"Helian Xi Chen, what exactly do you want? If you want to humiliate me, just say so. I don't care. " Lin Jing, on the other hand, was enraged. She turned around and walked towards Helian Yi Chen step by step, saying in an accusatory tone, "Tell him, tell him that I've taken off all my clothes to seduce you, but you're not moving at all. Tell him, no matter how I tease you, you're not a man at all …"

Helian Yi Chen did not get angry. Ever since he came to this modern age, his tyrannical temperament had become much more restrained. He smiled and said, "Why do you bring shame upon yourself? Everyone says that women are like clothes, other than my wife, any other woman is but a fallen leaf in my eyes. Lin Jing, I did what I said, think about it carefully, don't ruin yourself, today is the last time we will meet."

Helian Yi originally wanted to warn her not to cause trouble for Xue'er, but when she thought of her impending return, she stopped herself. As long as he stayed by Xue'er's side, no one would be able to harm her.

Seeing Helian Chen walk past him and open the door, Lin Jing shouted from behind, "Helian Chen, what is the meaning of this?"

"Stop, Lin Jing, why did you lie to me?" Lin Jing wanted to chase after him, but the fire dragon in Chen Haodong's hand flew up and the door was closed.

"Chen Haodong, what are you doing with me? If you have the ability, go find Helian Chen and bathe him." Although Lin Jing was afraid, thinking of Chen Haodong's obsession with her, she turned around and said fiercely.

"Let me ask you, was it you who seduced him last night or was it him who violated you?" With every step Chen Haodong took, Lin Jing felt as if the carpet was on fire. She felt a little regretful, regretting her impulsive actions.

She had originally thought that rather than having Helian Xi Chen say it out loud, it would be better for her to say that she was fighting against him. She did not expect that Helian Xi Chen did not intend to expose her.

"None of them. That should be enough." Lin Jing slowly stepped back. The current Chen Haodong was very terrifying. He didn't look as gentle as the bed at all. It was as if he wanted to kill someone.

"No?" "Then tell me, what happened to the buttons on the clothes, and …" Chen Haodong took a few steps forward and ripped off Lin Jing's coat. The mark of violence was still there on her half-revealed chest. His eyes were spitting fire as he questioned, "Then how do you explain this? "Lin Jing, don't take a man as a fool. Don't think about leaving this room unless you explain yourself."

As Chen Haodong said this, he pulled Lin Jing's arm and pulled her over. Then, he pushed her onto the sofa. Lin Jing was caught off guard and almost fell down.

"Chen Haodong, what is the meaning of this? Why should I explain to you who you are to me? Boyfriend? Husband? Lover? "You think you …" Lin Jing was furious. She stood up and began spouting nonsense at Chen Haodong. However, before she could spew any nonsense, Chen Haodong had already slapped her.

"Pa!" With a slap, Lin Jing was knocked onto the sofa once again. She supported herself on the sofa and raised her head to glare at Chen Haodong. She clenched her teeth and said, "Chen Haodong, you dared to hit me …"

Chen Haodong's heart hurt even more when he looked at the palm print on his face. For so many years, he had loved her with all his heart and protected her with all his heart and thought that she was a goddess, but he never thought that she was just a slut. He had truly fallen in love with his wrongly, and seeing the blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, Chen Haodong closed his eyes and turned around.

"Halt, Chen Haodong, what qualifications do you have to talk to me? What about you? "Don't think you're so noble. You're just a dog, you're just a …"

"Pa …" Chen Haodong, who was about to turn around and leave, quickly turned around and slapped him again. This time, he didn't show any mercy. This slap was much more vicious than the one just now.

"This is the last time I'll hit you. Lin Jing, from now on, I won't waste any of my feelings on you." Chen Haodong didn't go to help her. He didn't even show the slightest bit of guilt on his face.

"Chen Haodong, you're not a human, you bastard …" The pain in his head and heart caused Lin Jing to be like a mad lioness ashe rushed towards Chen Haodong. Before he left, she grabbed onto his leg and forcefully pulled her back.

"Crazy woman, let me go." Chen Haodong didn't expect Lin Jing to have such a huge counterattack. He angrily raised his foot.

"Yes, I'm crazy. Helian Xi can insult me and scold me, but you can't. After you sleep, you don't have the qualifications to say such words. Chen Haodong, men are indeed the same type of people. What they can't get is always the best.

Lin Jing stood up and looked at the man before her. She finally understood the meaning behind Helian Yi's words.

Looking at the blood on Lin Jing's forehead that was all over her face, coupled with her eyes that looked like a female ghost's in some horror movie, he felt a little scared. She no longer dared to act as arrogantly as before, and was tongue-tied as she said, "You …" "You know full well that it's not like that. It's you yourself …"

"Hmph, what Helian Xi Chen said is right. It was me who cheated. I was foolish enough to think that you truly loved me." This time, for the first time ever, Lin Jing actually didn't have any tears. She only used a cold gaze to look at Chen Haodong, and then in his panic, "Pa, pa, pa …" He even gave Chen Hao four resounding slaps on the face.

"Lin Jing, you …" Chen Hao instinctively raised his right hand, but froze in midair in the confrontation with Lin Jing.

"I'll just pretend that I was ruined by a beast this morning. From now on, don't let me see you again." After a few simple slaps, Lin Jing threw down the confused Chen Haozhi and left the guest room with large strides.

"Lin Jing, you damned woman, you …" Chen Haodong turned his head. Only the sound of the door closing could be heard.

He stood dumbly on the spot, his hand caressing his burning cheek. Was he wrong? It was he who had fallen for the wrong person. If he had known that she was so shameless, knowing that she was such a person that even a woman could marry, would he not have loved her?

Would he have continued to love her if it had not been for her? Chen Haoqi didn't think about it further. After all, it was already impossible between them. Now that Lin Jing had said such a thing, she wasn't even willing to see him again.

He regretted his impulses, regretted his words. From Lin Jing's and Helian Yi's words, he could tell that nothing had happened between them. Lin Jing was still his, so why did he insist on asking? Chen Haozhi tugged at his hair, feeling extremely regretful.

"Lin Jing, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I'm sorry …" Chen Hao patted the room next door. The door came in, but there was no one inside.

"Lin Jing, Lin Jing …" After thinking it through, he crawled up and chased out, but Lin Jing was nowhere to be seen in the hotel.

He looked around the hotel for Lin Jing as if she had gone mad. She ran to the lobby to ask the staff if they had seen Lin Jing leaving.

"Sir, the customer you were talking about has already checked out. If …" The staff looked outside. Chen Haodong also looked over and saw Lin Jing getting into a taxi.

"Lin Jing …" He chased after the taxi like a madman, but his legs couldn't run more than four wheels.

"Sorry, I was wrong, please give me another chance …" "Lin Jing …" Chen Haodong kneeled on the road and shouted at the disappearing taxi.

"Haodong, what's wrong with you?" Fang Ping, who just saw Helian Chen off, said in shock when he saw Chen Haodong kneeling on the ground.

"She's gone, she's gone. Fang Ping, quick, help me stop her." Chen Haodong raised his head. When he saw Fang Ping, it was as if he was grabbing onto his lifeline. He pulled Fang Ping and shook him, asking him to help chase after Lin Jing.

"Go, who left?" Hearing Chen Haodong say that she had left, Fang Ping was a little nervous. He couldn't have been discovered so quickly, right? He had just sent Helian Chen to the airport, how could he have been discovered so easily.

"Lin Jing …" It's my fault, Fang Ping. Fang Ping, help me get her back, I apologize to her, I admit my wrongs, I let her hit me, and as long as she's happy, no matter how many times she slaps me in the face, it doesn't matter. " Chen Haodong said with a confused expression.

Behind them, the sound of a horn rang out one after another. In addition, uniformed policemen had already arrived. Fang Ping quickly helped Chen Haodong up so as to not affect the traffic.

"Your face …" As he helped Chen Haodong up, Fang Ping noticed the palm print on his face.

"I should have hit her, it's my fault, I shouldn't have scolded her, much less hit her. Fang Ping, help me find her, she's injured and needs to go to the hospital immediately." Chen Haodong was still incoherent.

Fang Ping supported Chen Haodong and helped him back to the hotel. While pulling him, he advised, "Haodong, let's go back to the hotel first and talk about this slowly, okay? You're talking incoherently right now, so I don't understand what's going on either. "

"She said she never wanted to see me again. Fang Ping, I really did the wrong thing. I shouldn't have suspected her and Helian Xi. I really know I was wrong …" Chen Haodong was still muttering to himself.

After returning to the hotel, Fang Ping poured a cup of water for Chen Haodong. After a while, Chen Haodong finally calmed down.

"Fang Ping, what do we do? Little Jing will not care about me anymore. What should I do? " Chen Haodong drank a mouthful of water and looked at Fang Ping with grief.

"I don't know either. I don't have any experience in this area, but to be honest, Haodong, no matter what the reason is, it's not right for men to hit women. No wonder Lin Jing said something so fierce." After knowing what had happened, Fang Ping couldn't help but sigh and shake her head. He didn't expect such a big thing to happen in such a short time.

"I know, but she has already left. I just asked, she even left her room. Fang Ping, help me, I must find her, I must personally apologize to her, beg her punishment, her forgiveness."

Ah!" Lin Jing checked out? " When Fang Ping heard this, he was greatly alarmed. At the same time, he was crying out in his heart that the situation wasn't good.

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