The doctor said impatiently, "Don't you see all these patients? Everybody's in line, and if you can't wait to go to the emergency room. "

Helian Yi was angered. She faced the doctor and ordered, "Shut up! Do you still have any humanity left in you? You've already fainted. You're still singing loudly. I order you to immediately treat my wife."

"You … "You …" The doctor was shocked. Although the families of the patients were dissatisfied with their work every day, no one had ever dared to shout at the doctor like this, because, after all, the doctor was God, and he dared to speak in such a tone. He raised his head and pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, wanting to scold Helian Xi, but when he looked up and saw the domineering face and angry eyes, he could not speak.

"Hurry up and treat my wife. If anything happens to my wife, I want all of you to die with her."

Helian Yi was infuriated. He kicked the table in front of the doctor, causing it to break into pieces. The table was not even as fragmented as he imagined.

The patient in the office was scared out of his wits, while the female doctor opposite him turned pale with fright. She sat there looking like she had been petrified.

"I... I'll just check her out. Please put her in... Put it on this bed. " The doctor lowered his head and said with a trembling voice.

Outside the consultation room, the young man who had caught the sudden appearance of Helian Xi Chen and Luo Xue was taking photos with his phone. After hearing Helian Xi's angry shout, his hand trembled and his phone fell to the ground.

He was stunned. Before Helian Chen turned around to look, he picked up his phone and ran away. Actually, even Chen Xi would be in the mood to care about other things. He just wanted to know what happened to Luo Xue.

How could she faint? Xue'er was still young, there shouldn't be any problems. Moreover, she was a doctor herself. Other than what she had learned in the modern medical academy, she had also learned a lot in ancient times. Helian Yi had seen her treat people before. He knew very well that Luo Xue's medical skills were not ordinary, but why didn't he know that he was sick?

Is it what modern people call a fatal emergency? After coming to this modern age, he had also heard of those strange virus names. This caused Luo Xue to suddenly faint, and he could not help but let his imagination run wild.

"Doctor, what happened to my wife? What disease is she suffering from? How did he suddenly faint? " The doctor didn't say anything. He just held the flashlight up to her glasses, then squatted down and picked up the checklist and scribbled it on the chair.

"Sir, did your wife suddenly faint? Had she ever experienced something like this before? is there any familial inherited disease, or... " The doctor scribbled as he wrote.

"He fainted all of a sudden, never. At that time, he said his chest hurt and his face was pale …" Helian Xi tried his best to tell the doctor all the questions he knew, but he did not know most of them.

The pen in the doctor's hand stopped, and he looked up at Helian Xi. He didn't dare to say anything, but the look in his eyes told him everything.

It was as if he was saying, how did you become a husband? Is the wife sick? How is she normally? I don't even know if she's a husband or not.

"I... "I'm not too sure, because my wife was a doctor herself. She …" He knew what the doctor was thinking and wanted to explain, but he found that he was, as the doctor had thought, not a good husband at all.

Fortunately, at this time, Luo Xue had woken up. She promptly dispelled Helian Xi's awkwardness.

"Xue'er, Xue'er …" Hearing Luo Xue's moans, Helian Chen cried out in surprise.

The doctor cleared his throat. He had finally experienced the 'power' of the patient's family. They were like angry lions before, but now, they were like gentle kittens.

"I... What's wrong with me? " The doctor walked over and examined Luo Xue again. After she woke up, Luo Xue was still a little confused, as if she couldn't remember what had happened to her.

"Xue'er, is your chest still painful? Are you still unconscious?" Helian Yi held onto Luo Xue's hand, afraid that she would faint the contract again.

"I'm fine, it's nothing, why did you bring me to the hospital, I'm fine …" Luo Xue grabbed Helian Chen's hand and sat up. She waved at the doctor and said, "I'm fine. Thank you, doctor. I just had a sudden angina pectoris. It's nothing."

"Snow, is angina a disease? Why haven't I heard you talk about it before? "Let's check again …" When Helian Yi Chen heard the words' angina pectoris', his face changed again.

Although he didn't know what disease it was, as long as it was related to the heart, it was bound to be a big problem, not to mention a pain in the stomach.

"Yes, this lady here, your husband is very nervous. I think you should make a thorough check-up. If you have a disease, you should have discovered it earlier and treated it earlier to avoid the worry of your family." The doctor had already calmed down. Seeing that Luo Xue had woken up, he immediately said.

"No need. I know my body very well. I'm fine. Wiping Chen, let's go home. I can't be at ease with Han'er here alone." As she spoke, Luo Xue was about to leave. The doctor stretched out his hand to stop her, but when he saw Helian Xi glaring fiercely at him, he withdrew his hand.

"Alright, let's go home." Helian Yi helped her out of the office.

The doctor opened his mouth wide for a long time, but he didn't say a single word. After they had walked a long distance, he depressingly said, "As long as you don't pay for the treatment, you will have to pay for this table."

"Doctor Zhao, it's good that he's gone. If you really want him to pay for the table, I'm afraid …" The female doctor sitting across from him shook her head and sighed.

"That's right, that man is really amazing. He actually managed to kick the table into such a sorry state. It feels like a godly skill from a martial arts novel." Doctor Zhao, who had consulted Luo Xue, squatted down as if he was going to study the corpse on the table.

"Xi Chen, I'll take a taxi back myself, you … It's not quite the right time now. Do you want to come home too, or can you put on some makeup? " Looking at Helian Chen, Luo Xue couldn't bear to leave him alone outside. Seeing the beautiful woman walking over, Luo Xue's eyes lit up.

"Cosmetic? Become a woman? " Helian Yi saw that Luo Xue was looking at the woman and was stunned. She finally understood.

Luo Xue stood in front of Helian Xi. She pulled his long hair and said with a smile, "That's right, didn't you play the part of Herodotus before? I don't think it would be difficult for you to pass off as a woman."

"It's not hard at all, but if the news of a man dressing up as a woman were to spread, it would damage my prestige." Helian Yi said with a smelly expression.

"It's not like we're in Reno Country now. Moreover, even if we go back, no one will know, so what's there to be afraid of. And look, on TV here, in the movies, men play as women, women play as many men as possible, it's nothing much. Besides, your man's face is more important, it's better to be with his wife, and your son is more important."

"That is true, but have you ever seen such a burly woman like me? "It's not going to work, it's not going to work. At night, I think Fang Ping should be here by now. I'll go find him and ask him to help me deal with Lin Jing. That way, I can go home." Helian Yi saw how Luo Xue was trying to hold back her laughter. She repeatedly shook her head. It was impossible for her to act like a woman. Besides this, there was nothing else she could say.

"Okay, that's fine too, but be careful, don't..." "Xi Chen, how did you bring me to the hospital?" The time from the park to the hospital didn't seem right. If she took a taxi here, it would take at least forty to fifty minutes. But now …

"That's right …" Sorry, Xue'er, I forgot when I was nervous, I... I'll pay attention next time. " With this reminder from Luo Xue, Helian Xi Chen was greatly shocked. It was only now that he realized that when he carried Xue'er to the hospital, it seemed that many people were looking at him.

When Luo Xue saw Helian Xi Chen's expression, she knew that he definitely didn't use his feet, nor did he use a taxi. She sighed helplessly and said, "Ai, it's too late to say anything now. I can only let nature take its course."

"Xue'er, it should be fine. They don't know us anyway." Seeing how worried Luo Xue was, Helian Yi consoled herself.

"Yeah, it's nothing. There's someone watching you and that person flying back and forth on the street the other day. Compared to that, it really isn't much." Although other people did not know who they were, if someone was so unlucky as to get caught, then Helian Xi would definitely be familiar with them. Moreover, there were only a few days between now and then, so it might not be that fast for anyone to forget about them. The second time, there would definitely be someone who would remember them, let alone such an 'exaggerated' matter.

"What do you mean flying back and forth?" Helian Yi did not know that before he went to London, the scene of his fight with the people in the organization had been captured.

"It's nothing, I'll find a phone and call Han'er first to prevent him from getting anxious." Luo Xue was afraid that Helian Chen would be worried about her, so she waved her hand, indicating that she was fine.

In any case, what had happened had happened, and they had no power to change it. The only person who could change it was Han'er. In any case, they didn't interact with outsiders at the moment, so he believed that they would only watch the news and wouldn't affect everyone's lives.

"Okay, then Xue'er, I …" "I'll go find Fang Ping first, you be careful." He paused for a moment as he spoke, because he felt as if he had been followed. In order to prevent the man from following Xue'er, he decided to lure the stalker away.

"Alright, be careful. Don't let what happened just now happen again." Before parting with Helian, Losey reminded Helian repeatedly.

Helian Xi nodded, just in time to see the red light turn green. He quickly crossed the road, while Luo Xue walked along the road to a nearby newsstand and called home. Knowing that her son was fine, she took a taxi home.

Just as Helian Yi Chen thought, the person following him had chosen to follow him. He was a little angry, as he had already used Mind Reading to find out who this person was and knew the reason why he was following him.

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