"Hehe, Mommy, I thought you had completely forgotten about your spell. Not bad, you're faster than before." Seeing that Luoxue had returned, Ruoxi wanted to hide in her room, but Luoxue very quickly blocked the door like a gust of wind.

"Cut the crap, who's the woman? What is your purpose for coming to our house? " Luo Xue impolitely knocked on the head of her son.

"Mommy, you said not to pry into other people's thoughts." Ruo Han scratched her head and said with a wronged expression.

"Don't pretend with me. You shouldn't even think about who gave birth to you. Quickly tell me, who is that woman? Where did it come from? "What is his purpose?" Luo Xue grabbed her son's ear and dragged him to the sofa in the living room.

Ruo Han clutched her son and wailed in pain, "Mommy, teacher said not to treat our child violently, we can sue you for ill-treatment."

"Hmph. You're quite capable. You actually mentioned abuse to me. Brat, don't you think about who gave birth to you? Don't you think where I grew up?" Luo Xue seemed to be in a very bad mood. Not only was she very fierce, but she had actually cursed. This had never happened before.

"Mommy, just pretend that the woman is releasing P's. Daddy will be back soon anyway." As Ruo Han said this, he took the initiative to climb onto the sofa and squeezed behind Luo Xue. He held his small fist and beat Luo Xue's shoulder.

Luo Xue narrowed her eyes, raised her head to look at her son's' sly 'little face, and snorted: "Situ Ruo Han, don't fight with me, haha. I want to know who that woman is? What for? "Why are you looking for your father?"

"Mommy, didn't you believe Daddy wouldn't betray you? You don't believe Daddy now? " Luo Han stuck out his tongue, as if he wanted to see Mommy make a joke out of him.

"Don't change the subject, weren't your answers to the woman's question just now a good example? Now be serious and answer Mommy's questions, or... "Hehe, Mommy's slap could very well send you to Africa." Luo Xue pulled her son from behind her and made him face her, as if she wanted to beat him.

Mommy, that woman really does know Daddy, but she probably didn't succeed, so you don't have to worry about Daddy betraying you. Although I really don't think Daddy is a good man or a good husband, but I believe Daddy will not betray you. Ruo Han restrained his laughter as he spoke in a serious tone.

Luo Xue stared at her son. These words came from the mouth of a child a few years old.

"Mommy, please don't look at me like that. I'm your son, so I'm not the one who said that. Dad said it. I'm just recounting it, that's all." Ruo Han shuddered. Mommy had a weird expression on her face. Something was wrong with Mommy today. It seemed like it would be safer for him to behave himself.

"What does that woman do? "Why do you want to find your father?" She felt that she had lost her composure in front of her son, and then she cleared her throat and said.

"I'm not too sure either. I just know that she seems to be from some powerful organization, and Daddy might be related to that organization. You know that if Daddy doesn't want to, I can't feel it, so you can ask him about it when Daddy comes back." This time, Ruo Han did not dare to laugh at Lin Jing. She told her all the information she had gotten from Lin Jing.

"Then why is she looking for your father? You want to capture your father? Or is it because she likes your father and purely wants to see him? " Luo Xue believed it this time, but she still had a lot of questions. How mysterious was a mysterious organization? Was the disappearance of Helian Yi Chen related to that mysterious organization? How did he get involved with that mysterious organization? Would his life be in danger? But she also knew that none of these questions could be answered by her son.

"Maybe both. Mommy, I really don't know. Daddy will be back soon anyway. If you ask Daddy then, Daddy will definitely tell you." Luo Han hugged his head. Mommy's mind was in such a mess that even he felt a headache coming on.

"Very soon?" I wonder how soon your father will have his hands full? Sigh, as long as no one catches him, it's fine. As long as he's safe. " The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. Unless she could see Helian Xi Chen.

"Mommy, actually …" Luo Han looked at her mother in confusion, not knowing if she should tell her mother that he had met her father yesterday.

"Actually what?" Luo Xue looked at her strange son, determined that he was hiding something from her, and asked, "Is there anything else you haven't told Mommy?"

"Actually …" When father left yesterday, he clearly said that he couldn't tell anyone, not even Mommy. But now, Mommy was like this, if he didn't tell her, then Mommy probably wouldn't be able to sleep well before daddy returned.

"Situ Ruo Han, quickly tell me. No matter how you look at it, Mommy will go crazy." Seeing her son's hesitant expression, Luo Xue became even more agitated. Today, her heart was in turmoil and she always felt that something bad was going to happen. But that 'Third Young Master' had clearly come before, what else was there for him?

Seeing how Mummy was about to go crazy, Luo Han closed her eyes and quickly said, "Actually, I saw father yesterday and father also said that he will be back in two days and will not leave us ever again."

Hearing that, Luo Xue was stunned, then looked at her son in shock, and anxiously said: "What? You saw your father yesterday? Where is it? Why didn't you come back yesterday? "

"It was yesterday noon. Before I called back, I was sleeping, and when I felt Father's breath, I saw him. But Father said that he still had some matters and would be back in two days. He also warned me again and again not to tell anyone, including Mommy." Ruo Han backed off timidly. Mommy's current expression made him a little scared.

"No one is allowed to say, not even Mommy. What is he trying to do? What the hell is he playing? " If she could find Helian Xi Chen, she would go after him and ask him for an explanation. Why not? Why not even her?

"Mommy, I …" Can I go back to my room and play games? " Seeing Luo Xue act like this, Luo Han seemed to be somewhat afraid. He stood up and timidly said.

"Go, Mommy is going out. Remember, no one is allowed to knock on the door. Mommy will be back soon." Since Helian Chen left, she had not asked him where he had gone. What was the matter? Even when he came back that night, she didn't press him.

However, he had abandoned them time and time again. And now, he had provoked such a woman to come back. Just what was he doing?

She already understood that she wouldn't force him to stay in the modern world any longer. When her son recovered, they would return to Reno, but why, why didn't he see her when he saw his son?

Luo Xue's heart felt as if it had been ruthlessly cut by a sharp weapon. That sharp weapon was Helian Chen's words. She walked on the street at a loss, as if she had lost her way and didn't know where to go, just like her current life.

Standing at the intersection, Luo Xue didn't dare to step on it, afraid that if she stepped on it wrong, she wouldn't be able to turn her head back. She didn't even know that the green light had changed. The beeping sound seemed to be coming from another time and place, and she didn't react at all.

"Xue'er, what are you doing?" Suddenly, a figure as fast as lightning took her away, saving her from the fate of becoming a ghost under the wheels of a chariot.

However, Luo Xue was completely clueless. She didn't feel like she had walked through the gates of hell. She didn't even feel like she had been taken away from the crossroad that almost took her life.

"It's you, aren't you... Helian Xi Chen, didn't you say you can't tell me? You bastard, where did you go? "Where did you go?"

When Luo Xue looked up and saw Helian Chen, she did not seem to react immediately. When she did, she immediately beat him, tears also welled up in her eyes.

"Xue'er, what happened to you? Why did it seem like he had lost his soul? "What's wrong?" Helian Chen's heart ached as she wiped away her tears. She had never seen Luo Xue in such a messy state. She had never seen her in such a state.

"Let's find a place to sit." Seeing Helian Xi Chen, Luo Xue's heart gradually calmed down. She pushed Helian Xi Chen away and said while looking into the distance.

"Let's go to the park. There shouldn't be many people there at this time of the year." Helian Yi held onto Luo Xue's hand. He knew that he needed to explain things to her properly, so he had to find a quiet place.

Originally, her home was the safest place to be, but now, it was the safest place for him. Lin Jing might go at any time, and Yan Kai might appear at any time. Those two people were people he did not want to see at the moment.

The two of them found a secluded corner of the park and sat down. However, Helian Chen didn't seem to be at ease, so he set up a barrier around them.

"Where have you been all this time?" Luo Xue directly asked, with an interrogation tone.

"Little girl, don't be like this. I did have something to do during this period of time, but I didn't do anything to let you down. I don't know what Lin Jing said to you, but I really didn't do anything to let you down." Such a cold Xue'er was just like Han'er before she was born, causing Helian Chen to feel extremely uneasy, feeling as if Luo Xue would leave at any moment.

"Is that woman called Lin Jing?" Who was she? Why did you find your way home? " Luo Xue was not appeased by Helian Xi Chen's confession.

Xue'er, listen carefully to me, actually, when I left home that time, I was found by them. At that time, I was in a bit of a mess, so I followed them, and they have pretty good conditions, as long as I help them complete a mission, they will give us three family members, a real and valid identity, and also give me a house, as well as some considerable funds. At that time, I was tempted, so I agreed, and Lin Jing is part of that organization, of course, she's not the only one, there's a lot more …

Helian Chen seemed to be afraid that Luo Xue would run away. He kept holding her hand tightly.

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