"Grandfather, Mommy is right. Father, against such a person, shouldn't we be able to deal with him as soon as possible?" While Grandfather and Physician Liang were pulling on each other, Ruo Han's words were filled with killing intent.

"Indeed, the world is dangerous. Han'er, you should return to the Demon Palace with your father." Yan Kai, who was dressed in a suit and a leather suit, was sitting on a chair, looking at the 'scheming' Physician Bai with interest.

Yan Kai, who had changed into his suit, had a few more frigid and unruly looks.

When they looked at Helian Xi and Lie, they too were wearing suits. However, the styles they displayed were completely different. It was just that no one was in the mood to admire these beautiful men.

Hearing Yan Kai's hint, Lie immediately set up a barrier around himself. At the same time, he shut the door, preventing anyone from entering and exiting.

"Who the hell are you people?" Seeing the cold expressions on the faces of Luoxue and the others, as well as the murderous intent on their faces, Doctor Liang felt somewhat fearful.

"Doctor Liang, who we are is not important. I just want to ask you one more time, can you draw up a normal and reasonable medical bill?" Luo Xue asked again.

"The list is here. If you want to leave the hospital, you can pay the fees and leave the hospital." Doctor Liang was still adamant.

"Snowy, forget it, we won't argue with him anymore. Just pay the medical fees." Father Han felt that it would be better to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Grandfather, even if we did, this bad guy won't just let it go." Ruo Han said again.

In this secular society, once fame and fortune erode, it would be impossible for one to give up so easily, and Doctor Liang was probably the same. Although his son did not say it explicitly, Luo Xue was very clear that if they were to leave the hospital after paying the money, Doctor Liang would definitely follow up with some actions.

"Dad, do you think that after we give him this money, he will really forget about it? Who knows what kind of tricks we might have up our sleeves. We definitely cannot hand over the money, and not only that, we must also clear all the records. " Luo Xue looked at Doctor Liang and decisively made her decision.

"What do you want to do? Let me tell you, killing people is against the law, not to mention there are surveillance cameras in the hospital. The moment you come into my office, as well as the operation room, everything will be recorded. " Doctor Liang trembled as he pointed at the computer, thinking that Luo Xue wanted to silence him.

"Thank you for reminding me. I will clear all the computer records, and of course, I will also keep your good name along with some of the bad thoughts in your head." Luo Xue ridiculed.

However, with Yan Kai around, it shouldn't be too difficult. Back then, when he was with Han-Er at the early stage of the Devil Palace, her memories were cleared two years ago, so he believed that it shouldn't be a difficult task for even a few people to get rid of her.

"Snowy, is it okay?" His daughter had already recovered, so he didn't need the white-haired man to send the black-haired man away. He was already very comforted in his heart, if this world really couldn't tolerate it, his daughter, son-in-law, grandson, and the others would at most follow him back to their world.

"Dad, don't worry. We can erase the memories of the computer, we can erase the memories of the human brain, and just hand them over to Yan Kai and the others." As Luo Xue spoke, she turned to Yan Kai.

"Xue'er, are you sure? You still want to keep a scum like him? " Yan Kai did not comment. Instead, he raised his eyebrows and said.

All the realms have their own world of law. Although he has evil thoughts, if one day, he really does evil, he has his own laws, and our goal in coming back is not to cause trouble. Now that you and Xi Chen have recovered, that's enough. Luo Xue shook her head. The only reason she asked her son to bring Helian Chen back was to save him. Now that Helian Chen had recovered, her wish had been fulfilled.

"Let me do it, my king. Snowy is right, this is an unknown world for us, I must ensure the safety of my king." Lie stood up and walked towards Doctor Liang.

"But he's not the only one who knows. There were other doctors and nurses in the operation room last night. It has been a day, maybe they have already spread out?" Father Han asked worriedly.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about that. No matter how much you know, we will find it." Losey pulled his son. This difficult task could only be done by his son and Lie.

"Well, let's see if we can clear all the computer records in the hospital." The father and daughter sat in front of the computer and began to clear the hospital's computer records. Fortunately, Han's father was a computer engineer, and Luo Xue had been in the hospital before, so she was very familiar with the hospital's operating system.

"Han'er, you and Master Lie go outside and take a look. You must clear the records of everyone who knows that we have come here." Helian Yi Chen said to his son.

In mind reading, his son was much stronger than him. No matter how many people were in the hospital, they would not be able to escape his intelligent eyes.

Lie and Luo Han walked through the entire hospital, while Luo Xue and her father were busy for close to an hour. Even though Helian Chen's records had been cleared, if Han and Lie still hadn't returned, the few of them had no choice but to return to the ward to wait. Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they had also set up a barrier in the ward.

However, in the hospital, the medical staff were shifts. Some of the people who had worked late yesterday had gone back to rest, so they hadn't come to work yet. They could only come back later.

The Han Family didn't live in this city, they could only stay in the hotel for the night. They opened two rooms with their identity cards, waiting for a bit longer.

The next day, they all went to the Han family home. However, they didn't have any identity card, so they couldn't take the plane. They couldn't even take the train, so they could only take the long distance bus.

Fortunately, these people who had never taken a car did not feel uncomfortable, but instead felt fresh.

After sitting for seven to eight hours, they finally arrived at the Han Family's city. Helian Chen, Yan Kai, Lie Lie, and Luo Han were all attracted by the modern buildings, transportation, and communication tools.

They didn't go back to the Han Family first, but only returned after dinner. Fortunately, they were used to using chopsticks, and now that they had changed back into modern clothes, there wasn't much difference apart from their long hair.

In order to avoid any trouble, Father Han also took care to book a private room. In the private room, besides the waiter, there was no one else.

"Little Snow, it's hard to imagine that you would actually live in a world like this. From what I see, there is no need for any magic here. That car is so fast, and there is even a phone call. It's much more powerful than magic." Having watched his father use his cellphone so fiercely, he was very happy.

He was completely attracted to this world, and even wanted to assimilate into it as soon as possible.

"Each of them has their own merits. There are all kinds of high technology here, so I don't need to fight like you guys do. Even if it's war, I can still fight while sitting at home." Luo Xue smiled and looked at Yan Kai as if he was hinting at something.

"Ah?" Sitting at home fighting? "How do we fight this?" Lie asked curiously.

"Lie's eating. No matter how good this place is, it's not our Demon Palace. You'd better not care too much about it." No matter how good this place was, it was not his world. Although he had only been here for two days, the people here were too casual. There was no difference in status.

"Yeah, let's eat. You guys eat first, see what you need, then get the waiters to refill it." Father Han immediately tried to smooth things over.

"Don't any of you drink?" Yan Kai looked at the table full of food. Although it was tempting, he had no interest in it. The series of events, the unfamiliar environment, had already provoked him. At this time, he only wanted to have a pot of wine and take a big gulp.

"Yes, yes, of course, I'll get it from the waiter." Dad was stunned, he stood up and walked towards the door.

Originally, he had considered that they were all sick people and wouldn't be able to drink alcohol. Otherwise, how could he not order alcohol?

"Dad, don't bother with him. This is not the Demon Palace. There is something you don't want. Everything here has to be paid." Luo Xue stopped him.

Unlike Helian Xi Chen and Yan Kai, they were emperors in that world, and they did not need to spend money to spend it. But everything here required money, and they did not know how long they would have to live here.

"It's fine. If you have friends coming from afar, you can come here. It's quite a pleasure. This wine is only right." Father Han shook his head at Luo Xue, telling her not to take it to heart.

Wine from hotels were generally more expensive than those from outside. Even though modern winemaking techniques were high, ordinary wine was naturally incomparable to the wine from the imperial palace. Yan Kai furrowed his brows after tasting it.

"This wine is not cheap. Since you want it, you have to finish it." When Luo Xue saw it, she said unhappily.

Yan Kai did not say anything and merely continued to drink the wine cup by cup. This showed how depressed he was in his heart. Even though the amount of time this meal lasted was not long, it did not cost money. However, even if it was Helian Chen, Yan Kai and the others, they might not be able to understand.

After the meal, when the sky had turned dark, they took two cars home. On the way, Yan Kai and Helian Yi Chen said nothing, as Luo Xue originally wanted Lie to sit with her parents, but he insisted on staying by Yan Kai's side. Helian Yi was worried that Luo Xue and Yan Kai would be in the same car, and in the end, Luo Xue and her parents would be in the car, while he and Yan Kai would be in the car.

With so many people suddenly appearing, the Han Family couldn't afford to live in the Han Family's third bedroom or second hall. However, they couldn't go to the hotel either, as none of them had any identity cards and could only squeeze into the Han Family.

Mother Han and Father Han did not know that Luo Xue and Helian Chen were not like an ordinary couple, but let Luo Xue sleep with them, Luo Xue still slept in her own room, of course, with Helian Chen. As for Yan Kai, he had a guest room, but he was just feeling wronged, with such a big body, he had to stay on the sofa for a day or two, which was fine, but if the time was long, he would probably not be able to bear it.

Father Han just told the neighbors that his relative had come back from abroad and wanted to stay for a period of time, but considering his son's situation and that he wouldn't be able to recover in a day or two, Luo Xue decided to rent a house.

Father and Mother Han had to go to work, so Luo Xue stayed home to take care of the guests while she searched the Internet for the right room source.

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