Helian Xi, the man who had said that he would always be with her and that he would always love her, had left. Now, this child she had given birth to in October had also helped outsiders, so let's go, since they did not care about her and did not want her as their wife, Mommy.

"Xue'er, how can you hit a child? He's still young, he doesn't know anything, how can you beat him? What did Helene do to you? "You actually …"

"Shut up, scram, all of you scram …" She had never lost control of herself like this before, never felt so helpless. Even when she was first tortured by Helian Chen, her only thought was to stay alive, but now, she only had the heart to die.

"Xue'er, your heart is like a typhoon. Have you ever thought about it? He's your son, and a three-year-old at that …" Yan Kai looked at Ruo Han, who had tears in his eyes, and said in heartache.

"No, royal father, mother was not wrong, it was Han'er who was wrong. Mommy, I'm sorry, Han'er should stand by your side and not help father, Han'er should …"

"Shut up, don't say anymore, don't say anymore …" Seeing her son's wronged eyes and his tears, Luo Xue felt like a sinner, unworthy of being a mummy. She covered her ears and staggered back.

"Mommy, Mommy, where are you going …" Seeing Luo Xue crying as she turned and ran, Ruo Han anxiously asked.

Yan Kai held onto Luo Han, "Don't chase after her, your mother needs to calm down."

He indeed went overboard this afternoon, but he did not expect to hurt Luo Xue. Originally, he was only trying to hurt Helian Xi Chen, but to anger Helian Chen, he did not want to hurt Luo Xue.

"Father, Father... "Daddy hurt Mommy, Mommy is injured, Mommy …" He didn't know how to explain what his father had done to Mommy. He was still a child, so he didn't know what his father had done wrong.

"Did your dad hit Mommy?" Yan Kai was stunned. He could not believe that Helian Xi Chen had really attacked Luo Xue. But if that was not the case, why did Helian Yi Chen leave? Otherwise, why would Luo Xue be so sad?

"No, Daddy tore Mommy's clothes, Daddy …" Daddy … "I'm not sure either. I only know that Daddy …" Luo Han held his head, trying to figure it out, but he couldn't.

"Han'er, you don't need to say anymore. Father understands." Yan Kai said with a heavy heart.

Through his thousands of years of experience, he could understand from Luo Han's intermittent words. He really didn't think that Helian Yi would do that kind of thing to Luo Xue. No wonder he left.

So he was ashamed to the point of being ashamed. No wonder Luo Xue wanted to kick him out. He was truly wrong. He was the one who indirectly hurt Luo Xue.

He had misjudged Helian Chen and his ability to kill. I'm sorry, Xue'er. I'm really sorry. Yan Kai repeated in his heart.

"Father, do you understand? Do you really understand now? " Ruo Han looked at Yan Kai. He was extremely impressed by the two words that appeared in Yan Kai's mind. Violent 'didn't quite understand.

"Yes, Han-Er, leave with your father first. Can you give your mother some time?" Watching Luo Xue disappear into the night, Yan Kai felt as guilty as Helian Chen.

"Father, you … Are you going to leave just like that? Leave my mommy behind? " Luo Han's eyes were filled with coldness, he didn't expect that his father would leave his mother at this time. He didn't know what his mother needed to calm down, he only knew that her leaving was very dangerous, very dangerous.

"Han-Er, believe in Royal Father. Your mother doesn't want anyone to disturb her at this time." Yan Kai walked closer to Ruo Han. He couldn't explain to a three-year-old child what a 'Brute Force' was, nor could he use words to describe the injuries that Luo Xue had suffered. He felt that the only thing he could do was help her take good care of Ruo Han.

"But it's night time, it's not safe for Mommy to go out alone. Father, let's go find Mommy and advise her to come back, okay?" Ruo Han looked at the night with fear, her father was gone, and so was Mommy. All of a sudden, he seemed to have become a child that no one wanted.

Han-Er, trust in royal father, this is not Reno Country. There is no Illusory Realm, no Demon Palace, the people here can't hurt your mother, give your mother some time, tomorrow your father will send you to school, first let your mother calm down, your father hurt her too much, the wound will need time to heal. Yan Kai advised.

"Really? When will Mommy be well? " Luo Han looked at Yan Kai doubtfully.

Now that his father and mother were both gone, he didn't want to stay at home by himself. Moreover, he could see that his father had no ill intentions and purely wanted to take care of him.

"Don't worry, Royal Father will keep an eye on your Mommy. As soon as her mood improves, we will come to pick her up." Yan Kai said with a heavy heart.

He wasn't human after all, so he didn't know that human thoughts were completely different from his thoughts from three thousand years ago. He didn't know that at this time, what Luo Xue actually needed was a warm embrace.

Yan Kai brought Ruo Han away, but he did not bring her into the store. No matter how unrestrained and unrestrained he was, he knew that this was not a place a child should go. Yan Kai brought Luo Han to the hotel and found a room there to accompany him.

"Han-Er, go to sleep. Tomorrow morning, you still need to go to school?" After placing Ruo Han on the bed and extinguishing the light, Yan Kai stood by the window and lit up a cigarette. Looking at the lights of the city, it was unknown what he was thinking about.

Ruo Han laid on the bed and stared at Yan Kai's back. In the darkness, there was a big and a small one, and each of them was thinking about their own matters. It was unknown if they were thinking about Luo Xue.

At this moment, the small town was somewhat calm at night. Luo Xue was floating on the street by herself, like a wandering soul. Her heart was empty and her mind was blank. It was as if she was the only one in the world.

At this moment, there were those who were courting death and bragging about being villains coming to destroy the peace.

"Yo, what a beautiful girl. Bro, we have luck with women tonight." The sound of flowing air floated over, and Luo Xue acted as if she didn't hear it. She continued to float forward like a wandering soul.

"Girl, didn't you hear what your bro said?" Seeing that Luo Xue wasn't scared at all, the men became annoyed. This wasn't an expression a normal girl should have.

Ordinary girls, not to mention at night, even if they saw them during the day, they would still scream in fear. This bastard, why didn't he seem to see them?

Could he be blind? But that's not right. Even if I can't see it, I can at least hear it. Why is there no reaction at all?

"Brother Tao, would you..." Could it be that we've met a ghost this late at night? " The timid one was obviously scared. The man who was about to step forward said with a trembling voice.

"So what if you're a ghost? We haven't seen a ghost before, so it's a good opportunity for us to broaden our horizons tonight. Come, brothers, let's attack together." The man chuckled as he held the timid guy's hand.

"Right, right, there are too many women. This female ghost has yet to be tested. Coincidentally, brothers, let's go together tonight. I don't believe that we, masculine boys, can't deal with her." A vulgar man on the side teased.

Luo Xue still acted as if she didn't hear anything as she brushed past the others. The bold ones, relying on their numbers, mustered up their courage and grabbed Luo Xue's arm.

"Scram …" The word 'scram' that seemed to have come from hell itself really frightened the hoodlums. Even the hand that held Luo Xue's arm was so scared that it shrank back.

"Brother Tao, she …" Is she a human or a ghost? " Seeing Luo Xue float past, no one dared to chase after her, so they only asked the man that grabbed her arm.

"F * ck, of course it's a human, if it's a ghost, then she can still let us go. Brothers, let's go …" The man was stunned for a long while before he finally spoke.

"Ah, are we really going to chase after him? Brother Tao, did you feel her body temperature just now? " Although Luo Xue hadn't gone far yet, these hooligans weren't as daring.

"She really is a person. Look, there's a shadow under the street light, and she has feet …" The timid one suddenly shouted.

"F * cking b * tch, you actually dare to lie to your bro. Bro, let's go." The little hoodlum called Brother Tao threw the cigarette in his hand onto the ground and stomped it out with his foot. Then, he led the others to catch up with Luo Xue and block her way.

Luo Xue raised her head and coldly swept her gaze over the five young men in front of her. She didn't say a word.

"Wow, bro, our luck with women is quite good tonight. It's really good. This looks, this figure, is even prettier than a movie star." No matter who it was, hearing the disgusting drool, they would definitely sweat for the woman in front of them. At this moment, there were a few pedestrians on the street, but none of them stopped.

"I'm not in a good mood today. Those who don't want to die, get out of the way." Luo Xue coldly looked forward. There was no one in her eyes, only a few wicked villains.

"Heh, who do you think you are, to think there's something wrong with this girl's head?" Is the empress still the young master? "

"Hahahaha …" "Recently, I heard that there are quite a few girls who have gone crazy because they saw me in the palace. Hahahaha, fun …"

"My beloved concubine, This Emperor has decided to leave it to you to sleep tonight. Why haven't you come yet?" A few of the hooligans were laughing, and one of them was even having a fun time.

"You don't know what's good for you. Go and die …" Hearing her beloved concubine and recalling some of Luo Xue's memories, her eyes angrily glared. Without even seeing her move, she had actually appeared in front of the little hoodlum in the blink of an eye and had even grabbed his neck.

"Ah …" Ghost … "Ghost …" The timid one immediately went limp and collapsed on the ground.

"Halt, if anyone dares to run out, I will immediately take their life." As Luo Xue said this, a 'throwing knife' flew out from her sleeve. The fastest little hooligan covered his arm and screamed. When the other two saw this, they immediately stopped and looked at Luo Xue in fear.

"Little... Miss, please spare our lives, we … We're just joking, just joking. My lady doesn't care about vile people. Tonight … Tonight … "Spare us." The two people who were forced to stop trembled. They didn't dare to run, nor did they dare to approach Luo Xue.

"What did you say just now?" You want me to sleep tonight? " Luo Xue sneered, waved her lily-white hand, and sent a slap towards the hoodlum in front of her.

"I'm here to find Situ Luoxue. Is that clear enough?" Yan Kai's face darkened. He was thinking about how, in the past several thousand years, if it wasn't for the fact that Xue'er was still in their hands, he would definitely have done something to stop him.

"Situ Luoxue, come with me." That person thought for a while before replying.

Yan Kai had just entered the room when he heard Luo Xue's helpless voice, "Comrade, may I ask when I can go home?"

"Xue Er, I'm coming to pick you up." Yan Kai said from behind Luo Xue.

"Yan Kai, you … Why are you here? "Han'er, are you here too?" Hearing Yan Kai's voice, Luo Xue was stunned for a moment. Then, her face changed as she asked with a slightly trembling voice.

"No, Han-Er has already gone to school. Xue'er, why are you here? Did someone bully you?" Yan Kai swept a dignified gaze at the policewoman sitting opposite of Luo Xue.

"Nothing, Comrade Police Officer. This is my friend. May I ask if he can bail me out?" Originally, she didn't want Yan Kai to interfere in her own matters. However, this matter was a call for help, and since Yan Kai had come again, she could only do it now.

"Sure, please follow me, sir." As the policewoman spoke, her face actually turned red. Luo Xue was stunned for a moment before she realized that Yan Kai had somehow managed to seduce another pure policewoman.

But she wasn't in the mood to think too much at the moment. She just wanted to get back early, and after spending the night here, she was exhausted.

No matter what was done, Luo Xue could finally relax a little. The matter this time had taught her a lesson, next time she still had to be careful, she definitely could not display her magic in front of outsiders, or else there would be trouble at any time.

"Xue'er, let's go." Yan Kai's expression was abnormally ugly. It was unknown whether he had been made a fool of by the policewoman or because he was in an especially bad mood when he came to the Public Security Bureau.

"Yan Kai, thank you. I'm very sorry for yesterday." Luo Xue lowered her head. First, she apologized to Yan Kai for his terrible attitude yesterday.

"Don't ever apologize to me. The past is already in the past. Moreover, there was something wrong with me yesterday. I shouldn't have confessed to you in front of Helian Xi Chen …"

"Alright, let's not talk about the past anymore. Let's go back first." Luo Xue placed her worries for Helian Xi Chen in her heart. At the same time, there was a contradiction in her heart. She even unconsciously compared Yan Kai and Helian Xi Chen in her heart.

If only Helian Yi was as considerate as Yan Kai, it would be perfect. If only Yan Kai and Helian Yi Chen were the same person, how great would that be? If only …

"Sir, please wait a moment, madam. You can't leave yet." The two of them walked out of the police station and were about to call a taxi on the side of the road when a policeman ran out.

"What do you mean? Haven't we already done the formalities? "Why can't you leave?" Now, Yan Kai was also enraged. After tormenting him for so long, he still said that he could not leave. How preposterous was that?

"Madam, we have eyewitnesses who can prove that you committed the crime without any ability to resist at all. Therefore, we have to find out the truth and whether they wanted to violate you or you …"

The words of the police made Luo Xue's heart burn with anger. Yes, she had hurt those hooligans, but if they wanted to take advantage of her, she would only be protecting herself. Just which bastard would say such nonsense?

A witness. When she was almost bullied by those hooligans, where did the witness go when she was harassed by them?

"I saw the witness you were talking about." Luo Xue said with a dark face. She wanted to see just what kind of outrageous proof that so-called witness was.

At this moment, she didn't even think about what she had done at all. To ordinary people, what she had done might have been terrifying, but it was also possible that at this moment, she had forgotten everything. At that time, she was angry, sad, and all sorts of emotions, partly because she wanted to vent out all the grief and sadness in her heart.

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