Helian Yi tried a few times, but couldn't get back. He didn't know if it was because of himself or because of the two people next door, but after trying many times, they were both unfamiliar places and had to return to the hotel.

He thought about asking for his ID and buying a plane ticket back, but thinking about Chen Haodong and Fang Ping, he could only sit in his room.

Those two fellows would definitely talk about some kind of mission. If Lin Jing came back, that woman would definitely not be able to give him any documents. Who would have thought that after his generation of overlords, she would be in such a miserable state, even returning home would be so difficult.

Looking at the phone beside his bed, he wanted to make a call to go back, but his hand froze the moment he picked up the phone. Xue'er had moved to Yan Kai's side, so he still didn't know how to make a phone call.

After putting the phone back in its original position, he sat cross-legged on the bed. Since he had been in the modern world for so long, he had only focused on absorbing modern knowledge.

At the ghost castle, David sensed that someone was in the room, but he was injured and couldn't fight back. However, when the servants rushed over, they found nothing.

"Woman, you can scram now. Remember, just this once. The next time you trespass into this castle, you must kill him." David's cold warning.

"David, do you think you are a god? "You are just a zombie that cannot be exposed to the light. One day, you will regret it. One day, I will watch you disappear from this world." Lin Jing shouted in indignation.

"Miss Lin, please, no one dares to disobey your lordship. If Miss Lin dares to trespass into the castle again, it will be impossible for her to leave alive." A silver-haired butler expressionlessly sent Lin Jing off.

Looking at the closed door behind her, Lin Jing gritted her teeth and yelled, "I, Lin Jing, swear that one day, I will destroy this ghost castle!"

The ghost castle in the early morning did not look that scary. On the contrary, it had the aura of an ancient noble, and no matter how resentful or resentful Lin Jing was, she could only leave in the end.

As she dragged her tired and dispirited body back to the hotel, Lin Jing looked like she had just withered a rose, and her face looked even more haggard.

She was about to open the door when the door opened from the inside. She was about to ask about it when a hand pulled her into the room.

"Ugh …" "Ugh …"

"Jing, it's me …" Chen Haodong loosened his grip and looked at Lin Jing with a gentle expression.

"Chen Haodong, what are you doing here?" As soon as he saw Lin Jing's face, he immediately turned black.

"Lin Jing, we've been waiting here all night. You should at least give us a smile. It looks like you …"

"Fang Ping, go call Helian Xi first. We'll have a simple meeting later." Chen Haodong interrupted Fang Ping and chased him out.

Before he left, Fang Ping deliberately swept his eyes over Lin Jing. He then sighed, "Alright, I'll go out dressed like this. Lin Jing, you really are getting more and more depraved."

After Fang Ping left, Chen Haodong considerately poured a cup of water for Lin Jing and passed it to her: "Jing Jing, where did you go last night?"

"Didn't Fang Ping say it already? If you dress like this, what else can you do other than find a man?" Lin Jing did not fetch the water. Instead, he mocked himself with a cold expression.

"Jing, don't be like this all the time. Fang Ping didn't mean it that way, we were just concerned for you. Your face was very ugly, and it was very haggard. If there's anything, we can discuss it and do it together, no need …"

"Enough, Chen Haodong. What qualifications do you have to teach me? Whatever I want to do, that is my business." Lin Jing coldly interrupted Chen Haoping's words. She threw his concern, his feelings and ruthlessly trampled over him.

"Jing, I …" Chen Haodong wanted to explain himself, but Lin Jing had already entered the bathroom. Obviously, in Lin Jing's eyes, he was nothing.

Suddenly, something caught his eye. He approached and bent down to pick it up. It was a button. He placed it on his chest and compared it to the button on his shirt.

He scanned the room again and found even more buttons. Not only was there a shirt, there was also a suit. It was obvious that these were buttons on a man's clothes. Why did they appear in Lin Jing's room?

He held the button in his palm, his mind burning with jealousy. He went over, his face dark, and opened the bathroom door.

"Chen Haodong, what are you doing?" Lin Jing, who was resting with her eyes closed, opened her eyes when she heard the sound. She saw Chen Haodong and then closed them again.

"Let me ask you, what is this?" Chen Haodong was hurt by Lin Jing's disregard. He took a few steps forward, raised his hand and asked Lin Jing.

Hearing Chen Haodong's question, Lin Jing opened her eyes again. Seeing the button on his palm, she slowly said, "Button, do you still have a habit of collecting buttons?"

Chen Haodong only wanted to think about the girl he had protected with all his heart. She was actually so unrestrained, as if she had been viciously whipped by someone. "Let me ask you, whose button is this? Why is it in your room? "

The button was in her room, and it was even a man's button, so it was impossible for a man to rip it off by himself. No matter how anxious a man was, it was impossible for him to not even be able to wait for the button to be undone.

"Don't you have eyes? It's a shirt and a suit button. You can tell it's a man's. " Not only did Lin Jing not intend to hide it, she even deliberately put on a very shy expression.

"Who is it? Who is that man? " Chen Haodong looked at Lin Jing. He really wanted to ruthlessly break her neck. But when he saw the bruises on her neck, his heart immediately softened.

He knew it was in the castle of vampires, by some vampire, but who was the man who had come to her room? Could it be … Is Helian Wiping Chen?

Could it be that she and Helian Chen had already …

Chen Haodong's face turned pale. He couldn't believe that a woman whom he respected like a goddess would actually go and seduce a man like that.

"Who else do you think?" When Lin Jing saw Chen Haodong's pale face, she was stunned for a moment. Then, she immediately changed her expression and even started sobbing.

"Jing, what happened to you?" Suddenly hearing Lin Jing's sobbing, Chen Haodong didn't know what to do.

It's him. He suddenly arrived last night …" Come to my room... I... Wu wu wu … It was for this reason that I went out like this, wuu … "Haodong, I don't want to live anymore. I don't want to live anymore ….

Lin Jing suddenly sat up from the bathtub. She hugged Chen Haodong, who was supporting himself on the bathtub, and cried as she hugged him.

"Jing, Jing, what happened to you?" As he was suddenly hugged by Lin Jing, Chen Haodong's mind went blank. Especially as she was pressed against his chest, the seductive fragrance coming from his shirt caused the hormones in Chen Haodong's body to skyrocket.

"Haodong, I don't want to see him again. I don't want to see him again …" I'm so scared... So scared … He's like a wild animal... "Sob, sob, sob, sob …"

Chen Haodong's mind was muddled. He forgot to think and could only listen to Lin Jing's words.

"Jing, what's going on? Is it Helian Xi?" Chen Haodong hugged Lin Jing mechanically. The button in his hand had long since fallen into the bathtub. He could no longer think. The anger from before had long been replaced by endless desire.

"Don't ask... Do Not Ask... "I don't want to think about it anymore. I don't want to think about it …" Lin Jing sobbed, as if she was trying to express her sadness. She even used her mouth to gag Chen Haodong.

A loud bang resounded in Chen Haodong's mind. The soft touch of his lips was like a bomb, causing his heart to be in turmoil. Even if there was a cliff in front of him, even if his body was smashed to pieces, he still couldn't stop it.

"Kiss me... Haodong... "Kiss me …" At this moment, Lin Jingmei's eyes were like silk as she sent out an invitation that captivated the soul. The moaning from before had been replaced by a low gasp. It was just that Chen Haodong had long since lost himself.

Chen Haodong's hands were trembling. Following his instincts, he grabbed onto the hand of the woman who was pressed against his chest. It was unknown whether it was due to the shower gel or because he was too nervous to grab it.

"Jing, I want you …" Chen Haodong looked at the beauty in his dream. His breathing became more rapid. Holding her face, he whispered deeply.

"Haodong, as long as you don't mind, I … "I'm willing to give myself to you …" Lin Jing gasped for breath as she moved her hands around his neck to the front. She skillfully undid the buttons, and began to frantically stroke the buttons with her hands …

"Jing, my goddess, my treasure …" Chen Haodong carried Lin Jing from the bathtub. He desperately wanted to get her, but this place wasn't suitable.

"Haodong... "Mhmm …" Lin Jing was gasping for breath, tightly wrapping herself around Chen Haodong's waist.

Chen Haodong didn't care about the water and foam on their bodies as he held her and walked towards the big bed outside the room.

"Mm …" Ah … "Slow down..." Pressing Lin Jing onto the bed, Chen Haodong began to gnaw on his beard anxiously. The pain caused Lin Jing to knit her eyebrows together. It made her feel uncomfortable.

But when she thought of the man next door, she couldn't push the rude man away. Since she couldn't get the vampire to help her, then it had to be the man in front of her, at least one more person she could use.

Moreover, Chen Haodong was much easier to deal with than the Vampires and Helian Chen. As long as she let him sleep today, he would be her slave from now on.

Thinking of this, Lin Jing shouted even harder.

"Haodong …"

To Chen Haodong's ears, Lin Jing's moans were like a drug used to urge him to act. He stood up, quickly removed the clothes on his body and pressed down on them again.

"Darling, I'm here …" Chen Haodong let out a joyous roar. He finally got the goddess in his heart. He finally got her.

"Ah …" "Haodong …"

In the room next door, after Fang Ping was chased out by Chen Haodong, he came to find Helian Xi. When he found out that Lin Jing had returned, Helian Xi was even more unwilling to come.

"Helian, I know you don't like organizations, but as a man, you have to keep your promises. No matter what, this mission has to be completed, and I also know that you don't like Lin Jing, but in order to complete the mission, you have to bear with it." Helian, I know you don't like organizations, but as a man, you have to keep your promises. Fang Ping kindly persuaded Helian Chen to wash up. Then, he unwillingly came with Fang Ping.

Just as the two of them stepped out of the door, they heard the waves. Fang Ping was instantly petrified.

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