Luo Xue originally thought she wouldn't need to see Yan Kai, but because her son requested it, she had to call Yan Kai.

"Snow, what's wrong? Is David here again? " When Yan Kai saw the number displayed, he did not hesitate and directly went to Luo Xue's home.

Hearing the voice right beside her ear, Luo Xue was shocked. She immediately put down the phone and complained, "Yan Kai, can you not appear in this way in the future? We are currently in a normal world, so can you at least not appear out of nowhere in a normal way? "

Facing Yan Kai's sudden appearance, Luo Xue was at a loss on what to do and even had a little emotion.

No matter how angry a man was or how angry he was, he would not be angry. Instead, he would coax Luo Xue, accompany her, and let her vent as she wished. After that, he would gently ask for warmth, and at that time, "Xue, what's wrong? I was so scared when I saw your phone call, I thought he was here again. "

"No, it's just that Han'er came back today." Luo Xue tried her best to widen her eyes and force the tears back. Why couldn't Helian Chen do this? Why wasn't he here when she needed him most?

"No worries, I'll sleep with Han-Er tonight. If he doesn't like it, I can sleep on the sofa." Yan Kai clearly knew that Luo Xue's next words would definitely be to drive him away, but he was the first to speak.

"Han-Er said she wants to have dinner with you tonight." She had to go out and buy vegetables. In the evening, Daddy, Mommy would come, and she had to get ready to be filial to her daughter.

Hearing Luo Xue's words, Yan Kai felt a little bit of beauty in his heart. It seemed that his foster son was not in pain for nothing. He immediately smiled and said, "Sure, where does he want to go to eat?"

"No need, at night, my dad and mom will come, so I'll do it myself. Go and busy yourself with your work, it will be fine before dinner, please come to my house in a normal way." Luo Xue took her bag from the room, changing her shoes as she spoke.

"If you want to leave, I'll accompany you." Yan Kai immediately followed, wanting to help Luo Xue carry the bag.

"No need, I can go by myself. You still have things to do, you can go back first."

"Uncle, auntie, come over here. You have to buy a lot of dishes. If I don't go, then who will help you with the dishes?" Yan Kai said shamelessly.

She told herself that she couldn't do it. The man who should be concerned about her couldn't be Yan Kai, she couldn't do it. After suppressing the feelings in her heart, she said in a cold voice, "No need, I will call a taxi."

"Snow, can you not refuse me like this? Think about it, who has been with you all these years? Although you and Helian Xi Chen have a child, but how much time have you two been together, all these years, he has been with you, why do you insist on refusing me? "Someone is helping you take care of Han'er, isn't it better to have someone by your side?" Yan Kai impulsively grabbed Luo Xue's arm.

Luo Xue fell silent. In these past few days, she had indeed become tired, but where was the one that could lead at the shoulder?

"Snow, I'm not asking you to accept me immediately. I just want you to give me a chance, a fair chance. "In Reno Country, you are the queen of Helian Xi, but this is not Reno Country, you can also not be Situ Luoxue. In here, both of you have never held a wedding, Snow, don't lock yourself up in Worry City. You are still young, you should greet every day with a smile …"

The more Yan Kai spoke, the lower Luo Xue's head drooped. She was afraid that he really wouldn't be able to control himself. She was afraid that he would be bewitched by the 'Demon'.

She shrugged off Yan Kai's hand and pretended as if nothing had happened. "If you want to follow, then follow. Don't talk so much nonsense."

Yan Kai happily received Luo Xue's bag. His mood was elated. Although he couldn't force her too much, there were times when he had to force her a little. He remembered that there seemed to be a description in the book he had read a while ago.

It was like saying that love was like flying a kite. If you pulled it too tightly, it would break easily. If you pulled too loosely, it would fly far away. But now, he was learning. If he put the kite away properly, it would be filled with feelings.

"Tonight, you can go back after dinner. I don't want my parents to misunderstand." On the way, Luo Xue warned Yan Kai like a child.

"Alright, if anything happens, just call me at any time. I'll definitely be the first to arrive."

He had originally thought that he would need to spend some time to drink. He hadn't thought that Yan Kai would agree so readily. Luo Xue's tensed face finally relaxed. She suddenly understood that a man was actually a big child. As long as he was like a child, sometimes he would coo around, and it wouldn't be that difficult to get along with him.

After buying the food, Yan Kai did not leave. Instead, like a woman and a man, he helped Luo Xue in the kitchen. He helped her pick up the vegetables and wash the vegetables.

"Yan Kai, have you discovered that the current you is no longer that Demon King from before?" Luo Xue looked at the serious Yan Kai and said with a smile.

Yan Kai raised his head and looked at Luo Xue. He said unconcernedly, "There is no need for the Infernal King here, nor do you need him. Isn't it better for Yan Kai to be like this now?"

Good, Yan Kai is more like a human right now, and a good man at home at that. Wait a moment, I'll take a picture for you …" Seeing Yan Kai washing the vegetables with his sleeves, Luo Xue suddenly shouted.

Yan Kai smiled and made an OK gesture. "Sure, you must do it well."

"Hahaha, Yan Kai, I feel that this place is more suitable for you. How about you stay here too? It would be good for you to stay here for the rest of your life." At this time, Luo Xue seemed to have forgotten that person. This short moment of forgetting was also a type of happiness.

However, the precondition for that is that you must stay here. If you are not here, Yan Kai would not need to stay. "" That's right, Yan Kai. Yan Kai seized the opportunity to confess once again.

"Nutjob, hurry up and wash the vegetables. Han-Er will be back soon. If he sees you like this, he'll definitely laugh at you." Luo Xue was somewhat embarrassed. She turned around and earnestly cut vegetables.

"It doesn't matter. I've seen it before. Many fathers are like this right now, and children will be very …"

"Ah …" It was unknown if it was because of Yan Kai's words that caused Luo Xue to lose her train of thought, but the knife that was used to cut vegetables had actually reached her hand in an instant.

"What's wrong? You're cutting yourself. " When Yan Kai heard Luo Xue's shout, he was momentarily shocked. He immediately understood what could have happened and quickly threw away the food in his hand. Seeing that Luo Xue's hand was bleeding, he immediately grabbed her hand and put it into his mouth.

"No …" "It's fine, just a little bit …" Luo Xue wanted to retract her hand. This feeling was too intimate. They were just friends, just friends. She kept reminding herself that she just treated Yan Kai as a friend.

"You come with me, just a little? If only we had a little more, we could eat your slender fingers for dinner. " With a dark expression, Yan Kai pulled Luo Xue into the room and searched for something.

"No need, I'll do it myself. The medicine chest is over there. Help me get it down." Luo Xue tried to withdraw her hand but Yan Kai held on tightly.

"Tell me, what should I do?" As the Demon King, he had never needed to do anything himself, much less bandage his wounds. Furthermore, the medicine chest he was in now was completely different from the ones he had at that time.

"No need, I can do it myself. Help me turn on the disinfectant. Really, this is just a small accident. I can handle it." Luo Xue was a little touched. She was touched by Yan Kai's care, moved by Yan Kai's consideration, and touched by his sincerity towards her.

Yan Kai did not say anything and only focused on treating Luo Xue's wounds. He would do whatever Luo Xue said.

Looking at Yan Kai who had lowered his head to clean his wound, Luoxue could no longer control her tears, unable to suppress her emotions. She called out softly, "Yan Kai."

Tears fell into Yan Kai's hands following this call.

"Does it hurt?" Yan Kai felt a strange feeling spread from Luo Xue's tears to every corner of his body. It was warm and a little sour.

He couldn't tell what it felt like. It felt a little heartbroken, and a little …

After bandaging Luo Xue's hand, he finally complied with his little heart and tightly pressed her to his chest.

"Tell me, how can you be so relieving? If no one is around to take good care of you, what will you do? " There were also some feelings that he had not experienced for thousands of years. He did not know if this was good or bad, but he was not willing to hide. Escaping had never been his way of doing things.

"Don't do that, let go of me." Yan Kai's masculine aura caused her heart to become a little chaotic, as if he no longer belonged to himself. Luo Xue gently struggled.

She didn't even know if she was escaping, or if she wanted to be held even tighter by him.

"Let me hold him for a while longer, just for a moment." As Yan Kai spoke, he took a deep breath and then released Luo Xue in a very gentlemanly manner.

"Don't do this again in the future. You're Han'er's godfather, and we're friends. Don't embarrass everyone." Luo Xue used the back of her hand to wipe her tears.

"Snow, I …" Yan Kai seemed to want to explain, but "Ding dong, Ding dong" the doorbell rang.

"Don't say anything. Anyways, thank you. I'll be going to open the door. You can play with Han-Er later. I don't need you to help me out in the kitchen." After saying that, Luo Xue quickly ran outside to open the door.

She hated herself for being like this, she shouldn't have acted like this. Helian Xi had said last time that she only had matters to attend to, she could not have had any inappropriate thoughts at this time. If the doorbell did not ring, she really would have given herself a few tight slaps.

"Mommy, I'm back …" The door opened, and Ruo Han rushed towards Luo Xue, shouting.

"Han-Er, mom, it's been hard on you these days." She put her arm around her son and said gratefully to her mother.

"Silly girl, what are you talking about in a family? Eh, there's someone else at home …" Mother Han heard the sound of footsteps in the room and was startled.

Instead, it was Luo Han who called out to his godfather, abandoning Mommy to look for Yan Kai. "Godfather."

Luo Xue embarrassedly stretched out her hand, smiled coquettishly at her mother, and said, "En, mom, it's been a while since I last cooked properly. I accidentally cut off my hand just now, now I'll have to trouble mom."

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