"Xue'er, I'll go with you." Yan Kai had already made up his mind. As long as they dared to do anything to Luo Xue, he would not let it go so easily. He also wanted to teach these lackeys a lesson.

Luo Xue nodded her head. Although she hoped that the person accompanying her at this moment would be Helian Xi, when she saw Yan Kai's expression, this expectation had turned into resentment.

How many times had he been absent when she needed him most, and now the scale in her mind had changed for the first time.

"Sir, please wait a moment. You are not involved in the case and are not allowed to enter." Yan Kai originally wanted to accompany Luo Xue the entire time. He never thought that, at this moment, he would be stopped.

"Where are you taking me?" Luo Xue saw that the police officer's expression was strange. He didn't let her sit down and instead led her inside, feeling even more uneasy.

"Madam, we are going to reopen the trial to restore the truth. Please cooperate." The policeman said with a serious expression.

"Truth? Didn't I already say last night, did they intend to attack me first? I did it purely out of self-defense, or did you all think that a weak girl would deliberately provoke five tall youths to cause trouble? " Luo Xue was really unhappy. Originally, she was already full of anger from being trapped in this night, but now, they unexpectedly couldn't differentiate right from wrong. She was the real murderer, how could it not make people angry?

"We would like to believe you, but we believe in evidence more. Please follow me, ma'am." The policeman looked at her sympathetically.

"Wait a minute, I can also say that I'm a witness. How do you know that the so-called witness is not just accepting benefits but turning the tables on the right and wrong?" When Yan Kai was completing the procedures for Luo Xue, he already knew what had happened. Listening to them speak was yet another type of explanation; he felt no anger at all.

"Yan Kai, wait for me here. I'm going to see that witness." Seeing that Yan Kai's expression had changed, Luo Xue was worried that something might happen and hurriedly tried to persuade him.

"Xue'er, what are you worried about? I won't let anyone hurt you, no matter who it is." However, Yan Kai refused to stay and insisted on going with Luo Xue.

Faced with Yan Kai's repeated provocations, the police's patience was running out. Frowning, he said, "Sir, I'm sorry. We have our rules. You can only wait here or go home."

"What rules? I see that all of you …"

"Yan Kai, I will be fine. If you do not wait for me here, I will only defend myself. I did not do anything. What can they do to me?" Luo Xue advised Yan Kai while announcing to the police.

"Well, if you don't come out within ten minutes, I'll break in." Yan Kai pulled a chair over and sat down as he said this with a 'warning' tone.

"I'm fine, Yan Kai. How about you go and buy me something to eat? I haven't eaten my fill since last night, and I'm very hungry right now." Luo Xue was worried that Yan Kai would cause trouble later on, so she found a reason.

"Alright, I'll go now. What do you want to eat?" Yan Kai nodded as he stood up and said.

"Go out and take a look. If you can, go and buy some steamed buns for Li's. It would be better if they were light in the morning and have a cup of Hua Li's soy milk. Sorry for troubling you." Luo Xue smiled. She deliberately said two places that were very different from each other in order to stall for time. Even if Yan Kai knew magic, he would still have to ask for help from these two places.

"Alright, I'll go now." He took a few steps forward before turning back to the police and saying, "I'm going out to buy breakfast. If you dare to bully my women, if you dare to torture me and force me to confess, I will definitely repay you a hundredfold, a thousandfold."

"Yan Kai, hurry up and go buy breakfast." Luo Xue saw Yan Kai threatening the police and had a bad premonition. If she did not settle this matter before Yan Kai returned, then there might be something bigger. She had to hurry. No matter what, she had to leave the Public Security Bureau first.

"Let's go, I want to see a witness, and those five hooligans as well." Once Yan Kai left, Luo Xue asked the police for help.

"Miss, I'm sorry, but you can't be a witness until the truth is revealed. We will listen to your narration and consider whether or not to refer the case to the procurator's office." The man sitting in front of Luo Xue said with a serious expression.

"Comrade Police, I would like to ask you to find out the truth. They were the one who wanted to violate me first, and I'm just defending myself. I don't believe that you can turn black into white." Luo Xue was angry. It was clearly a simple matter, but why did it change in such a short time? She, the victim, actually became the perpetrator. How could anyone not be angry?

"You don't have to argue, we will definitely restore the truth. Now, please cooperate, when did you meet that man on the throne last night, and where did you clash with him?"

Facing the glaring lights, Luo Xue felt a little dizzy, but she forced herself not to believe that this world had already reached the 'realm' of black and white, the 'realm' of whether it was right or wrong.

"Probably... "Around 2300, at that time, I …" Luo Xue repeated what she had said last night.

"If you lie again, if what you say is true, how can a single woman avoid being assaulted by five men? Furthermore, you are completely unscathed, but one of the five of them was injured by a blade.

Facing the sharp questioning of the police, Luo Xue was quite annoyed. She stood up and angrily glared at the police, "What's wrong with a woman? Can't women learn self-defense? According to what you're saying, should I be the one to be the one to be the one to be the one to be injured? Am I really being violated by them in order to convict them? Don't you think your question is too much? "

"Situ Luoxue, please sit down. This is an interrogation room. Please take note of your words. You are looking down on all of us law enforcement officers." The officer in charge of the interrogation slammed the table as he shouted in anger.

"Interrogation room, may I ask Comrade Police, what crime have I committed that requires interrogation?" She was clearly the victim, but now she had actually become a 'prisoner' and even wanted to interrogate him. She really wanted to know what had happened in that short period of time. Why did she suddenly change from a victim to a suspect?

"I won't let you see anything. You won't speak the truth, so show her the witness' confession." The police officer's face was crisscrossed with blue and white. Obviously, he didn't expect that Luo Xue would be so fearless, even daring to yell at him.

"You'd better have one, or I'll sue you." Luo Xue was also angry. She was only a woman, and they had locked her up from last night until now. It was rare for her to not be crazy, but now she still wanted to distort the truth, so she would absolutely not allow it.

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