Helian Yi knew what Lin Jing meant, but she pretended not to know what she meant. She even stood up and said with a frown, "Pleaseres pectyourself."

"That's right. Woman, there really is a problem here." Seeing that Lin Jing had made her move, the man beside her also stood up, startling the flight attendants.

The time had come for Helian Xi to open her mute acupoints when the flight attendants arrived.

"We asked for a change of seats. This lady is so noisy that we can't rest." Before Helian Xi Chen could open his mouth, the man beside him spoke first.

"This lady is very sorry, please come out for a moment." There was no reason for the flight attendants to not believe the accusation of the two men. Besides, everyone had already seen it. It was indeed Lin Jing who was pulling Helian Chen who was sitting by the window.

Lin Jing stared angrily at Helian Yi. At this moment, she had finally experienced what it meant to be unable to refute anything. Considering everyone's feelings, Lin Jing was finally given another seat, and Helian Xi was finally able to calm down.

Without the woman's constant harassment, Helene felt that the time had passed much faster and she had finally reached her destination.

However, Helian Yi Chen had never thought that Lin Jing would have been prepared and would have been waiting for him at the entrance to the ship so early in the morning.

"Hey, handsome, looks like you're in a good mood. Are you interested in taking me for a ride?" Lin Jing smiled as she welcomed Helian Xi Chen. It was as if she had already determined that this golden-eyed man was Helian Yi Chen.

Helian Yi didn't even look at him and directly left. She originally wanted to get rid of him when she came out, but she didn't expect that Lin Jing, who had gone through special training, couldn't get rid of her.

Sensing the aura behind him that made him restless, Helian Xi wanted to use a spell to leave, but she knew the address. If she disappeared just like that, she would definitely find him.

However, he couldn't care so much now. Helian Xi guessed that Lin Jing would find Xue'er at the first possible moment, so he decided to take a walk outside and wait for Lin Jing to leave before leaving.

He believed that Yan Kai would definitely help him get rid of this woman.

In just a blink of an eye, she had lost him. Now, she was even more certain that she didn't even need to think before heading straight for the city where Luo Xue and the others were. She didn't believe that she couldn't catch him.

Since he dared to play with her like this, then he would just wait for her to attack him. Moreover, the one who broke his promise from the start was Helian Xi Chen. He didn't keep his promise, and later he even slandered her in front of Chen Haodong and played with her on the plane.

She let the men know that women were not so easily bullied, and that what women said was not a joke.

After shaking off Lin Jing, Helian Yi went to his father-in-law's home to check on his son. Of course, he didn't dare let his father-in-law or mother-in-law know about it, so he quietly went to his son's room.

"Daddy, you're finally back." At first, Luo Han was taking a nap, but when she suddenly sensed her father's aura, she immediately woke up. When she saw Helian Xi Chen, she excitedly jumped up.

"Shh …" Helian Yi gestured to his son to keep quiet, because at this time, his mother-in-law was resting in the room next door. Although the modern house had a good soundproofing, the windows were all open and could be easily heard.

If it was cold, she would immediately get up and close the doors and windows. Furthermore, she had even left a lock on the door.

"Daddy, where have you been these past few days? I missed you so much, and so did Mommy." Once everything was done, Luo Han threw himself into the arms of Helian Chen.

Helian Yi Chen said sourly: "Really? Daddy thought it was enough for you to have a godfather. "

Ruo Han was not convinced, she pouted and said, "Of course not, father is father, godfather is godfather, Han'er is very clear on the difference. Daddy, you are getting jealous of your godfather."

"Kids are not allowed to eavesdrop on adults." Helian Yi said as he knocked his son on the head. When he was young, he had read minds and was often proud of himself. Now that he had such a son, he knew how difficult it was to be a father.

"Daddy, did you get to know Auntie outside?" Luo Han suddenly let go of Helian Yi Chen and looked at him seriously.

Helian Yi stared at her son and warned him, "No, Han-er, Daddy only wants you and Mommy to be enough. Don't mess around with me, your Mommy is Daddy's, used to be, is, and will be."

He knew what his father meant, but he would not help him just because his father was his father. He hoped that before he grew up, there would be someone by his mother's side to protect her and take care of her, but his father could not.

"But Daddy is not a good Daddy. Daddy will not only not protect Mommy, but also bully Mommy."

Looking at his son, Helian Xi felt a little sad in his heart. If his own son was standing on someone else's side, then his failure as a father could be imagined, but this was all for now, and in the future, he would take good care of them, their mother and son's. He crouched down and pulled his son into his arms, and said, "Han-er, Daddy might not be a good father, good husband, but Daddy will work hard and will definitely be a qualified husband, and a qualified father … You can't push Mommy to another man just because Daddy isn't by your side."

Ruo Han lowered her head and said nothing. After a while, she asked with a wronged tone, "Then will father leave this time?"

"No, Daddy will not leave you. Daddy will assure you." Helian Yi Chen knew that what he had said was a bit serious, but his son's actions had truly hurt his father's heart. He believed that his son was aware of what he had done.

When Luo Han heard the promise of Helian Xi Chen, he was very happy. He held his hand and was about to tell his mother.

"Shall we go home now? Mommy will be very happy to see Daddy coming home. Daddy, I'll go and tell Grandma, let's go home. "

"Han-Er, you can't do it today. Wait another two days. You have to promise Daddy you won't tell anyone that Daddy has come to see you …"

When Luo Han heard Helian Chen say no, he let go of his hand and crawled onto the bed. He covered his head with the blanket and shouted, feeling wronged, "Daddy is lying, Daddy is lying, bad daddy …"

"Han-Er, Daddy didn't lie to you. Daddy said that he would definitely go home and accompany you, mother and son. I just need to give Daddy two more days." Seeing his son disappointed once again, Helian Xi felt very sorry for him. However, in order to get rid of future troubles, she had to do this first. Otherwise, if Lin Jing found out that he had returned, there would be no end to it.

"No, no, I don't want to listen. Daddy is bad, Daddy is bad, I don't want Daddy. No, you go, you go …" Luo Han pulled down the quilt and covered his son with his hands. He then asked Helian Chen to leave.

"Han-Er, remember Daddy's words, Daddy can't tell anyone about Daddy coming to see you, not even Mommy. Daddy will promise you that we will definitely return home in two days, and then we can be together." Helian Yi Chen knew that he could not explain to his son about his lord's matters, and that he was the one who had to leave, so it was useless to say anything more. In two days, in two days, he would definitely accompany his son and be a dutiful father.

"Wuwuwu …" "Bad father, bad father, Han'er will never have bad father again." Ruo Han sobbed, and his father left. His bad father left again, leaving him alone with Mommy.

"Xiao Han, Xiao Han, are you crying?" Outside the door, his grandmother's anxious knocking came at the door.

Ruo Han ran over, opened the door, and threw herself into his grandmother's embrace. "Wuwu wuu wuu …" "Grandmother, father is the bad father, Han'er doesn't want father anymore, wuu …

"Little Han, I've dreamt of your father again." Mama Han's heart ached as she looked at her grandson. She didn't know what her son-in-law had to do, but a man couldn't abandon his wife. The child didn't care.

"Wuwuwu …" "Grandma, can you help me find a good father? A good father that can take care of Mommy and protect Han-Er …"

From birth until now, he had enjoyed the love of his father, especially from Helian Chen. Originally, he had not cared about what his father had done before he was born, but his father was still the same. He had decided not to want his father anymore.

"Silly child, in this world, everyone has only one father. In this world, only father and mother can replace me." Mother Han hugged Ru Han and said with a pained heart.

She knew it was useless to talk to a child, but seeing her grandson like this, she really understood. She was happy to have a child by her side these days, really very happy, but the child always needed to grow up with her parents, so she decided to send her grandson back to her daughter.

"But Grandma, Daddy isn't a good dad, and he isn't a good husband either. He didn't take care of Mommy, and he didn't take care of Han-Er either. Grandma, can you tell Mommy that Daddy is my dad?" Ruo Han acted like a spoiled child as she stuck to her grandmother's body, feeling the slightest bit of thought in the old man's heart.

"Silly child, how about this. Let's call Mommy first. Tonight, grandpa, grandma will send Little Han home, okay?" His mother looked at the time. It was only one o'clock at noon, so she could talk to her daughter. She would call her husband later and ask him to go directly to her daughter's home after work.

Ever since her daughter came back, looking at her different face, it seemed like there was always a barrier between mother and daughter. For the sake of her child, it was time for her to have a good talk with her daughter.

No matter what the reason was, it had to be solved. Stunning was not a solution. Even if an adult could ignore their feelings, they had to think for their child.

"Alright, Grandma, I'll go make the call." When Ruo Han heard that his grandma wanted to send him back home, she happily slipped off her grandma's body and ran for the phone.

"Mommy, Grandma said to send Han-Er home today." Ruo Han said happily as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Okay, Han-Er, then tell grandma to stay here tonight." After receiving his son's call, if Han Li had an inspiration, as long as his mother was here, Yan Kai would probably feel embarrassed to stay for the rest of the night.

"Ok, Mommy. Can I call godfather for dinner tonight?" Just as Ruo Han was thinking of avoiding Yan Kai at night, she didn't expect her son to be on the phone.

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