to have won a hundred battles and a hundred victories." There's no rush, and we know that their talents are known to be a hundred victories. Over the past three thousand years, he had been feeling too much pressure in the Demon Palace. Now that he had come out, he naturally had to first enjoy it and relax his body and mind.

"My lord, since that's the case, I'd like to make a trip to Reno Country. I haven't seen Luo Han in awhile, I miss him quite a bit." Lie faced Yan Kai and asked for instructions.

"Lie! But if you go now, it will be very easy to scare Xue'er." Yan Kai didn't object. He was just worried that Luoxue might be too frightened after seeing Lie or might even go missing. That would be very troublesome.

"Princess isn't such a timid person, but Your Majesty, are you interested in her? Will she continue to be the mistress of our Devil's Palace? " Ye Zichen walked in with a smile, then sat down beside Lie.

"There is a difference between women of the same gender. This King is still considering it." Yan Kai placed his feet on the table and took an unfathomable step forward.

"My King, if Han isn't an ordinary child, what's more, humans only have a few decades of life, how could they compare to our demon race? What's more, she has a half human, half demon husband."

They had both seen Yan Kai and Helian Yi's battle that day. Although both of them had not used their full strength, it was enough to prove that the man was extraordinary. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to have such a weird son like Luo Han.

"As long as This King wants it, no one can stop him." Yan Kai had not thought about this, but he was still unsure of what sort of feelings he had for Luo Xue. He wasn't sure if she was worthy enough for him to do certain things for her.

"Your Majesty, weren't you interested in the women of the Heaven Realm? Perhaps they are more suitable than Situ Luoxue. This sort of revenge is far more suitable than the vengeance of slaughter." Qi suggested.

"Oh, this is indeed a good suggestion. That old fellow's daughter has a good idea. Strange, the method you mentioned is indeed much more interesting. Hahaha …" "Then let's start with this revenge plan. Interesting, haha, interesting. Lie Ben Wang is going to implement this plan. You guys will have to find some fun, haha …" Yan Kai laughed and disappeared in front of Qi He.

"Strange, what kind of rotten idea is this? It's very easy for Wang to be in danger if you go to the Heaven Realm alone." It was only after Yan Kai had disappeared for a long time did Lie Jian finally react and shout at Yan Kai.

"Not necessarily. Lie Lie, did you forget about the war three thousand years ago? Corpses covered the field, and blood flowed like a river. Even the sky was blood-red, do you want to experience it again? " He said with a heavy heart.

Lie fell silent. The war from three thousand years ago was still fresh in his mind. If he were to make another move, the scene from three thousand years ago …

"No, we can't. After three thousand years of recuperation, we are no longer the same as we were before. We have confidence that we can …"

"Lie, don't think too naively. We've experienced three thousand years, and they've also experienced three thousand years of recovery. Just by looking at the human world, you should be able to imagine that the human world is different from the past. Look at that emperor of the human world, do you think he's weaker than the warriors from three thousand years ago?" In fact, ever since the seal on the Demon Realm was broken, he started to worry that the bitter experience from three thousand years ago would never happen again. Furthermore, the reason for the war was not because of the Heaven Realm but because of the Illusory Realm's conspiracy.

So what if their Demon World won? Three thousand years later, in the Heaven Realm and the Illusory Realm, they would also want revenge. Once in a while, when would they be able to calm down?

"But what method of revenge are you talking about? What if the King hurts the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor? Do you think the Heaven Realm will let this go? If it's the opposite, do you think the king will give up on revenge? " Lie stood up and started arguing with Qi Jian.

"That might not be the case. I saw something different from Situ Luoxue. Helian Xi, Jiu Yu, and Nangong Yu from the Mortal Realm are good examples. Perhaps our king will meet that woman, and everything will change?" Kiki wanted him to understand.

"You'll regret it in the future. In any case, we can't change the decision that the king has made. I'll still go and see that brat Ruo Han." Lie waved his hand and said listlessly.

"There will be a day when you will understand. Three thousand years of suffering, three thousand years of nightmares, none of us want to experience any more." After Lie left, Qi slapped a jar of wine on the table, trying to get rid of the nightmares in her head.

Within the imperial palace of Renault …

Helian Chen, Luoxue, Prince Cheng, and Ruoxi all ate in the empress dowager's palace, but Luoxue seemed very uncomfortable.

This looked like a family banquet, but Luo Xue felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

"Esteemed empress dowager, father, mother, and uncle, why aren't you guys eating?" Feeling the awkwardness between the adults, Ruo Han raised her innocent face and smiled to the crowd.

"Han'er, have you gotten used to being in the palace these past few days?" Helian Xi Chen said as he helped his son with the dishes.

"En, dad, since your mother and father came back, they'll feel at home. But I don't like those aunties, they …"

When Luo Xue heard this, she was afraid that he would tell her what had happened today in the Imperial Garden. She hurriedly said, "Han'er, don't say too much at dinner. It affects your digestion."

"Empress, it's good that you're back. The emperor has already made arrangements for the palace. In the future, there won't be any competition for favors. You can relax and live in the palace. I believe the emperor will investigate the matters of the Situ Family …"

"Empress Dowager, will you not say this at dinner?" When Helian Yi saw that Luo Xue's chopsticks were frozen in the air, she reminded the Empress Dowager that he just wanted to be like ordinary people and have a meal together. He didn't want the situation to end like this. If Xue'er were to leave again, it would be impossible for them to be together any longer. He was very clear on the girl's stubbornness. This time, he absolutely could not let anything go wrong.

If she really had to be jealous, she wouldn't come back, or else she would drown in a jar of vinegar sooner or later. "Empress Dowager, I've already thought it through, the imperial family needs children to continue their bloodline, it's only right for the imperial harem to have more concubines."

That's right, it's good as long as the empress understands. This one can assure the empress that within the harem, no matter how many women there are, you're still the empress. No one can shake your position." "The empress dowager smiled as she prepared the dishes for Luo Xue. She was as intimate as a normal daughter-in-law.

"Thank you, empress dowager. Come, your majesty, prince, you guys eat as well." Luo Xue took the chopsticks and 'considerately' washed Helian Chen's food.

"Congratulations, my royal brother. My royal sister has returned to the palace safely. My younger brother wishes my royal brother and my royal sister will live together until their deaths." Prince Cheng stood up and toasted Helian Chen and Luo Xue.

"Thank you Wang Di, I've troubled you so much over this period of time. This time, Xue'er just so happens to be able to help you prepare for your marriage." Helian Yi happily clinked cups with Prince Cheng, but when the wine cup was raised to his lips, the sound of footsteps could be heard from the front courtyard.

"Imperial Concubine Yi, Imperial Concubine Ning, Concubine Lan …" "Please hold your steps. The emperor has ordered that no one is allowed to come to the Palace and disturb us." Even the sound of the sea was like a message to the innermost world, and the unwelcome women were coming.

"Let them in." The Empress Mother spoke before Helian Yi Chen could speak.

"Lian Hai, escort the various empress back to the palace. If there's anything you need, visit me at the Hall of Nourishment." Helian Ran stopped the Empress Dowager's request with a cold face. This was his first meal back, and he did not want to be discouraged by those women.

"Father, they don't like Han'er and mother." Ruo Han said at the same time.

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