Yan Kai looked at Luo Xue and truly did not want to say anything. However, when he saw Luo Xue's expectant expression, he could not bear with her disappointment. He said, "He seems to have something important to do. He probably won't be back so soon."

Upon hearing this, Luo Xue's expression immediately became gloomy. She did not understand, did not understand, and could not understand. After coming to this modern age, he had always been living in his house, suddenly leaving home, just what important matter?

What could be more important than them? It had only been a few days since he left, what could he possibly have important matters to attend to? Looking for a job? She had never said that he had to find a job, or that she wanted him to go out and earn money to support his family.

"Understood, I'll go make breakfast. I'll have to trouble you to wake up Han-Er in a while." After Luo Xue said his piece, he walked absentmindedly to the kitchen. As he turned around, Yan Kai seemed to see the tears at the corner of her eyes, but he did not question her further.

In the kitchen, Luo Xue's mind could not calm down for a long time. Last night's warmth, last night's promise, could it be just a lie? What did he think? What was a man's promise?

Tears fell onto the egg, and it was as if a hole had been cut in her heart. She was his wife, so what could she not say?

"Xue'er, what is it?" Yan Kai, who was outside, smelled the burnt smell and immediately rushed into the kitchen. In the end, he saw the fire in the pot and was frightened. He quickly rushed forward to pull Luo Xue away.

Luo Xue seemed to still be in a daze, and Yan Miao was still unaware of what was happening in front of her. Fortunately, Yan Kai had used a spell to extinguish the fire, otherwise, he was afraid that Luo Xue would be burned by the flames.

"Xue'er, did you get burned?" Yan Kai examined Luo Xue from head to toe.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you, I'm fine …" Yan Kai's concerned words caused Luo Xue's tears to flow uncontrollably. She pushed Yan Kai aside and walked over to the burnt breakfast.

"Xue'er, can you not be so stubborn? If you want to cry, just cry. No one will laugh at you; if you hide your unhappiness in your heart, it will only make you more miserable. Why is it that you can't let go of me when you came back? " Yan Kai pulled Luo Xue out from the kitchen.

"No, he promised me last night that he wouldn't leave. He promised me …" After Yan Kai spoke, the pain that Luo Xue had been suppressing burst out. She beat Yan Kai, treating him as if he were Helian Lie to vent.

"It doesn't matter if he's a woman or a man, sometimes he doesn't really mean a lie. Isn't there a saying in modern times: A white lie? Maybe he just doesn't want to disappoint you. Xue'er, leave this place. If he comes back, no matter where you are, he'll be able to find you." Yan Kai said to Luo Xue once more.

Luo Xue was crying as she vented her anger at Yan Kai. She didn't expect Ruo Han to come over. "Mummy, what are you eating this morning? I'm so hungry …"

"Han-Er, Mommy, Mommy …"

"Dad is treating us today, we're going out to eat." Yan Kai took over Luo Xue's words and used his imposing body to cover the tear-stained Luo Xue behind him.

"Okay, okay, Daddy, I'm going to have my best breakfast." Ruo Han didn't seem to notice Mommy's abnormality, but said it excitedly.

Yan Kai said lovingly, "Alright, let's go eat in the city. You should quickly go wash up and change clothes. We'll be waiting for you."

Seeing her son go upstairs, Luo Xue quickly used cold water to wash the tears off her face and tried to calm down.

"You should also go wash up. We'll wait for you. Today, everything will be as I say." Yan Kai gripped Luo Xue's shoulders and said with a tone that did not allow any rejection.

"Yes, thank you." Luo Xue nodded and quickly went upstairs. No matter what, she couldn't let her son see her crying. That child was too sensitive and couldn't let him feel any more unhappy.

Today, Luo Xue had put on some makeup to cover up her haggard appearance. At the same time, she was also considering Yan Kai's suggestion.

If she stayed here and slept in the same bed every night, she would probably fall asleep again and again. She would suffer the most for waiting without any promises. She was not Yu Baochuan, and Helian Xi Chen was not Xue Pinggui. She wanted to find herself, to not wither in this endless wait.

On this day, Yan Kai did his best to make them happy. He went to the amusement park and bought many clothes for Luo Xue and her son. However, he didn't bring them to his nightclub.

At night, he still brought Luo Xue and her son back to that lonely little building and stayed there to guard as well.

The night they were waiting for was a kind of spinal pain. The same room, the same bed, the same person had not appeared again. From ancient times to modern times, the contrast between Helian Xi and Chen was great, or perhaps it wasn't just him, every one of them was changing.

After returning to the modern era, she had placed all of her focus on Helian Xi Chen, but what she received was completely different. Unlike in Reno Country, she had held onto her faith at that time, and although she was tired, it was not as painful as it was now.

After a night of reflection, the next morning, after Luo Xue sent Ruo Han off to school, she came back to see Yan Kai was still there. She actually took the initiative and said, "Yan Kai, I've decided to move to the city.

"Alright, whatever you say will be the truth." Yan Kai was stunned for a moment. Although this was his final wish, he did not dare to believe that this day would come this soon.

Although it was a little out of line with his plan, it didn't matter. After he rented the house, he would buy it again.

"Then I'll have to trouble you. In the future, you don't have to watch over us, mother and son, just go back and do what you should do. I'll go upstairs to pack up, then go to Han-Er's school later." Luo Xue's face finally revealed a smile.

Seeing Luo Xue's smile, Yan Kai was somewhat stunned. It had been a long time since he had seen such a heartfelt smile from Luo Xue. She truly understood that he could finally let go of his uneasy heart.

Looking at Luo Xue's back as she went upstairs, Yan Kai said in his heart: 'Helian Xi Chen, if one day Xue'er doesn't accept you, it will be your own fault. You have hurt her heart.

While Luo Xue was tidying up, Yan Kai was busy calling Lie to tell him the good news. At the same time, he didn't need to rush to buy a house.

Moving was easy to say, but anyone who moved would know that it was tiring work, especially Luo Xue who didn't agree with Yan Kai's help.

He tidied up the place, checked out the rent, and looked for a room on the internet. He busied himself for another week before he finished. During this week, after the house was confirmed, Yan Kai had Lie find someone to redecorate it.

This time, it seemed that Luo Xue had really made up her mind. She only rented two rooms, one for each of them. There was no room for outsiders anymore.

"Mommy, are we really going to move? What if Daddy comes back and can't find us? " The fact that he left was something that Ruo Han was reluctant to part with. Being angry was being angry. The blood tie between father and son was thicker than water. It could not be changed.

"If he wants to, he'll find us." Luo Xue said in a calm tone after being at a loss for a moment.

"Yeah, I don't even know what Daddy is going to do. He actually didn't tell us when he came back. Mommy, did you not see Daddy that night?" These few days, Luo Xue had covered up very well. No matter how her son asked, she didn't see him.

After being taught a lesson by Mommy, Luo Han stopped using his superpower easily.

She did not want her son to know about what had happened that night, nor did she want Han'er to know of his father's location. Once again, his father, the emperor, had abandoned them.

"Mummy slept early that night, if your father wants to come back, he will definitely come again. Han-Er, your father is a man, he has his own things to do, let's not ask too much about it, lest it become his burden."

After Ruo Han heard this, she heaved a long sigh and said, "Sigh, although this place is fun, Han'er still hopes to return to Reno Country. Where is it, father doesn't have to leave us and will stay in the palace every day.

That palace is like a cage. Not only us, even your father is trapped within it. Although it will take a while for us to get used to being here, Mommy likes this place more. "" That's right. Luo Xue looked at the plane flying in the sky and said seriously.

"Alright, let's go. Han-Er will try her best to get used to it, but godfather doesn't like it here. Once Han-Er recovers, Han-Er will definitely send both godfather and master back." Ruo Han took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

Yan Kai caressed Luo Han's head and said carelessly, "Han'er, you don't have to force yourself. Your godfather is already used to this here, this place is much more fun than the demon realm."

"Let's wait for Han-Er to recover before we talk about this. Maybe when Han-Er is older, she'll have a stronger ability." Luo Xue smiled.

Having watched her son grow up, and the conversations she had with him these past few days, she had a very bad premonition. After her son came to this modern world, his ability seemed to be gradually weakening.

"If that's the case, you can travel back and forth. Then, your godfather will be able to bask in the light and you can occasionally come back for a trip." Yan Kai smiled. Hearing Luo Xue's words, he was truly looking forward to it. He had always felt that if these two eras could be combined, then it would be perfect.

"Mommy, how long are we going to wait?" Luo Han looked at the door and wondered what Mommy was waiting for.

"Wait a little longer, the moving company said they will be here soon. Han-Er, go back to your room with your godfather and rest. Mommy will be fine here by herself." Luo Xue looked at her watch. It was already past the appointed time, why was the moving company so slow?

"Han-Er, go back to the house with Mommy first. Daddy will wait here." He decided to wait a little longer. If the company didn't show up within half an hour, he would use magic, otherwise, even if he were to continue waiting, it would be very late by the time he got back today.

"Very well. Yan Kai, I'll be troubling you then." This time, Luo Xue did not decline and actually brought Han'er back to her room.

"Mommy, do you like dad a little bit more, or do you like dad a little bit more?" After returning to the house, Ruo Han saw that Luo Xue was looking at Yan Kai strangely, so she giggled.

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