Luo Xue listened attentively, not interrupting Helian Chen's speech. She wanted to know everything that had happened. She wanted to know what Helian Chen had been doing these past few days. Even more so, he needed to know if his life was in danger.

"Xue'er, do you understand?" After spending half an hour, Helian Xi finally told her the whole story. Of course, she couldn't tell her the details.

"I kind of understand now, it's just that what do they want you to do? If you don't do it, will they cause trouble for you? " Knowing that Helian Xi Chen's life was not in danger, Luo Xue felt much more at ease. However, she was a little worried. She knew that some secret organizations did not mean that she could just go when she said she could.

There were scenes in the movie too. Normally, if one knew too much, they would be silenced …

"Don't worry, they won't do anything to me because they don't have the ability to. "Xue'er, if you can't stay any longer, are you willing to accompany me to another place?" Helian Xi Chen had also been thinking about it these past two days, but he had never been able to come up with a better solution.

Of course, as long as I marry a chicken, as long as I marry a dog, I'll follow you wherever you go. However, I've also thought about it in these few days. Although I once lived here, I am no longer Han Xue. Losey whispered, leaning on Helian's shoulder.

"But Dad, what about Mom? Do you want to leave them? Moreover, they only had one daughter, and they just left like that. Helian Yi Chen was pleasantly surprised, but then his mind suppressed the joy.

"This is also what dad and mom said. Dad even said that they can leave with us." Luo Xue raised her head and told Helian Xi what her father was thinking.

"Oh, so it's like that. It's not impossible, I think they should be able to adapt quickly, but I don't know when Han'er's spiritual energy will recover." He knew that there was no need to force himself to stay in this era. Helian Xi was in a great mood, and as long as he could leave this place, all problems would not be a problem.

"This is only a matter of time, I can definitely recover. I've already asked Han'er, it's already much better than when I first came here. I think a few more months should be enough." Husband and wife were still husband and wife after all. No matter how many misunderstandings and worries they had, as long as they were solved, as long as there was someone by their side, they would feel at ease.

"Mm. Xue'er, I've missed you so much these past few days. I've missed you so much …" Helian Chen's hands, which were holding Luo Xue, became restless.

"Don't... "You can't be here …" She took his hand and stopped him from reaching into his clothes.

Helian Yi lowered her head and kissed Luo Xue's forehead. "Then, let's go home."

Luo Xue said embarrassedly, "Not good, Han'er is at home, let's go to the hotel."

She lowered her head and bit her lips, feeling her body heating up. Even she did not feel like herself, especially Helian Chen's hand. That light touch caused a change in her body, as if it was her first time …

"Alright, I'll listen to you. Wife, I miss you so much." Helian Yi looked at the bashful expression on Luo Xue's face. She couldn't help but raise her chin and lower her head to kiss Luo Xue's alluring red lips.

As soon as he touched her lips, Helian Xi unknowingly deepened the kiss. Either there had never been a woman, or he had tasted too many women before, causing him to lose interest in them. Until he met Xue'er, there had never been a woman he felt so much fondness for.

Perhaps the women of the past had automatically delivered themselves to his doorstep. Perhaps there wasn't anything new about them. Back then, when Xue'er had resisted, he had wanted to destroy her. Fortunately, he didn't do so at the time.

However, he believed that even if Xue'er hadn't transmigrated to become Situ Luoxue or his queen, they would still have met in other ways. This was because Xue'er was the other half of his fate.

He didn't want to make Xue'er uncomfortable. He forced himself to let go of Luo Xue. He had to endure it, he had to open a room.

At first, Luo Xue wanted to get a room, but this time, she didn't bring any identification card, and Helian Chen couldn't even wait to be bathed. At this moment, his magic technique was of great use.

He hugged Xue'er tightly and arrived at the biggest five-star hotel in the city. He cleverly hid himself until he found an empty room. Before he began to warm up, he did not forget to place a barrier around himself. After all, this was not his home.

"Wifey, I missed you so much that my heart hurt just thinking about you." Helene picked up Losey and rolled her onto the wide soft bed.

"I miss you too, but you didn't tell me when you left, and not only once, but more than once. I'm going to punish you." Looking at Helian Chen's eyes that were filled with lust, Luo Xue pretended to be angry.

"Alright, as long as you can make my wife feel better, I will accept any kind of punishment." Helian Yi smiled evilly. She purposefully laid down on the side, stretching out her hands and legs in a big zigzag shape.

"That's what you said, you're not allowed to regret it later." Luo Xue looked at Helian Yi Chen's ambiguous gaze and truly decided to punish him.

"Of course, a wife's punishment must be the sweetest punishment in the world." Helian Yi said boldly as if she knew that Luo Xue would not really punish him.

"Then don't regret it." As Luo Xue spoke, she turned around and looked at Helian Chen. She then untied his belt under his gaze.

"Wife, so that's how you feel about me. Come on, I'm willing to accept the world's harshest punishment." Helian Xi closed her eyes purposefully, knowing that Luo Xue wanted to directly start the passionate request.

Luo Xue smiled as she pulled out his belt, and with lightning speed, tied his hand. Only now did Helian Chen become shocked.

"Xue'er, you … "How dare you!"

"Hehe, who told you to know Mind Reading. If I didn't …" None of the punishments will be new to you. " It turned out that Luo Xue had guessed that Helian Chen must have used the Mind Reading Technique and purposely let her imagination run wild. No wonder Helian Chen was so ambiguous just now.

Not only did Luo Xue tie Helian Chen's hands together, she even tied him to the bed. However, this kind of binding really wasn't much to Helian Chen.

"Wife, you've learnt bad things. Tell me, how are you going to punish me?" Helian Xi knew that her Mind Reading was useless at this point. She simply let go of her worries and concentrated on admiring Luo Xue's charm, anticipating the next surprise.

"I won't tell you, but there's one thing you can't use spells on, nor can you break free of this' rope. 'Unless I undo it …" Luo Xue used her hand to pull it, making sure it was firm before letting go.

Originally, he wanted to tie up his feet as well, but this bed had no bedpost, so there was nowhere to tie it up. Thus, he had to do it this way, it was just to punish him, as long as he didn't break free of his belt.

The Luo Xue today was very different from usual. Not only was she bold, but she was also very open-minded. It was as if … It was as if some evil hidden within him had awoken.

"Of course, no matter what your wife says, it's fine." Helian Yi narrowed her eyes and looked at Luo Xue teasingly. He liked this kind of Luo Xue. His blood flowed faster and faster and his body became more and more excited.

"Then you can wait slowly, I need to go take a bath first. Luo Xue smiled charmingly as she gently straightened her clothes in front of Helian Xi. Slowly, gently, she reached out with her hands to grab the clothes in front of Helian Xi.

"Wifey, you... "You're so beautiful …" Helian Chen's throat was a little tight and he felt very dry. He looked at Luo Xue's snow-white skin with hunger and thirst.

Luo Xue first took off her jacket and then her pants. Moreover, she intentionally took off her bra and pulled it out from the top.

"Xue'er, you … Can we wash together? " Helian Chen's voice was a little hoarse. He longed to replace Luo Xue's jade hands and touch her skin inch by inch.

He took off his pants and even took off his pants, but when he laid on the bed, he couldn't see anything. He could only see Luo Xue's hand hooked around her blue pants and felt all the blood in her body rushing to her head.

"Xue'er, I think …"

"Darling, the punishment hasn't started yet? I'm going to take a shower first. You can do whatever you want. It's not against the rules as long as you don't untie your belt. " As Luo Xue spoke, she gave him a coquettish look before twisting her waist and heading towards the bathroom.

Looking at Luo Xue's two slender legs, Helian Chen felt the fire dragons in his body awaken in an instant. He wanted her, wanted her … Damn it, what he wanted most right now was her. He wanted to let his desire and passion be vented out.

But Luo Xue had left. Now, he finally understood what punishment she meant.

The door to the bathroom was open, and when he heard the sound of water splashing on his skin, Helian's forehead was wet with sweat and his body was tense.

He closed his eyes and imagined himself bathing with Xue'er. He imagined warm water dripping down her smooth skin, imagined his large hands caressing every inch of her …

"Oh …"

His body was on fire, eager to be liberated.

"Xue'er …" In the bathroom, Luo Xue laughed softly. She did not plan to let him go just like that. Who told him to leave without saying goodbye twice? Who asked him to be the first to leave. This punishment had only just begun.

In any case, she had already made up her mind that she would thoroughly arouse his desire today. Of course, she would only arouse his desire and would only tease him, not satisfy him.

"Hubby, what's wrong?" Luo Xue purposely 'rushed' out of the bathroom with water droplets on her body, without a towel.

"Ah …" "Wife, come over here. Hurry, I want you. I want you now …" Opening his eyes and seeing the beautiful woman's curvy body, Helian Chen only felt his blood rush to a certain point. He shifted his gaze down and said to Luo Xue with a flushed face, "Wife, quickly save me …"

"But I'm not done washing yet. Wait a bit longer, I'll be here soon …" When Luo Xue saw his strong reaction, her face instantly flushed red. She never thought that this move would be so effective, and even more so, that Helian Chen's reaction would be so huge.

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