"Little kids shouldn't ask so much. Adults are different from what you little kids understand. Your dad is Mommy's husband, and your godfather is Mommy's friend." Looking at her son, Luo Xue was somewhat helpless, but she still explained.

Luo Han's black eyes were filled with confusion. He knew that he liked people, but there weren't many kinds of them. However, since Mommy said that, he wouldn't ask anymore. He liked both godfather and daddy.

Lie had already tidied up all the houses in the city. He just needed to move the things here and set them up. The beds and the like were all already prepared.

When everything was ready, Yan Kai saw that it was already eight in the evening. He suggested to Luo Xue, "Xue'er, moving today is tiring, so stop cooking. Let's go out to eat."

Luo Xue tilted her head, looking at Yan Kai as she smiled and said, "Fine, but tonight, I'll treat you. You've been helping us these past few days, so tonight you must treat me. Otherwise, we'll cook noodles at home."

After thinking about it these past few days, Luo Xue had already made up her mind. She didn't want to be stuck in a relationship anymore, so she just let nature take its course. As for Yan Kai, she still treated him like a friend and believed that one day he would understand.

Perhaps his marriage is also modern, perhaps before he goes back, he would meet the girl he likes here, and that would be the most perfect.

How could he not feel the change? Right now, he did not know whether this change was good or bad, but seeing Luo Xue's smile, it should be good, so he nodded and said, "Okay, tonight you will treat, I promise that I will not rush to pay. I have been here for a while, and I have experienced the fierceness of this era's women."

"Where's Lie? Can we call him? This house is all thanks to him, or Han'er and I wouldn't be able to stay here tonight. " Luo Xue seriously sized up the house. The decorations were really very good. This kind of intention was not something that an ordinary person could accomplish. Thus, there was definitely no lack of ardor tonight.

Seeing that Luo Xue was in such a good mood, Yan Kai straightforwardly said, "No problem, I'll give him a call."

At this time, the dinner was already over, and since it was too late for Luo Xue to treat them to a meal, she came to the hotel. It was unknown if it was intentional or just a coincidence, but this hotel was very close to Yan Kai's nightclub.

Lie naturally couldn't refuse his boss's order. Moreover, he spent the entire day and night guarding in that extravagant environment. People also had a feeling of being oppressed. Coming out for a breather was also good.

"Uncle Lie." Upon seeing Lie, Ruoxue shouted and rushed over.

"Han-Er, Uncle Lie misses you." Lie happily opened his arms and embraced Luo Han.

Luo Xue watched from the side and could not stop laughing. "It seems like Lie is very used to this place. Perhaps the vast space here is more suitable for you."

Yan Kai nodded his head in appreciation. "That's right, this place is really quite good. It has an additional aura that we like. Actually, we've also been thinking about something these days. Maybe we'll be able to take root here."

"Alright, then from now on, let's calm down. From now on, I want to be my true self, no longer relying on anyone, and only live for myself." Luo Xue clenched her fist and encouraged herself.

"Alright, let's work hard together. Let's go. If we don't go in now, we can only eat supper later." Yan Kai felt the peculiar aura and signaled to Lie with his eyes.

After they entered the hotel, in the dark night, a few fashionable dressed men and women walked out. The man's hair was neither gold nor brown, and none of them were black. The woman's lips were fiery red, and her face was covered with layers of pink.

"Master, are you sure it's him?" "He doesn't look any different from an ordinary person?" The few of them stood in front of the hotel and looked at Yan Kai, Luo Xue, and the rest's backs as they spoke.

"Of course, this is Master's order. Go and investigate what the woman and child have to do with him. I will first return to report to Master. "

The brown haired man walked out from the back. He looked at the hotel and then disappeared into the night.

"Are we going in?" The remaining men and women looked at each other and seemed to have no idea what to do.

"No, we will wait here and wait for master, so as not to alert the enemy."

In the hotel, Luo Xue was very different today. She actually ordered wine and was toasting Yan Kai. It seemed that she really intended to start from the beginning.

This was because there weren't many customers left, so they didn't order a room. They just ate in the dining room.

"Xue'er, I'm very happy to see you smile. Regardless of whether or not you accept me in the future, regardless of whether or not we can be together, today will be a good start. I'll definitely drink this cup." Yan Kai and Luo Xue clinked their cups, feeling quite excited.

"Snowy, drink less. This wine is too strong, it hurts your body to drink too much." It just so happened that at this time, Lie Sha spoke like it was a beautiful scenery.

"Lie! You better not underestimate me. I'm very happy today. We won't leave until we're drunk. Han-Er, if Mommy is drunk tonight, I'll have to ask you to take care of Mommy." Luo Xue pulled off her long hair, chatted and smiled in a very flirtatious manner, especially when winking at her son. The charm, the grace, even the waiters at the side were mesmerized.

"Fine, I won't go back without getting drunk. If you're really drunk, then there's still Li Lie. Come, Xue'er, let me toast you with this goblet of wine, because only you and your mother have a chance to experience the different charm of the human world. Thank you, you're the first woman I've ever wanted to put in my heart and cherish with all my heart." Yan Kai revealed his true feelings. It was rare for him to have such an opportunity. He would not leave until he was drunk.

"Cheers …" Luo Xue raised her glass and clinked it with Yan Kai.

Just as Yan Kai was about to place the cup next to his lips, an obviously peculiar cold aura came over from behind. Even Luo Han felt it and shifted his gaze over. Only Luo Xue was no different from a normal person.

"Aren't you going home yet, Jess?" As soon as Luo Xue's red lips touched the wine cup, that voice filled with ice and gentleness floated over.

Luo Xue was startled, but it was only for a moment. She smiled at Yan Kai and said, "Ah Kai, have you seen a beauty? "Why don't you drink?"

"It was you who sealed Jess's memories." A gust of cold wind blew past. Beside Luo Xue, there was a man with silver hair, blue eyes, and an iceberg like face. The man had a statue-like appearance, giving up all of his exotic flavors.

"Kai, is this gentleman your friend?" Luo Xue put down her wine cup and looked at the man in confusion. Perhaps it was because she had seen too many different handsome men after she transmigrated. Even though this man was so different from the others, she only took an extra glance and didn't feel anything special about him.

"Sir, please do not disturb our meal." Lie stood up and warned the man.

"Xue'er, come and eat more." However, Yan Kai acted as if he did not see that at all. While he was helping Luo Xue with the food, he was also talking to Luo Xue. He did not put the man in his eyes at all.

"You are very arrogant. My master is speaking to you." A blond man walked out from behind Yan Kai, looking at him with disdain.

"Godfather, how rude are they? Waiter, someone is affecting our meal." Ruo Han knocked on the bowl and shouted.

"Han'er, didn't Master teach you? Even if Mt. Tai were to collapse, you still have to keep a straight face and not be easily affected by outsiders."

"Jess, don't you even have the courage to look at me?" The man's sharp gaze stopped on Luo Xue's face.

"Jess? Are you talking to me, sir? " At this moment, Luo Xue finally realized that this man was talking to her. But Jis, this name is so strange, it also sounds like a foreigner's name, who doesn't have standards?

"You really can't remember …"

Ruo Han stood up and stood beside Luo Xue and the man. She possessively hugged Luo Xue's arm and smiled as she said, "Grandpa, please don't get married halfway. This beauty is my mother. Her name is Situ Luoxue, not Jis. You got the wrong person."

"That's right, sir. You have the wrong person. Please don't disturb our meal." It was only now that Yan Kai finally spoke to the man. Moreover, his tone was as cold as the silver-haired man's.

"I won't misjudge you, who are you? "Where did it come from?" The man's hostile gaze fell on Yan Kai. At the same time, he was enveloped by a light mist around him, making him look a little dazed.

Yan Kai narrowed his eyes. Even though the hotel was still a hotel, the staff and customers eating at the hotel seemed to have been knocked out by some unknown force. It was not normal for them to be lying on the table or lying on the floor.

He thought that this world was very simple, but it seemed that he had thought too simply. He stood up and faced off against the man, thinking that he was quite tall. He didn't expect that this silver-haired man was even taller than him.

"I don't care what your purpose is, and I don't care who you're looking for. Remember, this woman is not the person you're looking for. If you're smart, then scram. This King does not want to fight here." The king's aura emitted by Yan Kai did not lose out to this man at all. The two of them stared at each other as if they were secretly competing with each other.

"Wait, Kai, could there have been some kind of misunderstanding?" Luo Xue was originally a few times drunk, but she still felt the surging undercurrent between the two men.

"You are my woman. A thousand years ago …"

The silver-haired man's eyes didn't move, but words that were enough to make Luo Xue faint came out of his mouth.

"A thousand years? Sir, you... "Are you …" Luo Xue pointed at her head. She truly could not say such words. A thousand years, she had just come from another world that could only be described as absurd. This time, why did another thousand years come?

"That's right. A thousand years ago, you were my woman. For a thousand years, I have been waiting for you to reincarnate." The man's eyes finally turned, but Luo Xue really fainted in a thousand years.

"Mommy, Mommy …" Ruo Han shook the unconscious Luo Xue, glared at the silver-haired man and said, "You scoundrel, you're talking nonsense. Mommy isn't any Jis at all, get lost."

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