About an hour later, Mr and Mrs Han appeared in the ward.

"Dad, Mom, is the operation done?" Seeing that her parents had returned, Luo Xue stood up and asked.

"You should put on your clothes first. We'll go perform the discharge surgery, regardless of whether the hospital agrees." Mother Han brought the clothes she bought to Luo Xue, saying nervously.

"Mom, dad, you guys stay here for a rest, I'll go change. I'll do the surgery."

Luo Xue took the dress her mother handed to her. She first went to the washroom, quickly washed it, and then changed into a new set of clothes.

When Luo Xue appeared in front of Helian Xi Chen and the others in her modern attire, they were dumbfounded once again. Especially her long hair, which was originally tied up in a bun, was tied up in a ponytail in her head.

A simple T-shirt, jeans, and a beautiful figure of Luo Xue appeared in front of everyone. The first one to react was Helian Chen. His face was ashen as he pulled up his blanket to wrap Luo Xue up.

"Chen Xi, what are you doing?" Luo Xue looked at her own blanket in astonishment. Right now it was still summer, who would use a blanket?

"What sort of clothes are these? If your clothes are so revealing, then why are you meeting people, and …"

"Slash …" Luo Xue smiled and said, "As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, these are our clothes, not to mention it's summer, so we all wear this. Didn't you see that the nurse just now, wasn't she also wearing a short-sleeved shirt and skirt? "It's the same for watching TV. Whether it's men or women, their arms are exposed during the summer. You haven't even seen a swimsuit, that's good …" Luo Xue pulled down her blanket, and saw the scene on the TV on the beach, then pointed at the TV, "Look at that, those women, all over their bodies, there's only one piece of fabric, and it's in front of the public, I can be considered to be very good at guarding, entering the country as usual, quickly go and change out of this hospital gown, then we can go home."

After Luo Xue finished speaking, she realized, other than herself, the rest were all fools. Helian Xi, Yan Kai, Lie, and her son, as well as their eyes were all staring at the screen, on it were beautiful ladies of various colors dressed in bikini, while her father, mother and son were staring blankly at the four people, who seemed to be 'son-in-law and grandson' just like the 'alien creatures.

"Dad, I'll leave the task of teaching them how to dress to you. I'll go and take care of the discharge procedures." Losey said, taking the bag from his father and going to clean up the hospital.

Under normal circumstances, if the patient requested to leave the hospital, the hospital would not force her to do so. After all, not all patients who required an expensive medical fee would be allowed to leave the hospital, but now, the hospital actually refused to do so. This was already very unreasonable, it seemed like the hospital could no longer stay in the hospital, so Luo Xue immediately found Doctor Liang.

"Doctor Liang, my husband is better now. We want to get discharged, please …"

"Mrs. Herron, you can check out at any time." Unexpectedly, Physician Liang adjusted the glasses on his nose and smiled.

"But I was there just now. The hospital didn't even let me leave the hospital and told me to look for the main therapist." Luo Xue was puzzled. Doctor Liang's attitude was completely different from the attitude of the staff at the checkout center. What was going on?

"Wait a moment, I'll call and ask for you." As he spoke, Doctor Liang picked up the telephone on the table.

Luo Xue stared at Doctor Liang. For the moment, she couldn't think of any problems. According to the rules, as long as they paid the fees, they should be able to leave the hospital. Why was it so troublesome today?

Luo Xue stood to the side and only saw Doctor Liang holding the phone. She was not sure what he had said until he hung up.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Herron, but I called the checkout office and they said it wasn't that they weren't letting you out of the hospital, but that the bill had yet to come out."

"Then where do I get the fee list?" This time, Luo Xue didn't run on her own and directly asked. After a while, she took the list to see if they would give it back or not.

"Wait a moment, I've already ordered them to print it and send it over." Doctor Liang said to Luo Xue patiently.

Luo Xue quietly waited at the side. She believed that Doctor Liang, who had been practicing in this hospital for more than half a year, still understood this famous surgeon very well. She believed that he wouldn't do anything that would go against his professional conduct.

However, ten minutes had passed. Twenty minutes had passed. Thirty minutes had passed, yet no one had sent him the list of fees.

"Physician Liang, may I know how long you'll have to wait?" Luo Xue anxiously looked at the clock on the wall. If she continued to wait, she was afraid that if she didn't go crazy, even Helian Chen would go crazy.

"It should be soon, how about I make another call …"

"Doctor Liang, the patient's operating expenses list is out." As soon as Doctor Liang took out the phone, the list of names was brought in by someone at the door.

Luo Xue took the list and glanced behind her. She almost fainted on the spot. There was actually 360,000 yuan? That was impossible. She knew about the wound, but how could 'sewing' have such a sky-high fee?

"Are you all mistaken? It's just an operation, does it cost that much? Doctor Liang, please explain, these, these... When did we ever use these? " The pale-faced Luo Xue pointed at the details. Many of the medicines should not have appeared at all, and the cost of surgery was simply impossible.

"This... Mrs. Helian, to tell you the truth, your husband's situation is quite special. At that time, we … " Doctor Liang pushed his glasses up on his nose, concealing his guilt. He did not know that Luo Xue was born to study medicine. She could see through it with just her bare hands and feet.

"Little girl, what happened?" Just as Doctor Liang was trying to cover it up, Helian Chen arrived.

They had been waiting for a long time to not see Luo Xue and since they were uneasy in their hearts, they all came over. After all, he was not injured in any way, and as for internal injuries, they could not be healed overnight. But he didn't expect to find that as soon as he arrived here, he would find that Luo Xue had been bullied by that bastard doctor.

"It's nothing. Chen Xi, Han'er, Yan Kai, why have all of you come?" Father and Mother Han weren't as fast as the rest of them, so they were left behind.

"Mommy, let's go. This doctor is a bad guy. He intentionally tricked us, wanting to make us stay and make us mice out of our father." If he clearly heard what Doctor Liang was planning, he would mercilessly expose him.

Yan Kai, Helian Yi, and the others didn't understand what a little white mouse meant, so they were just despicable, but Luo Xue and the Han mother were so scared that their faces turned pale.

"Doctor Liang, you have always been a respected physician. You don't want your reputation to suffer a blow, right? We will not pursue today's matter. Please print the correct fee list. We will not stay here any longer." Luo Xue's expression turned cold as she looked at Doctor Liang.

Luo Xue still didn't know why Doctor Liang wanted Helian Chen to be a mouse, but she was well aware of the dangers of human nature. If even Doctor Liang had this kind of thought, then this hospital definitely wouldn't be able to stay here any longer.

"Mrs. Herron, can we talk alone?" Doctor Liang stared in astonishment at the several year old Little Cold. In his shock, he became even more determined to leave this group of people behind.

"There's no need for that. Doctor Liang, please get someone to recount the correct list of the operation costs. Otherwise, we won't be paying any of the costs." Luo Xue was angry. She knew that some people's efforts were heavy, but as a doctor, there was always an apology line. How could Doctor Liang have such a despicable thought?

Even if Helian Yi Chen's blood type was different from a human's, it didn't mean anything. How could he have such a filthy thought?

"Mrs. Helian, your husband, your son, and your friend all have very peculiar blood types. If we want to study them, perhaps we can benefit humans. His body can heal itself, but if it's because of the blood, if we can break down the cells in them, we can save more humans. Mrs. Helian …"

Doctor Liang attempted to explain to Luoxue, but was coldly interrupted by her.

"Doctor Liang, I've always respected you, because you're one of the few upright doctors in this hospital. I didn't think that..." I didn't expect you to be more despicable than anyone. That's right, my husband. A friend's blood type is indeed strange, but what does that mean? You want to force us to submit? " When Luo Xue learned of Doctor Liang's dirty thoughts, she questioned him and repeatedly told him to write the correct medicine list. Otherwise, they would immediately leave and refuse to pay the fees.

"Mrs. Helian, since you have undergone surgery in our hospital, you must comply with the doctor's advice. Besides, I am the attending physician. I know better than you what kind of medicine you have used. If I say three hundred and sixty thousand, it will be three hundred and sixty thousand." Seeing how Luo Xue showed no mercy at all, Doctor Liang raged out of embarrassment.

"Is that so? "Doctor Liang, I never thought that there would be a day when you would be so heartless as to not let us leave the hospital. Let me tell you this right now, if you ask us to leave the hospital, we will leave as well, and even more so, we must leave the hospital. Don't even think of using this to threaten us."

Luo Xue was extremely angry and decided to directly go home, no longer paying any f * cking medical fees.

"Stop right there. Do you think you can leave without paying the discharge fee?" Seeing how Luo Xue wasn't the least bit sentimental, Doctor Liang flew into a rage.

"Hehe, Doctor Liang, you think too highly of yourself. You think too highly of the security of the hospital. Han'er, tell Doctor Liang if we can leave this place." Luo Xue laughed coldly. She was angry and furious, she did not expect to cause Helian Chen, Yan Kai and the others to see the despicable and shameless side of modern people.

"Xiaoxue, you can't be so rude. Doctor Liang, since the patient has recovered, it's natural for you to be discharged. I'll have to trouble you to do me a favor." Han Li's father went up to stop Luoxue from fighting Doctor Liang. He took out a red packet and handed it over to Doctor Liang.

"Dad, you can't encourage this wind, and besides, what he has his eyes on is not money, but bathing Chen and Han'er." Luo Xue had a cold expression as she stopped her father.

It was not greed, but greed for fame. No matter how 'great' he thought, his ultimate goal was still to make a name for himself. It wasn't unknown to Luo Xue.

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