Helian Yi stared intently at the information on vampires, as if she didn't sense any unusual aura behind her.

Lin Jing hesitated for a moment in the bathroom, but she still wrapped a towel around herself and came out. When she saw Helian Chen still sitting there, her heart was pounding.

"Xi Chen, have you finished reading?" Lin Jing came behind Helian Xi Chen and said in a gentle voice that was like water.

"Not yet. Aside from silverware, do they have any other weaknesses?" Helian Chen didn't notice the abnormality behind him and continued to look at the computer. There were zombies on it, but he didn't see David's sharp teeth.

In fact, zombies are also separated into Eastern zombies and Western zombies. Eastern zombies use Daoist spells and so on, Western zombies use crosses, garlic and so on, but no matter which one it is, it's not a big problem for us. No matter how much they don't die, they still have a weakness. As Lin Jing said this, a pair of slender, jade-like arms encircled him from behind.

His eyes lowered, just in time to see that pair of white, tender, jade arms. She frowned slightly, and because of this touch, the idea that Lin Jing wanted to seduce him transmitted into his mind like an electric current, even to the point that her mind was filled with enchanting thoughts.

"Go away, I'm not interested in any woman but my wife." Helian Yi said coldly.

Lin Jing's body stiffened. Her originally rosy cheeks instantly turned white. However, she did not let go. Instead, she bathed Helian even tighter.

"Helian, you are an emperor. There is no difference between a woman and you. Please don't reject me, okay? "I simply want to love you, to be together with the person I love, to have a warm memory. I won't destroy you and your wife, and I won't ask you to give me a name. I just want to love you, and only want to have the person I love, even if it's just for a night."

"I'll say it again, let go of your hand." He had seen many women, but this was the first time he had seen someone as shameless as Lin Jing.

Although all the women in his harem wanted to climb onto his bed, none of them were as daring as she was. Don't be famous, it's just love. Could it be that this is the characteristic of women in this era? If it was, he could not help but rejoice, glad that the little girl did not learn these things.

Lin Jing wasn't discouraged. Instead, she boldly reached her hand into Helian Xi Chen's shirt. Helian Xi's body trembled slightly. He did not expect this woman to be so shameless. Not only that, she knew how to seduce men.

Helian Yi felt disgusted, but Lin Jing's ridiculous and shameless thoughts did not go away. If she did not kill this woman tonight, she would definitely have even more thoughts.

At this time, Helian Xi could completely push her away, but Lin Jing's' indomitable and unyielding 'mindset gave Helian Chen a headache. This woman was not an ordinary woman, and if he really wanted to avoid her, it would not be that easy.

"Helian, after tonight, you will discover that other than your wife, there is a woman more suitable for you. I don't beg you to always stay by my side, just tonight." Lin Jing saw that Helian Chen only said that and did not really push her away. This caused her to lower her head even more boldly. She stuck her lips into Helian Chen's side face and blew hot air on his earlobes.

Helian Yi held the mouse tightly in her hand and cursed in her heart. This YD woman, she was actually so shameless. If it was before, he would not have hesitated to crush her under his body. But now, she only made him feel disgusted. For a woman to use such a method to obtain a man, it was indeed despicable.

"You should know that since I'm the emperor, what kind of woman haven't you seen before? Do you think you can arouse my interest?" Woman, don't worry. " Helian Yi Chen spoke as he pushed Lin Jing away.

"Ah …" Previously, when he did not make a move, she had thought that he had happily agreed to it. She did not expect that he would actually do so this time, not only did he push her away from him, but he had also forced her to sit on the ground.

"I'm very glad that it wasn't a woman like you who transmigrated to the Queen. I'll take the computer to my room first, you better take care of yourself." He stood up and switched on the power. He decided to take the computer to his room so that he wouldn't be harassed by this woman.

"Wait, you can't take away the laptop. There are a lot of secrets that can't be leaked out." Seeing that Helian Chen was about to leave, Lin Jing did not care about her clothes. She stepped forward and hugged Helian Chen.

"Lin Jing, don't use such lousy excuses, don't think that you can hide those dirty thoughts. Woman, I've seen too many of them, don't think that you're anything special." If he didn't want to know more about vampires, he would have long since left her computer and left.

"Helian Xi Chen, no matter what you say, I will not be angry. I know that you just want to anger me and make me give up on you, but I will not be angry. In this life, until now, you are the only man that has moved my heart, I will not easily let you go." Not only did Lin Jing not let go, she even bathed Helian Chen in her hands even tighter. Not only that, a pair of bold breasts was still rubbing against Helian Chen's back.

"Women, don't bring shame upon yourself." Helian Yi warned with a cold voice. He had never had a good impression of this kind of woman who automatically delivered herself to his doorstep.

Even if he managed to get into bed, it would be pure physical venting, but that was only in the past.

"I don't believe you, Helian. I don't believe that you don't have feelings for me. Although I don't look as beautiful as her, my figure is definitely better. I don't believe that you don't feel anything." As Lin Jing said this, she insolently reached her hand up to Helian Chen's waist. Looking at her posture, it seemed as if she was going to gamble everything she had. She didn't even want the last bit of her pride.

"Lin Jing, if you still want to work together, it would be best if you let go now. I can pretend that nothing happened." Helian Yi said with an iceberg like tone while holding back her anger.

"No, Helian, don't suppress yourself, look at how hot your body is, don't suppress your passion, don't suppress your desire, you can have no pressure, you can have no burden, I won't pester you, and no one else will know, only you will know, I know, no third person will know about our relationship." Lin Jing seemed to have really made a move. Her tears had even come out. Her cheeks were pressed tightly against Helian Chen's back, and her tears seeped into Helian Chen's clothes. That slightly cold feeling made Helian Chen's heart tremble slightly.

Is it really just for love? Did she really just love him and nothing else?

"If I were to tell you that I am not suppressing myself and that you are unable to arouse my interest, would you be willing to let me go?" For some reason, Helian Yi's tone of voice was gentle. It was no longer cold like before.

"How do you prove it?" Lin Jing was stunned for a moment. She loosened her hand and raised her head to look at Helian Chen who had turned around.

"This is the best proof. I am looking at you right now, but very clearly, you cannot arouse my desire. To me, you are no different from a puppet. So, you can give up." He turned and opened the door.

"No, I don't believe you. You did it on purpose. You intentionally angered me. If you really want to prove it, then I should be the one to prove it." Lin Jing did not have the slightest bit of fear, nor did she have any sense of shame. She had already done this and never looked back, so tonight there was only one answer. Helian had to be her.

"How are you going to prove it?" Helian Yi Chen started to panic a little. He was too hesitant towards this woman in front of him. He should turn around decisively and leave. He should shake the woman in front of him off.

So what if she had a good figure? In his harem, which woman had a bad figure? So what if she had superpowers? Which woman in the Illusory Realm didn't have superpowers?

"Didn't you say that you were not interested in me? As long as it can be proven that if you really have no interest in me and your body does not react at all, I can guarantee that I will not make things difficult for you tonight. But if, on the other hand, you have not only feelings for me, but also an interest, then tonight, you cannot leave this room. " As she spoke, Lin Jing grabbed the lapel of Helian Yu Chen's jacket with her lily-white hands and pulled forcefully, causing the buttons on her suit to fly away.

"What are you going to do?" Helian Yi was shocked. This woman's sudden act of aggression had shocked him. He had never seen a woman act so barbarically before.

"Do what I want to do, but, Helian Xi Chen, you said that you don't feel anything for me, and you said that you're not interested in me. If you had even the slightest bit of a normal reaction, you would have lost." Lin Jing smiled slyly.

"Ridiculous! I am very disgusted with women who are too proactive. I have no interest in accompanying you in going crazy." Helian Yi pulled Lin Jing's hand roughly as her expression slightly changed.

What the hell was this place? How could a woman say such words, much less do such a thing? How was this any different from a prostitute? She was simply insane.

"You are not allowed to leave. Helian Chen is bathed. If you leave, I will return tomorrow to find your wife." When Lin Jing saw Helian Xi refuse to cooperate, she was even more sure that it was not because he was not interested in her that she was unwilling to give up.

"You're threatening me." Helian Xi turned around and threw the laptop out as she glared at Lin Jing.

"You can think of it that way. I just think a man has to keep his word." The laptop fell onto the carpet. Although it didn't spark, it was still cut into pieces. However, Lin Jing didn't even turn her head to look. She only looked at Helian Xi provocatively.

Then his gaze slid down past Helian Chen's half-open chest and down to his stomach. When he saw his crotch, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahahaha …" Helian Xi Chen, aren't you lying to yourself? You still dare to say that you're not interested in me? " Lin Jing looked dubiously at Helian Xi Chen. This action of hers was a huge insult to the man.

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