Luo Xue originally wanted to wait for Yan Kai to leave before going to work, but she didn't expect that Yan Kai would already have guessed that he would not go. He then gave his a call.

"Yan Kai, don't you have to go back to work?" Luo Xue felt a hundred times more uncomfortable after being stared at. She wanted to go back to her room to sleep, but she was also a little worried. Thus, she could only sit there and stare at Yan Kai.

"No need. With Lie here, I don't need to be there to make money. My job is to accompany you and take good care of you and Han'er." Yan Kai replied as he pruned his nails.

Originally, when a man trimmed his nails, it should have been a very feminine action, but there was no trace of it on Yan Kai's body.

"Yan Kai, did Helian Xi Chen go to find you before leaving?" Seeing Yan Kai's expression, Luo Xue couldn't help but doubt him.

Xue'er, don't think too much about it. Since you're so injured, don't think too much about it, if you really want to stay, then you have to let go of everything that happened in the past, including the little bits and pieces of that world, and even the magic techniques. Look at me, isn't that good? Although it is not as comfortable as when I was the Infernal King, life here is still better than there is. I think I will get used to it very well. " Yan Kai put down the nail clippers and said seriously.

"You … "Are you really not planning to go back?" Hearing Yan Kai's words, Luo Xue began to panic. Normally, Yan Kai would be someone that would rush back soon. How could he be so calm?

"We'll talk about it later. It's still too early to say these things, and I don't know when Han'er will recover. Perhaps when Han'er does, I won't want to go back." Yan Kai said in an indifferent manner.

After being trapped in the Demon Palace for three thousand years, he had stayed in this vast world. He could even explore the universe, so what couldn't he get used to?

Furthermore, their lifespan was unimaginably long, and they were always in the same environment. It was indeed boring, but changing places, just like modern tourism, were actually very good.

"Why can you think so clearly? "Why are you so different from him?" Listening to Yan Kai's words, Luo Xue was deeply moved. If only Helian Yi Chen could be as open-minded as Yan Kai.

Thinking of Helian Xi and how his body ached even more, Luo Xue stood up and said, "Yan Kai, I'm a bit tired. I'll go back to my room and sleep first. Don't call me for lunch.

"Go to sleep, I'll call you when the time comes." Yan Kai nodded his head. It was perfect for Luo Xue to sleep, so he could go handle some matters. However, for safety's sake, he had set up a barrier around Luo Xue while she slept, so that no one could disturb her.

After Yan Kai laid down the barrier, he went back. He knew that Luo Xue would not compromise so quickly, so he had to make arrangements. In addition, he could let Lie handle the matter of buying a house.

"Mistress, you're back." Lie Bi respectfully saluted Yan Kai. After coming to this modern world, he had also made some changes to his address.

"Mm, Lie, go take a look and choose a better house. After a few days, Xue'er and his son will come over. As for the funds, you don't have to worry too much about it." Yan Kai waved his hand and said.

Lie was somewhat surprised and asked, "Are you sure Xue'er and her son want to stay here?"

"It should be. Last night, something happened to Xue'er and she was taken away by the public security. She only returned home after an hour. During this time, Xue'er and I used some spells. I think we can't stay there any longer." Yan Kai sat down at his desk and turned on his computer.

Master, I know that there are some things that I shouldn't ask, but Xue'er is Helian Xi Chen's wife. Although he is gone now, their relationship isn't like that of an ordinary couple. Lie Feng hinted at Yan Kai.

During the past few days, when Master and Xue'er had been together, their gazes had been fixed on her for a longer and longer time, which made Lie especially worried. Back then, they had been here because of Yan Kai and Helian Xi's emotional and emotional actions, and during that dynasty, the two of them had not fought much, but it was different here, it was filled with high technology, and even though it was a barrier, he was worried that it could not be hidden.

Using modern science to explain, the barrier was only a change in the magnetic field. If they really were to be targeted, it would be difficult for them to establish themselves here, let alone Han'er.

Yan Kai's handsome face was a bit stiff. He knocked on the table and said, "Lie, I know your intentions, but this time it's Helian Chen who asked me to take care of Xue'er and her son. Moreover, you should also know how I handle things, if Xue'er is uninterested in me, I will definitely not make things difficult for you.

"Yes, then I'll go take a look. When I see a suitable room source later, please take a look, Master." Lie bowed and said.

"Yes, before Xue'er moves out, I need you to pay more attention to the matter of the business. Leave the mother and son behind, I won't be able to rest at ease in the end." Yan Kai's last few words sighed and stabbed into his heart.

He had been by the king's side for thousands of years, but he had never seen the king so concerned about a woman. He was truly worried that if anything happened to the king this time, it would be his fault.

Back then, he shouldn't have asked Xue'er to bring their master and servant to this modern era. It was all his fault that he was so worried that he messed up and brought them here.

Yan Kai sat at his computer for a long time. His hands kept moving, but his eyes never left the screen. He only got up about an hour later.

After settling the matter, he left. When he came back, he saw that Luo Xue was still sleeping, so he undid the barrier and sat on Luo Xue's bed, watching her sleep.

It was rather strange. Luo Xue had always been a light sleeper, but today she was in such a deep slumber. Even after Yan Kai sat in front of the bed for a long time, she still hadn't felt it in a long time.

After looking for an unknown amount of time, Yan Kai suddenly raised his hand and lightly pulled aside the hair on Luo Xue's face. He originally thought that he wouldn't disturb Luo Xue, but he didn't expect that she would suddenly grab his hand just as he was about to withdraw his hand.

"Don't... Don't go... Don't leave me... "Don't..." Hearing Luo Xue's low cry, Yan Kai's chest began to tremble, and actually felt somewhat reluctant and uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's okay. No matter what, as long as you need me, I won't leave. I won't leave you behind. Absolutely not." Yan Kai held back Luo Xue's trembling hand and promised his own.

Originally, he had only wanted to arouse the jealousy of Helian Chen. He had thought that he was just putting on a show. He hadn't thought that he would actually fall into such a trap.

There were far more beautiful women than Xue'er. Let alone the Demon Palace, there were even people from the Mortal Realm, but he had placed his heart and soul into Situ Luoxue, the woman he thought was nothing special at all.

When Helian Xi went to find him that day, he knew that his chance had come. But how could he remove the imprint of Helian Xi on Luo Xue's heart?

Originally, he thought that the time that Luo Xue and Helian Yi Chen had spent together wasn't as long as the time he had with Luo Xue. At first, he thought that the time that Luo Xue and Helian Yi Chen had had together wasn't as long as the time that he had with Luo Xue.

"Xi Chen …" Don't... "Don't..."

As Yan Kai was deep in thought, Luo Xue cried out again. Moreover, she called out the name Helian Chen. This cry of surprise touched upon the jealousy in Yan Kai's heart that he had not noticed.

"Xue'er, what's wrong? "Did I have a nightmare …" Originally, he didn't need to wake up Luo Xue, but he didn't want to hear that name, even if it was just in his sleep.

"Don't... "No …" Luo Xue was still struggling in her dreams, but Yan Kai shook her head. Unexpectedly, the frightened Luo Xue suddenly sat up, threw herself at Yan Kai, hugging him tightly and crying.

"Wake up, don't …" "Don't go, I don't blame you, I don't blame you …"

"Xue'er, you've dreamt of him." Yan Kai felt a stabbing pain in his chest as Luo Xue called out Helian Chen's name in his sleep. He already felt sore when Luo Xue hugged him. The soreness in his chest was like a surging tide that engulfed him.

"Yi …" No, you're not... Yan Kai, you … Why are you here? " Hearing Yan Kai's somewhat cold voice, Luo Xue finally returned from his dream. Only then did he realize that the person he was carrying was not Helian Chen.

In the end, the man she loved and had hurt him did not return. When she found out that the person in front of her was not Helian Chen, she pushed him away and retreated back into the blanket.

"You even think of him in your dreams? What was so good about him? Can it make you so obsessed? What did he do to you, even after he hurt you like that? "Tell me, Xue'er, why?" Yan Kai lost control of his emotions as he stood up and loudly questioned Luo Xue.

Luo Xue blankly stared at the quilt. Every time Yan Kai asked a question, he would repeat it in her mind. That's right, where is the best place for Helian Xi? He had never treated her well ever since they crossed paths. Moreover, he repeatedly made things difficult for her and even interrogated her with torture. Just where was he good at?

"Xue'er, before he left, you wanted me to take care of you. If he really did have you in his heart, would he have left at this time? If he doesn't return, will you continue to have such nightmares? " Yan Kai was infuriated, but he was still able to restrain himself a little, so as to not scare Luo Xue.

"He will, he will definitely return, he will definitely …" Luo Xue softly whispered, pulling up the quilt to cover herself.

Yan Kai saw that Luo Xue was avoiding him, so he had no place to vent his anger. He angrily slammed the door and left. Luo Xue was still unable to attack him. It seemed that she could only persuade Han'er.

As long as Han'er was willing to leave, as a mother, Luo Xue would naturally not persist. After all these years, they had been mutually dependent, so this move would definitely work.

Hearing the sound of the door slamming shut, Luo Xue's heart trembled. After a long time, she finally dared to peek out from under the blanket, but her eyes were already red.

She did not believe that Helian Xi Chen would be so heartless. She had to wait, since they had previously said that Han Er would recover in half a year to a year, then she would just wait for a year.

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