"Han'er, when will you recover your spiritual energy?" Lie who was extremely bored at home asked Luo Han impatiently.

There was nothing he could do about it, in this place, the television had been taken over by the king while the computer had been given over by Helian Chen. Other than accompanying the king and watching television at the side, the only thing left for him was boredom.

"Uncle Lie, this place is much more fun than Reno Country. Why are you in such a hurry to go back?" While playing with the electric motor, Luo Han said unconcernedly.

Ah!" So you're not in a hurry to go back? One must know that no matter how good this place is, it is not as good as our own home. Furthermore, we are considered to be a powerless and useless place, and no matter how powerful our mana is, it is useless here. Lie sighed.

Thinking about how they could stay here and fight to the death with the Heaven Realm and the Illusory Realm, and how they could even sit at home and fight, it was simply too much of a blow to stay here. Sooner or later they would die from depression.

"That's even better. Didn't my mommy live like this for more than 20 years? Moreover, this place is much more fun than Renault or the demon realm. I don't want to go back. Mommy, do you?" Ruo Han said with a smile.

He wasn't worried at all about the recovery of his spiritual power or whether his Discipline could be used. He liked this world very much. There were delicious foods and fun things to eat. Furthermore, there were his grandparents. It was much more fun than over there.

"Yes, for Mommy, this place is not that different, but for your dad, your godfather, and Uncle Lie, it's different. This place is too unfamiliar to them." Luo Xue looked at Yan Kai, who was frowning on TV, and sighed.

She did like this place, where there were her family members, and all the things that she was familiar with. However, she also knew how conflicted she was when faced with all sorts of strange things, not to mention that Helian Xi and Yan Kai were emperors.

"But Mommy, can we go back later? I really like it here. Moreover, based on my current condition, I'm afraid I won't be able to recover within three to five months. " Ruo Han finally successfully passed, then she stood up and hugged Luo Xue as she acted like a spoiled child.

"Han-Er, if you like it here, you and Mommy can come back and visit your grandparents. But Daddy, godfather, and Uncle must go back to their world. If Han-Er recovers her spiritual power, she must let everyone know." Luo Xue looked at the listless men and patted her son's small face.

"Mommy, Han-Er understands. It's just that this time, Han-Er's injuries are really severe, and she's even given father a blood transfusion. I'm afraid she won't recover that quickly." Little Ruo Han pouted and said with a bit of grievance.

"Little girl, you're making things difficult for Han'er. It's not only Han'er, even Yan Kai and I will find it hard to recover from our injuries in a short period of time. We'll just listen to the heavens' will." When Helian Yi Chen heard the conversation between Luo Xue and her son, he walked out and said.

"Lie, are you bored? This place is much larger than our demon realm. You can go out and take a train, plane, or even rocket. The TV show also reached the end of the song, and their line of sight finally shifted over.

"I do want to, but Snowy said she wants some sort of certificate. She can't take the train or plane without any ID." After knowing that there would be a day when he could fly across the ocean, his first thought was of course to sit down, but Xiao Xue actually said that he couldn't sit down.

No matter if it is here or in Renault, everyone has an household registration system, you have come through time and space, so naturally you don't have an household registration system. Of course, if you want to live here for a long time, then you have to set up an household registration system. Luo Xue looked at Yan Kai's eager expression and said.

"But, if we want to live here for a year and a half, without a household registration and proof of identity, then it would be inconvenient for us men to let your father and your mother keep you. Also, your father, your mother's salary is limited, so we have to go out and find work to earn some money for our lives." Yan Kai said in a matter-of-fact manner.

Ah!" Your Majesty... You... What did you just say? You... You want to earn a living? " Lie opened his eyes wide, as if he had just heard some shocking and wondrous story.

"F * ck, you and I have lived for thousands of years already. Do you want a human that is dozens of years old to raise us? This King wants everyone to know that even if we are not in the Demon World, even if we leave that world where we call the wind and summon the rain, we will still be strong." Yan Kai finally put down the remote control and stood up, staring straight at Helian Xi.

"Xiaoxue, my thoughts and Brother Yan Kai's are the same. Although we are injured and have not fully recovered our mana, we cannot let our father-in-law and mother-in-law support us. As men, as husbands, as fathers, I should take care of my own wife and children and not rely on the elderly." After a life-and-death duel between Helian Yi and Yan Kai, the two of them had not spoken, but they were thinking the same thing.

If it was only a few days, they could still be shameless, but it had been more than ten days. If this continued, even if they did not die of boredom, they would still die of shame. As men, no matter where they were, they should be self-reliant and not rely on others.

The houses in the suburbs are bigger, the rent is cheaper, and there are not many people living there. We can move in first, but we can take our time with the other things. As for the living expenses, my dad has given me all the insurance money for my accidental death, it should be enough for us to live for a while, so you don't have to rush to find a job. Luo Xue looked at the men and said.

Although it was necessary, they were not in a hurry to find a job. Moreover, they did not have any qualifications nor did they have any skill, so it would be difficult for them to find a job. As for finding work to eat, they naturally could not do it.

"Mommy, is there a game there?" Ruo Han didn't mind, as long as there was fun, it was the same no matter where he went. Since he was born, he had been following Mommy everywhere, so he didn't care at all.

Han'er, although you are still young, you should go to school. After we move to our new residence, Mommy will take you to school.

Yan Kai and Helian Xi Chen were right. They couldn't just sit around and watch, so she decided to give it a try. Finding a job would make his feel awkward towards these three grown men.

"Mommy, is school fun?" As he grew older, his golden eyes could already be hidden as he pleased, and no one would be able to easily discover him. This was also the reason why Luo Xue could only see his golden eyes when Helian Chen lost control of her emotions.

"Han-Er, school is about learning, not playing." Hearing her son's words, Luo Xue frowned. All these years of running had caused Han'er's heart to become wild. It seemed that it was time for him to calm his temper, otherwise, with Han'er's wild nature, something would happen sooner or later.

"Xiao Xue, did you tell your uncle and aunt? Will they be willing to let you leave with us? " Lie looked at the photo of Han Xue and her parents in the living room and asked.

When we came here, we said we were relatives, so we couldn't stay here forever. Moreover, outsiders all know that Han Xue is dead, and now that we can see our parents again, our family being able to meet again is already very precious. Moreover, we don't know where we will go from here. In her heart, they were still father and daughter, mother and daughter, but there were some things that were different now. She was no longer the same Han Xue from before, and she also had her own child.

Besides, in the past few years, she had been living in the same room as Helian Xi, and there was a lot of awkwardness. Although he kept to their agreement and did not do anything improper, sleeping in the same bed, physical contact was inevitable. The room she saw on the internet had two floors, but compared to the city, the rent was much cheaper, and it was just right for them to live in.

"Since that's the case, let's move in." Yan Kai was the first to vote in favour.

"Little girl, after we move out, are we still going to live with them?" Helian Chen swept his gaze over Yan Kai and the Young Master and Servant Lie, seemingly rejecting living under the same roof as the Young Master and Servant Yan Kai.

"Helian Xi Chen, don't forget that Xue'er is still this king's wangfei. Even though you escaped death in the last battle, you still lost." Yan Kai did not even look at Helian Chen as he reminded him in an extremely contemptuous tone.

"Before our duel, I also said that even if I die, Xue'er and her son will never enter your Demon Palace. Don't even think about it!" Helian Yi was enraged. His black eyes turned around, and at the same time, a sharp pain came from his chest.

"Daddy, calm down." The first one to feel Helian Xi's abnormal aura was Luo Han. He let go of Luo Xue and ran towards Helian Xi Chen.

"Helian Yi Chen, you should know very well that if you get angry now, it's the same as courting death. This King will not bother with you. Lie, let's go out for a walk." Yan Kai said with a taunting tone.

Yan Kai, enough. You have all been here for quite some time now, so you should understand that women are not a subordinate of men, much less your personal possessions. Regardless of whether it is you or Helian Chen, do not mention them. Luo Xue cleaned Helian Chen's pulse, and after confirming that there were no major problems, she said angrily.

"Oh …" Returning to your world, you are indeed different. This King is even more interested. Xue'er, I will definitely make you personally say those words. " A strange flame ignited in Yan Kai's eyes. In the Demon Palace, in the Mortal Realm, he had seen the different side of Luo Xue. He was looking forward to seeing just what sort of person could arouse such great interest from him.

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