The dinner table was especially silent. Yan Kai lowered his head and did not say a word. Even Luo Xue did not utter a single word. This oppressive atmosphere made it hard for his to breathe.

"Han-Er, do you have anything to ask Mommy?" Luo Xue looked at her son. She believed that her son definitely knew, but he didn't say anything. This was very abnormal.

"No, Mommy. Han-Er can't stay by Mommy's side twenty-four hours a day, and there are too many dangers here. Han-Er is worried." Ruo Han swallowed the rice in his mouth and said.

"No way, the security here is very good. Besides, Mommy is an adult and knows some martial arts. There's absolutely no problem with self-defense. This is just an accident, Mommy's own fault." Luo Xue glanced at Yan Kai. When she saw that he still had his head down, she wondered if he had said something to Han'er.

"Mommy, can we move into the city? "Han-Er doesn't like it here." Ruo Han glanced at Luo Xue and whispered.

As soon as his son opened his mouth, he was decisively rejected by Luo Xue. "No, we have already paid a year's rent and we will leave when you recover. Moving around is very troublesome and also not necessary."

"But Mommy, Han-Er doesn't like it here. She doesn't like the students here, and she doesn't like the teachers here. Can we move?" Ruo Han said with tears in her eyes.

"Han-Er, did something happen to you at school?" Seeing her son's expression, Luo Xue said in astonishment.

"It's nothing, I just don't like those arrogant kids. Mommy, do we have to stay here? "If I am not in a good mood, it will affect the recovery of my spirit energy." Luo Han said with a bitter face.

"This … Han'er, you've already been here for more than a month. Have you not recovered at all?" Luo Xue looked at her son in shock. If it was only her, her son's recovery wasn't important, but she didn't want the relationship between Yan Kai and Lie to be more complicated. Thus, the best way was for her son to recover his spirit energy and send them back.

Mommy, your child feels weird too. These days, I ate well, slept well, and should normally recover well, but I've tried, and I haven't recovered a single bit. Maybe it's because I'm in a good mood, or maybe it's because the food here is not good.

Ruo Han kicked Yan Kai under the table and looked at Luo Xue with a bitter face. There was no helping it, his godfather treated him so well and in a better environment too. Mommy had to take care of him and work really hard here.

"Is, is changing the environment really good?" "If..." Luo Xue looked at Yan Kai. Seeing that he was still bowing his head, she was not sure if Yan Kai was the one behind it. She said, "If you really don't like going to school, then stay at home. Perhaps you can recover faster like this."

"Mommy, are you sure I'm home alone? Or are you staying at home with me, waiting for your godfather to raise you or waiting for your dad to make money back? " If Han Li's words completely blocked Luo Xue's path, then she wouldn't be able to rest at home without Han'er's help. Not going to work, that would be a big problem, and mother and son shouldn't stare at each other from home.

"Xue'er, if you really don't feel at ease, just let Han'er follow me. I will make Lie He take good care of him." At this moment, Yan Kai did not tell Luo Xue to move out but told her to give Luo Xue Luo Han to him.

"No, Han-Er, let Mommy think about it. If it really doesn't work, then let's move back to Grandma's house." Luo Xue decisively refused Yan Kai. Although he was his godfather, she did not want to trouble Yan Kai anymore. He could no longer repay the debt he owed him.

Yan Kai's heart tightened when he heard that Luo Xue wanted to return to her parents' house. He said anxiously, "Xue'er, why don't you go out with Han'er these few days to relax?"

"Relax, Han'er has to go to school, and I also have to work. Besides, at this time …"

"It's at this time that I'm going out to relax, to prevent you from thinking too much at home and getting sick. The ancient saying goes, 'reading ten thousand books is not as good as walking ten thousand miles', so we'll take Han'er out to relax. Moreover, you're more familiar with this place." Yan Kai repeatedly advised Luo Xue, hoping to help her dispel the haze in her heart.

Hearing this, Luo Han slid down from the chair and grabbed Luo Xue's arm, saying, "Yes, Mommy, let's go on a trip. I heard my classmates say that Daddy and Mommy are bringing them to soak in hot springs, to climb mountains, to take pictures, I really want to go."

Seeing her son looking at her like this, Luo Xue's heart ached and her heart moved. After thinking for a while, she said, "How about, we choose the weekend? On the weekends, we'll go there and play."

"Yeah, I knew Mommy would be the best. Then Mommy, are we going with Father?" Ruo Han said happily.

"That's right, Xue'er, let me go with you. With me here, I can help you carry your luggage or something. The most important thing is that I can protect you and your mother." Yan Kai had completely put down his arrogance as an overlord. It would appear that he had truly steeled his heart to compete with Helian Xi to the end.

"That's right, Mommy. Let your father come with us, Mommy …"

Under Luo Xue's pleading, she finally nodded her head. Actually, after coming to this modern world, she had thought about it. It was just that the man beside them was Helian Chen, not Yan Kai.

On Friday night, they prepared the things they needed to take with them on their trip. Due to the time difference, it was not suitable for them to travel far, so Luo Xue told the two of them that she planned to take the children to the amusement park to have a look, then go to the nearby attractions, it would be around the same time in two days.

"Mommy, there are so many people. Are they taking pictures? "Han-Er wants to bid too." Luo Han looked at the POSE and eggplant that everyone was shouting out with envy.

"Okay, then Mommy will take your picture, but we don't have a camera, so Mommy will have to use her phone to take your picture." Seeing her son so happy, Luo Xue felt much better. She took out her camera and was about to take a picture of her son.

"I've brought it, take it with your camera. I heard that it's better to take pictures more clearly with your camera. Han-Er, go over with Mommy. I'll take it for you." Yan Kai had prepared many days for this trip. Camera, naturally, could not be lacking. Fortunately, the electronic equipment in the modern era were relatively easy to use. One would be able to learn it immediately.

"Yes, yes, yes. Mommy, quick, let godfather take the pictures for us." Hearing this, Ruo Han jumped up in excitement, and her small hands immediately ran over to pull Luo Xue.

Yan Kai held the camera and quickly pressed the shutter button, capturing every smile on Luo Xue's face. Although there was some melancholy on that smile, he believed that it would eventually fade. One day, Luo Xue would reveal a smile.

"Mommy, shall we shoot it with godfather?" When Yan Kai walked over, Ruo Han grabbed Luo Xue and said.

"Alright, Mommy will take a picture of you and let Han-Er and your godfather take a picture together." Luo Xue deliberately ignored our son's words and reached out to take Yan Kai's camera.

However, Yan Kai grabbed onto Luo Xue with one hand. He knew that Luo Xue wasn't willing to take photos with him, so at this moment, she must be thinking about Helian Chen. The more he was like this, the more this photo would be taken, no matter what happened in the future, he definitely wouldn't let go of any opportunity to be with Xue'er.

"Yeah, Mommy, we have to take more photos. We can still watch them when we go back." He didn't know what Ruo Han was thinking, but he was continuously pulling Yan Kai and Luo Xue together.

"Sir, can you take a photo for us?" Yan Kai immediately handed the camera over to the man beside him, asking him to help him take a picture.

"Mommy, say eggplant." Ruo Han stood between Yan Kai and Luo Xue, gesturing with his hands and saying a few words.

"Ah!" "Son..." Yan Kai followed behind Ruo Han. However, Luo Xue was unable to smile, her expression was as stiff as it could be.

"Sir, can I trouble you to help us take a few more photos?" Yan Kai was unwilling and had no choice but to ask someone to help him take a few more photos. Luo Xue knew that he shouldn't be like this and was trying to force a smile on his face when he heard his son call out 'Daddy'.

"Han'er, don't randomly call people, this place …" Luo Xue quickly called for her son, but when she found out that her husband, who had disappeared for a few days, was also in the amusement park, and was even carrying a little girl, she was instantly shocked speechless.

"Helian Yi Chen, is it really him?" Yan Kai was in disbelief. Being dressed in a suit, he appeared to be much more handsome than that day. Furthermore … He cut the end off.

Yan Kai rubbed his eyes. He was thinking whether he had seen wrongly or not. They had to go back after all. Once they cut their hair, it would take them two or three years to grow so long.

"Daddy, why are you here? "Why don't you go home? Mommy and I miss you so much." Luo Han stepped forward and held Helian Chen's arm.

"Little friend, you must have recognized the wrong person." Before the man who looked like Helian Chen had replied, a woman in fashionable clothes came over and said while looking at Luo Han.

"Impossible, he is my father's … Daddy, Mommy is also here, you …" This was his father's land, but why, why did his father not look at him? Seeing his father ignoring him, Ruo Han turned around and went to find Luo Xue.

"Mommy, what's wrong with Daddy? Why did he ignore me, why did Daddy ignore me? " Ruo Han dragged Luo Xue and walked over.

"Han-Er, we are here to play, not to look for father. If he is really your father, he will definitely recognize you." Luo Xue came over, but the man still didn't turn around to look at Luo Xue. He even carried the little girl and left.

"Daddy, I know you are daddy's land, but why, why are you ignoring Han-Er and Mommy, don't you want us anymore?" Seeing the man carrying the little girl and leaving with the beautiful woman, Ruo Han shouted loudly.

"Han'er, he isn't your father's." Luo Xue's heart felt like it was being stabbed by a knife. Although her hair had been cut, she could feel that that person was really Helian Chen, but why?

It was just that after leaving for a few days, why did he not even acknowledge his wife and children? Did something happen?

But he was the Emperor of Renault. He knew magic. In this world, who could do anything to him? Why didn't he recognize them?

"Han'er, you might be wrong. You should know that there are billions of people in this world. It's normal to have similar appearances. Let's go and play those games." When Yan Kai saw Luo Xue's strange expression, he immediately rushed over to coax her.

"This is impossible, godfather, no one in this world can deceive me. Even if he doesn't speak, even if he has cut his hair, I still know that he belongs to my father. Why can't he even see Mommy? " If his eyes were red, it would be a huge blow for a child. Besides, if Helian Xi Chen knew that it was his son, he would definitely be prepared for it.

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