"Helian, even if we're not friends, we've still known each other for a few days. You can't just stand by and watch. No matter how wrong Lin Jing is …"

"Fang Ping, stop wasting your saliva on him. Let's go." Chen Haodong knew that he wouldn't be able to do anything to Helian Xi Chen in a short time, and since he was concerned with Lin Jing, he gave up on attacking and prepared to save Lin Jing.

"Haoping, calm down. If there really is something, then we won't be able to make it in time." Fang Ping advised.

"Helian Xi Chen, if anything happens to Lin Jing, I will definitely not let you off." As Chen Haoping spoke, he kicked the door as if to vent his anger on the innocent door.

"Wait, do you think a woman like that is worth it?" Helian Yi called out to Chen Hao Dong.

Chen Haodong stopped and stood at the same place for a while as if he was thinking about Helian words. Then, he slowly turned around and looked at Helian Chen, "Helian Xi, if you really loved her, you would understand that love is not worth it or not?"

"Okay, then I'll bring you two back, but I won't interfere. If I can save all of you, she's the one who asked for it." Helian Yi looked at the two of them and said.

Actually, he did not have a deep grudge, but he remembered that the little girl had said that she would rather have one more friend than one more enemy. Moreover, this matter did not affect him in any way.

"Thank you." Chen Haodong nodded and said with difficulty, "Thank you."

Helian Yi grabbed both of their wrists. It was the same spot she had been at a moment ago. She just hadn't thought that there would be an extra candle. Lin Jing was standing three feet away from the crystal coffin, talking to the vampire inside.

"Why should I believe you?" The voice of the vampire came from the crystal coffin. Helian Xi laid a barrier on the coffin to prevent it from being discovered by the two of them.

"I know where he came from. Without my help, you cannot deal with him. He is the same as you, not a complete human." Lin Jing wore a crafty smile on her face, showing no signs of fear.

"He's not human? "Then what is he?" With a roar, the lid of the crystal coffin opened, and the white-faced Davis came out. The hole in his black robe was still there, and it was still wet.

Helian Yi looked at David. If he made a move now, he could definitely destroy him, but he didn't want to kill him now. If necessary, the enemy might become his friend.

"That will depend on whether you are willing to cooperate with me. As long as you can kill that woman, I will naturally tell you of his weakness." Lin Jing said as if she was a queen.

"Hahaha …" Cough … "Cough …" David laughed, but he did not laugh twice. He began to cough, and his face turned even uglier.

"You have no other choice. With your current state, as long as I tell him that you are here, he will immediately kill you." Lin Jing retracted her smile and said with an expression that said she was confident she would win.

"So what if I'm like this? It's still more than enough to kill you." Lin Jing's words were frozen on her lips because David had already grabbed her by the neck.

No matter how much power she had, at this moment, she could no longer remember. The only thing that enveloped her was fear.

"Helian Xi Chen, quickly open the barrier. Lin Jing is in danger." Chen Haodong was also shouting loudly inside. However, Helian Xi didn't pay attention to him.

"He deserves to die for trying to skin the tiger." Helian Xi only looked and didn't pay attention to Chen Haodong.

"Helian Yi Chen …" Chen Haodong roared, and Fang Ping grabbed him.

"Haodong, calm down. If he really wanted to kill Lin Jing, he would have done so a long time ago. Why wait until now? Let's continue watching." As expected, the spectator knew that Fang Ping was able to see things more clearly than Chen Haodong.

"Then, make a move and try. Even if I die, you won't be able to live past dawn. Naturally, there will be people who avenge me." Lin Jing's voice changed.

"Woman, listen carefully. I don't care how you're going to deal with that man, but if you dare to hurt even a single strand of Ji Si's hair, I'll make you beg for death." There was a bloodthirsty sneer on David's face.

"Who …" What you said... "Ji …" Lin Jing wanted to speak, but it was obvious that the pinching on her neck made it difficult for her to breathe.

"The woman you wanted me to kill. Her name is Situ Luoxue now. Remember this well. If you dare to hurt a single hair on her head, you will 'enjoy' her in hell for all eternity." With that, David released his grip, while Lin Jing collapsed onto the ground.

When he left last time, he clearly felt that David wanted to kill Lin Jing, but why did he suddenly change his mind and say that this girl was Ji Si? What exactly was going on?

"No, that's impossible. How could that woman be …" Lin Jing shook her hands nonstop. She could not accept this, nor did she dare to accept it.

Why was there so many men protecting such an ordinary woman? Why? Impossible, that woman is obviously a modern university student called Han Xue, it's impossible …

It's your business how you want to deal with that man. But if you want to hurt Jis, you better think about it carefully, don't think that I don't know the power behind you and dare hurt my woman. Even if this world is destroyed, I won't let anyone take her away from me. He lay back down in the crystal coffin, and the lid closed itself.

This time, the most shocking thing was Helian Xi Chen. It was already surprising enough that Luo Xue had a modern identity, but now, the vampire also mentioned who she was. What exactly was going on?

While he was still confused, Lin Jing asked for him.

"David, come out. Tell me clearly, how could Situ Luoxue be Ji Si? Impossible, at most, it would be that Han Xue who died in the robbery. How could it be that Jis, you must be mistaken. "If you come out, explain it clearly to me." Lin Jing had no idea where she had borrowed the courage to do so. Not only was she not afraid, she even pounded on the crystal coffin non-stop.

"There is no need for this noble to explain to you. If I say it is her, then it is fine. You can recognize the wrong man, but this noble will definitely not recognize his own woman." With a roar from David, an unknown force from somewhere sent Lin Jing flying.

Originally, it was nothing, she just bumped into Helian Chen's barrier. Fortunately, she was already in a mess and did not notice it, but that did not mean that it was okay. Instead, it was David who was in the crystal coffin.

"Who is it?" "How dare you act so arrogantly in this noble's territory." With a shout from David, the candles in the room went out, and the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside.

Originally, Helian Xi wanted to ask more about it, but Chen Haodong and Fang Ping urged from the side, "Helian, let's leave quickly. We can't stay here for long."

"Hurry and save Lin Jing!" Chen Haodong was anxious.

Helian Yi really didn't want to touch that woman, and from the looks of it, that vampire wouldn't kill Lin Jing. If he didn't save her, Lin Jing would appear before them alive.

"Helian Yi Chen, what are you doing?" Seeing that he had returned to the hotel, Chen Haodong angrily grabbed Helian Chen to wash up.

"You can rest assured that the vampire isn't interested in her. She'll come back herself later." Helian Yi Chen wasn't in the mood to argue with Chen Haodong. Right now, he only wanted to figure out one thing: why did that vampire say that the girl was his woman?

"Haodong, Helian was right. David did not intend to kill Lin Jing. You don't have to worry. If we had appeared just now, Lin Jing might have misunderstood you. Wouldn't it be better if we waited here for her?" Fang Ping went up to pull Chen Haodong over and advised.

"All of you can leave. I want to be alone." Helian Yi ignored the two and pushed them out of the door.

"Wait a minute, Helian. The Chief has a mission. Since we are in England, you must get close to this woman." He took out an envelope, but Helian Chen was not interested in anything. He just wanted to go back as soon as possible and see if his little girl was safe.

He only wanted to know the truth. He wanted to know whether Situ Luoxue was his little girl, his wife, or the Vampire King that Ji Si.

The door closed with a bang. Chen Haodong and Fang Ping were blocked outside the door. Only by blocking them from the outside would he be able to use up all his spiritual energy and return to the girl's side.

"Leave him be, we'll wait for him in Lin Jing's room." Chen Haodong grabbed Fang Ping, the same as Helian Chen. In his heart, there was only that woman who touched his heart.

"But Haoping, this is our mission." Fang Ping, who was dragged into the room by Chen Haodong, was very agitated.

"So what? Do you think that with our abilities, we can stop Helian Chen? Just based on his ability to teleport, you and I have no idea why our leader would send us on this mission. " Chen Haodong lay on the bed in disappointment, staring at the crystal lights on the ceiling in a daze.

"Since the higher-ups sent us here, they naturally have their own thoughts. As long as we do what we have to do, it'll be enough. However, Haodong, you've really lost your sense of propriety this time." Fang Ping looked at his good 'comrade-in-arms' that he had worked with for many years and sighed in his heart. He had a feeling that if this continued, sooner or later, Haodong will be destroyed by Lin Jing.

Originally, they had always thought that Lin Jing was a very obedient girl. But tonight, they learned that she hid a great deal of darkness in her heart. If a woman was ruthless, there was no way men could compare to her.

Tonight, Lin Jing should have taken the initiative to look for David. Since she didn't get what she wanted, when Lin Jing came back, would she make use of Chen Haodong?

Fang Ping was very worried. He felt that before they could complete their mission, they had fallen into the whirlpool that he had created.

"Fang Ping, no matter what I do, it won't affect the mission. Moreover, we can't stay in the organization forever and always return to normal society, and the organization didn't say that we can't fall in love, we can't get married." Chen Haodong sat up as he looked at Fang Ping's worried expression.

"That is true, but when will that day come? Do you think we are Helian Xi Chen? We don't have the capital to contend with organizations. " Fang Ping sighed.

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