Helian Chen's surgery lasted for a long time. From evening until dawn, Lie came out of the hospital. Luo Han went in, but Helian Chen still didn't come out. The next morning at 8: 40, Luo Xue's parents arrived at the hospital.

When her parents were wandering the corridor in search of their possible 'daughter', Luo Xue finally saw her parents.

It turned out that she did not say her current name on the phone, nor did she say her current appearance.

"Dad, Mom, you're really here." When Luo Xue saw my parents with white hair on their heads, she stood up and couldn't stop her tears from flowing out.

She had never cried from the time she woke up to the time she entered the operating room, but now that she saw her father, her mother, her tears came out in an instant.

"You … You are our Little Snow? " Mother Han looked at Luo Xue, her eyes filled with absolute disbelief.

"Mom, I'm Snowy. It's really Snowy." Luo Xue knew that her mother definitely wouldn't believe her current appearance, but for the moment, she couldn't think of a better way to explain it.

"Miss, my daughter died in an accident half a year ago. If you are a friend of Xiao Xue, you can tell us if we can help, but please don't pretend to be my daughter." His father's words were not reproachful, but instead full of love.

"Dad, I really am Snowy. That day when I went to the bank to withdraw money, there was an accident. I clearly remember, but …" "Lie, can you do me a favor?" Looking at the passing doctors and nurses, she knew this wasn't the place to talk. However, Helian Xi Chen and her son were still in the operation room. She couldn't leave now, so she could only ask him to help lay a barrier.

"Go ahead." At this time, Lie already knew that this was another world and that she was no longer called Princess Luoxue.

"I'll have to trouble you to help me wait here. Also, please help us to set up a barrier." Luo Xue looked at Yan Kai. After his self-treatment, his complexion looked much better. Even his wounds had miraculously healed. However, it was obvious that he had suffered a great loss in strength. He was afraid that he would not be able to return to that world.

"Here?" Lie looked at the people around him and saw that they were all looking at him strangely. He too felt uncomfortable, but there was no coldness at this moment. It was impossible for them to return to their own world.

"No, please come with us." Luo Xue had intern at this hospital and was very familiar with this place, so she brought them to the utility room. Yan Kai was a little worried, so he came along with his father and mother, who wanted to know the truth.

"Miss, may I ask what you want to say? "Why can't you tell me outside?" With these strange people in front of him, Father Han said in displeasure.

"Lie can do it." Luo Xue did not answer her father, but said to Lie.

Although he set up a barrier, Yan Kai was also among them. He did not want to eavesdrop, but to ensure Yan Kai's safety. Originally, he wanted to stay behind as well, but Luo Xue asked him to help wait outside the operation room for news.

"What are you guys going to do?" Mama Han looked around. Although there was no change, a woman's keen sense of touch made her realize that something had already changed.

Mom, we didn't do anything, we just didn't want to scare the others, and I really am your daughter. That day when I went to the bank to withdraw money, there was a robbery, and after that, I was unluckily turned into a hostage, and my last memory was that I was hit by a stray bullet.

Each of them knelt down before their parents and recounted the 'strange' things that had happened to them.

Han Mom and Dad were confused, but right now there was also Transmigration on TV, so they didn't immediately question it. They just asked Luo Xue about some unknown past and bad habits, and after Luo Xue answered them all correctly, Han Mom cried and hugged Luo Xue.

"Xiao Xue, my daughter, mother … "Mom thought the white-haired man sent the black-haired man away. Mom thought we'd lost you. Mom …"

"Alright, although the story you're telling is very pleasant, I still have many doubts. It's only been half a year since my daughter was killed, but you said that you've been through many years, that you have a husband, and even a child. How can you explain that?" Mr Han said with his brows knitted.

Actually, he already believed it in his heart, but this matter was indeed too unimaginable.

"Dad, that is a world we are completely unaware of. Although there is no modern high technology, the people there all have magic, just like them. Just now, I let Lie Bu place the barrier, and the people outside couldn't see us, and they don't know our existence, but we can see what is happening outside." She pointed at the janitor and explained to her parents.

He saw the cleaners bustling around, right in front of their eyes, as if they hadn't noticed their existence at all.

"In that case, why didn't you come back earlier?" Why not go back to that day? " Father Han said in heartache as he saw his wife, who had just reached middle age, grow white hair after her daughter's death.

"Dad, if it was possible, I would have come back a long time ago, but I can't come back. Up until now, only my son has the ability, but he's still young and can't control it." Luo Xue used her clothes to wipe her mother's tears.

"And the child? Where's my grandson? " Father Han didn't seem to doubt him anymore, he was actually anxious to see his grandson.

"Han-Er is in the operating room, being given a blood transfusion. Dad, mom, you can believe your daughter now." The tears that Luo Xue had struggled to stop came again, but this time they were tears of joy.

"Mom believes in you. There's also a teleportation show on TV. The only difference is that my daughter is back, and they won't be able to come back. Dad, this is really our daughter." Mama Han also shed tears for her daughter. She had believed long ago that her daughter's appearance had changed, but her mother's feelings hadn't. She believed that this was her daughter.

"Snowy, how should I address you, sir?" Mr Han did not continue to doubt Yan Kai's words and only looked at Yan Kai and Lie Yan Kai.

"He … Yes... It's my friend over there. Yan Kai is also Han'er's foster father, and the other one is called 'Mo Lie'. He is Han'er's master. This time … The accident this time is the competition between Yan Kai and Xi Chen. " Looking at Yan Kai, Luo Xue's heart was filled with contradictions. But in the end, her reason still overcame her emotions.

"Un, then you and your mother wait outside the operation room first. Dad will go to get the money to pay for the operation." Father Han nodded towards Yan Kai, then began to busy himself with his business.

"Dad, thank you. About this …" "You can take these and sell them. I don't know how much money Chen Feng's operation costs, although they don't seem like much, but after crossing time and space, they should still be considered antiques and might be able to sell for some money." She was very clear about the family situation. Although there were some savings, Helian Xi's situation would require her to spend a large amount of money, as well as the food and shelter of these people. The expenses were scary, so being able to sell them would at least reduce the pressure on her parents.

"No need, take these first. When you met with an accident, there was an insurance policy." Father Han pushed back the jewelry Luo Xue gave him.

Back then, when Luo Xue met with an accident, there was an insurance payment. This time, it was used just in time.

"Thank you, dad." Luo Xue nodded. When his father walked out, he bumped into the barrier and was rebounded back.

"Xiao Xue, this … What was going on? How are we going to leave? " His father looked at the wall in front of him that was not moving, and said in shock.

Fortunately, he felt the strong changes in the barrier and immediately came over.

"Yan Kai, your body has not recovered yet. How about you go to the hotel with my father first, have a room with him so that you can take a rest?" After coming out, Luo Xue looked at the weakened Yan Kai and suggested.

"No, I'll go with you." It was not that he was worried about Father Han, but that he wanted to know Helian Xi's life and death. Ever since Helian Chen was injured, Luo Xue's attitude, tone, and words had deeply hurt him. At this time, he only hoped that Helian Chen was alright.

"Okay, then if you still feel uncomfortable, you must say that this is a hospital, and the medical names are much more advanced than that." Seeing Yan Kai's insistence, Luo Xue had no choice but to say.

Father Han went to get the money to pay for the operation, while Luo Xue, along with her mother and Yan Kai continued to stand guard. Waiting like this was a type of suffering.

"Xiao Xue, can the doctors here really do it?" Following the customs in the country, Lie could no longer call her 'wangfei' here. Just now, when he heard that her father and mother were called Luo Xue and Xiaoxue, he had followed along.

"It's alright, Chen Xi will definitely be fine." Luo Xue said with an irreconcilable tone.

"But, I just saw them … The doctor here has washed Helian Chen's chest and cut open his stomach. Are you sure this is okay? " At this time, Lie didn't dare to say death for fear that Luo Xue would fly into a rage.

"This is a surgical procedure. Of course, if there are any problems during the operation, the doctor will deal with them immediately. I am a doctor myself, so I know that. Besides, Doctor Liang has done more surgical procedures, so this is nothing." In the eyes of outsiders, it seemed like she was just cutting open her abdomen, but she knew how dangerous it was. Helian Chen's internal organs had been dislocated, and it was even possible for them to rupture. It was precisely because of this that the duration of the operation was so long.

In addition, there was also Doctor Liang's explanation of the phenomenon of blood rejection. Now, they could only wait. The longer they waited, the more they believed that Helian Chen was alive and had signs of life.

"Xiao Xue, what about my grandson? Is he hurt too? " When Mama Han heard this, she became nervous as well.

"Mom, it's okay. You don't have to worry, Han'er is just a blood transfusion for the baby. Everything will be fine." As she spoke, the operating room door was pushed open, and the operating room was pushed open.

"Doctor, my husband... "Han'er, Han'er, what happened to you?" Originally, he thought that the operation would be completed, so Helian Yi pushed it out. However, he didn't expect that it would be Luo Han.

"Please calm down. It's okay, the patient is only a little weak after the blood transfusion, so his life is not in danger. Don't worry, I'll send him to the ward first." The nurse explained to her.

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