Yan Kai was unable to answer Ruo Han, Luo Xue was also unable to answer. If that person really was Helian Chen, perhaps only he could answer.

He never thought that he would be able to return home with more worries and worries. His original two days of fun plan had ended on the very same day, and when he was at the amusement park, Ruo Han couldn't find any interest in him, so he left early in the afternoon.

In the middle of the night, Ruo Han was unable to sleep. She stood up and quietly made her way to Yan Kai's room.

"Han'er, it's so late, why aren't you sleeping?" Before Luo Han could knock, Yan Kai opened the door and pulled him into the house.

"Father, if the person today was you, would you not recognize me and Mommy?" Ruo Han leaned into Yan Kai's embrace. This kind of father-like warmth made him feel even worse.

"Yes, no matter what, I will never abandon you and your mother. Han-Er, could it be that you are mistaken? That person might just look like your father?"

At this moment, Yan Kai was also extremely conflicted. Seeing how Luo Xue and Han'er were so upset, he wished that that person wasn't Helian Chen.

"Impossible. When I was calling him father, I heard the surprise in his heart. He even looked at my mother." Ruo Han lost control and said.

"Did he look at your mother? "Why don't I feel it at all?" Yan Kai pondered. He remembered that man from back then had never turned his head around. If he had truly looked, he would have been able to sense it with his spiritual power.

"Yes, I heard him calling Mommy's name in his heart, it can't be wrong." Luo Han said with absolute certainty.

"That's strange, your dad hasn't even been gone for a week. Logically speaking, there's no reason for him to not recognize you." Yan Kai's heart was also in a mess. He did not understand what Helian Xi Chen was trying to do. Or what had happened to him? How could he be willing to be a servant with his ability and the power of an emperor?

The way he treated her during the day did not seem like he was being controlled by anyone. However, how could someone like Helian Xi, who did not even hold his own son in his arms, hold someone else?

"Godfather, I must find Daddy. I must get to the bottom of this." Luo Han suddenly sat up and said while clenching his small fist.

Han'er, if that person today is really your father's, then you should believe in him. He must have had a reason, and he must have had a plan before he left. Yan Kai advised.

If they wanted to find Helian Chen, it would not be difficult. In this world, only the few of them came from the same place, and there was a special kind of spiritual force in their bodies.

Just as Yan Kai and Luo Han were discussing in the room, another person appeared in Luo Xue's room.

After dinner, to keep Yan Kai and her son from asking questions, he went back to his room and lay on his bed, not even turning on the light. She believed her son was right, and he believed in himself, but why would Helian Yi avoid her?

Was he worried that he wouldn't forgive her? Or feel ashamed to see her? No matter what reason it was, Luo Xue could not accept it. They were husband and wife, so even if there was some conflict between them, they should clearly explain why he had to avoid them.

Could it be because of Yan Kai? Was he jealous because Yan Kai was here? After thinking about it again and again, this was the only possible reason.

Closing her eyes, her mind was filled with Helian Chen's shadow. While she was distracted, Luo Xue wanted to stand up, but when she opened her eyes, she was alarmed to find that there was another person in the room. She immediately held her breath.

At first she thought she was thinking too much, but it wasn't until the faint sigh in the darkness that she was sure the people in the room were really Helian Chen.

This also meant that the person she saw today was truly him, otherwise he wouldn't have appeared here tonight. Luo Xue really wanted to get up and ask him why?

However, she was afraid that he would avoid her, so she had to pretend to sleep. She believed that Helian Chen was definitely not here just to visit them. She definitely had something to say.

"Xue'er, I'm sorry. I know that my actions today have harmed you, but I must do that. You must believe me. No matter what, you and Han-Er are my most important and most important family members." In the darkness, Helian Xi's sigh and hesitation pierced Luo Xue's heart.

"Xue'er, give me some time. I know that you don't like Renault and that world, but you must give me some time to adapt to this foreign world. There are some things that I don't know how I should explain to you, but I can guarantee that in the future, I will definitely tell you. Whether it is in that world or this world, I, Helian Ri, will definitely be the king … "

She wanted to endure it, but she couldn't. Especially when Helian Xi looked so 'cowardly', just as Helian Chen was about to leave, Luoxue finally called for him.

"Stop right there. If you leave again, don't ever come back. I'll pretend I never knew you."

Helian Xi's body froze. It was not that he did not want to face Luo Xue, it was that he did not have the courage to leave after seeing her. In the last few days, he had been thinking of her as a form of torture. He had wanted to come back many times, afraid that he would no longer have the courage to leave when he came back.

"Xue'er, give me some time. I will return as soon as possible. I will return to your Han'er's side as soon as possible." Helian Yi Chen did not turn around, but said with a slightly trembling voice.

"I don't know what you want to do, and I don't care what you want to do. I only want you to come back, and you are my husband, and Han-Er's father. You can't leave us, mother and son, alone."

"I didn't leave you and your son behind. But as a man, I will not allow myself to live by women, and I can't forgive myself for doing that to the person I love. Xue'er, I'm sorry, that day … That day, my head was clouded with jealousy. I'm sorry, at that time, all I wanted to do was … " Helian Yi held onto Luo Xue's hand, her trembling voice was filled with deep remorse and regret.

"If you want to leave, then leave. Why did you want Yan Kai to take care of us? Why?" He could forgive Helian Xi for being so cruel to her, but she could not accept his arrangement. She was not a three-year-old child, so why would he let others take care of her? Furthermore, Yan Kai was the love rival he claimed to be.

"Although this is a peaceful world, I am not at ease. You are a woman after all, and Han'er is still young, so as the king of the devil realm, Yan Kai's abilities are unquestionable. If he is in danger, only he can protect you, Xue'er, how can I …"

"Helian Xi Chen, you are detestable, you are detestable, and since you are worried, why not protect us yourself, why not? Don't... "Don't go …" When she felt Helian Chen pull her hand away, she hugged him tighter and cried even louder.

"Darling, I still have some things that I must do. Once these things are done, I will definitely return. Believe me, Yan Kai … "Although Yan Kai is kind to you, I know that you are not interested in him, and only by telling him to take care of you can I be at ease. Xue'er, since I have promised you, I must work hard and give you a comfortable and comfortable life in this place." Helian Chen's hands were trembling. He was afraid that he would not be able to bear the tears of Luo Xue. He was afraid that he would melt into her tears.

"Helian Xi Chen, do you really not care about the life and death of us two?" Hearing Helian Chen's explanation, Luo Xue bit her lips and said. She did not believe that Helian Chen would abandon them. She did not believe that with Helian Chen's overbearing attitude, it was impossible for him to do so.

"Xue'er, I'm not going to abandon you guys. That day, after doing that sort of thing to you, I … "I don't know how to face you anymore. When have I ever used force against a woman in my entire life …" He hated himself that day. He hated the Helian Xi Chen that had hurt Losey.

"No, I don't blame you. I don't blame you anymore. Wake me up, and stay behind. Use your gentleness, and your true love to heal the wound in my heart. Don't go, don't leave us behind." No matter what, tonight, she could not let him leave. She did not know when he would return after he had left.

"Xue'er, that day … You really don't blame me? " Helian Yi slowly turned around. These days, he kept blaming himself, he actually hurt the woman he loved the most. Now that he heard Luo Xue say that she didn't blame him, his heart did not feel good.

Luo Xue's tears seeped into his clothes and burned his back. His heart, in fact, did not like this world, where he was nothing, unable to do anything. He wanted to return to that era, to that era where he could call the wind and summon the rain.

But for the sake of his beloved woman, he had to change himself and adapt to this era. He had to create a world for his wife and children, or else he would not be Helian Chen.

Furthermore, beside him was a man who was glaring at him like a tiger. Yan Kai, he could not be mocked by that devil again. He had to be stronger than him. He had to be stronger than him.

"It's no wonder. You're my husband, Han-Er's father, and we're family. Even if we were angry at the time, after the matter is over, we'll be fine. No matter what, we're family." She came up to him and put her head against his chest. She knew the mind reading skill of Helian Chen, and she knew that as long as she got close enough and stuck close enough to him, he would be able to hear her.

"Xue'er, I'm sorry. Let me compensate you." Helian Xi bowed his head and lifted up Luo Xue's face. In the darkness, those tears were like pearls. He lowered his head and gently kissed her.

He wanted to heal Xue'er that day, and he wanted to heal the wounds on her body. At this moment, besides the love for his wife and the guilt for his wife, he had forgotten about everything else.

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