Fang Ping took Helian Yi Chen on the bus, took a taxi, and ate western food with him as if they were two big kids. The two of them had a good time, as long as they didn't mention anything about work, they could become very good friends.

"Helian, I'm really glad to meet your friend from another world." While eating Western food, Fang Ping raised his glass to salute Helian Chen.

"Thank you. If there is a chance, welcome to my dynasty in the future. Over there, I can guarantee to you that absolutely no one can bully you." Helian Yi and Fang Ping clinked cups. This was the first friend he had made since arriving in the modern world.

"It's a deal. Perhaps one day, I will think of living in your world. First, you have to tell me when you return. You can't leave without saying goodbye, okay?" Fang Ping smiled, full of anticipation.

"Of course, but to be honest, eating with a knife still feels weird." Helian Chen said as he cut the steak.

Although he had never used a knife or fork before, he was used to holding a sword. Taking a kitchen knife this time was just a small matter. His knife and sword were only meant to kill people, but this time it was only used to cutting food.

"Practice makes perfect. This is your first time using it, so it's pretty good. No... I'm sorry, I have to answer a phone first. " As Fang Ping spoke, the phone rang. He immediately put down his knife and fork, and seeing that it was Chen Haodong calling, he smirked at Helian Chen, "It seems like their battle is over."

He motioned for him to answer the phone.

"Hehe, Haodong, is your battle over yet?"

"Cut the crap, where are you now?" On the phone was Chen Haodong's extremely displeased voice. This made Fang Ping very surprised. Looking at the time, they had been doing this all morning. Could it be that they weren't satisfied? This … Isn't that too abnormal?

"We're eating outside right now, would you like to come over?"

"No need, come back as soon as you can after eating. Let's have a simple meeting first. I'll wait for you in Helian Room." After saying that, Chen Haodong hung up.

Fang Ping shook his head, put away the phone, picked up his knife and fork, and spoke as if he was talking to himself, "Hearing Haodong's tone, it seems like he's not satisfied with his request, but it doesn't make sense. In the morning …"

"What did he say?" Seeing Chen Haodong frowning and talking, Helian Xi finally opened his mouth and asked.

Fang Ping shrugged his shoulders and said in a nonchalant tone, "It's nothing much, just that the tone is not too good. Let's finish eating and go back to the meeting quickly. Helian, are you serious? Do you really not plan on doing this mission with us?"

Helian Yi said without hesitation, "I'm not used to being ordered around. Moreover, this matter has nothing to do with me. I still have to go back."

Although the conditions were quite tempting, when he thought of the vampires eyeing him, Helian Xi wanted to go back immediately.

A single Yan Kai was enough to give him a headache. Now that there was another vampire, there might be more trouble ahead of him. With this many things, he shouldn't let Xue'er face it alone. As his husband, he should accompany him.

"Ai, who would be born with the habit of being ordered around by others? It's just that … Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. I don't want you to get annoyed after listening to it. Oh right, can you tell me a little bit about it? In ancient times … "No, what is it like in any other dynasty?" Fang Ping stopped midway and shook his head, changing the topic.

"Your majesty." Helian Yi said softly.

He thought everyone in the organization knew, but it didn't seem to be complete. He didn't say the word 'emperor' to show off but considered Fang Ping to be his friend.

"Clang!" The knife and fork in Fang Ping's hand fell onto the plate. His mouth was opened so wide that a goose egg could be stuffed inside.

"Is there a need to be so surprised? I thought you all knew. " Helian Yi put a piece of meat into her mouth and swallowed it before speaking.

"Huang …" "Your majesty, I thought that only the history books have this. I didn't expect that I would actually see the truth in it. This is too …" "This is too f * cking awesome."

Fang Ping wiped off his saliva. He wasn't in a hurry to get a knife and fork. Instead, he stared at Helian Chen as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

"It's all the same to me. When my wife first came to our place, she didn't take me seriously." Helian Yi laughed involuntarily. He thought back to the scene when he first met Luo Xue. If Luo Xue had had the same expression as Fang Ping, perhaps he wouldn't have been so violent.

"No way, don't tell me she didn't look at you with admiration?" "She didn't spit at you. Girls these days like rich and handsome, but you, are simply the best among rich and handsome people. How could she not even care about you?" After what Helian Xi said, he really wanted to see such a special girl.

"Therefore, I am very glad that that person is my wife and not a woman like Lin Jing." Helian Yi put down the tableware, elegantly using a napkin to wipe her mouth. This kind of noble aura was not something that everyone was born with.

"That's true. Helian, I have made this friend of yours my friend. After we return to our country, I will definitely pay a visit to your home." Today was worth it. He was now very grateful to Lin Jing and Chen Haodong. If it wasn't for them forgetting the scene and messing around, he wouldn't have had the chance to be friends with Helian, let alone know so many amazing things.

"If you help me get my ID and get my ticket, I'll take care of you." Helene was still concerned about his papers and his ticket.

Fang Ping patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, just leave this bag to me. I'll make this friend of yours my friend."

"Let's go. I still have some matters to take care of when we go back." Helian Yi Chen stood up. Fang Ping was naturally the one who paid the bill; he didn't have any money on him. Of course, right now Fang Ping was very willing to pay. After all, not everyone had the chance to pay for the emperor's bill.

"Are you worried about Lin Jing?" After paying the bill, Fang Ping and Helian Xi walked out of the restaurant side by side.

"It's not that she's worried, it's just that she's been busy the whole morning. She will definitely say something to Chen Haodong. I have seen many such things before." After getting into the taxi, the two of them began to chat. The driver didn't understand Chinese, so there was no need to worry.

"That's true. I believe you've experienced many women. However, I'm curious as to why you're the only one who loves your wife." Fang Ping asked patiently.

"It's not necessarily a good thing for a man to have too much curiosity. However, I won't answer this question. You will naturally have an answer when you meet your lover." To be honest, not only in modern times, even in ancient times, Helian Chen had never spoken to anyone like this, let alone had so many personal questions.

"Alright, then we'll leave it for later. But boss, I'm really envious of your dynasty, if you can, when you go back, you must bring me along, if you can, in this world, I'm really tired of staying, maybe my marriage was even in your era, after all, you married the beauties of our era, so I can marry one of the beauties of your era, then we can tie the knot, wouldn't it?"

Fang Ping giggled, his mouth was open as he spoke.

"If you insist, it's not impossible. I will say it again, we'll talk about it when the time comes. We still need to talk about fate." He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Fang Ping was a tactful person. He knew that he spoke too much today and asked too many questions, so he didn't ask anymore. Moreover, considering that Helian Xi wanted to rest, he also shut up.

The two of them quickly returned to the hotel. As they walked towards their room, Helian Yi felt an unusual aura. It was not the aura of a man and a woman having sex, but a kind of … In modern words, it was the scent of male hormones.

"Helian, do you think that Lin Jing will be waiting for you in your room?" Fang Ping didn't seem to notice and joked instead.

"I don't think she will appear for the time being. Why don't you wait outside? I'll go back to my room first." Helian Xi didn't want Fang Ping to know the ugly side of a woman. He guessed that Chen Haodong was probably waiting for him inside.

"Right now, we are brothers. We share good fortune and bad troubles. If she really goes too far, I'll help you scold her." As Fang Ping spoke, he knocked on the door. Before he could even touch the door, the door opened and he was punched in the face before he could react.

He only felt his eyes go black and the bridge of his nose hurt, and there seemed to be some sort of liquid flowing out of it.

"Damn, Chen Haodong, you're crazy …" Fortunately, Helian Chen's hands and feet were quite quick, and he immediately pulled him back. Otherwise, he would have received more than just this punch.

"He's not crazy, just brainwashed by a woman." Helian Yi looked coldly at Chen Haodong inside the gatehouse. She had thought that he had lost his temper the entire morning. She hadn't thought that his anger would be so great. It really was like Fang Ping had said.

"Fang Ping, I don't want to hit you, I want to hit him." Chen Haodong was somewhat surprised. Feeling awkward, he pointed at Helian Yi and angrily said.

"F * ck, Chen Haodong, even if you get kicked out of bed by a woman, you should still go find a woman. What's wrong with finding your brother to vent your anger on?" Fang Ping walked into the room with his head held high. He immediately went to the bathroom and used the water to wash himself.

"Chen Haodong, you are an intelligent person. Don't let your eyes be clouded by your outer appearance." The woman who lived next door had arrived, and was standing right behind him, before he closed the door.

"Helian Yi Chen, you finally dare to come back?" Upon seeing this, Lin Jing immediately complained.

"What a joke. Why do I not dare to return? It's you, I didn't think you would be able to return alive." Helian Yi Chen didn't even need to read his mind to know that this was a trick played by this woman.

It was just for Chen Haodong's sake. He didn't expect that such a brave man would be toyed with by a woman.

"Helian Yi Chen, how do you explain this?" Lin Jing closed the door behind Helian Xi. Inside the room, Chen Haozhi took out the shirt and suit that Lin Jing had torn earlier.

"What's there to explain? I believe there are eyes. I should be able to tell that it was pulled out by someone." Helian Yi didn't pay attention to Chen Hao's provocation. It was also because he was in a foreign country. If it was in the country, at this time, Chen Hao dared to use this method to 'avenge a personal grudge'.

"It was torn off? Why don't you say you pulled it off yourself? " Chen Haodong threw his clothes towards Helian Chen.

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