Sitting in the interrogation room and watching the playback on the screen, Luo Xue's expression didn't change, but her heart was filled with frustration. She had actually forgotten. At that time, it was very possible that someone else had seen it.

There was indeed no way out now, but no matter what he said, she would never admit it. At the very most, she would admit that she had learnt self-defense, and as for the 'demonic technique', she would never admit it.

"Although we don't believe what he said, but since everyone is lying, how can Miss Situ explain it?" The officer squinted at her, as if waiting to see if she would turn into a demon.

It was indeed annoying, but it didn't matter, hearing was wrong, seeing was believing, moreover, there was no death, the injured man already had a past record, the police would not do anything to him, so he said: "You think I have anything to say, I said, at that time I was just protecting myself, in that case, it was hard to control myself, hurting people was also unavoidable."

"Lady Situ is right, but to be able to injure someone in the air … I've never seen anything like this before. It's no wonder that people would think it was a ghost …" The police officer looked at Luo Xue and said slowly.

"And then, I am a ghost, a fox demon?" Luo Xue casually smiled.

"That's not it. It's just that it's hard to believe. We don't want to make things difficult for the lady, it's just our responsibility. Furthermore, we must know the truth. We must not condone the crime." The officer pointed.

"The truth is that they want to invade me. Is there a need to doubt that? The witnesses also said that they were the ones who violated me first. As for what I did afterwards, it was all done in self-defence. I do not understand. Luo Xue frowned.

She thought she could leave, but the officer sitting in front of her didn't seem to have any intention of letting her go. Could it be that they were planning on using her for 'research' just like the doctors in the hospital?

At this time, Luo Xue couldn't help but be envious of her son and Helian Chen. If she also knew Mind Reading, then she wouldn't have to worry about guessing so much and then answer according to their wishes.

"Come in." The police officer knocked on the table, seemingly considering how to answer Luo Xue's question. At this time, a knock on the door was heard, and he raised his head to speak to the door.

"Captain Li, the appraisal department is calling. They're asking for you." Someone came in.

"Alright, I'll go over. You stay here to accompany this lady." The police officer sitting opposite to Luo Xue got up. When he left, he even stared at Luo Xue for a long time.

"Officer, when can I leave?" Luo Xue asked as she looked at the young man sitting across from her.

"Very soon, when Captain Li returns, if there is nothing else, you can leave. We will hand the case over to the procurator's office and they will bring the case."

"Does that mean there's nothing for me to do in the future?" When Luo Xue heard this, her heart felt a lot more at ease. At the very least, she could be certain that she wouldn't be detained or detained.

Time slowly passed, but Captain Li still hadn't come back. Luo Xue was very worried that Yan Kai would do something even more unbelievable if he didn't let him leave. He was worried that Yan Kai might do something even more unbelievable than what she had just done.

Luckily, Yan Kai didn't barge in, and Luo Xue just anxiously endured for half an hour. Finally, that Captain Li came back, which was strange, but after he came back, he actually didn't ask Luo Xue anything and left with Luo Xue.

"Xue'er, they didn't make things difficult for you, right?" The moment Luo Xue came out, Yan Kai hurried over and asked. Seeing the breakfast on his hand, Luo Xue was a little touched.

He never thought that she would actually be able to enjoy the Demon King's breakfast for her, but luckily, Captain Li let her out. Otherwise, Yan Kai would have really barged in.

"No, I think I can go home now." Luo Xue turned her head to look at Captain Li behind her.

"The paperwork is done. Lady Situ can indeed go home." Captain Li's reply once again stunned Luo Xue. She didn't understand, but it didn't matter. As long as they could leave this place, they could punish those hooligans however they wanted. She didn't care anymore.

After leaving the police station, Luo Xue heaved a long sigh of relief. She didn't know if it was because she was afraid of being found again, but Yan Kai didn't give her a taxi. Instead, they walked together and ate breakfast.

"Snow, come with me to the city." As he was drinking the soy milk, Yan Kai suddenly said.

"No, I'm fine here. Besides, I'm going to school, so I don't want to move here and there." After Luo Xue drank a large mouthful of soy milk, she paused for a while before speaking.

"Xue'er, I'm afraid we can't stay here any longer. Today …" Yan Kai threw the empty cup in his hand towards the trash bin that was not far away, as if it was hard for him to say anything.

"Are you worried that those hooligans will take revenge, or do you feel that this place isn't safe?" Luo Xue imitated Yan Kai's actions and threw the empty cup into the trash can. However, although she didn't have that kind of skill, she actually fell to the ground.

"No, actually, it was me just now … I was the one who used a little spell on their chief, otherwise I don't think they would have let you go just yet. " Yan Kai said honestly.

Earlier, he couldn't do anything about it. At that time, he didn't think too much about it and only hoped that Luo Xue would be okay and leave quickly. Now that he thought about it, this was a good thing.

That way, he could take care of her in the near vicinity, which could also be considered a bit of compensation. Of course, the most important thing was that he had an idea; he wished that he could be like the men here and have a chance to properly pursue Luo Xue.

A normal man pursued a woman, unlike the arrogant, self-righteous tyranny of an overlord.

"Ah?" What did you do? Yan Kai, didn't I tell you before that at any time … " Luo Xue asked anxiously. Her voice had become much louder, and many people on the street had also looked over. Luo Xue quickly went silent, stared at Yan Kai, waved his hand, and called a taxi.

"I know, but the situation just now did not allow me to think too much. I cannot watch as you are always detained by them, and cannot watch as anything happens to you." Yan Kai knew what Luo Xue was going to say, so he explained it to his while they were getting on the car.

"Don't talk to me now, we'll talk when we get back." Luo Xue sighed. At the same time, she told the driver the address of her home. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to control herself and argue with Yan Kai.

After about fifteen minutes, the two finally returned home. The moment Luo Xue entered, she immediately questioned Yan Kai.

"What did you just do? Yan Kai, I have warned you repeatedly that this place is not the Demon Palace and that you cannot use magic. What do you want? "Don't you want to turn the world upside down? You just won't stop." Luo Xue anxiously and angrily yelled at Yan Kai.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I just modified the director's memory a little, so nothing will happen. Besides, if they really come looking for me, I might as well go somewhere else." Yan Kai said in an indifferent manner.

"You speak easily. Don't think that just because everyone here is a normal person that you can do whatever you want. This world is more difficult for people to understand than your world, and there are also more capable people." Fortunately, Yan Kai and Helian Yu were different. No matter what Luo Xue said, he wouldn't take it to heart, and instead used a smile to reassure her.

"Xue'er, I know that you're worried. That's why I felt that you and Han-Er should have moved away from here. The only way to do so is if you leave, they won't be able to investigate you. Leave this place and change your identity."

When Yan Kai thought of Luo Xue's future identity, he could only look forward to it and feel happy. There was no need to care about anything else, not to mention, after getting familiar with this place, everything here was not difficult for him. He only needed to use a few spells to solve the problem.

"Do you think moving out of here is as easy as eating and drinking water?" Luo Xue poured a cup of water for herself and sat down.

So what if I leave, this house was rented by dad using his name, at that time, if they really want to find and find dad and mom, not only would it not solve the problem, it might even cause the events that happened to me, which would probably be even more tragic than the rare animals of the animal staff. And Han'er, no, she can't leave here, much less implicate dad and mom.

"This is not a big deal. Even if they do come and find you, they will not care about it." This is not a big deal. Are you waiting for Helene, Snow? Are you worried that he won't be able to find you? " Yan Kai stared at Luo Xue as he spoke. He knew that this matter could not be rushed, but this was an opportunity.

He didn't know how long Helian Xi would be gone, but this was a rare opportunity. Judging from how Helian Xi had left that day, it would be impossible for him to return to see Luo Xue without making any progress.

According to Yan Kai's own experience, with their abilities, it would be too easy for them to survive in this world. Once Helian Xi was enlightened, he would be able to establish his own world here in less than half a year. He couldn't be as generous as before. In the modern days, he had seen all kinds of women, but Luo Xue still felt more at ease with him.

"No, since he chose to leave, it doesn't matter to me whether he comes back or not. He was originally not part of my plan for life." Luo Xue lowered her eyes. As long as she heard the name Helian Xi Chen, her chest would be stuffed.

In that case, let's move out together. The environment here isn't suitable for Han'er, Xue'er, you should think about it carefully, and tell me in two days, I'll be back to accompany you in the next few days. As for the class, you don't need to go there. As Yan Kai spoke, he extended his hand as if he wanted to stroke Luo Xue, who was sensitive enough to avoid him.

"I'm fine. I signed a contract for the job." Luo Xue's eyes flashed.

"Look at your face, how are you going to work like this? You have to rest at home for the next few days." At the same time, he reached out his hand to touch Luo Xue's bag and said, "Look at your face in the mirror. I will never let you go out to work."

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