Helian Yi looked at Chen Haodong with a playful smile, "If she says so, then you will believe her."

As expected of a beauty. Hero Tomb, I didn't expect him to not even have the most basic analysis skills to sleep with her.

"Helian Xi Chen, I am a woman, do you think you are handsome enough for a woman to rape you? At this time, you actually pretended as if nothing had happened. Last night … You dare to say that it wasn't you who entered my room last night? "You dare to say that you pressed me down on the bed last night …" When Lin Jing saw that Helian Chen didn't seem to care about the matter anymore, she put on a mournful expression and pointed at Helian Chen as she complained.

"Go on, I think you can fight for Oscar now." Helene sat on the sofa, watching the woman's almost perfect performance.

Ah!" I'm impressed that you even know Oscar. " Fang Ping, who still didn't understand what was happening outside, finally came out of the bathroom. He didn't seem to feel anything out of the ordinary and sat beside Helian Chen.

"Don't think that I'm ignorant and ignorant. My wife is very powerful. Not only does she have good medical skills, she can even be my teacher here. Are you feeling better? I am truly sorry for letting you take this blow for me." Helian Yi Chen ignored the two and started chatting with Fang Ping.

"You also know that he took it for you, Helian Chen. Since you are a man, you must admit that you have done it." Chen Haodong once again walked to the front of Helian Xi Chen. This time, he threw the button towards Helian Xi Chen.

Helian Yi ignored him, but Fang Ping quickly took the buttons.

"Haodong, didn't you say you'd come back for a meeting? Just this meeting? the button assembly? " Fang Ping put the buttons on the small table in front of him and looked at Lin Jing.

Even though he had been with Lin Jing and Chen Haodong for a long time, he now believed that Helian Xi Chen was on his side, on the side of justice.

"The meeting is a meeting, but it could be a siege meeting. Lin Jing, I truly want to see for myself today, how can there be such a shameless woman like you in this world."

Helian Xi stood up, walked past Chen Haodong, past Lin Jing, to the fridge to get a drink. This time, he took out beer, but he only took two cans. Of course, without exception, he threw one to Fang Ping.

"Helian Xi Chen, don't you slander us. Don't think that just because we can't beat you we can turn black into white. I still have the evidence that you left behind." As Lin Jing said this, she unabashedly pulled open her dress, revealing a pair of perfectly round clothes.

"Helian Yi Chen, what else do you have to say?" It was because of the bruises on Lin Jing's body that Chen Haodong believed it to be true. That was why he was so angry.

"I have nothing to say, you already believe in this woman. What I say, will you still believe me?" Helian Yi glanced at Lin Jing and looked into her vicious eyes. He then sat down indifferently.

"Ah …" Helian, are you serious? "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry …" Fang Ping had just drunk a mouthful of wine and spat it out towards Lin Jing. Moreover, he was sitting there, and the spurt was so loud that it landed right between Lin Jing's legs. He hurriedly stood up and said he was sorry, but at the same time he also quickly pulled on a tissue to help her wipe it off.

Lin Jing still hadn't understood what happened when she was sprayed with alcohol. Plus, she didn't expect Fang Ping to move so quickly.

"Oh, Fang Ping, you molested others." Helian Yi Chen laughed. Fang Ping's current situation was similar to Lin Jing slandering him. If they weren't here and knew what happened, with Fang Ping's actions, he wouldn't be able to argue.

Hearing that, Fang Ping immediately understood. He winked at Helian Xi and then hinted to Chen Haodong: "Oh …. I see, Helian, but my situation is a little different from yours, and I'm afraid you really must explain it. "

Helian Yi glanced at Chen Haodong and said, "If he doesn't believe it, then there's no point in explaining further. If he wants to make a move, then hurry up. I don't have that much time to waste with you."

Helian Yi's attitude angered Chen Haodong, but Fang Ping's words also reminded him that he was no longer the 'brat' who was blinded by desire a few hours ago.

The incident from a few hours ago was now played back in his mind. Although he was indeed interested in Lin Jing and had coveted her for a long time, she had indeed taken the initiative to do so.

Lin Jing, who usually spoke coldly of him, was able to do that kind of thing. With her warm feelings towards Helian Chen, it was indeed possible for her to throw herself into his arms.

If Helian Xi Chen was really acting like this, then he wouldn't believe it even if it was a woman who was acting like this.

"Haodong, seeing things doesn't just need to be seen with your eyes, more importantly, with your heart. I believe in Helian." With that, Fang Ping turned to Lin Jing and hinted, "Lin Jing, everyone has been together for a period of time. What did it say? If you really think Helian is wrong, you can sue him for rape or violence. I believe there's better evidence than that, like the semen on the sheets. "

Helian Yi was stunned. Initially, he was angered by Fang Ping's words. Although he had come to modern times to study some modern knowledge, he still hadn't looked at human body structure and physiological phenomena. It was only when Chen Haodong was angry that he understood.

Chen Haodong heard this and got angry, reprimanding Fang Ping, "Fang Ping, what is the meaning of this? Don't say you can't eat grapes and call it sour grapes? Aren't you deliberately trying to embarrass Lin Jing? "

Fang Ping shook his head helplessly. Since he had already said this much, if he still wanted to pretend he didn't know anything, then he had no choice but to let Helian fight. He looked at Chen Haodong sympathetically and sighed, "Cough, Haodong, we are all adults, you shouldn't speak about some things openly. Moreover, your analogy is inappropriate, our Miss Lin is much more beautiful than grapes, and besides, not everyone likes to eat grapes."

"Shut up, I want him to talk." Chen Haodong took an item from his side and threw it over. Then, he pointed at Helian Lie and said.

"Lin Jing, do you really want me to tell you about your shameless act? I've seen many women, but I've never seen such a shameless person like you. " Helian Yi became angry. He did not want to repeat the disgusting incident last night again. He decided that in the future, he must stay away from this woman.

"Helian Yi Chen, you …" Lin Jing pointed at Helian Xi Chen. She did not know that what she was thinking about now, Helian Chen knew it as well.

"There's no need for you to be so angry. To be honest, you might not know one thing. In this world, aside from your Disciplines, what else do you know?" Helian Yi looked at Lin Jing with disgust, but this woman was standing right in front of his eyes.

"There are many, many of them. Helian, other than your teleportation abilities, what other abilities do you have?" Chen Haodong and Lin Jing were stunned while Fang Ping said with excitement.

"Reading mind." Thus, I am very clear about what Lin Jing, Chen Haodong, and especially you … " Helian Yi turned to Lin Jing and warned with a stern voice, "Don't think that you can hide your little trick from the crowd. You are lucky that you managed to find David alive last night, and don't think that I have any good feelings towards you. Honestly speaking, you make me sick to the point that I want to vomit.

Helian's cold eyes swept over Chen Haodong and Lin Jing, only to see both of them had abnormally ugly expressions. Only Fang Ping seemed especially excited, he stood up and rushed towards Helian, hugging him as he said excitedly like a child, "Helian, I've decided. I'll follow you from now on."

Chen Haodong's face turned pale. He couldn't believe it, "You know Mind Reading? So tell me, what am I thinking? "

Helian Xi didn't want to embarrass everyone, so she asked the main point, "You want to know if there was any relationship between her and I last night, then I'll tell you."

"Helian Yi Chen, you …" Lin Jing yelled, but when she opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say.

"I think I'm still an outsider so I might as well go out for a while. You guys can continue chatting." Fang Ping smiled awkwardly and let go of Helian Chen. He believed that Helian Chen already knew what he wanted to do.

That's right, he wanted to get Helian Chen's ID, so he reminded him to do it as soon as possible.

Helian Xi nodded and said to Fang Ping, "That's fine, Fang Ping. Could I trouble you to buy me a cup of hot coffee?"

"Ok, then I'll go out first. You guys take your time and chat, I'll remember to close the door. Remember to be lenient when fighting, don't break the hotel down."

Fang Ping teased and left the room. He even 'generously' closed the door for them.

"Lin Jing, tell me, did he violate you last night, or did you …" seduce him? " At this time, Chen Haodong was already leaning towards Helian Xi Chen. After all, they were both men. With Helian Xi Chen's verification, he had already begun to waver.

"Chen Haodong, since you already think so, what else can I say? I really misjudged you. " When Lin Jing heard this, she was in so much grief that she wanted to cry. She looked at Chen Haodong with accusation in her eyes, then turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, Fang Ping was helping him find a certificate next door. If Lin Jing returned, then they would have caught her red-handed. She hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, Lin Jing, I apologize for breaking your laptop last night."

Helian Xi's sudden gentleness startled Lin Jing. She turned her head to look at him and said resentfully, "Helian Xi Chen, don't you know Mind Reading? "You know, even if you smash ten or a hundred computers, I still wouldn't care. You know very well that …"

"I also said that I have a wife and children. I believe that little Chen is more suitable for you than I am. People or things that don't belong to you should know how to give up." In order to delay Lin Jing, Helian Yi Chen actually said something emotional at this moment.

The more Chen Haodong heard, the more he understood. It was just that he didn't want to believe that his goddess would do such a thing. Thus, he loudly shouted, "Lin Jing, what happened last night?"

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