"Helian, you look down on women too much. Lin Jing may have gone overboard with you, but she has always been quiet. Until now, we have only seen her looking at you in a new light. As for other men, she does not take them seriously at all." Chen Haodong couldn't bear to listen any longer. He actually spoke up for Lin Jing.

"Do you know her well? You say that as if she were a virgin. If you had seen what she did a few hours ago, you wouldn't have thought that. " Helian Yi shook his head after taking a long sip of coffee.

"Let's go, we can talk as we go. Helian, I'm very curious as to what Lin Jing did to you tonight." Fang Ping pulled Helian up with one hand and patted his shoulder.

"If you want to know, ask on your own. However, Little Chen, I hope that you won't be fooled by her appearance. Women still have to see the meaning of her words." Helian Yi hinted at Chen Hao, everyone could see that Chen Haoping was interested in Lin Jing.

"Let's find someone first." Chen Haodong didn't pay any attention to him. It seemed as if he didn't care at all. He only turned on the microcomputer he brought with him.

"Haodong, have you found anything?" Fang Ping looked over his head.

"Let's go, hopefully nothing will go wrong." Chen Haoping put away his microcomputer. His face changed greatly and his footsteps were clearly becoming more hurried.

"Haodong, where is Lin Jing?" Seeing Chen Haoping's strange expression, Fang Ping was even more curious, "Haodong, if there's really something going on, then I'm afraid that we won't make it in time. Why don't we let She travel with us."

Fang Ping's words seemed to remind Chen Haoping. He took out his microcomputer again and walked up to Helian Xi Chen, saying, "This is a vampire castle. I don't know where she went, but it might not be a good thing to go at this time."

"It's almost dawn. Even if there really are vampires, I'm afraid they …" They are probably back at their lair at this time. If Lin Jing were to meet them, she would probably be in big trouble. " At this time, it was time for the vampires to go out and look for food. Even if they were to eat their fill outside, if a stranger invaded, they would probably not be polite.

"Where is she going?" Helian Yi frowned. Previously, it was Lin Jing who advised him to leave. Why did she go there herself?

"I think it's most likely because of you. Helian Lie, stop talking so much nonsense and quickly bring us there." Fang Ping took over Helian Yi Chen's words.

"I don't think the danger is too great. A few hours ago, I fought with that vampire. Even if he didn't die, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to hurt me." Although Helian Chen said this, he still grabbed both of their wrists and cast a spell to bring them outside the ghost castle.

Although it was close to dawn, the ghost castle was even more horrifying than last night. There were more and more bats in the surroundings, and all kinds of weird noises made one's hair stand on end.

"Little Chen, are you sure she's inside?" When he stopped in front of the ghost castle, Helian Yi couldn't understand. He thought that the woman had gone missing and was looking for a one-night stand at the nightclub.

Did she come here because of him? Did she want to kill David to please him?

"That's right. From the beginning till now, he hasn't moved at all." Chen Haoping said with a stern expression.

"Is that thing of yours working? "Is it possible that we came here before, so …"

"No, these crystals were implanted into our bodies, so no matter where we go, as long as the organization wants to find us, we have nowhere to hide." Chen Haoping shook his head. Because Lin Jing hadn't moved, he was even more worried.

"What?" Is it in my body as well? " Helian Yi's body froze when she heard this. No one liked the feeling of being watched, let alone the high and mighty emperor.

"Don't worry, you don't have it in your body right now. You can't be considered as a member of the organization, so you don't need to worry if you don't have the qualifications." Fang Ping replied on behalf of Chen Haodong.

"Then let's go in. What are we waiting for?" Although Lin Jing's actions made him feel disgusted, if she really came looking for a vampire because of him, then if something really happened, his conscience would still be unsettled.

"Helian, wait for us …" "Fang Ping shouted and grabbed Helian Chen before he disappeared." Helian, we can't be here for the time being. "It is similar to the ability to become invisible. This way, we can clearly see the situation before making our move. What if they have more people and more people …"

He knew that they wanted to reduce the trouble, and also wanted to test his abilities. He did not care, for him, this was just a child's play, it did not matter, since they wanted to know, he would let them know, so that one day, even if they really became enemies, they would have scruples.

Helian Xi brought the two of them towards the location indicated on the microcomputer. The moment their feet touched the ground, their surroundings were pitch-black. It really felt like they had come to hell.

"Damn, this is truly a ghost castle, it doesn't even have a light." Fang Ping was complaining in the dark. Fortunately, Helian Chen had set up a barrier, so even if they were talking, they couldn't hear it outside. However, they could hear the voices outside.

"Fang Ping, shut up." Chen Haodong stopped Fang Ping because he heard the sound outside the boundary.

"Woman, you're here to take revenge on the man who hurt me? Why should I believe you? " In the darkness, they finally saw a bright spot. Right in front of them was actually a crystal coffin, and that cold voice seemed to come from within. With the size of the voice, one could even see the flickering blue light.

"You have no choice. As long as I tell him that you are here, you will definitely die. You can only survive by working together with me." This was Lin Jing's voice. Before hearing her words, Helian Xi could already feel Lin Jing's presence and could feel her bellyful of resentment and revenge.

It seemed that he thought too highly of her. Helian Xi took Chen Haodong and Fang Ping's hands, and before the two of them realized what had happened, he had already brought the two of them back to the hotel.

"Helian, you're too awesome. You actually brought us back here just like that. It's really high, I admire you …" Fang Ping gave a big thumbs up in admiration, but before he finished his sentence, he was interrupted by Chen Haodong's angry voice.

"Helian Xi Chen, what are you doing? Where's Lin Jing? Why didn't you bring her back? " It turned out that Chen Haoping didn't see Lin Jing, so he was worried.

"What does her life or death have to do with me?" Helian's face was cold. He picked up the cup of coffee, which was not yet completely cold, and drank it all in one gulp.

Only after Chen Haodong mentioned it did Fang Ping realize that he was really missing a person. Thus, he followed and said, "Ah …" Lin Jing, he's really not here. Helian, what's wrong with you? The purpose of our visit was to bring back Lin Jing, how can you disregard her life and death? "

Chen Haoping pulled Helian Xi to urge her again and again.

"Helian Xi, quickly go back and bring Lin Jing back, you must have misunderstood, based on that sentence of yours, how can you make such a hasty conclusion, that was only Lin Jing's plan to lure the enemy, Helian Xi, quickly, we won't go this time, you just have to bring Lin Jing back."

"If you want to go, go by yourselves. For women who wish to harm me, I am not that magnanimous. I'm afraid that even if you go, it will be too late." Helian Yi said coldly.

Although he only stopped for a moment, he already knew all about Lin Jing's dirty thoughts. Of course, there was also that vampire who wasn't completely dead yet.

They each had their plans, and it was only then that he understood why David had approached Cheryl. The most detestable thing was that dog of a man and woman. Lin Jing actually wanted to use David's hand to get rid of Xue'er. This was simply unforgivable. If this was Renault, he would definitely order her to be executed.

Compared to Lin Jing, David was not as unforgivable. Helian Xi was looking forward to the 'punishment' that David had given Lin Jing.

"What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean it's too late? " Chen Haodong stepped forward and covered Helian Xi's collar as he said in fear.

"I think you guys should know better than me that vampires rely on sucking people to obtain their energy, and that vampire was heavily injured by me. At this moment, what he needs the most is human blood, and …"

"Bang …" Chen Haodong heavily punched the bridge of Helian Chen's nose.

"You bastard! You clearly know that Lin Jing is in danger, yet you refuse to save her! You bastard, I order you to immediately rescue Lin Jing!" Chen Haodong waved his fists as he cursed.

Helian Yi held onto Chen Haodong's raised fist and said in a strange tone, "That's impossible. You don't have the qualification to order me. Up until now, the person who can order me has yet to be born, so this punch is for you. I'm just telling you, don't think you're really capable."

Helian Yi replied bluntly as he punched Chen Haodong's nose. Beside him, Fang Ping was obviously still in a state of shock. Only when he heard the sound of the nose breaking did Helian Yi step forward in shock and tried to persuade Chen Haodong.

"Stop hitting me, is it worth it for a woman? "Stop, Helian, Haodong, quickly stop …" He saw that the flames had surrounded Helian Chen. Fang Ping was shocked, and did not bother to persuade Fang Ping as he rushed into the sea of flames and pulled Helian Lie out. But no matter how fast he was, he was still affected by the flames, and by the time he came out, his clothes had already been ignited.

"Helian Yi Chen, let me ask you again, are you going or not?" The flames in Chen Haoping's hand were a straight string. It seemed that as long as Helian Chen said no, the flames would turn into a fire dragon that directly attacked Helian Chen.

"Like I said, go save yourself if you have the ability to. If you want to threaten me, you're not qualified." Helian Yi was too lazy to fight with him. Before Chen Haodong's fire dragon arrived, he first placed a barrier around himself. He only saw the fire dragon stopped in mid-air and was unable to injure Helian Yi Chen.

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