"Look at yourself, you can't even arouse my interest if you're naked. Do you think you can still be considered a woman?" Helian Yi spoke maliciously, but his heart was cooling time and time again. He had to admit that the woman in front of him had a very good figure. To be honest, these modern cosmetics were really mysterious.

His body did have a physical interest in the nakedness in front of him, because he was a man and a normal man, but psychologically the woman's actions were disgusting.

"No matter what you say, I won't be angry. Tonight, you only have two choices. You can leave, but after you leave, your wife will know some useless things." Lin Jing threatened openly.

"You think I'm afraid of your threats?" Helian Lie was burning with rage. Because of Lin Jing's threat, the flame of desire had completely turned into rage, and even her physical reaction had disappeared.

"Of course, you won't be afraid, but you'll have to worry about your wife and children. Not to mention that Situ Luoxue has a love rival eyeing her like a tiger. You can try, as long as you're not afraid of losing that woman." Lin Jing said rudely.

"And the second one?" Helian Yi clenched her teeth. He did not care about Yan Kai, but this was not Renault. The girl's heart was clearly wavering, he could not take the risk of losing her.

"I also know that being forceful is not sweet, so I won't make things too difficult for you. You can do nothing, and as long as you can prove that you truly don't feel anything towards me and have no reaction, I will let you go." Lin Jing looked at Helian Chen's stomach that was bathed in blood. The reaction from her body earlier was gone, and she could not help but feel less confident.

"That's it?" Helian Yi Chen could not believe that Lin Jing would let him off so easily.

"Of course, it's not only to say that. I will do it myself. However, you can choose to not respond." As Lin Jing said this, she took Helian Chen's arm and pulled him to the bed.

Helian Yi cursed in his heart. This woman must be crazy. He should have kicked her away, but he was actually crazy with her.

Physical training? He could choose to respond or not. Did he have to challenge Willow today?

"How dare you, you are the first woman to dare provoke me like this." Helian Yi let out a shout, causing Lin Jing's impudent hand to stop.

"That's perfect. I just want you to always remember me. Remember my uniqueness. Remember that I'm different from other women." As Lin Jing said this, she placed her hand on Helian Chen's chest, feeling the distinct muscles of his chest as she fondled it fondly.

"Woman, your method is too inexperienced. I advise you to give up." Helian Yi suppressed her agitated blood and tried to persuade Lin Jing to stop.

He really wanted Mr Liu to personally demonstrate his skills at this point in time. He wanted to curse those gentlemen. He did not believe that there was a man in this world who could resist the allure of a woman.

"Helian, do you really not feel anything?" Lin Jing teased him with words as she lightly unbuttoned her shirt with her jade-like fingers. She then pressed her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat, then raised her head and charmingly smiled at Helian Lie, "Your heart tells me that you are not speaking your mind. He said that he wants me."

"Lin Jing, is it that as long as I don't react, you'll stop bothering me in the future?" Helian Yi Chen held Lin Jing's restless hand, questioning.

"Of course, as long as you are indifferent to my teasing, I will give up on you. I, Lin Jing am not a shameless woman. If you really have no feelings for me, I will let you go." Lin Jing smiled flirtatiously.

She was absolutely confident that Helian Xi's heartbeat was already abnormal just from the start. She was absolutely confident that she could do it.

"Alright, if you go back on your word, don't blame me for being merciless." Helian Chen let go of Lin Jing's hand. Since that was the case, he would fight with his life on the line tonight. If a woman could do it, then so could he.

He had to give himself some confidence. He had to prove that his heart and body belonged to the girl, and he had to let the world know that even if he had three thousand emperors from the harem, he would still be able to protect a woman and protect her for the rest of her life.

Lin Jing held up Helian's face, then leaned close to his ear and blew slowly into his ear; her movements were as soft as feathers, she really knew men, and when she kissed Helian Chen, she did not forget to rub her full body against his hard heart. She could feel Helian's trembling.

Her hand slowly slid down from Helian Xi Chen's chest all the way to his waist. However, she didn't immediately untie her belt. Instead, she slid down the belt all the way.

Her hands were stiff on her thighs, and there was no physical reaction she thought was normal.

She had seen it with her own eyes, but now, not only was she naked in front of him, she had even used her passion to melt him. He did not react, he would not, she would not easily admit defeat, this was just the beginning, she still had time, she did not believe that there was a man who could resist her charm, and she did not believe that Helian Chenyi could really surpass Liu.

Helian Yi's reaction aroused Lin Jing's unyielding nature. She lightly traced his earlobes with the tip of her tongue, and at times she would also gently caress his earlobes with her teeth … A few bold and unrestrained movements caused Helian Xi to clench her fists. It was not an unbearable feeling of stimulation, but anger and a strong sense of disgust.

When she saw Helian Chen's tightly clenched fists, the corner of Lin Jing's mouth curved up in a beautiful arc. She thought that Helian Chen was trying her best to suppress his reaction, and now she was even more putting on an act, putting herself close to his chest, feeling his firm muscles and smooth and slightly cold skin pressing against her. It was just like in a dream, it was so captivating, it was so beautiful.

She moved her hand to Helian's waist and pulled his belt.

"Enough, woman. Do you know how the word 'shame' is written?" Helian Yi angrily grabbed her hand and pushed her out.

He didn't know if he couldn't stand her temptation, or if he couldn't accept her unruly behavior.

"Helian, are you going to admit defeat?" Lin Jing, who was thrown onto the carpet, did not get angry. Instead, she smiled proudly.

"What a joke, I am just not ashamed of your unrestrained behavior. Please forgive me for not playing with you." Helian Xi stood up. Her pants that had been untied by Lin Jing started to slide down. Helian Chen was shocked. He tried to reach out to hold her, but it was already too late.

Seeing Helian Xi's strong legs, Lin Jing quickly stood up and hooked him with her jade arms. She then said with a coquettish gaze towards Helian Yi Chen, "Kiss me!"

"No …" "Woman, you …" Helian Yi's rationality was still on the upper hand. He wanted to shake off Lin Jing again, but she had never thought that she would accurately give him her lips.

Before Lin Jing could even touch his lips, he had already flung Lin Jing behind him and angrily said, "Don't think that you've succeeded. Let me tell you, for me, you're not going to say anything." Helian Yi Chen said as he bent down and firmly gripped her waist.

Helian Yi bit down furiously. Her snow-white skin was immediately covered in all sorts of purple and green colors. At first, Lin Jing was not used to it. Her red lips moaned helplessly, and she even furrowed her brows in pain, but that was only for a split-second. Her face revealed a look of ecstasy, and her arms immediately wrapped around Helian Xi's neck, even twisting her body in response.

"Mm …" Ah … Yes, you can do whatever you want... Ah … Tonight I... Is Your... "Ah, so comfortable …"

Hearing Lin Jing's disgusting screams, Helian Xi's stomach spasmed and he almost vomited.

He let go of Lin Jing, stood up, and said with eyes as cold as frost, "Did you know? Both of you are women, but you make me nauseous. I hope you still remember what you said before, that you have already lost. "

Lin Jing was still immersed in the joy of passion. It was only when Helian Chen put on his pants that she woke up. She immediately hugged Helian Chen's waist and shamelessly said, "No, you clearly have feelings. You can't, you can't leave."

Woman, I don't want to dirty my hands. You said it yourself, you shouldn't have forgotten it so quickly, right? You've already lost.

Helian Yi really wanted to kill this woman with a palm strike. If he was not rational at this moment, he would have definitely done so. Logic told him that he couldn't kill this woman. The organization backing her was very troublesome, so he could only endure for now.

"You're lying, Helian Xi Chen. I'm not done yet. We've only just started. If you leave now, you will be the one who loses." Lin Jing knelt on the bed and was enraged by Helian Chen's shaming words. However, because of this, she wanted to make Helian Chen regret even more, and make him say two words. Even if it wasn't 'I love you', she had to hear it from his mouth … I want you.

"What else do you want?" Helian Yi looked coldly at the face that made him feel nauseous, suppressing the acid in his stomach.

"You will know. You will want it." Lin Jing said as she unzipped the leather belt that Helian Chen had just tied with one hand and unzipped the zipper with the other. The proficiency of the zipper caused Helian Chen to be unable to react in time.

"You …" Other than the word 'you', Helian Xi could not say anything. He could no longer find the words to describe this woman's shamelessness and wanton behavior.

What slut, what lecherous child, what slut. All of them were weak. None of them were enough to describe this woman's inferiority.

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