At first, Luo Han didn't have much confidence, but when everyone opened their eyes, they found themselves in a completely unfamiliar place.

Looking at her surroundings, Luo Xue felt a sense of familiarity. This was her internship in the City People's Hospital. Helian Xi could be saved.

"Mom, where are we?" After saying that, Luo Han fainted into Lie's arms. As for the other two injured people, they were also lying on the ground.

"Princess, what is this place?" Lie looked around at the dazzling lights and said cautiously.

Originally, due to Luo Xue's thoughts, Ruo Han had come directly to the operation room. But it was night now, and there was no surgery, only a light that Lie had never seen before.

"Lie, help me take care of those three first. I'll go find a doctor." Luo Xue, who was worried about Helian Chen's safety, had no idea how eye-catching her outfit was. Just like that, she rushed straight to the infirmary.

She even forgot that she was no longer the same Han Xue from before. Not even her former acquaintances would be able to recognize such an appearance.

"Hello, may I ask if Doctor Li Hai is here?" In the treatment room, there was only one doctor on duty, and that one was someone Luo Xue didn't know, so she had no choice but to go up and ask.

"Miss, it's already night time. Doctor Li has already gotten off work. Is there anything I can help you with?" The doctor on duty looked at the bloodied Luo Xue, as if he was afraid.

"May I use the phone? My husband is seriously injured and in urgent need of surgery. " As Luo Xue spoke, she directly picked up the phone on the table.

"Miss, did you register? If it's really urgent, you can call the emergency room, and there will be other doctors on duty tonight. "

It didn't matter if it was in ancient times or modern times, they all needed a doctor's fee. In this case, what was needed was RMB, but with her wealth, even if she was given time, she wouldn't be able to raise that much operating expenses. Furthermore, Helian Xi couldn't wait any longer.

"Doctor, please start my husband's operation. I came out in a hurry and didn't bring any money. I'll call my family and ask them to send the money over." Luo Xue once again called for help from the doctor.

"Okay, you call first. I'll go see your husband. May I ask where he is now?" Although the clothes Luo Xue wore were strange, the doctor, after observing her, didn't seem like she was insane or was lying, so he agreed.

"Thank you, Doctor. He's outside the operating room. Thank you. I'll call you right away." As Luo Xue spoke, she instinctively pulled out the familiar number from her head.

"Hello, may I ask …"

"Mom, it's Xiao Xue. I'm in the hospital, please …" Hearing the warm voice in her memory, Luo Xue hurriedly said, but before she could finish, the other side hung up.

She had no time to wonder why her mother had hung up on her, so she had to change her father's number.

"Dad, please don't hang up, I really am A'Xue. I know, maybe you guys think I'm no longer here, but an accident happened when I went to the bank to withdraw money, can you guys explain in detail when I see you?" "I desperately need money right now. My husband and son are both injured, and I'm in the hospital right now. Dad, I'm begging you, hurry up, I really am A Xue. I know dad loves me the most, I still remember when I was young …"

Luo Xue was afraid that her father would also hang up on her, so she began by saying some things to increase the credibility and also recounted some of the things that happened with her father.

"Although our daughter, Xiao Xue, is no longer here, but since you said you're Xiao Xue, no matter what, we will go to the hospital. Don't worry, we'll go right now, don't worry …" Although his daughter had said the right thing, it was still too absurd. His daughter had died in an accident less than half a year ago, how could she have a husband, child, but since she called home and told him about her daughter's childhood, he believed that even if she wasn't his daughter, she was still someone related to her daughter. Just based on this, he would still go to the hospital.

Moreover, he believed that no one would pretend to be his daughter to swindle them. After all, they were not rich families, so after hearing what Luo Xue said, he still decided to go to the hospital to see the details.

"Dad, thank you, thank you. I will be waiting for you here. I will go to the operation room to look for Tian Chen and the child. Dad, you must come." After repeatedly emphasizing the importance of this matter, she hung up the phone. As soon as she hung up the phone, she rushed to the operation room.

At this moment, the lights in the operation room had already been lit. Helian Xi had been carried to the operation room, but Yan Kai was still on the ground. However, he had also woken up, determined to not let anyone touch him.

"Mother, will father die? I don't want father to die." Fortunately, if he woke up now, no matter what the doctors and nurses said, he would not leave Helian Xi.

"Dr. Liang, please, please save my husband, please." Seeing that the doctor that entered was someone she knew, Luo Xue deeply bowed to him and said.

"Lady, please rest assured, I will do my best, but your husband's condition is not optimistic, we have already gone to test for blood type, he has lost too much blood and his body is very weak, we have to first transfusion to ensure that his vital signs do not decline, then we can do a more detailed examination." Dr. Liang calmly comforted Luoxue.

"Doctor Liang, we have never seen this mister's blood type before. There is no reserve blood in the blood bank." The operation was being arranged here, but there was no blood type in Helian Xi when the report came in.

If there was no blood, the operation would not have continued. Only then did Luo Xue realize that not only was Helian Chen's physique a half demon, his blood type was also probably the same, otherwise how could she not have found a matching blood type. But she was a complete human, so she could not do it. Han-Er, Luo Xue thought of the only possibility.

However, Han'Er's body would also be weakened at this moment. If he gave her the blood, would she be able to withstand it?

"Mother, use mine. I'm fine. I just need to rest for a few days. Use my blood." Ruo Han heard the struggle in Luo Xue's heart clearly, and said firmly.

"No, your body is already quite weak. You can't, you can't …" According to Helian Chen's condition, even if Han'er was given a blood transfusion, it would still not be enough. If she lost too much, Han'er's body would also be injured. No, she could not risk losing both her husband and her son.

With Han'er's current condition, there was no way she could go back and bring other people with the same blood type. Furthermore, Han'er did not understand how to control her Discipline, so whether she could return to that world or not was uncertain.

"Then is mine okay?" Lie said on the side.

Hearing Lie's words, Luo Xue seemed to see hope, but she was instantly disappointed. Lie was a demon, not a demon, and their blood types were completely different.

"Sir, please come with me for a blood test." The Blood Examiner walked towards the tunnel.

"Good. Situ Luoxue, I'll leave the king to you. You must protect the king until I return." Fierce Dot nodded and supported Yan Kai to Luo Xue's side.

Luo Xue nodded and helped Yan Kai sit down in the big chair outside the operation room. Ruo Han then walked over to the doctor and said, "Use my blood first. My blood can be used by dad."

Father was an unfamiliar word that Ruo Han had heard from the doctor's heart. As long as he could save Father, he was fine.

"Little friend, if the operation goes on, you can't stop. Your blood transfusion alone won't be enough, from your father's condition, you have to at least lose 1000 CC blood. So, you should rest for a while and wait for the results to come out before deciding, right?" The doctors were moved by the filial piety of the little Ruo Han. In their career as doctors, they had never seen such a sensible child. From his age, he was only five or six years old.

"Xue'er, tell me, where are we?" Yan Kai, who was sitting down, originally wanted to heal himself. However, in this strange environment and with Lie at his side, he didn't dare to relax his guard.

"My home, my world, only the modern medical facilities here can save Xi Chen, only... "It's just that I forgot, his blood type …" Luo Xue's heart was filled with grief. She simply did not have the energy to deal with Yan Kai.

A few minutes later, both the blood examiner and Lie arrived. The blood examiner was in the operation room discussing with the doctor, but no one knew what they were talking about. After a while, Doctor Liang came out.

"Madam, that gentleman's blood didn't match your husband's blood type either, but we did an analysis. Their blood is compatible, and there is no rejection for the time being, but we are not sure whether or not you are willing to take the risk. If you can, then please sign the surgical consent form and we will immediately arrange the operation."

Although the blood was different from when Helian Chen was bathed in it, it could still be fused. It was not enough to reject the blood. If he really needed an operation, this would be his only hope.

"Can you? Is that really possible? " Hearing the doctor's words, Luo Xue cried tears of joy.

"From the current situation, it should be possible, but we are not sure if they will reject us in the future. After all, their blood types are different, and they are both blood types that we have never recorded before. So, you must be mentally prepared." Dr. Liang said seriously.

Luo Xue nodded. They were both medical students, how could she not know? However, as long as there was a strand of hope, she would not give up.

"Alright, then we'll prepare the operation." This was the first time he had seen something like this. As far as the blood examination masters were concerned, he hadn't discovered the blood types of the two just now. Looking at the clothes these people wore, his heart was filled with doubts, but that wasn't important.

Luo Xue informed him before the operation and signed the surgical agreement. The door of the operation room was closed, so Luo Xue and Yan Kai could only wait outside. Lie was inside the room, and if Han Li went for a blood test, even though he was father and son, he still had to confirm it.

"Situ Luoxue, I need to heal my wounds. Lie Lie is inside right now. Can you guard me?" Yan Kai's chest was pale. Although no blood was flowing out from the wound, his body was still very weak. The doctor originally wanted to examine him, but he would not let anyone touch his body no matter what.

Luo Xue nodded. "If you are not confident, you can ask the doctor to take a look for you. Don't force yourself."

She still harbored resentment towards Yan Kai in her heart. If it wasn't for him, Helian Chen wouldn't be in the operation room. But now that Lie Lie was inside, she had promised Lie Lie Yan Kai that she would take care of him.

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