Time after time, Helian Chen warmed her face. He brought her to the peak of his desire time and time again, and as if there was no such thing as the end of the world, she continued to make love until she was extremely tired and fell asleep.

He wanted to stay by her side and accompany her to watch the sunrise and sunset, but this was a real world. He, who had just arrived here, did not have the qualifications to enjoy life with his wife and children.

He did not know what method Yan Kai had used to establish himself here in such a short period of time, but he had to work hard. He had to create conditions for his wife and children, and he could not watch his beloved woman suffer for him.

He was different from Yan Kai, he had a loyal subordinate beside him, he did not have it, he only had responsibilities.

After putting on his clothes, Helian Chen wanted to go and see his son and apologize to him. During the day, he could not leave, and his son's mind reading skills were much better than his own.

"What, do you want to apologize to Han'er?" "He's just fallen asleep. Don't you have the nerve to wake him up?" Helian Chen had just arrived at the door of Luo Han's room when he was stopped by Yan Kai.

"This is a matter between father and son. It has nothing to do with you." Helian Yi Chen's face was gloomy. He hated Yan Kai being by Luo Xue's side, but after Xue'er came back, she no longer had any friends by her side. Only he could protect her and her son.

"Who asked me to take care of Xue'er and his son?" What, now you want to go back on your word? " Yan Kai had a sloppy expression.

Helian Yi said rudely, "I asked you to take care of Xue'er and her son, but you were not allowed to occupy the Dove Nest."

"Is there a difference? Looking at your current appearance, I am afraid you will not be able to return any time soon. Wouldn't it be better for me to take care of Xue'er and her son? " Yan Kai said with a nonchalant expression.

"Yan Kai, although I have never treated you as a friend before, do not go overboard. Xue'er has always been my wife. Even though I was not by her side, she was still my wife." Helian Yi looked coldly at Yan Kai. Yan Kai did not conceal his thoughts at all. He was determined to win Luo Xue.

Yan Kai unceremoniously taunted, "Hahahaha … This is modern times, not your country of Reno. The women here can always divorce and marry again, and you, don't think you are still the emperor of Renault. In this country, you are just an ordinary person, a useless person who can't even support his wife and children. "

"You … Yan Kai, you do not need to worry about whether I can provide for my wife and children. However, you must remember, if you dare to harm Xue'er, I will definitely kill you. " Helian Yi suppressed the anger in her heart and said calmly.

Xue'er also did not wish to see him give up halfway. Even if he could not become the emperor, he could still live a good life and take good care of his wife and children. He would prove it to Yan Kai.

"I've said it before, I look forward to fighting you." Seeing that Helian Lie did not pay any attention to him and was about to leave, Yan Kai continued, "What, Brother Helian, are you leaving now?"

"This is a matter between our husband and wife. This is my home. Yan Kai, if you know what's good for you, then quickly leave." Helian Yi turned around, she really did not want to see Yan Kai's face.

"You're right. I plan to leave, but I will take Xue'er and her son with me. Next time, if you want to see Xue'er and her son, please come over to my place." Yan Kai saw Helian Xi Chen's figure move a little. However, he only moved a little and did not turn around. He could not help but feel a little disappointed.

"Yan Kai, don't try to anger me again, you won't succeed. A despicable method like yours can only be used once. Since you're so sincere, I'll have to trouble you with Xue'er and Han'er. In the future, when I bring Xue'er back, I'll thank you again."

Helian Yi Chen's words caused Yan Kai to be shocked speechless. He watched as Helian Yi Chen left, this was the first time he was actually at a loss for words.

Had Helian Chen taken the wrong medicine? Why would he say such words? How could he not be angry? Yan Kai was stunned for a long time as he looked at the spot that he had disappeared to.

He had a bad premonition. What kind of big thing was this Helian Xi Chen doing? What else in the world could make him abandon his wife and children?

"Dad, who were you talking to just now?" Just as Yan Kai was about to return to his room, the door to Luo Han's room opened. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked.

"Your dad left without saying anything." Yan Kai was stunned for a moment before he turned around and carried Luo Han back to his room.

"Godfather, what did my father say? "Why didn't he come in to see Han'er?" If Han Han didn't want to let go of Yan Kai, the matters of the day had already left a small shadow in his heart.

"It's nothing. He came out of your mother's room. Maybe he already explained what happened during the day to your mother. Sleep, there's still no dad." As Yan Kai spoke, he also climbed onto Luo Han's bed and laid down beside him like a real father.

"Godfather, my father actually loves me, right? It's just that … Why is it that he is always so cold, and always has so many things to do? " As Ruo Han leaned against Yan Kai and felt this rare warmth, she couldn't help but compare the two in her heart.

"Your father is the Emperor. In the mortal world, the Emperor has many things to do." Yan Kai sighed softly.

At this time, he did not slander Helian Xi, but instead spoke up for him. He did not know if it was because of the mind reading technique or the words in his heart.

"But dad is also the king of the demon realm, and the demon realm is even bigger than Reno, I can't see how busy he is, moreover, at that time, he didn't even want me, when I was born, he told Mommy to drink the formula, maybe he never liked me, and didn't even want me as his son." Luo Han's small heart was filled with grievances. He could not calm down when he thought of how Helian Chen almost killed him before he was even born, and how Helian Chen had killed his mother.

He had wanted to forget that he wanted to be a good son, but it was so difficult. Did his father like girls? When he thought of the girl his father hugged today, Ruo Han's heart ached. Or was it because he was different from an ordinary child and looked too fast?

"Han-Er, don't think too much. You must believe in your father. Sometimes children don't understand the way adults do things. I believe your father will definitely explain it to you in the future." Yan Kai comforted Helian Xi Chen when he thought of her leaving.

Yan Kai continued to coax Luo Han, and talked with him until the sun rose. Only then did Luo Han fall into a deep sleep, while Yan Kai did not fall asleep at all.

However, there was no sound in the hall at all. Thinking that Luo Xue liked to drink soy milk and eat buns, Yan Kai went out to buy breakfast, but who would've thought that even after he came back, Luo Xue still hadn't woken up.

This time, he was somewhat worried. Could it be that Helian Xi Chen did something to hurt Xue'er last night?

"Xue'er, Xue'er, are you alright?" Yan Kai did not rashly enter the room. Instead, he repeatedly knocked on the door.

That heavy knock on the door finally roused Luo Xue from her stupor. She sat up, hazy, with the cold night sky above her chest allowing her to wake up from her dream. The events of last night also returned to her mind.

He quickly pulled up the blanket and searched around the room, but there was no sign of Helian Chen. The anxious voice outside the door was obviously Yan Kai.

Afraid that Yan Kai would barge in, Luo Xue did not dare to get out of bed. He only pulled his blanket tightly and said, "I'm fine. I'm just sleeping soundly."

"It's good that you're fine. I've bought breakfast. If you're awake, hurry up and eat while it's hot." Yan Kai was suspicious. Xue'er had never slept so soundly before. Could it be that she had gotten into an argument with Helian Chen last night?

"Okay, thank you. I'll be up soon." Last night was like a dream. If it weren't for the fact that her body was sore and her clothes were all taken off, she would have thought it was a dream. Did Chen Xi really come back last night?

Luo Xue's heart was in turmoil. She didn't dare to be sure, but she was also afraid. If Helian Chen hadn't come back last night, then who was in her room last night?

Could it be Yan Kai? But that feeling, should not be wrong? If it was Helian Xi Chen, then where was he now? Last night, she remembered that he had promised during their courtship that he would not leave.

Luo Xue quickly put on her clothes, and rushed out of the room without even bothering to clean herself.

"Yan Kai, did he come back last night?" Luo Xue anxiously asked as she saw Yan Kai sitting in the living room.

Seeing that the first thing Luo Xue came out for was to ask Helian Xi Chen, Yan Kai's heart was extremely sour. He said with a serious face, "You woke up early in the morning, is he the only person you care about? "Xue'er, do you know that it hurts my heart?"

"No, I felt like I was dreaming last night, but it was also very real. Yan Kai, tell me, did he come back last night?" At this moment, Luo Xue did not care if she would hurt Yan Kai. She only wanted to know if she had been dreaming the night before. She only wanted to know if Helian Xi had really returned.

"Yes, but he left again. Xue'er, you care so much about him, and you care so much about him. Have you ever asked him if he cares about you too?" Yan Kai knew that it was useless to be jealous at this moment. He had to make Luo Xue give up on Helian Chen. He had to make her forget about his good intentions. He had to make her remember a little of his evils.

"He's really gone?" Luo Xue's figure staggered, as if she had suffered a great blow.

"He left. Furthermore, he might not return in the near future. Xue Er, if you really miss him that much, then go hit him." Yan Kai said as though he was puking.

"He actually left again, he actually abandoned us and left just like that … He actually left just like that …" Tears rolled down Luo Xue's face and slid down her lips. The salty astringent taste was like poison, starting from her heart and then slowly spreading.

"What did he say to you last night?" Seeing Luo Xue like this, Yan Kai was very worried. In his heart, he hated Helian Chen to the extreme.

Since you've already left, why did you come back? He had just coaxed Luo Xue to a merrier, and now you've come back to heal. Helian Chen, you really are a bastard.

Luo Xue shook her head. She had the feeling of being half asleep, so how could she tell others that it was Yan Kai? Since the last time Helian Chen left, he had instructed her to take care of them, then what about this time? Wasn't it the same thing?

"Did he leave any message?"

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